Test: Implementation of ACL and DHCP related
validations using ROBOT framework.

Change-Id: I6dd09f7cb13aeb1865378e656c1933b16b004d80
diff --git a/src/test/robot/dhcp.robot b/src/test/robot/dhcp.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79c2d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/robot/dhcp.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+***settings ***
+Documentation  Run Cord verification test cases
+Resource  cord_resource.robot
+Suite Setup  Cord Setup
+Suite Teardown  Cord Teardown
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 1
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for one client
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_1request
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 2
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for multiple clients
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_Nrequest
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 3
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for dhcp release for one client
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_1release
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 4
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for dhcp release for multiple clients
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_Nrelease
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 5
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for dhcp starvation
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_starvation
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 6
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application same client sends multiple discovers
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_same_client_multiple_discover
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 7
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application same client sends multiple dhcp requests
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_same_client_multiple_request
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 8
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application client requests for desired IP
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_desired_address
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 9
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application client request for desired IP from out of pool
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_desired_address_out_of_pool
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 10
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for dhcp nak packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_server_nak_packet
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 11
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application client requests IP for specific lease time
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_lease_packet
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 12
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application clients sends dhcp requests after reboot
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_request_after_reboot
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 13
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application when dhcp server reboots
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_server_after_reboot
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 14
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for specific lease in client discover packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_specific_lease_packet
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 15
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for default lease time in server offered packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_lease_packet
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 16
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for client renew time in server offered packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_renew_time
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 17
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for clients rebind time in server offered packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_rebind_time
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 18
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for subnet mask in server offered packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_expected_subnet_mask
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 19
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application clients sends requests with wrong subnet mask
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_subnet_mask
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 20
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for router address in server offered packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_expected_router_address
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 21
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application when  client sends dhcp requests with wrong router address
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_router_address
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 22
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for broadcast address in server offered packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_expected_broadcast_address
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 23
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application when client sends requests to  wrong broadcast address
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_broadcast_address
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 24
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for DNS IP received in server offered packet
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_expected_dns_address
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 25
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application when client sends dhcp requests with wrongs dns IP
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_client_sends_request_with_wrong_dns_address
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 26
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application to calculate transactions per second
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_server_transactions_per_second
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 27
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application to calculate consecutive successes per second
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_server_consecutive_successes_per_second
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 28
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application for number of clients per second
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_server_client_transactions_per_second
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS DHCP Functionality 29
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS DHCP Application to clculate number of consecutive successive clients per second
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_server_consecutive_successful_clients_per_second
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0