Add test cases to test subscriber multi-table support with ONOS using CPQD and a new ONOS app.
This would verify single channel multiple subscriber joins using cpqd.
ONOS multi-table support was found to be broken with cordmcast.
Hence a new app similar to cordmcast was added to verify if multi-table rules were provisioned with ONOS
cpqd pipeline driver.
Using a different subscriber port per subscriber and provisioning an uplink port to be used
for IGMP traffic, it was found that ONOS cpqd driver fails to provision multi-table flows using group ids.
The subscriberMultiTable tests uses the new cordigmp multitable app to provision multicast flows in ONOS
enabling the spring-open-cpqd pipeline driver with ONOS when using CPQD.

If you want to verify/run the subscriberMultiTable test, first rebuild the test container with cpqd using:
sudo build test
And then run the subscriberMultiTable test: test_subscriber_join_recv using: run --radius -t subscriberMultiTable:subscriber_exchange.test_subscriber_join_recv -k
diff --git a/src/test/subscriberMultiTable/ b/src/test/subscriberMultiTable/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f19848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/subscriberMultiTable/
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+import unittest
+from import *
+from nose.twistedtools import reactor, deferred
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from scapy.all import *
+import time, monotonic
+import os, sys
+import tempfile
+import random
+import threading
+import json
+from Stats import Stats
+from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl
+from DHCP import DHCPTest
+from EapTLS import TLSAuthTest
+from Channels import Channels, IgmpChannel
+from subscriberDb import SubscriberDB
+from threadPool import ThreadPool
+from portmaps import g_subscriber_port_map 
+from OltConfig import *
+from OnosFlowCtrl import get_mac
+from CordTestServer import cord_test_onos_restart
+class Subscriber(Channels):
+      PORT_TX_DEFAULT = 2
+      PORT_RX_DEFAULT = 1
+      INTF_TX_DEFAULT = 'veth2'
+      INTF_RX_DEFAULT = 'veth0'
+      STATS_RX = 0
+      STATS_TX = 1
+      STATS_JOIN = 2
+      STATS_LEAVE = 3
+      def __init__(self, name = 'sub', service = SUBSCRIBER_SERVICES, port_map = None,
+                   num = 1, channel_start = 0,
+                   tx_port = PORT_TX_DEFAULT, rx_port = PORT_RX_DEFAULT,
+                   iface = INTF_RX_DEFAULT, iface_mcast = INTF_TX_DEFAULT,
+                   mcast_cb = None, loginType = 'wireless'):
+            self.tx_port = tx_port
+            self.rx_port = rx_port
+            self.port_map = port_map or g_subscriber_port_map
+            try:
+                  self.tx_intf = self.port_map[tx_port]
+                  self.rx_intf = self.port_map[rx_port]
+            except:
+                  self.tx_intf = self.port_map[self.PORT_TX_DEFAULT]
+                  self.rx_intf = self.port_map[self.PORT_RX_DEFAULT]
+            Channels.__init__(self, num, channel_start = channel_start, 
+                              iface = self.rx_intf, iface_mcast = self.tx_intf, mcast_cb = mcast_cb)
+   = name
+            self.service = service
+            self.service_map = {}
+            services = self.service.strip().split(' ')
+            for s in services:
+                  self.service_map[s] = True
+            self.loginType = loginType
+            ##start streaming channels
+            self.join_map = {}
+            ##accumulated join recv stats
+            self.join_rx_stats = Stats()
+      def has_service(self, service):
+            if self.service_map.has_key(service):
+                  return self.service_map[service]
+            if self.service_map.has_key(service.upper()):
+                  return self.service_map[service.upper()]
+            return False
+      def channel_join_update(self, chan, join_time):
+            self.join_map[chan] = ( Stats(), Stats(), Stats(), Stats() )
+            self.channel_update(chan, self.STATS_JOIN, 1, t = join_time)
+      def channel_join(self, chan = 0, delay = 2):
+            '''Join a channel and create a send/recv stats map'''
+            if self.join_map.has_key(chan):
+                  del self.join_map[chan]
+            self.delay = delay
+            chan, join_time = self.join(chan)
+            self.channel_join_update(chan, join_time)
+            return chan
