Removing access docker folder, added earlier for
trial of manual tests for cord vtn.

Change-Id: I99f676620ea57ed5616cea7be4f4ce0868090a5d
diff --git a/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/Dockerfile b/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 427807b..0000000
--- a/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-FROM ubuntu:14.04
-RUN apt-get update && \
-    apt-get install -qy vlan python python-pexpect strace \
-    python python-pip python-setuptools python-scapy tcpdump doxygen doxypy wget \
-    openvswitch-common openvswitch-switch \
-    python-twisted python-sqlite sqlite3 python-pexpect telnet arping isc-dhcp-server \
-    python-paramiko python-maas-client
diff --git a/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/ b/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/
deleted file mode 100755
index 76a1f7a..0000000
--- a/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-sudo docker run --privileged --cap-add=ALL -d -v /dev:/dev -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules --name access -t vlan /bin/bash
-sudo ./pipework fabric -i eth1 access
-sudo docker exec -d access modprobe 8021q
-sudo docker exec -d access vconfig add eth1 222
-sudo docker exec -d access ip link set eth1.222 up
-sudo docker exec -d access ip addr add dev eth1.222
diff --git a/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/pipework b/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/pipework
deleted file mode 100755
index fffc097..0000000
--- a/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/pipework
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-# This code should (try to) follow Google's Shell Style Guide
-# (
-set -e
-case "$1" in
-  --wait)
-    WAIT=1
-    ;;
-# default value set further down if not set here
-if [ "$2" = "-i" ]; then
-  shift 2
-if [ "$2" = "-l" ]; then
-  shift 2
-case "$MACADDR" in
-  *@*)
-    VLAN="${MACADDR#*@}"
-    VLAN="${VLAN%%@*}"
-    MACADDR="${MACADDR%%@*}"
-    ;;
-  *)
-    VLAN=
-    ;;
-# did they ask to generate a custom MACADDR?
-# generate the unique string
-case "$MACADDR" in
-  U:*)
-    macunique="${MACADDR#*:}"
-    # now generate a 48-bit hash string from $macunique
-    MACADDR=$(echo $macunique|md5sum|sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/02:\1:\2:\3:\4:\5/')
-   ;;
-[ "$IPADDR" ] || [ "$WAIT" ] || {
-  echo "Syntax:"
-  echo "pipework <hostinterface> [-i containerinterface] [-l localinterfacename] <guest> <ipaddr>/<subnet>[@default_gateway] [macaddr][@vlan]"
-  echo "pipework <hostinterface> [-i containerinterface] [-l localinterfacename] <guest> dhcp [macaddr][@vlan]"
-  echo "pipework route <guest> <route_command>"
-  echo "pipework --wait [-i containerinterface]"
-  exit 1
-# Succeed if the given utility is installed. Fail otherwise.
-# For explanations about `which` vs `type` vs `command`, see:
-# (Thanks to @chenhanxiao for pointing this out!)
-installed () {
-  command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
-# Google Styleguide says error messages should go to standard error.
-warn () {
-  echo "$@" >&2
-die () {
-  status="$1"
-  shift
-  warn "$@"
-  exit "$status"
-# First step: determine type of first argument (bridge, physical interface...),
-# Unless "--wait" is set (then skip the whole section)
-if [ -z "$WAIT" ]; then 
-  if [ -d "/sys/class/net/$IFNAME" ]
-  then
-    if [ -d "/sys/class/net/$IFNAME/bridge" ]; then
-      IFTYPE=bridge
-      BRTYPE=linux
-    elif installed ovs-vsctl && ovs-vsctl list-br|grep -q "^${IFNAME}$"; then
-      IFTYPE=bridge
-      BRTYPE=openvswitch
-    elif [ "$(cat "/sys/class/net/$IFNAME/type")" -eq 32 ]; then # InfiniBand IPoIB interface type 32
-      IFTYPE=ipoib
-      # The IPoIB kernel module is fussy, set device name to ib0 if not overridden
-      PKEY=$VLAN
-    else IFTYPE=phys
-    fi
-  else
-    case "$IFNAME" in
-      br*)
-        IFTYPE=bridge
-        BRTYPE=linux
-        ;;
-      ovs*)
-        if ! installed ovs-vsctl; then
-          die 1 "Need OVS installed on the system to create an ovs bridge"
-        fi
-        IFTYPE=bridge
-        BRTYPE=openvswitch
-        ;;
-      route*)
-        IFTYPE=route
-        ;;
-      dummy*)
-        IFTYPE=dummy
-        ;;
-      *) die 1 "I do not know how to setup interface $IFNAME." ;;
-    esac
-  fi
-# Set the default container interface name to eth1 if not already set
-[ "$WAIT" ] && {
-  while true; do
-    # This first method works even without `ip` or `ifconfig` installed,
-    # but doesn't work on older kernels (e.g. CentOS 6.X). See #128.
