    Added a module to automate testing of  dhcp layer 2 relay.
    Updated apps in cord tester with dhcpl2relay-1.0.0.oar and sadis-app-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.oar

Change-Id: I04cdd3e259e654f3fd9b90a1a2f2bcdbfd2625a1
diff --git a/src/test/dhcpl2relay/dhcpl2relayTest.py b/src/test/dhcpl2relay/dhcpl2relayTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24130bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/dhcpl2relay/dhcpl2relayTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1426 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Copyright 2016-present Ciena Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF AeY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from nose.tools import *
+from nose.twistedtools import reactor, deferred
+from twisted.internet import defer
+import time
+import os, sys
+from DHCP import DHCPTest
+from CordTestUtils import get_mac, log_test
+from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl
+from OltConfig import OltConfig
+from CordTestServer import cord_test_onos_restart
+from CordLogger import CordLogger
+from portmaps import g_subscriber_port_map
+import threading, random
+from threading import current_thread
+class dhcpl2relay_exchange(CordLogger):
+    app = 'org.opencord.dhcpl2relay'
+    sadis_app = 'org.opencord.sadis'
+    app_dhcp = 'org.onosproject.dhcp'
+    relay_interfaces_last = ()
+    interface_to_mac_map = {}
+    host_ip_map = {}
+    test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    dhcp_data_dir = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup')
+    olt_conf_file = os.getenv('OLT_CONFIG_FILE', os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/olt_config.json'))
+    default_config = { 'default-lease-time' : 600, 'max-lease-time' : 7200, }
+    default_options = [ ('subnet-mask', ''),
+                     ('broadcast-address', ''),
+                     ('domain-name-servers', ''),
+                     ('domain-name', '"mydomain.cord-tester"'),
+                   ]
+    default_subnet_config = [ ('',
+subnet netmask {
+    range;
+'''), ]
+    lock = threading.Condition()
+    ip_count = 0
+    failure_count = 0
+    start_time = 0
+    diff = 0
+    transaction_count = 0
+    transactions = 0
+    running_time = 0
+    total_success = 0
+    total_failure = 0
+    #just in case we want to reset ONOS to default network cfg after relay tests
+    onos_restartable = bool(int(os.getenv('ONOS_RESTART', 0)))
+    configs = {}
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        ''' Activate the cord dhcpl2relay app'''
+        OnosCtrl(cls.app_dhcp).deactivate()
+        time.sleep(3)
+        cls.onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(cls.app)
+        status, _ = cls.onos_ctrl.activate()
+        assert_equal(status, True)
+        time.sleep(3)
+        cls.onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(cls.sadis_app)
+        status, _ = cls.onos_ctrl.activate()
+        assert_equal(status, True)
+        time.sleep(3)
+        cls.dhcp_l2_relay_setup()
+        ##start dhcpd initially with default config
+        cls.dhcpd_start()
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        '''Deactivate the cord dhcpl2relay app'''
+        try:
+            os.unlink('{}/dhcpd.conf'.format(cls.dhcp_data_dir))
+            os.unlink('{}/dhcpd.leases'.format(cls.dhcp_data_dir))
+        except: pass
+        cls.onos_ctrl.deactivate()
+        cls.dhcpd_stop()
+        cls.dhcp_l2_relay_cleanup()
+    @classmethod
+    def dhcp_l2_relay_setup(cls):
+        did = OnosCtrl.get_device_id()
+        cls.relay_device_id = did
+        cls.olt = OltConfig(olt_conf_file = cls.olt_conf_file)
+        cls.port_map, _ = cls.olt.olt_port_map()
+        if cls.port_map:
+            ##Per subscriber, we use 1 relay port
+            try:
+                relay_port = cls.port_map[cls.port_map['relay_ports'][0]]
+            except:
+                relay_port = cls.port_map['uplink']
+            cls.relay_interface_port = relay_port
+            cls.relay_interfaces = (cls.port_map[cls.relay_interface_port],)
+        else:
+            cls.relay_interface_port = 100
+            cls.relay_interfaces = (g_subscriber_port_map[cls.relay_interface_port],)
+        cls.relay_interfaces_last = cls.relay_interfaces
+        if cls.port_map:
+            ##generate a ip/mac client virtual interface config for onos
+            interface_list = []
+            for port in cls.port_map['ports']:
+                port_num = cls.port_map[port]
+                if port_num == cls.port_map['uplink']:
+                    continue
+                ip = cls.get_host_ip(port_num)
+                mac = cls.get_mac(port)
+                interface_list.append((port_num, ip, mac))
+            #configure dhcp server virtual interface on the same subnet as first client interface
+            relay_ip = cls.get_host_ip(interface_list[0][0])
+            relay_mac = cls.get_mac(cls.port_map[cls.relay_interface_port])
+            interface_list.append((cls.relay_interface_port, relay_ip, relay_mac))