+      def channel_join_next(self, delay = 2):
+            '''Joins the next channel leaving the last channel'''
+            if self.last_chan:
+                  if self.join_map.has_key(self.last_chan):
+                        del self.join_map[self.last_chan]
+            self.delay = delay
+            chan, join_time = self.join_next()
+            self.channel_join_update(chan, join_time)
+            return chan
+      def channel_jump(self, delay = 2):
+            '''Jumps randomly to the next channel leaving the last channel'''
+            if self.last_chan is not None:
+                  if self.join_map.has_key(self.last_chan):
+                        del self.join_map[self.last_chan]
+            self.delay = delay
+            chan, join_time = self.jump()
+            self.channel_join_update(chan, join_time)
+            return chan
+      def channel_leave(self, chan = 0):
+            if self.join_map.has_key(chan):
+                  del self.join_map[chan]
+            self.leave(chan)
+      def channel_update(self, chan, stats_type, packets, t=0):
+            if type(chan) == type(0):
+                  chan_list = (chan,)
+            else:
+                  chan_list = chan
+            for c in chan_list: 
+                  if self.join_map.has_key(c):
+                        self.join_map[c][stats_type].update(packets = packets, t = t)
+      def channel_receive(self, chan, cb = None, count = 1):
+  'Subscriber %s receiving from group %s, channel %d' %(, self.gaddr(chan), chan))
+            self.recv(chan, cb = cb, count = count)
+      def recv_channel_cb(self, pkt):
+            ##First verify that we have received the packet for the joined instance
+            log.debug('Packet received for group %s, subscriber %s' %(pkt[IP].dst,
+            chan = self.caddr(pkt[IP].dst)
+            assert_equal(chan in self.join_map.keys(), True)
+            recv_time = monotonic.monotonic() * 1000000
+            join_time = self.join_map[chan][self.STATS_JOIN].start
+            delta = recv_time - join_time
+            self.join_rx_stats.update(packets=1, t = delta, usecs = True)
+            self.channel_update(chan, self.STATS_RX, 1, t = delta)
+            log.debug('Packet received in %.3f usecs for group %s after join' %(delta, pkt[IP].dst))
+class subscriber_pool:
+      def __init__(self, subscriber, test_cbs):
+            self.subscriber = subscriber
+            self.test_cbs = test_cbs
+      def pool_cb(self):
+            for cb in self.test_cbs:
+                  if cb:
+                        cb(self.subscriber)
+class subscriber_exchange(unittest.TestCase):
+      apps = ('', 'org.onosproject.dhcp')
+      olt_apps = () #'org.onosproject.cordmcast')
+      table_app = 'org.ciena.cordigmp'
+      dhcp_server_config = {
+        "ip": "",
+        "mac": "ca:fe:ca:fe:ca:fe",
+        "subnet": "",
+        "broadcast": "",
+        "router": "",
+        "domain": "",
+        "ttl": "63",
+        "delay": "2",
+        "startip": "",
+        "endip": ""
+      }
+      aaa_loaded = False
+      test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+      table_app_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'apps/ciena-cordigmp-multitable-1.0-SNAPSHOT.oar')
+      app_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'apps/ciena-cordigmp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.oar')
+      onos_config_path = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/onos-config')
+      olt_conf_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/olt_config_multitable.json')
+      cpqd_path = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup')
+      ovs_path = cpqd_path
+      device_id = 'of:' + get_mac('ovsbr0')
+      cpqd_device_dict = { "devices" : {
+                  "{}".format(device_id) : {
+                        "basic" : {
+                              "driver" : "spring-open-cpqd"
+                              }
+                        }
+                  },
+              }
+      @classmethod
+      def setUpClass(cls):
+          '''Load the OLT config and activate relevant apps'''
+          ## First restart ONOS with cpqd driver config for OVS
+          #cls.start_onos(network_cfg = cls.cpqd_device_dict)
+          cls.install_app_table()
+          cls.start_cpqd(mac = RandMAC()._fix())