-    grep -q '^1$' "/sys/class/net/$CONTAINER_IFNAME/carrier" && break
-    # This method hopefully works on those older kernels.
-    ip link ls dev "$CONTAINER_IFNAME" && break
-    sleep 1
-  done > /dev/null 2>&1
-  exit 0
-[ "$IFTYPE" = bridge ] && [ "$BRTYPE" = linux ] && [ "$VLAN" ] && {
-  die 1 "VLAN configuration currently unsupported for Linux bridge."
-[ "$IFTYPE" = ipoib ] && [ "$MACADDR" ] && {
-  die 1 "MACADDR configuration unsupported for IPoIB interfaces."
-# Second step: find the guest (for now, we only support LXC containers)
-while read _ mnt fstype options _; do
-  [ "$fstype" != "cgroup" ] && continue
-  echo "$options" | grep -qw devices || continue
-done < /proc/mounts
-[ "$CGROUPMNT" ] || {
-    die 1 "Could not locate cgroup mount point."
-# Try to find a cgroup matching exactly the provided name.
-N=$(find "$CGROUPMNT" -name "$GUESTNAME" | wc -l)
-case "$N" in
-  0)
-    # If we didn't find anything, try to lookup the container with Docker.
-    if installed docker; then
-      RETRIES=3
-      while [ "$RETRIES" -gt 0 ]; do
-        DOCKERPID=$(docker inspect --format='{{ .State.Pid }}' "$GUESTNAME")
-        [ "$DOCKERPID" != 0 ] && break
-        sleep 1
-        RETRIES=$((RETRIES - 1))
-      done
-      [ "$DOCKERPID" = 0 ] && {
-        die 1 "Docker inspect returned invalid PID 0"
-      }
-      [ "$DOCKERPID" = "<no value>" ] && {
-        die 1 "Container $GUESTNAME not found, and unknown to Docker."
-      }
-    else
-      die 1 "Container $GUESTNAME not found, and Docker not installed."
-    fi
-    ;;
-  1) true ;;
-  *) die 1 "Found more than one container matching $GUESTNAME." ;;
-# only check IPADDR if we are not in a route mode
-[ "$IFTYPE" != route ] && {
-  case "$IPADDR" in
-	  # Let's check first if the user asked for DHCP allocation.
-	  dhcp|dhcp:*)
-	    # Use Docker-specific strategy to run the DHCP client
-	    # from the busybox image, in the network namespace of
-	    # the container.
-	    if ! [ "$DOCKERPID" ]; then
-	      warn "You asked for a Docker-specific DHCP method."
-	      warn "However, $GUESTNAME doesn't seem to be a Docker container."
-	      warn "Try to replace 'dhcp' with another option?"
-	      die 1 "Aborting."
-	    fi
-	    ;;
-	  udhcpc|udhcpc:*|udhcpc-f|udhcpc-f:*|dhcpcd|dhcpcd:*|dhclient|dhclient:*|dhclient-f|dhclient-f:*)
-	    # did they ask for the client to remain?
-	    [ "${DHCP_CLIENT: -2}" = '-f' ] && {
-	      DHCP_FOREGROUND=true
-	    }
-	    if ! installed "$DHCP_CLIENT"; then
-	      die 1 "You asked for DHCP client $DHCP_CLIENT, but I can't find it."
-	    fi
-	    ;;
-	  # Alright, no DHCP? Then let's see if we have a subnet *and* gateway.
-	  */*@*)
-	    IPADDR="${IPADDR%%@*}"
-	    ;;
-	  # No gateway? We need at least a subnet, anyway!
-	  */*) : ;;
-	  # ... No? Then stop right here.
-	  *)
-	    warn "The IP address should include a netmask."
-	    die 1 "Maybe you meant $IPADDR/24 ?"
-	    ;;
-  esac
-# If a DHCP method was specified, extract the DHCP options.