+            cls.onos_interface_load(interface_list)
+    @classmethod
+    def dhcp_l2_relay_cleanup(cls):
+        ##reset the ONOS port configuration back to default
+        for config in cls.configs.items():
+            OnosCtrl.delete(config)
+        # if cls.onos_restartable is True:
+        #     log_test.info('Cleaning up dhcp relay config by restarting ONOS with default network cfg')
+        #     return cord_test_onos_restart(config = {})
+    @classmethod
+    def onos_load_config(cls, config):
+        status, code = OnosCtrl.config(config)
+        if status is False:
+            log_test.info('JSON request returned status %d' %code)
+            assert_equal(status, True)
+        time.sleep(3)
+    @classmethod
+    def onos_interface_load(cls, interface_list):
+        interface_dict = { 'ports': {} }
+        for port_num, ip, mac in interface_list:
+            port_map = interface_dict['ports']
+            port = '{}/{}'.format(cls.relay_device_id, port_num)
+            port_map[port] = { 'interfaces': [] }
+            interface_list = port_map[port]['interfaces']
+            interface_map = { 'ips' : [ '{}/{}'.format(ip, 24) ],
+                              'mac' : mac,
+                              'name': 'vir-{}'.format(port_num)
+                            }
+            interface_list.append(interface_map)
+        cls.onos_load_config(interface_dict)
+        cls.configs['interface_config'] = interface_dict
+    @classmethod
+    def cord_l2_relay_load(cls):
+        relay_device_id = '{}'.format(cls.relay_device_id)
+        dhcp_dict = {'apps':{'org.opencord.dhcpl2relay':{'dhcpl2relay':
+                                                          {'dhcpserverConnectPoint':[relay_device_id]}
+                                                        }
+                            }
+                    }
+        cls.onos_load_config(dhcp_dict)
+        cls.configs['relay_config'] = dhcp_dict
+    @classmethod
+    def cord_sadis_load(cls):
+        relay_device_id = '{}'.format(cls.relay_device_id)
+        sadis_dict = {'apps':{ "org.opencord.sadis" : {
+                                "sadis" : {
+                                  "integration" : {
+                                    "cache" : {
+                                     "enabled" : true,
+                                      "maxsize" : 50,
+                                       "ttl" : "PT1m"
+                                    }
+                                 },
+                                 "entries" : [ {
+                                   "id" : "uni-254", # (This is an entry for a subscriber) Same as the portName of the Port as seen in onos ports command
+                                   "cTag" : 202, # C-tag of the subscriber
+                                   "sTag" : 222, # S-tag of the subscriber
+                                   "nasPortId" : "uni-254"  # NAS Port Id of the subscriber, could be different from the id above
+                                 }, {
+                                   "id" : "eaf78b733390456d80fb24113f5150fd", # (This is an entry for an OLT device) Same as the serial of the OLT logical device as seen in the onos devices command
+                                   "hardwareIdentifier" : "00:1b:22:00:b1:78", # MAC address to be used for this OLT
+                                   "ipAddress" : "", # IP address to be used for this OLT
+                                   "nasId" : "B100-NASID", # NAS ID to be used for this OLT
+                                   "circuitId" : "",
+                                   "remoteId" : ""
+                                 } ]
+                               }
+                             }
+                          }
+                      }
+        cls.onos_load_config(sadis_dict)
+        cls.configs['relay_config'] = sadis_dict
+    @classmethod
+    def get_host_ip(cls, port):
+        if cls.host_ip_map.has_key(port):
+            return cls.host_ip_map[port]
+        cls.host_ip_map[port] = '192.168.1.{}'.format(port)
+        return cls.host_ip_map[port]
+    @classmethod
+    def host_load(cls, iface):
+        '''Have ONOS discover the hosts for dhcp-relay responses'''
+        port = g_subscriber_port_map[iface]
+        host = '173.17.1.{}'.format(port)
+        cmds = ( 'ifconfig {} 0'.format(iface),
+                 'ifconfig {0} {1}'.format(iface, host),
+                 'arping -I {0} {1} -c 2'.format(iface, host),
+                 'ifconfig {} 0'.format(iface), )
+        for c in cmds:
+            os.system(c)
+    @classmethod
+    def dhcpd_conf_generate(cls, config = default_config, options = default_options,
+                            subnet = default_subnet_config):
+        conf = ''
+        for k, v in config.items():
+            conf += '{} {};\n'.format(k, v)
+        opts = ''
+        for k, v in options:
+            opts += 'option {} {};\n'.format(k, v)
+        subnet_config = ''
+        for _, v in subnet:
+            subnet_config += '{}\n'.format(v)
+        return '{}{}{}'.format(conf, opts, subnet_config)
+    @classmethod
