fixing siab tests

Change-Id: Id9e39f90382efb45b292146f100eb81594a59cac
diff --git a/src/test/cord-api/Framework/Subscriber.robot b/src/test/cord-api/Framework/Subscriber.robot
index 31a158a..c91f7ca 100644
--- a/src/test/cord-api/Framework/Subscriber.robot
+++ b/src/test/cord-api/Framework/Subscriber.robot
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
     Run Keyword If    '${expected}' == 'True'    Should Not Be Empty    ${slinks}    ELSE    Should Be Empty    ${sl}
 Validate Fabric CrossConnect SI
-    [Arguments]    ${stag}    ${expected}=${EMPTY}
+    [Arguments]    ${stag}    ${expected}=True
     ${jsondata}=    To Json    ${resp.content}
     Log    ${jsondata}
@@ -151,4 +151,4 @@
     \    ${value}=    Get From List    ${jsondata['items']}    ${INDEX}
     \    ${tag}=    Get From Dictionary    ${value}    s_tag
     \    Append To List    ${tags}    ${tag}
-    Run Keyword If    '${expected}' != '${EMPTY}'    List Should Contain Value    ${tags}    ${stag}    ELSE    List Should Not Contain Value    ${tags}    ${stag}
+    Run Keyword If    '${expected}' == 'True'    List Should Contain Value    ${tags}    ${stag}    ELSE    List Should Not Contain Value    ${tags}    ${stag}