-if [ "$DHCP_CLIENT" ]; then
-  case "$IPADDR" in
-    *:*) DHCP_OPTIONS="${IPADDR#*:}" ;;
-  esac
-if [ "$DOCKERPID" ]; then
-  NSPID=$(head -n 1 "$(find "$CGROUPMNT" -name "$GUESTNAME" | head -n 1)/tasks")
-  [ "$NSPID" ] || {
-    # it is an alternative way to get the pid
-    NSPID=$(lxc-info -n  "$GUESTNAME" | grep PID | grep -Eo '[0-9]+')
-    [ "$NSPID" ] || {
-      die 1 "Could not find a process inside container $GUESTNAME."
-    }
-  }
-# Check if an incompatible VLAN device already exists
-[ "$IFTYPE" = phys ] && [ "$VLAN" ] && [ -d "/sys/class/net/$IFNAME.VLAN" ] && {
-  ip -d link show "$IFNAME.$VLAN" | grep -q "vlan.*id $VLAN" || {
-    die 1 "$IFNAME.VLAN already exists but is not a VLAN device for tag $VLAN"
-  }
-[ ! -d /var/run/netns ] && mkdir -p /var/run/netns
-rm -f "/var/run/netns/$NSPID"
-ln -s "/proc/$NSPID/ns/net" "/var/run/netns/$NSPID"
-# Check if we need to create a bridge.
-[ "$IFTYPE" = bridge ] && [ ! -d "/sys/class/net/$IFNAME" ] && {
-  [ "$BRTYPE" = linux ] && {
-    (ip link add dev "$IFNAME" type bridge > /dev/null 2>&1) || (brctl addbr "$IFNAME")
-    ip link set "$IFNAME" up
-  }
-  [ "$BRTYPE" = openvswitch ] && {
-    ovs-vsctl add-br "$IFNAME"
-  }
-[ "$IFTYPE" != "route" ] && [ "$IFTYPE" != "dummy" ] && MTU=$(ip link show "$IFNAME" | awk '{print $5}')
-# If it's a bridge, we need to create a veth pair
-[ "$IFTYPE" = bridge ] && {
-  if [ -z "$LOCAL_IFNAME" ]; then
-  fi
-  # Does the link already exist?
-  if ip link show "$LOCAL_IFNAME" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    # link exists, is it in use?
-    if ip link show "$LOCAL_IFNAME" up | grep -q "UP"; then
-      echo "Link $LOCAL_IFNAME exists and is up"
-      exit 1
-    fi
-    # delete the link so we can re-add it afterwards
-    ip link del "$LOCAL_IFNAME"
-  fi
-  ip link add name "$LOCAL_IFNAME" mtu "$MTU" type veth peer name "$GUEST_IFNAME" mtu "$MTU"
-  case "$BRTYPE" in
-    linux)
-      (ip link set "$LOCAL_IFNAME" master "$IFNAME" > /dev/null 2>&1) || (brctl addif "$IFNAME" "$LOCAL_IFNAME")
-      ;;
-    openvswitch)
-      if ! ovs-vsctl list-ports "$IFNAME" | grep -q "^${LOCAL_IFNAME}$"; then
-        ovs-vsctl add-port "$IFNAME" "$LOCAL_IFNAME" ${VLAN:+tag="$VLAN"}
-      fi
-      ;;
-  esac
-  ip link set "$LOCAL_IFNAME" up
-# If it's a physical interface, create a macvlan subinterface
-[ "$IFTYPE" = phys ] && {
-  [ "$VLAN" ] && {
-    [ ! -d "/sys/class/net/${IFNAME}.${VLAN}" ] && {
-      ip link add link "$IFNAME" name "$IFNAME.$VLAN" mtu "$MTU" type vlan id "$VLAN"
-    }
-    ip link set "$IFNAME" up
-  }
-  ip link add link "$IFNAME" dev "$GUEST_IFNAME" mtu "$MTU" type macvlan mode bridge
-  ip link set "$IFNAME" up
-# If it's an IPoIB interface, create a virtual IPoIB interface (the IPoIB
-# equivalent of a macvlan device)
-# Note: no macvlan subinterface nor Ethernet bridge can be created on top of an
-# IPoIB interface. InfiniBand is not Ethernet. IPoIB is an IP layer on top of
-# InfiniBand, without an intermediate Ethernet layer.
-[ "$IFTYPE" = ipoib ] && {
-  # If a partition key is provided, use it
-  [ "$PKEY" ] && {
-    PKEY="pkey 0x$PKEY"
-  }
-  ip link add link "$IFNAME" name "$GUEST_IFNAME" type ipoib $PKEY
-  ip link set "$IFNAME" up
-# If its a dummy interface, create a dummy interface.