+          cls.olt = OltConfig(olt_conf_file = cls.olt_conf_file)
+          OnosCtrl.cord_olt_config(cls.olt.olt_device_data())
+          cls.port_map, cls.port_list = cls.olt.olt_port_map_multi()
+          cls.activate_apps(cls.apps + cls.olt_apps)
+      @classmethod
+      def tearDownClass(cls):
+          '''Deactivate the olt apps and restart OVS back'''
+          apps = cls.olt_apps + ( cls.table_app,)
+          for app in apps:
+              onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(app)
+              onos_ctrl.deactivate()
+          cls.uninstall_app_table()
+          cls.start_ovs()
+      @classmethod
+      def activate_apps(cls, apps):
+            for app in apps:
+                  onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(app)
+                  status, _ = onos_ctrl.activate()
+                  assert_equal(status, True)
+                  time.sleep(2)
+      @classmethod
+      def install_app_table(cls):
+            ##Uninstall the existing app if any
+            OnosCtrl.uninstall_app(cls.table_app)
+            time.sleep(2)
+  'Installing the multi table app %s for subscriber test' %(cls.table_app_file))
+            OnosCtrl.install_app(cls.table_app_file)
+            time.sleep(3)
+      @classmethod
+      def uninstall_app_table(cls):
+            ##Uninstall the table app on class exit
+            OnosCtrl.uninstall_app(cls.table_app)
+            time.sleep(2)
+  'Installing back the cord igmp app %s for subscriber test on exit' %(cls.app_file))
+            OnosCtrl.install_app(cls.app_file)
+      @classmethod
+      def start_onos(cls, network_cfg = None):
+            if network_cfg is None:
+                  network_cfg = cls.cpqd_device_dict
+            if type(network_cfg) is tuple:
+                  res = []
+                  for v in network_cfg:
+                        res += v.items()
+                  config = dict(res)
+            else:
+                  config = network_cfg
+  'Restarting ONOS with new network configuration')
+            cfg = json.dumps(config)
+            with open('{}/network-cfg.json'.format(cls.onos_config_path), 'w') as f:
+                  f.write(cfg)
+            return cord_test_onos_restart()
+      @classmethod
+      def start_cpqd(cls, mac = '00:11:22:33:44:55'):
+            dpid = mac.replace(':', '')
+            cpqd_file = os.sep.join( (cls.cpqd_path, '') )
+            cpqd_cmd = '{} {}'.format(cpqd_file, dpid)
+            ret = os.system(cpqd_cmd)
+            assert_equal(ret, 0)
+            time.sleep(10)
+      @classmethod
+      def start_ovs(cls):
+            ovs_file = os.sep.join( (cls.ovs_path, '') )
+            ret = os.system(ovs_file)
+            assert_equal(ret, 0)
+            time.sleep(2)
+      def onos_aaa_load(self):
+            if self.aaa_loaded:
+                  return
+            aaa_dict = {'apps' : { '' : { 'AAA' : { 'radiusSecret': 'radius_password', 
+                                                                       'radiusIp': '' } } } }
+            radius_ip = os.getenv('ONOS_AAA_IP') or ''
+            aaa_dict['apps']['']['AAA']['radiusIp'] = radius_ip
+            self.onos_load_config('', aaa_dict)
+            self.aaa_loaded = True
+      def onos_dhcp_table_load(self, config = None):
+          dhcp_dict = {'apps' : { 'org.onosproject.dhcp' : { 'dhcp' : copy.copy(self.dhcp_server_config) } } }
+          dhcp_config = dhcp_dict['apps']['org.onosproject.dhcp']['dhcp']
+          if config:
+              for k in config.keys():
+                  if dhcp_config.has_key(k):
+                      dhcp_config[k] = config[k]
+          self.onos_load_config('org.onosproject.dhcp', dhcp_dict)
+      def onos_load_config(self, app, config):
+          status, code = OnosCtrl.config(config)
+          if status is False:
+   'JSON config request for app %s returned status %d' %(app, code))
+             assert_equal(status, True)
+          time.sleep(2)
+      def dhcp_sndrcv(self, dhcp, update_seed = False):
+            cip, sip = = update_seed)
+            assert_not_equal(cip, None)
+            assert_not_equal(sip, None)
+  'Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s' %
+                     (cip, sip, dhcp.get_mac(cip)[0]))
+            return cip,sip
+      def dhcp_request(self, subscriber, seed_ip = '', update_seed = False):
