Test : [WIP] New support and util
functions added, also test  scenarios are introduced
in neutron context for cord vtn module.

Change-Id: I9bfacd74e1ee5a66f886cde914217958f10b6e05
diff --git a/src/test/cordvtn/cordvtnTest.py b/src/test/cordvtn/cordvtnTest.py
index f15871d..69859d0 100644
--- a/src/test/cordvtn/cordvtnTest.py
+++ b/src/test/cordvtn/cordvtnTest.py
@@ -15,50 +15,127 @@
 import unittest
 import os,sys
-import os
 import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as ksclient
 import keystoneclient.apiclient.exceptions
 import neutronclient.v2_0.client as nclient
 import neutronclient.common.exceptions
 import novaclient.v1_1.client as novaclient
 from multiprocessing import Pool
+from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutron_client
 from nose.tools import assert_equal
+from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl, get_mac
 from CordLogger import CordLogger
+import time
 class cordvtn_exchange(CordLogger):
-    app = 'org.opencord.cordvtn'
+    app_cordvtn = 'org.opencord.vtn'
+    test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    cordvtn_dir = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup')
+    cordvtn_conf_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', '../cordvtn/network_cfg.json')
+    default_config = { 'default-lease-time' : 600, 'max-lease-time' : 7200, }
+    default_options = [ ('subnet-mask', ''),
+                     ('broadcast-address', ''),
+                     ('domain-name-servers', ''),
+                     ('domain-name', '"mydomain.cord-tester"'),
+                   ]
+    default_subnet_config = [ ('',
+subnet netmask {
+    range;
+'''), ]
+    config = {}
     def setUpClass(cls):
-        cls.olt = OltConfig()
-        cls.port_map, _ = cls.olt.olt_port_map()
-        if not cls.port_map:
-            cls.port_map = g_subscriber_port_map
-        cls.iface = cls.port_map[1]
-    def setUp(self):
-        ''' Activate the cord vtn app'''
-        super(dhcp_exchange, self).setUp()
-        self.maxDiff = None ##for assert_equal compare outputs on failure
-        self.onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(self.app)
-        status, _ = self.onos_ctrl.activate()
-        assert_equal(status, True)
+        ''' Activate the cordvtn app'''
+        cls.onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(cls.app_cordvtn)
+        status, _ = cls.onos_ctrl.activate()
+        assert_equal(status, False)
+        time.sleep(3)
+        cls.cordvtn_setup()
-    def tearDown(self):
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
         '''Deactivate the cord vtn app'''
-        self.onos_ctrl.deactivate()
-        super(dhcp_exchange, self).tearDown()
+        cls.onos_ctrl.deactivate()
+        cls.cord_vtn_cleanup()
-    def onos_load_config(self, config):
-        status, code = OnosCtrl.config(config)
+    @classmethod
+    def cordvtn_setup(cls):
+        pass
+    @classmethod
+    def cord_vtn_cleanup(cls):
+        ##reset the ONOS port configuration back to default
+        for config in cls.configs.items():
+            OnosCtrl.delete(config)
+    @classmethod
+    def onos_load_config(cls, cordvtn_conf_file):
+        status, code = OnosCtrl.config(cordvtn_conf_file)
         if status is False:
             log.info('JSON request returned status %d' %code)
             assert_equal(status, True)
+    @classmethod
+    def get_neutron_credentials():
+        n = {}
+        n['username'] = os.environ['OS_USERNAME']
+        n['password'] = os.environ['OS_PASSWORD']
+        n['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']
+        n['tenant_name'] = os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME']
+        return n
+    @classmethod
+    def create_net_and_subnet():
+        network_name = "Subscriber-1"
+        creds = get_neutron_credentials()
+        neutron = client.Client(**creds)
+	body_example = {
+	       "network":
+	     {
+	       "name": network_name,
+	       "admin_state_up":True
+	     }
+	}
+	net = neutron.create_network(body=body_example)
+	net_dict = net['network']
+	network_id = net_dict['id']
+	print "Network %s created" %network_id
+	create_subnet = {
+	      "subnets": [
+	        {
+	          "cidr":"",
+	          "ip_version":4,
+	          "network_id":network_id
+	        }
+	      ]
+	}
+	subnet = neutron.create_subnet(body = create_subnet)
+	print "Created Subnet %s"%subnet
+    @classmethod
+    def create_network(i):
+        neutron_credentials = get_neutron_credentials()
+        neutron = neutron_client.Client(**neutron_credentials)
+        json = {'network': {'name': 'network-' + str(i),
+                            'admin_state_up': True}}
+        while True:
+           try:
+              neutron.create_network(body=json)
+              print '\nnetwork-' + str(i) + ' created'
+              break
+           except Exception as e:
+              print e
+              continue
     def create_tenant(tenant_name):
         new_tenant = keystone.tenants.create(tenant_name=tenant_name,
                      description="CORD Tenant \
@@ -93,6 +170,46 @@
                      'id': new_user.id}
         return user_data
+    def create_port( router_id, network_id):
+        credentials = get_credentials()
+        neutron = client.Client(**credentials)
+        router = neutron.show_router(router_id)
+        value = {'port':{
+        'admin_state_up':True,
+        'device_id': router_id,
+        'name': 'port1',
+        'network_id':network_id,
+        }}
+        response = neutron.create_port(body=value)
+    def create_router(self, name):
+        external_network = None
+        for network in self.neutron.list_networks()["networks"]:
+            if network.get("router:external"):
+                external_network = network
+                break
+        if not external_network:
