Adding DHCP test cases
diff --git a/src/test/dhcp/ b/src/test/dhcp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52788fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/dhcp/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import unittest
+from import *
+from nose.twistedtools import reactor, deferred
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from scapy.all import *
+import time
+import os, sys
+import copy
+import json
+CORD_TEST_UTILS = 'utils'
+test_root = os.getenv('CORD_TEST_ROOT') or './'
+sys.path.append(test_root + CORD_TEST_UTILS)
+from DHCP import DHCPTest
+class dhcp_exchange(unittest.TestCase):
+    dhcp_server_config = {
+        "ip": "",
+        "mac": "ca:fe:ca:fe:ca:fe",
+        "subnet": "",
+        "broadcast": "",
+        "router": "",
+        "domain": "",
+        "ttl": "63",
+        "lease": "300",
+        "renew": "150",
+        "rebind": "200",
+        "delay": "2",
+        "timeout": "150",
+        "startip": "",
+        "endip": ""
+    }
+    def onos_load_config(self, config):
+          json_dict = json.JSONEncoder().encode(config)
+          with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp:
+                temp.write(json_dict)
+                temp.flush()
+                temp.close()
+'Loading DHCP config in file %s to ONOS.'
+          os.system('./ %s'
+          os.unlink(
+          time.sleep(2)
+    def onos_dhcp_table_load(self, config = None):
+          dhcp_dict = {'apps' : { 'org.onosproject.dhcp' : { 'dhcp' : copy.copy(self.dhcp_server_config) } } }
+          dhcp_config = dhcp_dict['apps']['org.onosproject.dhcp']['dhcp']
+          if config:
+              for k in config.keys():
+                  if dhcp_config.has_key(k):
+                      dhcp_config[k] = config[k]
+          self.onos_load_config(dhcp_dict)
+    def send_recv(self, update_seed = False):
+        cip, sip = self.dhcp.send(update_seed = update_seed)
+        assert_not_equal(cip, None)
+        assert_not_equal(sip, None)
+'Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s' %
+                 (cip, sip, self.dhcp.get_mac(cip)[0]))
+        return cip,sip
+    def test_dhcp_1request(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        config = {'startip':'', 'endip':'', 
+                  'ip':'', 'mac': "ca:fe:ca:fe:cb:fe",
+                  'subnet': '', 'broadcast':'', 'router':''}
+        self.onos_dhcp_table_load(config)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        self.send_recv()
+    def test_dhcp_Nrequest(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        config = {'startip':'', 'endip':'', 
+                  'ip':'', 'mac': "ca:fe:ca:fe:cc:fe",
+                  'subnet': '', 'broadcast':'', 'router': ''}
+        self.onos_dhcp_table_load(config)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        ip_map = {}
+        for i in range(10):
+            cip, sip = self.send_recv(update_seed = True)
+            if ip_map.has_key(cip):
+      'IP %s given out multiple times' %cip)
+                assert_equal(False, ip_map.has_key(cip))
+            ip_map[cip] = sip