+    def dhcpd_start(cls, intf_list = None,
+                    config = default_config, options = default_options,
+                    subnet = default_subnet_config):
+        '''Start the dhcpd server by generating the conf file'''
+        if intf_list is None:
+            intf_list = cls.relay_interfaces
+        ##stop dhcpd if already running
+        cls.dhcpd_stop()
+        dhcp_conf = cls.dhcpd_conf_generate(config = config, options = options,
+                                            subnet = subnet)
+        ##first touch dhcpd.leases if it doesn't exist
+        lease_file = '{}/dhcpd.leases'.format(cls.dhcp_data_dir)
+        if os.access(lease_file, os.F_OK) is False:
+            with open(lease_file, 'w') as fd: pass
+        conf_file = '{}/dhcpd.conf'.format(cls.dhcp_data_dir)
+        with open(conf_file, 'w') as fd:
+            fd.write(dhcp_conf)
+        #now configure the dhcpd interfaces for various subnets
+        index = 0
+        intf_info = []
+        for ip,_ in subnet:
+            intf = intf_list[index]
+            mac = cls.get_mac(intf)
+            intf_info.append((ip, mac))
+            index += 1
+            os.system('ifconfig {} {}'.format(intf, ip))
+        intf_str = ','.join(intf_list)
+        dhcpd_cmd = '/usr/sbin/dhcpd -4 --no-pid -cf {0} -lf {1} {2}'.format(conf_file, lease_file, intf_str)
+        log_test.info('Starting DHCPD server with command: %s' %dhcpd_cmd)
+        ret = os.system(dhcpd_cmd)
+        assert_equal(ret, 0)
+        time.sleep(3)
+        cls.relay_interfaces_last = cls.relay_interfaces
+        cls.relay_interfaces = intf_list
+        cls.cord_l2_relay_load()
+        cls.cord_sadis_load()
+    @classmethod
+    def dhcpd_stop(cls):
+        os.system('pkill -9 dhcpd')
+        for intf in cls.relay_interfaces:
+            os.system('ifconfig {} 0'.format(intf))
+        cls.relay_interfaces = cls.relay_interfaces_last
+    @classmethod
+    def get_mac(cls, iface):
+        if cls.interface_to_mac_map.has_key(iface):
+            return cls.interface_to_mac_map[iface]
+        mac = get_mac(iface, pad = 0)
+        cls.interface_to_mac_map[iface] = mac
+        return mac
+    def stats(self,success_rate = False, only_discover = False, iface = 'veth0'):
+	self.ip_count = 0
+	self.failure_count = 0
+	self.start_time = 0
+	self.diff = 0
+	self.transaction_count = 0
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	self.start_time = time.time()
+	while self.diff <= 60:
+	    if only_discover:
+		cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover(multiple = True)
+                log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s' %
+                        (cip, sip, mac))
+	    else:
+	        cip, sip = self.send_recv(mac=mac, update_seed = True, validate = False)
+	    if cip:
+                self.ip_count +=1
+	    elif cip == None:
+		self.failure_count += 1
+                log_test.info('Failed to get ip')
+		if success_rate and self.ip_count > 0:
+			break
+	    self.diff = round(time.time() - self.start_time, 0)
+	self.transaction_count = round((self.ip_count+self.failure_count)/self.diff, 2)
+        self.transactions += (self.ip_count+self.failure_count)
+	self.running_time += self.diff
+        self.total_success += self.ip_count
+	self.total_failure += self.failure_count
+    def send_recv(self, mac=None, update_seed = False, validate = True):
+        cip, sip = self.dhcp.discover(mac = mac, update_seed = update_seed)
+        if validate:
+            assert_not_equal(cip, None)
+            assert_not_equal(sip, None)
+        log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s' %
+                (cip, sip, self.dhcp.get_mac(cip)[0]))
+        return cip,sip
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_one_request(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        self.send_recv(mac=mac)
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_for_one_request_with_invalid_source_mac_broadcast(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover(mac='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')
+        assert_equal(cip,None)
+	log_test.info('dhcp server rejected client discover with invalid source mac, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_for_one_request_with_invalid_source_mac_multicast(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover(mac='01:80:c2:01:98:05')
+        assert_equal(cip,None)
+	log_test.info('dhcp server rejected client discover with invalid source mac, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_for_one_request_with_invalid_source_mac_zero(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover(mac='00:00:00:00:00:00')
+        assert_equal(cip,None)
+        log_test.info('dhcp server rejected client discover with invalid source mac, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_N_requests(self, iface = 'veth0',requests=10):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        ip_map = {}
+        for i in range(requests):
+            #mac = RandMAC()._fix()
+	    #log_test.info('mac is %s'%mac)
+            cip, sip = self.send_recv(update_seed = True)
