Changes to automatically provision,build and run Radius containers for Auth tests.
Changes to cord test server to handle radius server restart requests.
diff --git a/src/test/setup/radius-config/freeradius/trigger.conf b/src/test/setup/radius-config/freeradius/trigger.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ca355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/setup/radius-config/freeradius/trigger.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# -*- text -*-
+## trigger.conf -- Events in the server can trigger a hook to be executed.
+##	$Id: 5cbe8d7d8a09549c060748a582cd6ed359e0e999 $
+#  The triggers are named as "type.subtype.value".  These names refer
+#  to subsections and then configuration items in the "trigger"
+#  section below.  When an event occurs, the trigger is executed.  The
+#  trigger is simply a program that is run, with optional arguments.
+#  The server does not wait when a trigger is executed.  It is simply
+#  a "one-shot" event that is sent.
+#  The trigger names should be self-explanatory.
+#  SNMP configuration.
+#  For now, this is only for SNMP traps.
+#  They are enabled by uncommenting (or adding) "$INCLUDE trigger.conf"
+#  in the main "radiusd.conf" file.
+#  The traps *REQUIRE* that the files in the "mibs" directory be copied
+#  to the global mibs directory, usually /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.
+#  If this is not done, the "snmptrap" program has no idea what information
+#  to send, and will not work.  The MIB installation is *NOT* done as
+#  part of the default installation, so that step *MUST* be done manually.
+#  The global MIB directory can be found by running the following command:
+#	snmptranslate -Dinit_mib .1.3 2>&1 | grep MIBDIR | sed "s/' .*//;s/.* '//;s/.*://"
+#  Or maybe just:
+#	snmptranslate -Dinit_mib .1.3 2>&1 | grep MIBDIR
+#  If you have copied the MIBs to that directory, you can test the
+#  FreeRADIUS MIBs by running the following command:
+#	snmptranslate -m +FREERADIUS-NOTIFICATION-MIB -IR -On  serverStart
+#  It should print out:
+#	.
+#  As always, run the server in debugging mode after enabling the
+#  traps.  You will see the "snmptrap" command being run, and it will
+#  print out any errors or issues that it encounters.  Those need to
+#  be fixed before running the server in daemon mode.
+#  We also suggest running in debugging mode as the "radiusd" user, if
+#  you have "user/group" set in radiusd.conf.  The "snmptrap" program
+#  may behave differently when run as "root" or as the "radiusd" user.
+snmp {
+	#
+	#  Configuration for SNMP traps / notifications
+	#
+	#  To disable traps, edit "radiusd.conf", and delete the line
+	#  which says "$INCUDE trigger.conf"
+	#
+	trap {
+		#
+		#  Absolute path for the "snmptrap" command, and
+		#  default command-line arguments.
+		#
+		#  You can disable traps by changing the command to
+		#  "/bin/echo".
+		#
+		cmd = "/usr/bin/snmptrap -v2c"
+		#
+		#  Community string
+		#
+		community = "public"
+		#
+		#  Agent configuration.
+		#
+		agent = "localhost ''"
+	}
+#  The "snmptrap" configuration defines the full command used to run the traps.
+#  This entry should not be edited.  Instead, edit the "trap" section above.
+snmptrap = "${snmp.trap.cmd} -c ${} ${snmp.trap.agent} FREERADIUS-NOTIFICATION-MIB"
+#  The individual triggers are defined here.  You can disable one by
+#  deleting it, or by commenting it out.  You can disable an entire
+#  section of traps by deleting the section.
+#  The entries below should not be edited.  For example, the double colons
+#  *must* immediately follow the ${snmptrap} reference.  Adding a space
+#  before the double colons  will break all SNMP traps.
+#  However... the traps are just programs which are run when
+#  particular events occur.  If you want to replace a trap with
+#  another program, you can.  Just edit the definitions below, so that
+#  they run a program of your choice.
+#  For example, you can leverage the "start/stop" triggers to run a
+#  program when the server starts, or when it stops.  But that will
+#  prevent the start/stop SNMP traps from working, of course.
+trigger {
+	#
+	# Events in the server core
+	#
+	server {
+		# the server has just started
+		start = "${snmptrap}::serverStart"
+		# the server is about to stop
+		stop = "${snmptrap}::serverStop"
+		# The "max_requests" condition has been reached.