+            config = {'startip':'', 'endip':'',
+                      'ip':'', 'mac': "ca:fe:ca:fe:ca:fe",
+                      'subnet': '', 'broadcast':'', 'router':''}
+            self.onos_dhcp_table_load(config)
+            dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = seed_ip, iface = subscriber.iface)
+            cip, sip = self.dhcp_sndrcv(dhcp, update_seed = update_seed)
+            return cip, sip
+      def recv_channel_cb(self, pkt):
+            ##First verify that we have received the packet for the joined instance
+            chan = self.subscriber.caddr(pkt[IP].dst)
+            assert_equal(chan in self.subscriber.join_map.keys(), True)
+            recv_time = monotonic.monotonic() * 1000000
+            join_time = self.subscriber.join_map[chan][self.subscriber.STATS_JOIN].start
+            delta = recv_time - join_time
+            self.subscriber.join_rx_stats.update(packets=1, t = delta, usecs = True)
+            self.subscriber.channel_update(chan, self.subscriber.STATS_RX, 1, t = delta)
+            log.debug('Packet received in %.3f usecs for group %s after join' %(delta, pkt[IP].dst))
+            self.test_status = True
+      def tls_verify(self, subscriber):
+            if subscriber.has_service('TLS'):
+                  time.sleep(2)
+                  tls = TLSAuthTest()
+        'Running subscriber %s tls auth test'
+                  tls.runTest()
+                  self.test_status = True
+      def dhcp_verify(self, subscriber):
+            cip, sip = self.dhcp_request(subscriber, update_seed = True)
+  'Subscriber %s got client ip %s from server %s' %(, cip, sip))
+            subscriber.src_list = [cip]
+            self.test_status = True
+      def dhcp_jump_verify(self, subscriber):
+          cip, sip = self.dhcp_request(subscriber, seed_ip = '')
+'Subscriber %s got client ip %s from server %s' %(, cip, sip))
+          subscriber.src_list = [cip]
+          self.test_status = True
+      def dhcp_next_verify(self, subscriber):
+          cip, sip = self.dhcp_request(subscriber, seed_ip = '')
+'Subscriber %s got client ip %s from server %s' %(, cip, sip))
+          subscriber.src_list = [cip]
+          self.test_status = True
+      def igmp_verify(self, subscriber):
+            chan = 0
+            if subscriber.has_service('IGMP'):
+                  for i in range(5):
+              'Joining channel %d for subscriber %s' %(chan,
+                        subscriber.channel_join(chan, delay = 0)
+                        subscriber.channel_receive(chan, cb = subscriber.recv_channel_cb, count = 1)
+              'Leaving channel %d for subscriber %s' %(chan,
+                        subscriber.channel_leave(chan)
+                        time.sleep(3)
+              'Interface %s Join RX stats for subscriber %s, %s' %(subscriber.iface,,subscriber.join_rx_stats))
+                  self.test_status = True
+      def igmp_jump_verify(self, subscriber):
+            if subscriber.has_service('IGMP'):
+                  for i in xrange(subscriber.num):
+              'Subscriber %s jumping channel'
+                        chan = subscriber.channel_jump(delay=0)
+                        subscriber.channel_receive(chan, cb = subscriber.recv_channel_cb, count = 1)
+              'Verified receive for channel %d, subscriber %s' %(chan,
+                        time.sleep(3)
+        'Interface %s Jump RX stats for subscriber %s, %s' %(subscriber.iface,, subscriber.join_rx_stats))
+                  self.test_status = True
+      def igmp_next_verify(self, subscriber):
+            if subscriber.has_service('IGMP'):
+                  for i in xrange(subscriber.num):
+                        if i:
+                              chan = subscriber.channel_join_next(delay=0)
+                        else:
+                              chan = subscriber.channel_join(i, delay=0)
+              'Joined next channel %d for subscriber %s' %(chan,
+                        subscriber.channel_receive(chan, cb = subscriber.recv_channel_cb, count=1)
+              'Verified receive for channel %d, subscriber %s' %(chan,
+                        time.sleep(3)
+        'Interface %s Join Next RX stats for subscriber %s, %s' %(subscriber.iface,, subscriber.join_rx_stats))
+                  self.test_status = True
+      def generate_port_list(self, subscribers, channels):
+            return self.port_list[:subscribers]
