[CORD-2713] Update to Test Guide
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# Testing CORD
-CORD Tester is an automation framework used to test CORD. The
-framework currently includes extensions to test R-CORD, with
-extensions for other flavors of CORD in progress.
+CORD Tester is an automation framework that has been developed to test CORD. The
+framework currently includes extensions to test R-CORD. Few framework
+modules have been developed to test M-CORD and E-CORD basic tests.
+CORD Tester framework is typically deployed as one or more Docker containers, either on
+the CORD POD or adjacent to the POD and interacts with the POD through the interfaces.
+The Cord-Tester container is deployed as a docker container, residing on the headnode
+of the POD. It is brought up with double vlan tagged interfaces (s-tags and c-tags of
+subscriber's traffic) to conduct dataplane traffic testing. The following reference
+diagram gives a brief overview of how the test container interacts with the POD.
The framework is modular, making it easy to test all the components
that make up CORD. It supports both end-to-end tests and
functional tests of individual components.
+The suite of tests is constantly evolving with more features and tests.
-The suite of tests is constantly evolving, with the latest testing plan
-maintained on the
-[CORD wiki](https://wiki.opencord.org/display/CORD/System+Tests),
-including the latest list of
-[functional test](https://wiki.opencord.org/display/CORD/Functional)
-[performance/scaling tests](https://wiki.opencord.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3014702).
-Also see the [Jenkins dashboard](https://jenkins.opencord.org/) for
-results from recent runs.
+Few links below provide detailed information of System Test Guide, Test Plans
+and Test Results.
+* [System Test Guide](https://wiki.opencord.org/display/CORD/System+Test+Guide)
+* [System Test Plans](https://wiki.opencord.org/display/CORD/System+Test+Plans)
+* [System Test Results](https://wiki.opencord.org/display/CORD/System+Test+Results)
Additional information about the CORD Tester framework can be found
-in GitHub:
+on the GitHub:
* [Prerequisites](https://github.com/opencord/cord-tester/blob/master/src/test/setup/prerequisites.sh)
* [Source Code](https://github.com/opencord/cord-tester)
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+# CORD Test Environment
+Several jenkins based jobs are created to run tests on the following platforms
+* Physical POD
+* Virtual POD(Cord-in-a-Box)
+* VMs
+## Test Beds
+Following picture below describes various test environments that are used to setup CORD and a brief overview on the type of tests that are performed on that test bed.
+## Jenkins Test Setup
+The following diagram shows how the test servers are interconnected
+* To view results from recent runs of the jenkins jobs, please view the [Jenkins dashboard](https://jenkins.opencord.org/)
+## Jenkins Integration with Physical POD
+The following diagram shows how Jenkins interconnects with a Physical POD.
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-# CORD Test Environment
+# Setting Up CORD Tester Environment
-Several jenkins based jobs are created to run tests on the following platforms
-* Cord-in-a-Box
-* Physical POD
-* VMs
+## Configure Automation Framework
-## Jenkins Test Setup
+* When the POD/Cord-in-a-Box is installed, cord-tester repo is downloaded on the head node at `/opt/cord/test` directory
+* Tests can be run directly from the headnode or from a different VM then it can be done using the following command
-The following diagram shows how the test servers are interconnected
+$ git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/cord-tester
+* Before executing any tests, proper modules need to be installed which can be done using the following command
+cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/setup
+sudo ./prerequisites.sh --cord
-## Jenkins Integration with Physical POD
+## Executing Tests
-The following diagram shows how Jenkins interconnects with a Physical POD.
+ Most of the tests in cord-tester framework are written in `python` and `RobotFramework`.
+ Few examples for test execution are shown below
+ * Executing a sample test
+cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/robot/
+pybot SanityPhyPOD.robot
+### Executing Control Plane Tests
+* Each control plane test uses input data in `json` format which are present under `/opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/data`
+* Before running control plane tests, a properties file need to be edited as shown below.
+ Update the following attributes accordingly
+cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Properties
+$ cat RestApiProperties.py
+SERVER_IP = 'localhost'
+SERVER_PORT = '9101'
+USER = 'xosadmin@opencord.org'
+PASSWD = ''
+* To run tests
+$ cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/
+$ pybot <testcase.txt>
+## Executing Functional/Module Tests
+* There are several functional tests written to test various modules of CORD independently.
+* Before executing module based tests, following steps need to be performed which will create a `test container` and sets up the environment in the container to run tests.
+cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/setup/
+sudo ./cord-test.py setup -m manifest-cord.json
+* Run a single test from a module
+sudo ./cord-test.py run -t dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_1request
+For more detailed explanations of the cord-tester options please check https://github.com/opencord/cord-tester/blob/master/docs/running.md
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+# Validating PODs
+PODs are deployed everynight using Jenkins Build System.
+After a successful installation of the POD, test jobs are triggered which validate the
+following categories of tests
+* Post Installation Verification
+* Sanity Tests
+* Functional Tests (Control and Data Plane)
+* Soak Tests
+## Post Installation Tests
+These tests perform the following validations
+* Required Docker Containers are up and running
+* Synchronizer Logs are correct
+* Required ONOS applications are installed in ONOS Fabric and ONOS CORD
+* ONOS Logs does not contain any errors
+To execute the test, perform the following from the head node
+cd /opt/cord/build
+make collect-diag
+cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/diag
+pybot verifyCollectDiag.robot
+## Sanity Checks on the installed POD
+Following validations are performed after installation:
+* Headnode interfaces are up and has external connectivity
+* Compute nodes can ping each other through the fabric
+* Computes nodes can ping the switches
+* `cordvtn` app is running and identifies the nodes and the fabric devices
+* Required MAAS services are up and running
+* Status of Docker containers
+* Juju Service States
+* MAAS Cli commands
+* Openstack LXD Container States
+* Fabric Switch services
+* Ping all Fabric switches
+To execute the test, perform the following on the headnode
+cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/robot
+pybot SanityPhyPOD.robot
+## Functional Tests
+Control and Data plane tests can be executed on the POD once the
+sanity checks are successful.
+### Executing Control Plane Tests
+To validate the functionality of vSG instance creations and there by
+validating the end-end functionality checks on the related APIs, the
+following control plane test can be executed.
+* Edit the attributes shown below in the properties file
+$ cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Properties
+$ cat RestApiProperties.py
+SERVER_IP = 'localhost'
+SERVER_PORT = '9101'
+USER = 'xosadmin@opencord.org'
+PASSWD = ''
+* To run the test
+cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/
+pybot Ch_MultiInstance.txt
+### Data Plane Tests
+Once the vSG instances are created after execution of the above
+`control plane` test, `data plane` tests can be executed to verify
+if the data traffic passes through the created vSG/vcpe from the
+cord-test container which simulates the interface that was created
+with similar `s_tag and c_tag`
+Following steps are performed when the data plane test is executed.
+* vSG Instances in OpenStack Nova are created per subscriber created
+* vSG Instances are ACTIVE and are reachable via mgmt interface
+* Configures X-Connects for subscribers in onos-fabric for the overlay fabric
+* Configures a dhclient on the Cord-Tester containers interface that is being
+ used as the vSG Subscriber
+* Validates a DHCP IP address is received from the vCPE Container and external
+connectivity is reachable through the vCPE
+To run a data plane test, perform the following steps
+* Update the `olt_config.json` file in the `setup` directory to include
+ the `s_tag` and `c_tag` used in the Control-Plane Test with the
+ reserved flag turned on and create the `cord test container`
+$ cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/setup
+$ cat out_config.json
+{ "olt" : false,
+ "uplink" : 2,
+ "vlan" : 0,
+ "port_map" : { "num_ports" : 11, "start_vlan" : 1000, "nr_switches": 1 },
+ "vcpe" :
+ [
+ {
+ "port" : "fabric", "type" : "reserved", "s_tag" : 415, "c_tag" : 222
+ },
+ {
+ "port" : "fabric", "type" : "reserved", "s_tag" : 333, "c_tag" : 888
+ },
+ {
+ "port" : "fabric", "type" : "reserved", "s_tag" : 555, "c_tag" : 999
+ },
+ {
+ "port" : "fabric", "type" : "reserved", "s_tag" : 666, "c_tag" : 661
+ }
+ ]
+sudo ./cord-test.py setup -m manifest-onf-cord.json
+* Validate the data plane connectivity
+cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/vsg
+pybot vsg_dataplane_test.robot
+>NOTE: All the control and data plane tests can also be executed on a `Virtual POD(Cord-in-a-Box)`
+>using the above procedure. Except for the data plane tests, where it needs to be run
+>using a different option as there are no crossconnects required to be provisioned on CiaB.
+pybot -e xconnect vsg_dataplane_test.robot