New test module for validating Service Onboarding.
Added exampleservice to start with, going forward test scenarios
will validate any new service onboarding on the CORD.
Change-Id: I92e13a7e257e092d738d2e397c3f78530cb18b38
diff --git a/src/test/utils/OnboardingServiceUtils.py b/src/test/utils/OnboardingServiceUtils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08398f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/utils/OnboardingServiceUtils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import os
+import shutil
+import re
+from novaclient import client as nova_client
+from SSHTestAgent import SSHTestAgent
+from CordTestUtils import *
+from CordTestUtils import log_test as log
+class OnboardingServiceUtils(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUp(cls):
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDown(cls):
+ pass
+ '''
+ @method: get_nova_credentials_v2
+ @Description: Get nova credentials
+ @params:
+ returns credential from env
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def get_nova_credentials_v2(cls):
+ credential = {}
+ credential['username'] = os.environ['OS_USERNAME']
+ credential['api_key'] = os.environ['OS_PASSWORD']
+ credential['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']
+ credential['project_id'] = os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME']
+ return credential
+ '''
+ @method: get_compute_nodes
+ @Description: Get the list of compute nodes
+ @params:
+ returns node list
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def get_compute_nodes(cls):
+ credentials = cls.get_nova_credentials_v2()
+ nvclient = nova_client.Client('2', **credentials)
+ return nvclient.hypervisors.list()
+ '''
+ @method: get_exampleservices
+ @Description: Get list of exampleservice's running in compute node
+ @params: status of exampleservice
+ returns exampleservice wrappers
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def get_exampleservices(cls, active = True):
+ credentials = cls.get_nova_credentials_v2()
+ nvclient = nova_client.Client('2', **credentials)
+ exampleservices = nvclient.servers.list(search_opts = {'all_tenants': 1})
+ if active is True:
+ exampleservices = filter(lambda exampleservice: exampleservice.status == 'ACTIVE', exampleservices)
+ exampleservice_wrappers = []
+ for exampleservice in exampleservices:
+ exampleservice_wrappers.append(ExampleSeviceWrapper(exampleservice))
+ return exampleservice_wrappers
+ '''
+ @method: health_check
+ @Description: Check if exampleservices are reachable
+ @params:
+ returns True
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def health_check(cls):
+ '''Returns 0 if all active exampleservices are reachable through the compute node'''
+ exampleservices = cls.get_exampleservices()
+ exampleservice_status = []
+ for exampleservice in exampleservices:
+ exampleservice_status.append(exampleservice.get_health())
+ unreachable = filter(lambda st: st == False, exampleservice_status)
+ return len(unreachable) == 0
+class ExampleSevicesWrapper(object):
+ def __init__(self, exampleservice):
+ self.exampleservice = exampleservice
+ self.name = self.exampleservice.name
+ self.compute_node = self.get_compute_node()
+ self.ip = self.get_ip()
+ '''
+ @method: get_compute_node
+ @Description:
+ @params:
+ returns compute node name
+ '''
+ def get_compute_node(self):
+ return self.exampleservice._info['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname']
+ '''
+ @method: get_ip
+ @Description:
+ @params:
+ returns ip of network
+ '''
+ def get_ip(self):
+ if 'management' in self.exampleservice.networks:
+ ips = self.exampleservice.networks['management']
+ if len(ips) > 0:
+ return ips[0]
+ return None
+ '''
+ @method: run_cmd_compute
+ @Description:
+ @params:
+ returns Status & output
+ '''
+ def run_cmd_compute(self, cmd, timeout = 5):
+ ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(self.compute_node)
+ st, output = ssh_agent.run_cmd(cmd, timeout = timeout)
+ if st == True and output:
+ output = output.strip()
+ else:
+ output = None
+ return st, output
+ '''
+ @method: get_health
+ @Description:
+ @params:
+ returns Status
+ '''
+ def get_health(self):
+ if self.ip is None:
+ return True
+ cmd = 'ping -c 1 {}'.format(self.ip)
+ log.info('Pinging ONBOARDED SERVICE %s at IP %s' %(self.name, self.ip))
+ st, _ = self.run_cmd_compute(cmd)
+ log.info('ONBOARDED SERVICE %s at IP %s is %s' %(self.name, self.ip, 'reachable' if st == True else 'unreachable'))
+ return st
+ '''
+ @method: check_access
+ @Description: validates access
+ @params:
+ returns Status
+ '''
+ def check_access(self):
+ if self.ip is None:
+ return True
+ ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(self.compute_node)
+ st, _ = ssh_agent.run_cmd('ls', timeout=10)
+ if st == False:
+ log.error('Compute node at %s is not accessible' %(self.compute_node))
+ return st
+ log.info('Checking if ONBOARDING SERVICE at %s is accessible from compute node %s' %(self.ip, self.compute_node))
+ st, _ = ssh_agent.run_cmd('ssh {} ls'.format(self.ip), timeout=30)
+ if st == True:
+ log.info('OK')
+ return st
+ '''
+ @method: Validate services
+ @Description: This validates if expected service is running in example service VM
+ @params:
+ returns Status
+ '''
+ def validate_service_in_vm(self):
+ if self.ip is None:
+ return True
+ ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(self.compute_node)
+ st, _ = ssh_agent.run_cmd('ls', timeout=10)
+ if st == False:
+ log.error('Compute node at %s is not accessible' %(self.compute_node))
+ return st
+ log.info('Checking if APACHE SERVICE at %s is running %s' %(self.ip, self.compute_node))
+ st, _ = ssh_agent.run_cmd('ssh {} ls /var/run/apache2/apache2.pid'.format(self.ip), timeout=30)
+ if st == True:
+ log.info('OK')
+ return st