+            if ip_map.has_key(cip):
+                log_test.info('IP %s given out multiple times' %cip)
+                assert_equal(False, ip_map.has_key(cip))
+            ip_map[cip] = sip
+	    time.sleep(1)
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_one_release(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        cip, sip = self.send_recv(mac=mac)
+        log_test.info('Releasing ip %s to server %s' %(cip, sip))
+        assert_equal(self.dhcp.release(cip), True)
+        log_test.info('Triggering DHCP discover again after release')
+        cip2, sip2 = self.send_recv(mac=mac)
+        log_test.info('Verifying released IP was given back on rediscover')
+        assert_equal(cip, cip2)
+        log_test.info('Test done. Releasing ip %s to server %s' %(cip2, sip2))
+        assert_equal(self.dhcp.release(cip2), True)
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_Nreleases(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = None
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        ip_map = {}
+        for i in range(10):
+            cip, sip = self.send_recv(mac=mac, update_seed = True)
+            if ip_map.has_key(cip):
+                log_test.info('IP %s given out multiple times' %cip)
+                assert_equal(False, ip_map.has_key(cip))
+            ip_map[cip] = sip
+        for ip in ip_map.keys():
+            log_test.info('Releasing IP %s' %ip)
+            assert_equal(self.dhcp.release(ip), True)
+        ip_map2 = {}
+        log_test.info('Triggering DHCP discover again after release')
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        for i in range(len(ip_map.keys())):
+            cip, sip = self.send_recv(mac=mac, update_seed = True)
+            ip_map2[cip] = sip
+        log_test.info('Verifying released IPs were given back on rediscover')
+        if ip_map != ip_map2:
+            log_test.info('Map before release %s' %ip_map)
+            log_test.info('Map after release %s' %ip_map2)
+        assert_equal(ip_map, ip_map2)
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_starvation(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+        log_test.info('Verifying 1 ')
+	count = 0
+        while True:
+            #mac = RandMAC()._fix()
+            cip, sip = self.send_recv(update_seed = True,validate = False)
+	    if cip is None:
+		break
+	    else:
+		count += 1
+	assert_equal(count,91)
+        log_test.info('Verifying 2 ')
+        cip, sip = self.send_recv(mac=mac, update_seed = True, validate = False)
+        assert_equal(cip, None)
+        assert_equal(sip, None)
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_same_client_and_multiple_discovers(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s . Not going to send DHCPREQUEST.' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip, None)
+	log_test.info('Triggering DHCP discover again.')
+	new_cip, new_sip, new_mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	assert_equal(new_cip, cip)
+	log_test.info('got same ip to smae the client when sent discover again, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_same_client_and_multiple_requests(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	log_test.info('Sending DHCP discover and DHCP request.')
+	cip, sip = self.send_recv(mac=mac)
+	mac = self.dhcp.get_mac(cip)[0]
+	log_test.info("Sending DHCP request again.")
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	assert_equal(new_cip, cip)
+	log_test.info('got same ip to smae the client when sent request again, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_clients_desired_address(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover(desired = True)
+	assert_equal(cip,self.dhcp.seed_ip)
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client desired IP %s from server %s for mac %s as expected' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_clients_desired_address_in_out_of_pool(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover(desired = True)
+	assert_not_equal(cip,None)
+	assert_not_equal(cip,self.dhcp.seed_ip)
+	log_test.info('server offered IP from its pool when requested out of pool IP, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_nak_packet(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip, None)
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request('', mac)
+	assert_equal(new_cip, None)
+	log_test.info('server sent NAK packet when requested other IP than that server offered')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_requests_with_specific_lease_time_in_discover_message(self, iface = 'veth0',lease_time=700):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	self.dhcp.return_option = 'lease'
+	cip, sip, mac, lval = self.dhcp.only_discover(lease_time=True,lease_value=lease_time)
+	assert_equal(lval, lease_time)
+	log_test.info('dhcp server offered IP address with client requested lease time')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_request_after_reboot(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip, None)
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	log_test.info('client rebooting...')