+            raise Exception("Alarm! Can not to find external network")
+        gw_info = {
+            "network_id": external_network["id"],
+            "enable_snat": True
+        }
+        router_info = {
+            "router": {
+                "name": name,
+                "external_gateway_info": gw_info,
+                "tenant_id": self.tenant_id
+            }
+        }
+        router = self.neutron.create_router(router_info)['router']
+        return router
+    def router_add_gateway( router_name, network_name):
+        pass
     def delete_tenant(tenant_name):
         tenant = keystone.tenants.find(name=tenant_name)
         for j in range(2):
@@ -110,52 +227,102 @@
         print('   - Deleted User %s' % user_name)
         return True
-    def get_neutron_credentials():
-        d = {}
-        d['username'] = os.environ['OS_USERNAME']
-        d['password'] = os.environ['OS_PASSWORD']
-        d['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']
-        d['tenant_name'] = os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME']
-        return d
+    @classmethod
+    def verify_neutron_crud():
+        x = os.system("neutron_test.sh")
+        return x
+    def test_cordvtn_app_activation(self):
+        pass
-    def create_network(i):
-        neutron_credentials = get_neutron_credentials()
-        neutron = neutron_client.Client(**neutron_credentials)
-        json = {'network': {'name': 'network-' + str(i),
-                'admin_state_up': True}}
-        while True:
-           neutron.create_network(body=json)
-           print '\nnetwork-' + str(i) + ' created'
-           break
+    def test_cordvtn_config_on_restart(self):
+        pass
-        pool = Pool(processes=5)
-        os.system("neutron quota-update --network 105")
-        for i in range(1,5):
-            pool.apply_async(create_network, (i, ))
-        pool.close()
-        pool.join()
+    def test_cordvtn_arp_proxy(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_gateway(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_openstack_access(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_xos_access(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_ssh_access(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_ovsdbport(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_local_management_ip(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_compute_nodes(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_basic_tenant(self):
+        onos_load_config()
+        status = verify_neutron_crud()
+        if status != 0:
+           print "Issues with Neutron working state"
+        assert_equal(status, True)
+        ret1 = create_tenant(netA)
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netA Failed"
+        ret2 = create_tenant(netB)
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netB Failed"
+        assert_equal(ret1, ret2)
     def test_cordvtn_for_create_network(self):
+        onos_load_config()
+        status = verify_neutron_crud()
+        if status != 0:
+           print "Issues with Neutron working state"
+        ret1 = create_tenant(netA)
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netA Failed"
+        ret2 = create_tenant(netB)
+        if ret2 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netB Failed"
         network = {'name': self.network_name, 'admin_state_up': True}
         log.info("Created network:{0}".format(self.network_name))
+        assert_equal(ret1, ret2)
     def test_cordvtn_to_create_net_work_with_subnet(self):
+        onos_load_config()
+        status = verify_neutron_crud()
+        if status != 0:
+           print "Issues with Neutron working state"
+        ret1 = create_tenant(netA)
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netA Failed"
+        ret2 = create_tenant(netB)
+        if ret2 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netB Failed"
         network_name = self.network_name
         network = {'name': network_name, 'admin_state_up': True}
         network_info = self.neutron.create_network({'network':network})
-	network_id = network_info['network']['id']
+        network_id = network_info['network']['id']
-	log.info("Created network:{0}".format(network_id))
+        log.info("Created network:{0}".format(network_id))
-	subnet_count = 1
-	for cidr in self.subnet_cidrs:
+        subnet_count = 1
+        for cidr in self.subnet_cidrs:
             gateway_ip = str(list(cidr)[1])
-	    subnet = {"network_id": network_id, "ip_version":4,
-	              "cidr":str(cidr), "enable_dhcp":True,
-		      "host_routes":[{"destination":"", "nexthop":gateway_ip}]
-	             }
+            subnet = {"network_id": network_id, "ip_version":4,
+                      "cidr":str(cidr), "enable_dhcp":True,
+                      "host_routes":[{"destination":"", "nexthop":gateway_ip}]
+                     }
             subnet = {"name":"subnet-"+str(subnet_count), "network_id": network_id, "ip_version":4, "cidr":str(cidr), "enable_dhcp":True}
             print subnet
@@ -164,8 +331,21 @@
         self.number_of_subnet -= 1
         subnet_count += 1
+        assert_equal(ret1, ret2)
     def test_cordvtn_subnet_limit(self):
+        onos_load_config()
+        status = verify_neutron_crud()
+        if status != 0:
+           print "Issues with Neutron working state"
+        ret1 = create_tenant(netA)
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netA Failed"
+        ret2 = create_tenant(netB)
+        if ret2 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netB Failed"
         network_name = uuid.uuid4().get_hex()
         network = {'name': network_name, 'admin_state_up': True}
         network_info = self.neutron.create_network({'network':network})
@@ -174,32 +354,152 @@
         subnet_cidrs = ['',  '']
         for cidr in subnet_cidrs:
-	    subnet = {"network_id": network_id, "ip_version":4, "cidr": cidr}
