Test: Following Modules added to use ROBOT framework
also along with NOSE framework.
CordSubscriber(Tested with combination for Authentication,
DHCP and Channel surfing through IGMP, Without XOS provisioning)
Flows, TLS, vRouter, igmp protocol and dhcprelay.
Change-Id: Icf68860988610b5c70c996bb78c6345536432213
diff --git a/src/test/robot/cordsubscriber.robot b/src/test/robot/cordsubscriber.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f89fd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/robot/cordsubscriber.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+***settings ***
+Documentation Run Cord verification test cases
+Resource cord_resource.robot
+Suite Setup Cord Setup
+Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 1
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_recv
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 2
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_jump
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 3
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_next
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 4
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for invalid certificate
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_invalid_certificate_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 5
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionalitywith no cerfiticates
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_no_certificate_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 6
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for self signed certificates
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_self_signed_certificate_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 7
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and invalid certificates
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_2_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_invalid_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 8
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and no certificates
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_2_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_no_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 9
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and non ca authorized certificates
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_2_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_non_ca_authorized_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 10
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp discover
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_discover_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 11
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp client reboots
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_client_reboot_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 12
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp server reboots
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_server_reboot_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 13
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp client rebinds
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_client_rebind_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 14
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp starvation
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_starvation_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 15
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for multiple dhcp discovers from same subscriber
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_multiple_dhcp_discover_for_same_subscriber_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 16
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for multiple dhcp requests from same subscriber
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_multiple_dhcp_request_for_same_subscriber_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 17
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp client requested specific IP
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_client_requested_ip_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 18
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for dhcp non offered IP
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_non_offered_ip_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 19
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for dhcp client requests out of pool IP
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_request_out_of_pool_ip_by_client_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 20
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp client requests specific lease time
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_authentication_with_dhcp_specified_lease_time_functionality_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 21
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and invalid certificates for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_invalid_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 22
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and no certificates for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_no_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 23
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and non-ca authorized certificates for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_non_ca_authorized_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 24
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and invalid certificates for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_invalid_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 25
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and no certificates for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_no_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 26
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and non-ca authorized certificates for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_non_ca_authorized_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 27
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and invalid certificates for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_invalid_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 28
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and no certificates for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_no_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 29
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for valid and non-ca authorized certificates for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_non_ca_authorized_certificates_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 30
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp client discover for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_dhcp_discovers_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 31
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp client reboot for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_dhcp_client_reboot_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 32
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp server reboots for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_dhcp_server_reboot_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 33
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp client rebiind for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_dhcp_client_rebind_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 34
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp starvation for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_dhcp_starvation_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 35
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp client requests specific IP for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_dhcp_client_requested_ip_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 36
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp non offered IP for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_dhcp_non_offered_ip_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 37
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive for 4 subscribers 5 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_4_cord_subscribers_join_recv_5channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 38
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump for 4 subscribers 5 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_4_cord_subscribers_join_jump_5channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 39
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next for 4 subscribers 5 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_4_cord_subscribers_join_next_5channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 40
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive for 10 subscribers 5 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10_cord_subscribers_join_recv_5channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 41
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump for 10 subscribers 5 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10_cord_subscribers_join_jump_5channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 42
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next for 10 subscribers 5 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10_cord_subscribers_join_next_5channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 43
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 100 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_recv_100channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 44
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 400 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_recv_400channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 45
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 800 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_recv_800channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 46
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1200 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_recv_1200channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 47
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1500 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_recv_1500channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 48
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 100 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_jump_100channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 49
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 400 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_jump_400channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 50
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 800 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_jump_800channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 51
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1200 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_jump_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 52
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1500 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_jump_1500channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 53
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 100 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_next_100channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 54
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 400 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_next_400channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 55
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 800 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_next_800channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 56
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1200 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_next_1200channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 57
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1500 channels
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_cord_subscriber_join_next_1500channels
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 58
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber authentication functionality for dhcp clients requests out of pool IP for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_dhcp_request_out_of_pool_ip_by_client_and_channel_surfing
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 59
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 100 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 60
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 100 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 61
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 100 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_next_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 62
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 400 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 63
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 400 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 64