-[ "$IFTYPE" = dummy ] && {
-  ip link add dev "$GUEST_IFNAME" type dummy
-# If the `route` command was specified ...
-if [ "$IFTYPE" = route ]; then
-  # ... discard the first two arguments and pass the rest to the route command.
-  shift 2
-  ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip route "$@"
-  # Otherwise, run normally.
-  ip link set "$GUEST_IFNAME" netns "$NSPID"
-  ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip link set "$GUEST_IFNAME" name "$CONTAINER_IFNAME"
-  [ "$MACADDR" ] && ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip link set dev "$CONTAINER_IFNAME" address "$MACADDR"
-	# When using any of the DHCP methods, we start a DHCP client in the
-	# network namespace of the container. With the 'dhcp' method, the
-	# client used is taken from the Docker busybox image (therefore
-	# requiring no specific client installed on the host). Other methods
-	# use a locally installed client.
-	case "$DHCP_CLIENT" in
-	  dhcp)
-	    docker run -d --net container:$GUESTNAME --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
-	           busybox udhcpc -i "$CONTAINER_IFNAME" -x "hostname:$GUESTNAME" \
-	           $DHCP_OPTIONS \
-	           >/dev/null
-	    ;;
-	  udhcpc)
-	    DHCP_Q="-q"
-	    [ "$DHCP_FOREGROUND" ] && {
-	    }
-	    ip netns exec "$NSPID" "$DHCP_CLIENT" -qi "$CONTAINER_IFNAME" \
-	                                          -x "hostname:$GUESTNAME" \
-	                                          -p "/var/run/udhcpc.$" \
-	                                          $DHCP_OPTIONS
-	    [ ! "$DHCP_FOREGROUND" ] && {
-	      rm "/var/run/udhcpc.$"
-	    }
-	    ;;
-	  dhclient)
-	    ip netns exec "$NSPID" "$DHCP_CLIENT" "$CONTAINER_IFNAME" \
-	                                          -pf "/var/run/dhclient.$" \
-	                                          -lf "/etc/dhclient/dhclient.$GUESTNAME.leases" \
-	                                          $DHCP_OPTIONS
-	    # kill dhclient after get ip address to prevent device be used after container close
-	    [ ! "$DHCP_FOREGROUND" ] && {
-	      kill "$(cat "/var/run/dhclient.$")"
-	      rm "/var/run/dhclient.$"
-	    }
-	    ;;
-	  dhcpcd)
-	    ip netns exec "$NSPID" "$DHCP_CLIENT" -q "$CONTAINER_IFNAME" -h "$GUESTNAME"
-	    ;;
-	  "")
-	    if installed ipcalc; then
-	      eval $(ipcalc -b $IPADDR)
-	      ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip addr add "$IPADDR" brd "$BROADCAST" dev "$CONTAINER_IFNAME"
-	    else
-	      ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip addr add "$IPADDR" dev "$CONTAINER_IFNAME"
-	    fi
-	    [ "$GATEWAY" ] && {
-	      ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip route delete default >/dev/null 2>&1 && true
-	    }
-	    ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip link set "$CONTAINER_IFNAME" up
-	    [ "$GATEWAY" ] && {
-	      ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip route get "$GATEWAY" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
-	      ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip route add "$GATEWAY/32" dev "$CONTAINER_IFNAME"
-	      ip netns exec "$NSPID" ip route replace default via "$GATEWAY"
-	    }
-	    ;;
-	esac
-  # Give our ARP neighbors a nudge about the new interface
-  if installed arping; then
-    IPADDR=$(echo "$IPADDR" | cut -d/ -f1)
-    ip netns exec "$NSPID" arping -c 1 -A -I "$CONTAINER_IFNAME" "$IPADDR" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
-  else
-    echo "Warning: arping not found; interface may not be immediately reachable"
-  fi
-# Remove NSPID to avoid `ip netns` catch it.
-rm -f "/var/run/netns/$NSPID"
-# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab :
diff --git a/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/ b/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/
deleted file mode 100755
index da6c69f..0000000
--- a/src/test/cordvtn/access-docker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-sudo docker run --privileged --cap-add=ALL -d --name access-agent -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
-sudo ./pipework br-mgmt -i eth1 access
-sudo ./pipework br-int -i eth2 access