+	os.system('ifconfig '+iface+' down')
+	time.sleep(5)
+	os.system('ifconfig '+iface+' up')
+	new_cip2, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac, cl_reboot = True)
+	assert_equal(new_cip2, cip)
+	log_test.info('client got same IP after reboot, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_after_server_reboot(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip, None)
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	log_test.info('server rebooting...')
+	self.tearDownClass()
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	assert_equal(new_cip,None)
+	self.setUpClass()
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	assert_equal(new_cip, cip)
+	log_test.info('client got same IP after server rebooted, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_specific_lease_time_only_in_discover_but_not_in_request_packet(self, iface = 'veth0',lease_time=700):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	self.dhcp.return_option = 'lease'
+	log_test.info('Sending DHCP discover with lease time of 700')
+	cip, sip, mac, lval = self.dhcp.only_discover(lease_time = True, lease_value=lease_time)
+	assert_equal(lval,lease_time)
+	new_cip, new_sip, lval = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac, lease_time = True)
+	assert_equal(new_cip,cip)
+	assert_not_equal(lval, lease_time) #Negative Test Case
+	log_test.info('client requested lease time in discover packer is not seen in server ACK packet as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_specific_lease_time_only_in_request_but_not_in_discover_packet(self, iface = 'veth0',lease_time=800):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	new_cip, new_sip, lval = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac, lease_time = True,lease_value=lease_time)
+	assert_equal(new_cip,cip)
+	assert_equal(lval, lease_time)
+	log_test.info('client requested lease time in request packet seen in servre replied ACK packet as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_renew_time(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+	new_options = [('dhcp-renewal-time', 100), ('dhcp-rebinding-time', 125)]
+        options = self.default_options + new_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip,None)
+	new_cip, new_sip, lval = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac, renew_time = True)
+	log_test.info('waiting for  renew  time..')
+	time.sleep(lval)
+	latest_cip, latest_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(new_cip, mac, unicast = True)
+	assert_equal(latest_cip, cip)
+	log_test.info('server renewed client IP when client sends request after renew time, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_rebind_time(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+	new_options = [('dhcp-renewal-time', 100), ('dhcp-rebinding-time', 125)]
+        options = self.default_options + new_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip,None)
+	new_cip, new_sip, lval = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac, rebind_time = True)
+	log_test.info('waiting for  rebind  time..')
+	time.sleep(lval)
+	latest_cip, latest_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(new_cip, mac)
+	assert_equal(latest_cip, cip)
+        log_test.info('server renewed client IP when client sends request after rebind time, as expected')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_expected_subnet_mask(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	expected_subnet = ''
+	self.dhcp.return_option = 'subnet'
+	cip, sip, mac, subnet_mask = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_equal(subnet_mask,expected_subnet)
+	log_test.info('subnet mask in server offer packet is same as configured subnet mask in dhcp server')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_subnet_mask(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip,None)
+	self.dhcp.send_different_option = 'subnet'
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	assert_equal(new_cip, cip)
+	log_test.info("Got DHCP Ack despite of specifying wrong Subnet Mask in DHCP Request.")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_expected_router_address(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        config = self.default_config
+	new_options = [('routers', '')]
+        options = self.default_options + new_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	expected_router_address = ''
+	self.dhcp.return_option = 'router'
+	cip, sip, mac, router_address_value = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_equal(expected_router_address, router_address_value)
+	log_test.info('router address in server offer packet is same as configured router address in dhcp server')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_router_address(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip,None)
+	self.dhcp.send_different_option = 'router'
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	assert_equal(new_cip, cip)
+	log_test.info("Got DHCP Ack despite of specifying wrong Router Address in DHCP Request.")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_client_expecting_broadcast_address(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	expected_broadcast_address = ''
+	self.dhcp.return_option = 'broadcast_address'
+	cip, sip, mac, broadcast_address_value = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_equal(expected_broadcast_address, broadcast_address_value)
+	log_test.info('broadcast address in server offer packet is same as configured broadcast address in dhcp server')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_sends_dhcp_request_with_wrong_broadcast_address(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip,None)
+	self.dhcp.send_different_option = 'broadcast_address'
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	assert_equal(new_cip, cip)