-	    subnet_info = self.neutron.create_subnet({'subnet':subnet})
-	    subnet_id = subnet_info['subnet']['id']
-	    log.info("Created subnet:{0}".format(cidr))
+            subnet = {"network_id": network_id, "ip_version":4, "cidr": cidr}
+            subnet_info = self.neutron.create_subnet({'subnet':subnet})
+            subnet_id = subnet_info['subnet']['id']
+            log.info("Created subnet:{0}".format(cidr))
         while True:
-	    port = {"network_id": network_id, "admin_state_up": True}
-	    port_info = self.neutron.create_port({'port':port})
-	    port_id = port_info['port']['id']
-	    self.port_ids.append(port_id)
-	    log.info("Created Port:{0}".format(port_info['port']['id']))
-	    if not self.quota_limit:
+            port = {"network_id": network_id, "admin_state_up": True}
+            port_info = self.neutron.create_port({'port':port})
+            port_id = port_info['port']['id']
+            self.port_ids.append(port_id)
+            log.info("Created Port:{0}".format(port_info['port']['id']))
+            if not self.quota_limit:
-	    self.quota_limit -= 1
+            self.quota_limit -= 1
+        assert_equal(ret1, ret2)
     def test_cordvtn_floatingip_limit(self):
-	while True:
-	    floatingip = {"floating_network_id": self.floating_nw_id}
-	    fip_info = self.neutron.create_floatingip({'floatingip':floatingip})
-	    fip_id = fip_info['floatingip']['id']
-	    log.info("Created Floating IP:{0}".format(fip_id))
-	    self.fip_ids.append(fip_id)
-	    if not self.quota_limit:
-               break
-	    self.quota_limit -= 1
+        onos_load_config()
+        status = verify_neutron_crud()
+        if status != 0:
+           print "Issues with Neutron working state"
-    def test_cordvtn_basic_tenant(self):
+        ret1 = create_tenant(netA)
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netA Failed"
+        ret2 = create_tenant(netB)
+        if ret2 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netB Failed"
+        while True:
+            floatingip = {"floating_network_id": self.floating_nw_id}
+            fip_info = self.neutron.create_floatingip({'floatingip':floatingip})
+            fip_id = fip_info['floatingip']['id']
+            log.info("Created Floating IP:{0}".format(fip_id))
+            self.fip_ids.append(fip_id)
+            if not self.quota_limit:
+               break
+            self.quota_limit -= 1
+        assert_equal(ret1, ret2)
+    def test_cordvtn_10_neutron_networks(self):
+        onos_load_config()
+        status = verify_neutron_crud()
+        if status != 0:
+           print "Issues with Neutron working state"
+        ret1 = create_tenant(netA)
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netA Failed"
+        ret2 = create_tenant(netB)
+        if ret2 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netB Failed"
+        pool = Pool(processes=10)
+        ret = os.system("neutron quote-update --network 15")
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Neutron network install failed"
+        for i in range(1, 11):
+            pool.apply_asynch(create_network, (i, ))
+        pool.close()
+        pool.join()
+        assert_equal(ret1, ret2)
+    def test_cordvtn_100_neutron_networks(self):
+        onos_load_config()
+        status = verify_neutron_crud()
+        if status != 0:
+           print "Issues with Neutron working state"
+        ret1 = create_tenant(netA)
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netA Failed"
+        ret2 = create_tenant(netB)
+        if ret2 != 0:
+           print "Creation of Tenant netB Failed"
+        pool = Pool(processes=10)
+        ret = os.system("neutron quote-update --network 105")
+        if ret1 != 0:
+           print "Neutron network install failed"
+        for i in range(1, 101):
+            pool.apply_asynch(create_network, (i, ))
+        pool.close()
+        pool.join()
+        assert_equal(ret1, ret2)
+    def test_cordvtn_service_dependency_for_two_subnets(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_service_dependency_for_three_subnets(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_service_dependency_for_four_subnets(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_service_dependency_for_five_subnets(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_for_biderectional_connections(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_authentication_from_openstack(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_with_gateway(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_without_gateway(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_for_service_instance(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_for_instance_to_network(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_for_network_to_instance(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_for_instance_to_instance(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_for_network_to_network(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_without_neutron_ml2_plugin(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_with_neutron_ml2_plugin(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_service_network_type_private(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_service_network_type_management_local(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_service_network_type_management_host(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_service_network_type_vsg(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cordvtn_service_network_type_access_agent(self):
     def test_cordvtn_mgmt_network(self):
@@ -232,6 +532,9 @@
     def test_cordvtn_network_creation(self):
+    def test_cordvtn_network_deletion(self):
+        pass
     def test_cordvtn_removing_service_network(self):
@@ -240,3 +543,7 @@
     def test_cordvtn_service_port(self):
+    def test_cordvtn_inetgration_bridge(self):
+        pass