Test: Following Modules added to use ROBOT framework
also along with NOSE framework.
CordSubscriber(Tested with combination for Authentication,
DHCP and Channel surfing through IGMP, Without XOS provisioning)
Flows, TLS, vRouter, igmp protocol and dhcprelay.

Change-Id: Icf68860988610b5c70c996bb78c6345536432213
diff --git a/src/test/robot/vrouter.robot b/src/test/robot/vrouter.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d84a908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/robot/vrouter.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+***settings ***
+Documentation  Run Cord verification test cases
+Resource  cord_resource.robot
+Suite Setup  Cord Setup
+Suite Teardown  Cord Teardown
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 1
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 5 routes
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_5_routes
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 2
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 5 routes 2 peers
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_5_routes_2_peers
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 3
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 6 routes 3 peers
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_6_routes_3_peers
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 4
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 50 routes
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_50_routes
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 5
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 50 routes 5 peers
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_50_routes_5_peers
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 6
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 100 routes
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_100_routes
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 7
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 100 routes 10 peers
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_100_routes_10_peers
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 8
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 300 routes
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_300_routes
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 9
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 1000 routes
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_1000_routes
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 10
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 10000 routes
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_10000_routes
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 11
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 100000 routes
+  #${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_100000_routes
+  #Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 12
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 1000000 routes
+  #${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_1000000_routes
+  #Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 13
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 5 routes stopping Quagga
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_5_routes_stopping_quagga
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 14
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 50 routes stopping Quagga
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_50_routes_stopping_quagga
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 15
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with route update
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_route_update
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 16
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with class A route update
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classA_route_update
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 17
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with 5 class B route update
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classB_route_update
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 18
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with classless route update
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classless_route_update
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 19
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with class A duplicate route update
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classA_duplicate_route_update
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 20
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with class B duplicate route update
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classB_duplicate_route_update
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 21
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with classless duplicate route update
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_classless_duplicate_route_update
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 22
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with invalid peers
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_invalid_peers
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 23
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with traffic sent between peers
+  #${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_traffic_sent_between_peers_connected_to_onos
+  #Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 24
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with routes time expire
+  #${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_routes_time_expire
+  #Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 25
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with unreachable routes
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_unreachable_route
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 26
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with disable and re-enable vrouter app
+  #${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_enabling_disabling_vrouter_app
+  #Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 27
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with adding new routes to routing table
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_adding_new_routes_in_routing_table
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 28
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with  removing old routes
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_with_removing_old_routes_in_routing_table
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 29
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with modifying next in route table
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_modifying_nexthop_route_in_routing_table
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 30
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with deleting alternate next hop in route table
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_deleting_alternative_nexthop_in_routing_table
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 31
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with deleting few routes in route table
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_deleting_some_routes_in_routing_table
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 32
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with  deleting and adding routes in route table
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_deleting_and_adding_routes_in_routing_table
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
+Verify ONOS VROUTER Application Functionality 33
+  [Documentation]  Test ONOS VROUTER Application with toggling next hop interface
+  ${rc}=  Run Cord Tester  vrouter:vrouter_exchange.test_vrouter_toggling_nexthop_interface
+  Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0