+	log_test.info("Got DHCP Ack despite of specifying wrong Broadcast Address in DHCP Request.")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_expecting_dns_address(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	expected_dns_address = ''
+	self.dhcp.return_option = 'dns'
+	cip, sip, mac, dns_address_value = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_equal(expected_dns_address, dns_address_value)
+	log_test.info('dns address in server offer packet is same as configured dns address in dhcp server')
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_sends_request_with_wrong_dns_address(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        ##we use the defaults for this test that serves as an example for others
+        ##You don't need to restart dhcpd server if retaining default config
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet = self.default_subnet_config
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s .' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+	assert_not_equal(cip,None)
+	self.dhcp.send_different_option = 'dns'
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	assert_equal(new_cip, cip)
+	log_test.info("Got DHCP Ack despite of specifying wrong DNS Address in DHCP Request.")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_transactions_per_second(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+	for i in range(1,4):
+	    self.stats()
+	    log_test.info("Statistics for run %d",i)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of transactions     No. of successes     No. of failures     Running Time ")
+	    log_test.info("    %d                    %d                     %d                  %d" %(self.ip_count+self.failure_count, 		               self.ip_count, self.failure_count, self.diff))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of transactions per second in run %d:%f" %(i, self.transaction_count))
+	log_test.info("Final Statistics for total transactions")
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Total transactions     Total No. of successes     Total No. of failures     Running Time ")
+	log_test.info("    %d                     %d                         %d                        %d" %(self.transactions,
+                 self.total_success, self.total_failure, self.running_time))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Average no. of transactions per second: %d", round(self.transactions/self.running_time,0))
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_consecutive_successes_per_second(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+	for i in range(1,4):
+	    self.stats(success_rate = True)
+	    log_test.info("Statistics for run %d",i)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of consecutive successful transactions          Running Time ")
+	    log_test.info("                   %d                                   %d        " %(self.ip_count, self.diff))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of successful transactions per second in run %d:%f" %(i, self.transaction_count))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Final Statistics for total successful transactions")
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Total transactions     Total No. of consecutive successes         Running Time ")
+	log_test.info("    %d                                 %d                             %d        " %(self.transactions,
+                 self.total_success, self.running_time))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Average no. of consecutive successful transactions per second: %d", round(self.total_success/self.running_time,0))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_with_max_clients_per_second(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+	for i in range(1,4):
+	    self.stats(only_discover = True)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("Statistics for run %d of sending only DHCP Discover",i)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of transactions     No. of successes     No. of failures     Running Time ")
+	    log_test.info("    %d                    %d                     %d                  %d" %(self.ip_count+self.failure_count, 		               self.ip_count, self.failure_count, self.diff))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of clients per second in run %d:%f                                      "
+		    %(i, self.transaction_count))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Final Statistics for total transactions of sending only DHCP Discover")
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Total transactions     Total No. of successes     Total No. of failures     Running Time ")
+	log_test.info("    %d                     %d                         %d                        %d" %(self.transactions,
+                 self.total_success, self.total_failure, self.running_time))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Average no. of clients per second: %d                                        ",
+		round(self.transactions/self.running_time,0))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_consecutive_successful_clients_per_second(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+	for i in range(1,4):
+	    self.stats(success_rate = True, only_discover = True)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("Statistics for run %d for sending only DHCP Discover",i)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of consecutive successful transactions          Running Time ")
+	    log_test.info("                   %d                                   %d        " %(self.ip_count, self.diff))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of consecutive successful clients per second in run %d:%f" %(i, self.transaction_count))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Final Statistics for total successful transactions")
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Total transactions     Total No. of consecutive successes         Running Time ")
