Seamless shit for dhcpl2relay.
It never looked to have been seamless before.
Anyway, now after setup.
run -m <> -t dhcpl2relay:dhcpl2relay_exchange.test_dhcpl2relay_initialize
to bootstrap the relay.
Then one can try firing the test from the olt node or same node.
Supports 1 subscriber dhcp.
You are supposed to run the tls test actually.
But there is support in dhcpl2relay app itself to provision the olt subscribers (vlans)

Change-Id: Ibcdf3bf4f0962d174f245ca914b97c644001d729
diff --git a/src/test/utils/ b/src/test/utils/
index 457c05b..f460450 100644
--- a/src/test/utils/
+++ b/src/test/utils/
@@ -461,3 +461,13 @@
         cfg = dict(enableDhcpIgmpOnProvisioning = enableDhcpIgmpOnProvisioning, defaultVlan = defaultVlan)
         resp =, auth = cls.auth, data = json.dumps(cfg))
         return resp.ok, resp.status_code
+    @classmethod
+    def config_extraneous_flows(cls, controller = None, enable = True):
+        if controller is None:
+            controller = cls.controller
+        flow_property_url = 'configuration/'
+        property_url = 'http://{}:8181/onos/v1/{}'.format(controller, flow_property_url)
+        cfg = dict(allowExtraneousRules = enable)
+        resp =, auth = cls.auth, data = json.dumps(cfg))
+        return resp.ok, resp.status_code