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 400 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_next_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 65
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 800 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 66
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 800 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 67
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 800 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_next_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 68
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1200 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 69
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1200 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 70
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1200 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_next_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 71
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1500 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 72
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1500 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 73
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1500 channels for 1k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_1k_cord_subscribers_join_next_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 74
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 100 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 75
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 100 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 76
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 100 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_next_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 77
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 400 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 78
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 400 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 79
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 400 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_next_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 80
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 800 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 81
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 800 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 82
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 800 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_next_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 83
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1200 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 84
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1200 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 85
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1200 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_next_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 86
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1500 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 87
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1500 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 88
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1500 channels for 5k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_5k_cord_subscribers_join_next_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 89
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 100 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 90
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 100 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 91
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 100 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_next_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 92
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 100 channels for 100k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_100k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 93
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 100 channels for 100k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_100k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 94
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 100 channels for 100k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_100k_cord_subscribers_join_next_100channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 95
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 400 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 96
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 400 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 97
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 400 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_next_400channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 98
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 800 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 100
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 800 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 101
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 800 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_next_800channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 102
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1200 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 103
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1200 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 104
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1200 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_next_1200channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 105
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1500 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 106
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1500 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 107
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1500 channels for 10k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_10k_cord_subscribers_join_next_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 108
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join receive 1500 channels for 100k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_100k_cord_subscribers_join_recv_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 109
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join jump 1500 channels for 100k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_100k_cord_subscribers_join_jump_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS CORD Subscriber Functionality 110
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS CORD Subscriber functionality for igmp join next 1500 channels for 100k subscribers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester cordSubscriber:subscriber_exchange.test_100k_cord_subscribers_join_next_1500channel
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
diff --git a/src/test/robot/dhcprelay.robot b/src/test/robot/dhcprelay.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c57d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/robot/dhcprelay.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+***settings ***
+Documentation Run Cord verification test cases
+Resource cord_resource.robot
+Suite Setup Cord Setup
+Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 1
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for one client
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_1request
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 2
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for multiple clients
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_Nrequest
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 3
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for dhcp release for one client
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_1release
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 4
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for dhcp release for multiple clients
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_Nrelease
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 5
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for dhcp starvation
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_starvation
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 6
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application same client sends multiple discovers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_same_client_multiple_discover
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 7
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application same client sends multiple dhcp requests
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_same_client_multiple_request
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 8
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application client requests for desired IP
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_desired_address
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 9
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application client request for desired IP from out of pool
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_desired_address_out_of_pool
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 10
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for dhcp nak packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_nak_packet
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 11
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application client requests IP for specific lease time
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_specific_lease_packet
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 12
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application clients sends dhcp requests after reboot
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_request_after_reboot
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 13
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application when dhcp server reboots
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_after_reboot
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 14
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for specific lease in client discover packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_specific_lease_packet_in_dhcp_discover
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 15
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for default lease time in server offered packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_default_lease_time
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 16
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for client renew time in server offered packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_renew_time
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 17
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for clients rebind time in server offered packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_rebind_time
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 18
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for subnet mask in server offered packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_expected_subnet_mask
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 19
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application clients sends requests with wrong subnet mask
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_subnet_mask
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 20
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for router address in server offered packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_expected_router_address
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 21
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application when client sends dhcp requests with wrong router address
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_router_address
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 22
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for broadcast address in server offered packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_expected_broadcast_address
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 23
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application when client sends requests to wrong broadcast address
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_broadcast_address
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 22
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for DNS IP received in server offered packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_expected_dns_address
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 23
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application when client sends dhcp requests with wrongs dns IP
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_sends_request_with_wrong_dns_address
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 24
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application to calculate transactions per second
