CORD POD Test-cases

This is a rough sketch of planned test-cases, organized in areas. Regard it as a wish-list. Feel free to contribute to the list and also use the list to get idea(s) where test implementation is needed.


Test-cases are organized in the following categories:

  • Deployment tests
  • Baseline readiness tests
  • Functional end-user tests
  • Transient, fault, HA tests
  • Scale tests
  • Security tests
  • Soak tests

Some test-cases may re-use other test-cases as part of more complex scenarios.

Deployment Tests

The scope and objective of these test-cases is to run the automated deployment process on a "pristine" CORD POD and verify that at the end the system gets into a known (verifiable) baseline state, as well as that the feedback from the automated deployment process is consistent with the outcome (no false positives or negatives).

Positive test-cases:

  • Bring-up and verify basic infrastructure assumptions (maybe just that the head-end is available for remote install)
  • Execute automated deployment of CORD infrastructure and verify baseline state. Various options needs to be supported:
    • Single head-node setup (no clustering)
    • Triple-head-node setup
    • Single data-plane up-link from servers
    • Dual data-plane up-link from servers

Negative test-cases:

  • Verify that deployment automation detects missing equipment
  • Verify that deployment automation detects missing cable
  • Verify that deployment automation detects mis-cabling of fabric and provides useful feedback to remedy the issue

Baseline Readiness Tests

  • Verify API availability (XOS, ONOS, OpenStack, etc.)
  • Verify software process inventory (of those processes that are covered by the baseline bring-up)

Functional End-User Tests

Positive test-cases:

  • Verify that a new OLT can be added to the POD and it is properly initialized
  • Verify that a new ONU can be added to the OLT and it becomes visible in the system
  • Verify that a new RG can authenticate and gets admitted to the system (receives an IP address)
  • Verify that the RG can access the Intranet and the Internet
  • Verify that the RG receives periodic IGMP XXX messages
  • Verify that the RG can join a multicast channel and starts receiving bridge flow
  • Verify that the RG, after joining, starts receiving multicast flow within tolerance interval
  • Verify that the RG can join multiple multicast streams simultaneously
  • Verify that the RG receives periodic IGMP reports

Complex test-cases:

  • Measure channel surfing experience
  • Replacing RG for existing subscriber
  • Moving existing subscriber to a new address (same RG, new location)

Negative test-cases:

  • Verify that a subscriber that is not registered cannot join the network
  • Verify that a subscriber RG cannot be added unless it is on the pre-prescribed port (OLT/ONU port?)
  • Verify that a subscriber that has no Internet access cannot reach the Internet
  • Verify that a subscriber with limited channel access cannot subscribe to disabled/prohibited channels
  • Verify that a subscriber identity cannot be re-used at a different RG (no two RGs with the same certificate can ever be logged into the system)

Transient, fault, HA Tests

In this block, test-cases should cover the following scenarios:

Hardware disruption scenarios cycling scenarios:

In the following scenarios, in cases of non-HA setups, the system shall at least recover after the hardware component is restored. In HA scenarios, the system shall be able to ride these scenarios through without service interrupt.

  • Power cycling OLT
  • Power cycling ONU
  • Re-starting RG
  • Power cycling any server (one at a time)
  • Power cycling a fabric switch
  • Power cycling any of the VMs
  • Power cycling management switch
  • Replacing a server-to-leaf cable
  • Replacing a leaf-to-spine cable

In HA scenarios, the following shall result in only degraded service, but not loss of service:

  • Powering off a server (and keep it powered off)
  • Powering off a spine fabric switch
  • Powering off a leaf fabric switch
  • Removing a server-to-leaf cable (emulating DAC failure)
  • Removing a leaf-to-spine cable (emulating DAC failure)
  • Powering off management switch
  • Powering back each of the above

Process cycling scenarios:

  • Restarting any of the processes
  • Killing any of the processes (system shall recover with auto-restart)
  • Killing and restoring containers
  • Relocation scenarios [TBD]

Additive scenarios:

  • Add a new spine switch to the system
  • Add a new compute server to the system
  • Add a new head node to the system

Scale Tests

Test load input dimensions to track against:

  • Number of subscribers
  • Number of routes pushed to CORD POD
  • Number of NBI API sessions
  • Number of NBI API requests
  • Subscriber channel change rate
  • Subscriber aggregate traffic load to Internet

In addition to healthy operation, the following is the list contains what needs to be measured quantitatively, as a function of input load:

  • CPU utilization per each server
  • Disk utilization per each server
  • Network utilization at various capture points (fabric ports to start with)
  • Channel change "response time" (how long it takes to start receiving bridge traffic as well as real multicast feed)
  • Internet access round-trip time

Security Tests

The purpose of these tests is to detect vulnerabilities across the various surfaces of CORD, including:

  • PON ports (via ONU ports)
  • NBI APIs
  • Internet up-link
  • CORD POD-Local penetration tests
    • Via patch cable into management switch
    • Via fabric ports
    • Via unused NIC ports of server(s)
    • Via local console (only if secure boot is enabled)

Tests shall include:

  • Port scans on management network: only a pre-defined list of ports shall be open
  • Local clustering shall be VLAN-isolated from the management network
  • Qualys free scan
  • SSH vulnerability scans
  • SSL certificate validation

[TBD: define more specific test scenarios]

In addition, proprietary scans, such as Nessus Vulnerability Scan will be performed prior to major releases by commercial CORD vendor Ciena.

Soak Tests

This is really one comprehensive multi-faceted test run on the POD, involving the following steps:

Preparation phase:

  1. Deploy system using the automated deployment process
  2. Verify baseline acceptance
  3. Admit a preset number of RGs
  4. Subscribe to a pre-configured set of multicast feeds
  5. Start a nominal Internet access load pattern on each RG
  6. Optionally (per test config): start background scaled-up load (dpdk-pktgen based)
  7. Capture baseline resource usage (memory, disk utilization per server, per vital process)

Soak phase (sustained for a preset time period (8h, 24h, 72h, etc.):

  1. Periodically monitor health of ongoing sessions (emulated RGs happy?)
  2. Periodically test presence of all processes
  3. Check for stable process ids (rolling id can be a sign of a restarted process)
  4. Periodically capture resource usage, including:
    • process memory use
    • file descriptors
    • disk space
    • disk io
    • flow table entries in soft and fabric switches

Final check:

  1. Final capture of resource utilization and health report

Baseline Acceptance Criteria

The baseline acceptance is based on a list of criteria, including:

On all servers involved in the POD:

  • Verify BIOS settings (indirectly)
  • Verify kernel boot options
  • Verify OS version
  • Verify kernel driver options for NICs (latest driver)
  • Verify kernel settings
  • Verify software inventory (presence and version) of following as applicable
    • DPDK version
    • ovs version
    • etc.