+		# This will trigger only once per 60 seconds.
+		max_requests = "${snmptrap}::serverMaxRequests"
+		# For events related to clients
+		client {
+			#  Added a new dynamic client
+			add = "/path/to/file %{Packet-Src-IP-Address}"
+			#  There is no event for when dynamic clients expire
+		}
+		# Events related to signals received.
+		signal {
+			# a HUP signal
+			hup = "${snmptrap}::signalHup"
+			# a TERM signal
+			term = "${snmptrap}::signalTerm"
+		}
+		# Events related to the thread pool
+		thread {
+		       # A new thread has been started
+		       start = "${snmptrap}::threadStart"
+		       # an existing thread has been stopped
+		       stop = "${snmptrap}::threadStop"
+		       # an existing thread is unresponsive
+		       unresponsive = "${snmptrap}::threadUnresponsive"
+		       # the "max_threads" limit has been reached
+		       max_threads = "${snmptrap}::threadMaxThreads"
+		}
+	}
+	# When a home server changes state.
+	# These traps are edge triggered.
+	home_server {
+		# common arguments: IP, port, identifier
+		args = "radiusAuthServerAddress a %{proxy-request:Packet-Dst-IP-Address} radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber i %{proxy-request:Packet-Dst-Port} radiusAuthServIdent s '%{home_server:instance}'"
+		# The home server has been marked "alive"
+		alive = "${snmptrap}::homeServerAlive ${args}"
+		# The home server has been marked "zombie"
+		zombie = "${snmptrap}::homeServerZombie ${args}"
+		# The home server has been marked "dead"
+		dead = "${snmptrap}::homeServerDead ${args}"
+	}
+	# When a pool of home servers changes state.
+	home_server_pool {
+		# common arguments
+		args = "radiusdConfigName s %{home_server:instance}"
+		# It has reverted to "normal" mode, where at least one
+		# home server is alive.
+		normal = "${snmptrap}::homeServerPoolNormal ${args}"
+		# It is in "fallback" mode, with all home servers "dead"
+		fallback = "${snmptrap}::homeServerPoolFallback ${args}"
+	}
+	#  Triggers for specific modules.  These are NOT in the module
+	#  configuration because they are global to all instances of the
+	#  module.  You can have module-specific triggers, by placing a
+	#  "trigger" subsection in the module configuration.
+	modules {
+		# Common arguments
+		args = "radiusdModuleName s ldap' radiusdModuleInstance s ''"
+		# The files module
+		files {
+			# The module has been HUP'd via radmin
+			hup = "${snmptrap}::serverModuleHup ${..args}"
+			# Note that "hup" can be used for every module
+			# which can be HUP'd via radmin
+		}
+		# The LDAP module
+		ldap {
+			# Failed to open a new connection to the DB
+			fail = "${snmptrap}::serverModuleConnectionFail ${..args}"
+			# There are no "open", "close", or "none" setting.
+			# This is because the LDAP module re-connects and closes
+			# the connection for every "bind as user" query.
+		}
+		# The SQL module
+		sql {
+			# A new connection to the DB has been opened
+			open = "${snmptrap}::serverModuleConnectionUp ${..args}"
+			# A connection to the DB has been closed
+			close = "${snmptrap}::serverModuleConnectionDown ${..args}"
+			# Failed to open a new connection to the DB
+			fail = "${snmptrap}::serverModuleConnectionFail ${..args}"
+			# There are no DB handles available.
+			none = "${snmptrap}::serverModuleConnectionNone ${..args}"
+		}
+	}
+#  The complete list of triggers as generated from the source code is below.
+#  These are the ONLY traps which are generated.  You CANNOT add new traps
+#  by defining them in one of the sections above.  New traps can be created
+#  only by edited both the source code to the server, *and* the MIBs.
+#  If you are not an expert in C and SNMP, then adding new traps will be
+#  difficult to create.
+# home_server.alive
+# home_server.dead
+# home_server.zombie
+# home_server_pool.fallback
+# home_server_pool.normal
+# modules.*.hup
+# modules.sql.close
+# modules.sql.none
+# server.client.add
+# server.max_requests
+# server.signal.hup
+# server.signal.term
+# server.start
+# server.stop