+      def subscriber_load(self, create = True, num = 10, num_channels = 1, channel_start = 0, port_list = []):
+            '''Load the subscriber from the database'''
+            self.subscriber_db = SubscriberDB(create = create)
+            if create is True:
+                  self.subscriber_db.generate(num)
+            self.subscriber_info =
+            self.subscriber_list = []
+            if not port_list:
+                  port_list = self.generate_port_list(num, num_channels)
+            index = 0
+            for info in self.subscriber_info:
+                  self.subscriber_list.append(Subscriber(name=info['Name'], 
+                                                         service=info['Service'],
+                                                         port_map = self.port_map,
+                                                         num=num_channels,
+                                                         channel_start = channel_start,
+                                                         tx_port = port_list[index][0],
+                                                         rx_port = port_list[index][1]))
+                  if num_channels > 1:
+                        channel_start += num_channels
+                  index += 1
+            #load the ssm list for all subscriber channels
+            igmpChannel = IgmpChannel()
+            ssm_groups = map(lambda sub: sub.channels, self.subscriber_list)
+            ssm_list = reduce(lambda ssm1, ssm2: ssm1+ssm2, ssm_groups)
+            igmpChannel.igmp_load_ssm_config(ssm_list)
+      def subscriber_join_verify( self, num_subscribers = 10, num_channels = 1, 
+                                  channel_start = 0, cbs = None, port_list = []):
+          self.test_status = False
+          self.num_subscribers = num_subscribers
+          self.subscriber_load(create = True, num = num_subscribers,
+                               num_channels = num_channels, channel_start = channel_start, port_list = port_list)
+          self.onos_aaa_load()
+          self.thread_pool = ThreadPool(min(100, self.num_subscribers), queue_size=1, wait_timeout=1)
+          if cbs is None:
+                cbs = (self.tls_verify, self.dhcp_verify, self.igmp_verify)
+          for subscriber in self.subscriber_list:
+                subscriber.start()
+                pool_object = subscriber_pool(subscriber, cbs)
+                self.thread_pool.addTask(pool_object.pool_cb)
+          self.thread_pool.cleanUpThreads()
+          for subscriber in self.subscriber_list:
+                subscriber.stop()
+          return self.test_status
+      def test_subscriber_join_recv(self):
+          """Test subscriber join and receive"""
+          num_subscribers = 5
+          num_channels = 1
+          test_status = self.subscriber_join_verify(num_subscribers = num_subscribers, 
+                                                    num_channels = num_channels,
+                                                    port_list = self.generate_port_list(num_subscribers, num_channels))
+          assert_equal(test_status, True)
+      def test_subscriber_join_jump(self):
+          """Test subscriber join and receive for channel surfing""" 
+          num_subscribers = 5
+          num_channels = 50
+          test_status = self.subscriber_join_verify(num_subscribers = num_subscribers, 
+                                                    num_channels = num_channels,
+                                                    cbs = (self.tls_verify, self.dhcp_jump_verify, self.igmp_jump_verify),
+                                                    port_list = self.generate_port_list(num_subscribers, num_channels))
+          assert_equal(test_status, True)
+      def test_subscriber_join_next(self):
+          """Test subscriber join next for channels"""
+          num_subscribers = 5
+          num_channels = 50
+          test_status = self.subscriber_join_verify(num_subscribers = num_subscribers, 
+                                                    num_channels = num_channels,
+                                                    cbs = (self.tls_verify, self.dhcp_next_verify, self.igmp_next_verify),
+                                                    port_list = self.generate_port_list(num_subscribers, num_channels))
+          assert_equal(test_status, True)