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_transactions_per_second
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 25
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application to calculate consecutive successes per second
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_consecutive_successes_per_second
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 26
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for number of clients per second
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_clients_per_second
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 27
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application to clculate number of consecutive successive clients per second
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_consecutive_successful_clients_per_second
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 28
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application to calculate concurrent transactions per second
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_concurrent_transactions_per_second
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 29
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application to calculate concurrent consecutive successes per second
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_concurrent_consecutive_successes_per_second
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 30
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application to calculate clients per second
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_concurrent_clients_per_second
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 31
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application for dhcp inform packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_inform_packet
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS DHCPRelay Functionality 32
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS DHCPRelay Application when clients conflict happens
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester dhcprelay:dhcprelay_exchange.test_dhcpRelay_client_conflict
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
diff --git a/src/test/robot/flow.robot b/src/test/robot/flow.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b069966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/robot/flow.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+***settings ***
+Documentation Run Cord verification test cases
+Resource cord_resource.robot
+Suite Setup Cord Setup
+Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 1
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for mac flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 2
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for IP flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ip
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 3
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for tcp port flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_tcp_port
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 4
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for udp port flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_udp_port
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 5
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for vlan flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_vlan
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 6
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 7
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 flow lable flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6_flow_label
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 8
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 extension header flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6_extension_header
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 9
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 available extentions headers flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6_available_extension_headers
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 10
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ip dscp flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_dscp
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 11
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for available ip dscp flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_available_dscp
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 12
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ecn flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ecn
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 13
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for available ecn flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_available_ecn
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 14
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for available ip dscp and ecn flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_available_dscp_and_ecn
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 15
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmp flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmp
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 16
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for different types of icmp messages flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmp_different_types
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 17
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 echo request flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_EchoRequest
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 18
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 echo reply flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_EchoReply
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 19
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 destination unreachable flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_DestUnreachable
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 20
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 too big messages flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_PacketTooBig
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 21
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 time exceeded messages flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_TimeExceeded
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 22
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 parameter problem flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_ParameterProblem
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 23
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 neighbor discover flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_ND_Target_address
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 24
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 ND SLL flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_ND_SLL
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 25
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 NA TLL flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_NA_TLL
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 26
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 and icmpv6 flow
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6_and_icmpv6
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 27
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 5 flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_5_flow_constant_dst_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 28
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 500 flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_constant_dst_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 29
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 1k flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1k_flow_constant_dst_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 30
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 10k flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_constant_dst_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 31
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 100k flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_100k_flow_constant_dst_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 32
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 1000k flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1000k_flow_constant_dst_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 33
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant source mac 5 flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_5_flow_constant_src_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 34
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 mac flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 35
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k mac flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1k_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 36
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 10k mac flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 37
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 100k mac flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_100k_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 38
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1000k mac flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1000k_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 39
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 100 mac flows rate
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_rate_100_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 40
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 mac flows rate
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_rate_500_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 41
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k mac flows rate
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_rate_1k_flow_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 42
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 IP flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_ip
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 43
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k IP flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1k_flow_ip
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 44
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 10k IP flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_ip
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 45
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 100k IP flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_100k_flow_ip
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 46
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1000k IP flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1000k_flow_ip
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 47
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 tcp flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_tcp_port
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 48
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k tcp flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1k_flow_tcp_port
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 49
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 10k tcp flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_tcp_port
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 50
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 udp flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_udp_port
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 51
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k udp flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_udp_port
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 52
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 10k udp flows
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_udp_port
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
diff --git a/src/test/robot/igmp.robot b/src/test/robot/igmp.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd425c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/robot/igmp.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+***settings ***
+Documentation Run Cord verification test cases
+Resource cord_resource.robot
+Suite Setup Cord Setup
+Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 1
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_verify_traffic
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 2
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp data traffic after sending leave packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_leave_verify_traffic
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 3
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join and leave packets in a loop
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_leave_join_loop
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 4
+ [Documentation] Verify latency to send one igmp join packet to ONOS
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_1group_join_latency
