Changes to automatically provision,build and run Radius containers for Auth tests.
Changes to cord test server to handle radius server restart requests.
diff --git a/src/test/setup/radius-config/freeradius/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql/schema.sql b/src/test/setup/radius-config/freeradius/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql/schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9328f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/setup/radius-config/freeradius/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+-- Table structure for table 'radippool'
+CREATE TABLE radippool (
+	pool_name		varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+	FramedIPAddress		INET NOT NULL,
+	NASIPAddress		VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL default '',
+	pool_key		VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL default 0,
+	CalledStationId		VARCHAR(64),
+	CallingStationId	text NOT NULL default ''::text,
+	expiry_time		TIMESTAMP(0) without time zone NOT NULL default 'now'::timestamp(0),
+	username		text DEFAULT ''::text
+CREATE INDEX radippool_poolname_expire ON radippool USING btree (pool_name, expiry_time);
+CREATE INDEX radippool_framedipaddress ON radippool USING btree (framedipaddress);
+CREATE INDEX radippool_nasip_poolkey_ipaddress ON radippool USING btree (nasipaddress, pool_key, framedipaddress);