+	log_test.info("    %d                                 %d                             %d        " %(self.transactions,
+                 self.total_success, self.running_time))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Average no. of consecutive successful clients per second: %d", round(self.total_success/self.running_time,0))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_concurrent_transactions_per_second(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet =  [ ('',
+subnet netmask {
+    range;
+'''), ]
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+	for key in (key for key in g_subscriber_port_map if key < 100):
+	    self.host_load(g_subscriber_port_map[key])
+	def thread_fun(i):
+	    mac = self.get_mac('veth{}'.format(i))
+	    cip, sip = DHCPTest(iface = 'veth{}'.format(i)).discover(mac = mac)
+	    log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s'%(cip, sip, mac))
+	    self.lock.acquire()
+	    if cip:
+		    self.ip_count += 1
+	    elif cip is None:
+		    self.failure_count += 1
+	    self.lock.notify_all()
+	    self.lock.release()
+	for i in range (1,4):
+	    self.ip_count = 0
+	    self.failure_count = 0
+	    self.start_time = 0
+	    self.diff = 0
+	    self.transaction_count = 0
+	    self.start_time = time.time()
+	    while self.diff <= 60:
+		  t = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(0, random.randrange(1,40,1), 1)})
+		  t1 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(42, random.randrange(43,80,1), 1)})
+		  t2 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(82, random.randrange(83,120,1), 1)})
+		  t3 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(122, random.randrange(123,160,1), 1)})
+		  t4 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(162, random.randrange(163,180,1), 1)})
+		  t5 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(182, random.randrange(183,196,1), 1)})
+		  t.start()
+		  t1.start()
+		  t2.start()
+		  t3.start()
+		  t4.start()
+		  t5.start()
+		  t.join()
+		  t1.join()
+		  t2.join()
+		  t3.join()
+		  t4.join()
+		  t5.join()
+		  self.diff = round(time.time() - self.start_time, 0)
+	    self.transaction_count = round((self.ip_count+self.failure_count)/self.diff, 2)
+	    self.transactions += (self.ip_count+self.failure_count)
+	    self.running_time += self.diff
+	    self.total_success += self.ip_count
+	    self.total_failure += self.failure_count
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("Statistics for run %d",i)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of transactions     No. of successes     No. of failures     Running Time ")
+	    log_test.info("    %d                    %d                     %d                  %d"
+			    %(self.ip_count+self.failure_count,self.ip_count, self.failure_count, self.diff))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of transactions per second in run %d:%f" %(i, self.transaction_count))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Final Statistics for total transactions")
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Total transactions     Total No. of successes     Total No. of failures     Running Time ")
+	log_test.info("    %d                     %d                         %d                        %d" %(self.transactions,
+                 self.total_success, self.total_failure, self.running_time))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Average no. of transactions per second: %d", round(self.transactions/self.running_time,0))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_concurrent_consecutive_successes_per_second(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet =  [ ('',
+subnet netmask {
+    range;
+'''), ]
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+	failure_dir = {}
+	for key in (key for key in g_subscriber_port_map if key != 100):
+	    self.host_load(g_subscriber_port_map[key])
+	def thread_fun(i, j):
+#		log_test.info("Thread Name:%s",current_thread().name)
+#		failure_dir[current_thread().name] = True
+	    while failure_dir.has_key(current_thread().name) is False:
+		  mac = RandMAC()._fix()
+		  cip, sip = DHCPTest(iface = 'veth{}'.format(i)).discover(mac = mac)
+		  i += 2
+		  log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s'%(cip, sip, mac))
+		  self.lock.acquire()
+		  if cip:
+		     self.ip_count += 1
+		     self.lock.notify_all()
+		     self.lock.release()
+		  elif cip is None:
+		     self.failure_count += 1
+		     failure_dir[current_thread().name] = True
+		     self.lock.notify_all()
+		     self.lock.release()
+		     break
+#		self.lock.notify_all()
+#		self.lock.release()
+	for i in range (1,4):
+	    failure_dir = {}
+	    self.ip_count = 0
+	    self.failure_count = 0
+	    self.start_time = 0
+	    self.diff = 0
+	    self.transaction_count = 0
+	    self.start_time = time.time()
+	    while len(failure_dir) != 6:
+		  t = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': 0, 'j': 2})
+		  t1 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': 0, 'j': 2})
+		  t2 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': 0, 'j': 2})
+		  t3 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': 0, 'j': 2})
+		  t4 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': 0, 'j': 2})
+		  t5 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': 0, 'j': 2})
+		  t.start()
+		  t1.start()
+		  t2.start()
+		  t3.start()
+		  t4.start()
+		  t5.start()
+		  t.join()
+		  t1.join()
+		  t2.join()
+		  t3.join()
+		  t4.join()
+		  t5.join()
+		  self.diff = round(time.time() - self.start_time, 0)
+	    self.transaction_count = round((self.ip_count)/self.diff, 2)
+	    self.transactions += (self.ip_count+self.failure_count)
+	    self.running_time += self.diff
+	    self.total_success += self.ip_count
+	    self.total_failure += self.failure_count