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 5
+ [Documentation] Verify latency to send two igmp join packets to ONOS
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_2group_join_latency
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 6
+ [Documentation] Verify latency to send multiple igmp join packets to ONOS
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_Ngroup_join_latency
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 7
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_rover_all
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 8
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_rover
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 9
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp query packet from ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 10
+ [Documentation] Send 2 IGMP joins and 1 leave to ONOS
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_2joins_1leave
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 11
+ [Documentation] Send 2 IGMP joins 1 leave and again send 1 join after leave
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_2joins_1leave_and_join_again
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 12
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic from source not in source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_not_in_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 13
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp change to exclude record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_change_to_exclude_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 14
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp include to allow new sources record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_allow_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 15
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp include to block old sources record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_block_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 16
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp change to include record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_change_to_include_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 17
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp exclude to allow new sources record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_allow_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 18
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp exclude to block old sources record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_block_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 19
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join and send data traffic with new source IPs
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_new_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 20
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp block old source list record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_block_old_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 21
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join with empty source list and send data traffic
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_empty_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 22
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join with exclude empty source list and send data traffic
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_empty_src_list
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 23
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS with source IP
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_sourceip_0_0_0_0
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 24
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS with invalid fields in join
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_invalid_join_packet
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 25
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic while subscriber link toggles
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_data_received_during_subscriber_link_toggle
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 26
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic while channel distributors link toggles
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_data_received_during_channel_distributors_link_toggle
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 27
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS with invalid class D ip for join
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_invalid_class_d_ip_for_join_packet
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 28
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS with class D invalid IP in source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_invalid_class_d_ip_as_srclist_ip_for_join_packet
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 29
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp data traffic received on interface general query sent
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_general_query_received_traffic
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 30
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp query received on join packet sending interface
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_query_received_on_joining_interface
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 31
+ [Documentation] Verify periodic queries received on igmp join sending interface
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_for_periodic_query_received_on_joining_interface
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 32
+ [Documentation] Verify periodic queries received on join sent interface and the entry deleted in ONOS
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_for_periodic_query_received_and_checking_entry_deleted
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 33
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp query interval and expiry for group in ONOS
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_member_query_interval_and_expiry_for_rejoining_interface
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 34
+ [Documentation] Verify for igmp group specific query received on leave packet sent interface
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_leave_received_group_and_source_specific_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING for Functionality 35
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp group sepcific query on change to exclude source list mode
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_change_to_exclude_src_list_and_check_for_group_source_specific_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 36
+ [Documentation] Verify for igmp general when record type change to chnage to include source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_change_to_include_src_list_and_check_for_general_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 37
+ [Documentation] Verify for igmp general query when record type changed to allow new sources
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_allow_new_src_list_and_check_for_general_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 38
+ [Documentation] Verify for igmp group specific query when record type changed to block old source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_block_old_src_list_and_check_for_group_source_specific_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 39
+ [Documentation] Verify for igmp general query when record type changed to include to allow new source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_allow_src_list_and_check_for_general_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 40
+ [Documentation] Verify for igmp group specific query when record type changed to include to block old source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_block_src_list_and_check_for_group_source_specific_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 41
+ [Documentation] Verify for igmp general query when record type changed to exclude to allow new source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_allow_src_list_and_check_for_general_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 42
+ [Documentation] Verify for igmp group specific query when record type changed to exclude to block old source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_block_src_list_and_check_for_group_source_specific_query
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 43
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp include and exclude modes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_exclude_modes
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 44
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp allow new source list record type
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_allow_new_source_mode
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 45
+ [Documentation] Verify changing igmp include to exclude record type
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_exclude_mode_change
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 46
+ [Documentation] Verify changing igmp exclude to include record type
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_include_mode_change
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 47
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp To_Include mode with null source list
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_to_include_mode_with_null_source
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 48
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp To_Include mode record type
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_to_include_mode
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 49
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp block old source list record type
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_blocking_old_source_mode
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 50
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp join and data for 100 groups
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_multiple_joins_and_data_verification_with_100_groups
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 51
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp join data followed by leave for 100 groups
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_multiple_joins_with_data_verification_and_leaving_100_groups
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 52
+ [Documentation] Load ONOS ssmTranslate table with 1000 igmp group-source pair
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_group_source_for_only_config_with_1000_entries
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 53
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp exclude to include mode change for 100 groups
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_from_exclude_to_include_mode_with_100_groups
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 54
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp join and data for 1000 groups
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_with_multiple_joins_and_data_verify_with_1000_groups
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 55
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp join and data for 5000 groups
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_with_multiple_joins_and_data_verify_with_5000_groups
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 56
+ [Documentation] Verify sending data traffic to non-registered igmp group
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_send_data_to_non_registered_group
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 57
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp data traffic to a registed in ONOS group but join not sent to the group
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_traffic_verification_for_registered_group_with_no_join_sent
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 58
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP functionality with app deactivate and re-activate
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_toggling_app_activation
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 59
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp data traffic with dest MAC and dest IP mismatch
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_with_mismatch_for_dst_ip_and_mac_in_data_packets
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 60
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp join to ONOS with invalid group address
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_registering_invalid_group
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 61
+ [Documentation] Verify igmp join to ONOS with invalis source address
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_registering_invalid_source
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