+	    log_test.info("Statistics for run %d",i)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of consecutive successful transactions          Running Time ")
+	    log_test.info("                   %d                                   %d        " %(self.ip_count, self.diff))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of successful transactions per second in run %d:%f" %(i, self.transaction_count))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Final Statistics for total successful transactions")
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Total transactions     Total No. of consecutive successes         Running Time ")
+	log_test.info("    %d                                 %d                             %d        " %(self.transactions,
+                 self.total_success, self.running_time))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Average no. of consecutive successful transactions per second: %d", round(self.total_success/self.running_time,2))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_concurrent_clients_per_second(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        config = self.default_config
+        options = self.default_options
+        subnet =  [ ('',
+subnet netmask {
+    range;
+'''), ]
+        dhcpd_interface_list = self.relay_interfaces
+        self.dhcpd_start(intf_list = dhcpd_interface_list,
+                         config = config,
+                         options = options,
+                         subnet = subnet)
+	for key in (key for key in g_subscriber_port_map if key < 100):
+		self.host_load(g_subscriber_port_map[key])
+	def thread_fun(i):
+#		mac = self.get_mac('veth{}'.format(i))
+	    cip, sip, mac, _ = DHCPTest(iface = 'veth{}'.format(i)).only_discover(mac = RandMAC()._fix())
+	    log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s'%(cip, sip, mac))
+	    self.lock.acquire()
+	    if cip:
+	       self.ip_count += 1
+	    elif cip is None:
+	       self.failure_count += 1
+	    self.lock.notify_all()
+	    self.lock.release()
+	for i in range (1,4):
+	    self.ip_count = 0
+	    self.failure_count = 0
+	    self.start_time = 0
+	    self.diff = 0
+	    self.transaction_count = 0
+	    self.start_time = time.time()
+	    while self.diff <= 60:
+		  t = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(0, random.randrange(1,40,1), 1)})
+		  t1 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(42, random.randrange(43,80,1), 1)})
+		  t2 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(82, random.randrange(83,120,1), 1)})
+		  t3 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(122, random.randrange(123,160,1), 1)})
+		  t4 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(162, random.randrange(163,180,1), 1)})
+		  t5 = threading.Thread(target = thread_fun, kwargs = {'i': random.randrange(182, random.randrange(183,196,1), 1)})
+		  t.start()
+		  t1.start()
+		  t2.start()
+		  t3.start()
+		  t4.start()
+		  t5.start()
+		  t.join()
+		  t1.join()
+		  t2.join()
+		  t3.join()
+		  t4.join()
+		  t5.join()
+		  self.diff = round(time.time() - self.start_time, 0)
+	    self.transaction_count = round((self.ip_count+self.failure_count)/self.diff, 2)
+	    self.transactions += (self.ip_count+self.failure_count)
+	    self.running_time += self.diff
+	    self.total_success += self.ip_count
+	    self.total_failure += self.failure_count
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("Statistics for run %d of sending only DHCP Discover",i)
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of transactions     No. of successes     No. of failures     Running Time ")
+	    log_test.info("    %d                    %d                     %d                  %d" %(self.ip_count+self.failure_count, 		               self.ip_count, self.failure_count, self.diff))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	    log_test.info("No. of clients per second in run %d:%f                                      "
+		    %(i, self.transaction_count))
+	    log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Final Statistics for total transactions of sending only DHCP Discover")
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Total transactions     Total No. of successes     Total No. of failures     Running Time ")
+	log_test.info("    %d                     %d                         %d                        %d" %(self.transactions,
+                 self.total_success, self.total_failure, self.running_time))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+	log_test.info("Average no. of clients per second: %d                                        ",
+		round(self.transactions/self.running_time,0))
+	log_test.info("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    def test_dhcpl2relay_client_conflict(self, iface = 'veth0'):
+        mac = self.get_mac(iface)
+        self.host_load(iface)
+        self.dhcp = DHCPTest(seed_ip = '', iface = iface)
+	cip, sip, mac, _ = self.dhcp.only_discover()
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s.' %
+		  (cip, sip, mac) )
+        self.dhcp1 = DHCPTest(seed_ip = cip, iface = iface)
+	new_cip, new_sip, new_mac, _ = self.dhcp1.only_discover(desired = True)
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp1.only_request(new_cip, new_mac)
+	log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s.' %
+		  (new_cip, new_sip, new_mac) )
+	log_test.info("IP %s alredy consumed by mac %s." % (new_cip, new_mac))
+	log_test.info("Now sending DHCP Request for old DHCP discover.")
+	new_cip, new_sip = self.dhcp.only_request(cip, mac)
+	if new_cip is None:
+	   log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s.Which is expected behavior.'
+                    %(new_cip, new_sip, new_mac) )
+	elif new_cip:
+	   log_test.info('Got dhcp client IP %s from server %s for mac %s.Which is not expected behavior as IP %s is already consumed.'
+		    %(new_cip, new_sip, new_mac, new_cip) )
+	   assert_equal(new_cip, None)