diff --git a/src/test/robot/tls.robot b/src/test/robot/tls.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af86bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/robot/tls.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+***settings ***
+Documentation Run Cord verification test cases
+Resource cord_resource.robot
+Suite Setup Cord Setup
+Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 1
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 2
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with no certificates
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_with_no_cert
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 3
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid certificates
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_with_invalid_cert
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 4
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication for multiple users with same valid certificates
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_Nusers_with_same_valid_cert
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 5
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid session ID
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_invalid_session_id
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 6
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with random gmt unix time
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_random_gmt_unix_time
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 7
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid content type
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_invalid_content_type
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 8
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid record fragmement length
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_invalid_record_fragment_length
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 9
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid Id in identifier response packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_with_invalid_id_in_identifier_response_packet
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 10
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid ID in client hello packet
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_with_invalid_id_in_client_hello_packet
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 11
+ [Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_without_sending_client_hello
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 12
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with the app deactivate
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_aaa_app_deactivate
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 13
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with incorrect cipher suite length
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_incorrect_cipher_suite_length_field
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 14
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with incorrect compression length field
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_incorrect_compression_methods_length_field
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 15
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid source mac broadcast
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_broadcast
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 16
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid source mac multicast
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_multicast
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 17
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with invalid source mac zeros
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_zero
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 18
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with redius server restart
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_restart_radius_server
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 19
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with incorrect handshake type in client hello
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_with_incorrect_handshake_type_client_hello
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 20
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with incorrect handshake type certificate request
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_with_incorrect_handshake_type_certificate_request
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 21
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with incorrect tls record certificate request
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_with_incorrect_tlsrecord_certificate_request
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 22
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with incorrect handshake length client hello
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_invalid_handshake_length_client_hello
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 23
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication with client key exchange replace with server key exchange
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_clientkeyex_replace_with_serverkeyex
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 24
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication for 1k different macs
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_1k_with_diff_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS AAA Authentication Functionality 25
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS AAA TLS Authentication for 5k different macs
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester tls:eap_auth_exchange.test_eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
diff --git a/src/test/robot/vrouter.robot b/src/test/robot/vrouter.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d84a908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/robot/vrouter.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+***settings ***
+Documentation Run Cord verification test cases
+Resource cord_resource.robot
+Suite Setup Cord Setup
+Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 1
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 5 routes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_5_routes
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 2
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 5 routes 2 peers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_5_routes_2_peers
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 3
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 6 routes 3 peers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_6_routes_3_peers
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 4
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 50 routes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_50_routes
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 5
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 50 routes 5 peers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_50_routes_5_peers
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 6
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 100 routes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_100_routes
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 7
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 100 routes 10 peers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_100_routes_10_peers
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 8
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 300 routes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_300_routes
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 9
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 1000 routes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_1000_routes
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 10
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 10000 routes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_10000_routes
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 11
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 100000 routes
+ #${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_100000_routes
+ #Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 12
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 1000000 routes
+ #${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_1000000_routes
+ #Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 13
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 5 routes stopping Quagga
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_5_routes_stopping_quagga
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 14
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 50 routes stopping Quagga
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_50_routes_stopping_quagga
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 15
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with route update
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_route_update
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 16
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with class A route update
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classA_route_update
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 17
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 5 class B route update
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classB_route_update
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 18
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with classless route update
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classless_route_update
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 19
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with class A duplicate route update
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classA_duplicate_route_update
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 20
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with class B duplicate route update
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classB_duplicate_route_update
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 21
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with classless duplicate route update
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classless_duplicate_route_update
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 22
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with invalid peers
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_invalid_peers
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 23
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with traffic sent between peers
+ #${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_traffic_sent_between_peers_connected_to_onos
+ #Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 24
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with routes time expire
+ #${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_routes_time_expire
+ #Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 25
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with unreachable routes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_unreachable_route
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 26
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with disable and re-enable vrouter app
+ #${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_enabling_disabling_vrouter_app
+ #Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 27
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with adding new routes to routing table
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_adding_new_routes_in_routing_table
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 28
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with removing old routes
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_removing_old_routes_in_routing_table
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 29
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with modifying next in route table
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_modifying_nexthop_route_in_routing_table
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 30
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with deleting alternate next hop in route table
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_deleting_alternative_nexthop_in_routing_table
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 31
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with deleting few routes in route table
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_deleting_some_routes_in_routing_table
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 32
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with deleting and adding routes in route table
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_deleting_and_adding_routes_in_routing_table
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 33
+ [Documentation] Test ONOS VROUTER Application with toggling next hop interface
+ ${rc}= Run Cord Tester vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_toggling_nexthop_interface
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0