| # |
| # Copyright 2016-present Ciena Corporation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| import sys, os |
| from EapolAAA import * |
| from enum import * |
| import noseTlsAuthHolder as tlsAuthHolder |
| from scapy_ssl_tls.ssl_tls import * |
| from scapy_ssl_tls.ssl_tls_crypto import * |
| from tls_cert import Key |
| from socket import * |
| import struct |
| import scapy |
| from nose.tools import * |
| from CordTestBase import CordTester |
| import re |
| |
| log.setLevel('INFO') |
| |
| def bytes_to_num(data): |
| return int(data.encode('hex'), 16) |
| |
| class TLSAuthTest(EapolPacket, CordTester): |
| |
| tlsStateTable = Enumeration("TLSStateTable", ("ST_EAP_SETUP", |
| "ST_EAP_ID_REQ", |
| ) |
| ) |
| tlsEventTable = Enumeration("TLSEventTable", ("EVT_EAP_SETUP", |
| ) |
| ) |
| server_hello_done_signature = '\x0e\x00\x00\x00' |
| SERVER_HELLO = '\x02' |
| SERVER_HELLO_DONE = '\x0e' |
| SERVER_UNKNOWN = '\xff' |
| HANDSHAKE = '\x16' |
| CHANGE_CIPHER = '\x14' |
| TLS_OFFSET = 28 |
| HDR_IDX = 0 |
| DATA_IDX = 1 |
| CB_IDX = 2 |
| |
| IEluYy4xHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWD2FkbWluQGNpZW5hLmNvbTEmMCQGA1UEAxMd |
| hvcNAQkBFg51c2VyQGNpZW5hLmNvbTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkC |
| gYEAwvXiSzb9LZ6c7uNziUfKvoHO7wu/uiFC5YUpXbmVGuGZizbVrny0xnR85Dfe |
| +9R4diansfDhIhzOUl1XjN3YDeSS9OeF5YWNNE8XDhlz2d3rVzaN6hIhdotBkUjg |
| rUewjTg5OFR31QEyG3v8xR3CLgiE9xQELjZbSA07pD79zuUCAwEAAaNPME0wEwYD |
| VR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwIwNgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmgJ4YlaHR0cDovL3d3dy5l |
| eGFtcGxlLmNvbS9leGFtcGxlX2NhLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOBgQDAjkrY |
| 6tDChmKbvr8w6Du/t8vHjTCoCIocHTN0qzWOeb1YsAGX89+TrWIuO1dFyYd+Z0KC |
| PDKB5j/ygml9Na+AklSYAVJIjvlzXKZrOaPmhZqDufi+rXWti/utVqY4VMW2+HKC |
| nXp37qWeuFLGyR1519Y1d6F/5XzqmvbwURuEug== |
| -----END CERTIFICATE-----""" |
| |
| MIICXAIBAAKBgQDC9eJLNv0tnpzu43OJR8q+gc7vC7+6IULlhSlduZUa4ZmLNtWu |
| fLTGdHzkN9771Hh2Jqex8OEiHM5SXVeM3dgN5JL054XlhY00TxcOGXPZ3etXNo3q |
| AoGBAJha7NgYhevzqvIov25Fs1QDP0Kh7Ne5DH0u/e+nirUyHfqkBILSI7d+6uay |
| Hsiv9t9mP+CXvGgbGMVW+oc0CpUbZw4Y64jZhg/vakMuHVhpgUCyPyzjk+7Z7STg |
| 2B1DEAxILApU8azjrDBIRHM8q0CH6NFwJPpFjg2oi7li6hPhAkEA56e/UT7Mh+57 |
| qWb2q9CuI+unQcav1tqxRxUtrGHl0YSO5YTWCnaT7vVFUSbemwUhEHJs8h+Qw41L |
| g4eBu/qXLQJBANdy7puiDBBvV8XxQms14VRAEUUpCwqmzieG3RNmgr7wYRKyXzws |
| hbgp5HIkGFIM4FOIrFj5jUP6CuF2BfoYaZkCQGRIny75w6s413nfY/u/TBOqyW5V |
| J/wYElSWW35bpxTLkNzVY5+F88ankUlvTUDIuKaZEobCmXW+bilTeRs6gUUCQGeo |
| 2Lzw3rUZnTWTus0yg1Ox751C/hkF4LKL5NpsvAN6THpecAvXsA7HuS5hx4HSyCvo |
| 2mOEzj8ikxGfY4jNLiECQE09wQ39Gw3oGKCzdsTcWy8PXIWjOS44+7N/GjUB52+o |
| CK7BGBOdZGZUSFc1rVA7eWKzxFDZ+EK264z6DL95mRw= |
| -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""" |
| |
| def handle_server_hello_done(self, server_hello_done): |
| if server_hello_done[-4:] == self.server_hello_done_signature: |
| self.server_hello_done_received = True |
| |
| def __init__(self, intf = 'veth0', client_cert = None, client_priv_key = None, fail_cb = None): |
| self.fsmTable = tlsAuthHolder.initTlsAuthHolderFsmTable(self, self.tlsStateTable, self.tlsEventTable) |
| EapolPacket.__init__(self, intf) |
| CordTester.__init__(self, self.fsmTable, self.tlsStateTable.ST_EAP_TLS_DONE) |
| #self.tlsStateTable, self.tlsEventTable) |
| self.currentState = self.tlsStateTable.ST_EAP_SETUP |
| self.currentEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_SETUP |
| self.nextState = None |
| self.nextEvent = None |
| self.pending_bytes = 0 #for TLS fragment reassembly |
| self.server_hello_done_received = False |
| self.send_tls_response = True |
| self.server_certs = [] |
| self.pkt_last = '' |
| self.pkt_history = [] |
| self.pkt_map = { self.SERVER_HELLO: ['', '', lambda pkt: pkt ], |
| self.SERVER_CERTIFICATE: ['', '', lambda pkt: pkt ], |
| self.CERTIFICATE_REQUEST: ['', '', lambda pkt: pkt ], |
| self.SERVER_HELLO_DONE: ['', '', self.handle_server_hello_done ], |
| self.SERVER_UNKNOWN: ['', '', lambda pkt: pkt ] |
| } |
| self.tls_ctx = TLSSessionCtx(client = True) |
| self.client_cert = self.CLIENT_CERT if client_cert is None else client_cert |
| self.client_priv_key = self.CLIENT_PRIV_KEY if client_priv_key is None else client_priv_key |
| self.failTest = False |
| self.fail_cb = fail_cb |
| |
| def load_tls_record(self, data, pkt_type = ''): |
| #if pkt_type not in [ self.SERVER_HELLO_DONE, self.SERVER_UNKNOWN ]: |
| if pkt_type == self.SERVER_HELLO_DONE: |
| data = str(TLSRecord(content_type=TLSContentType.HANDSHAKE)/data) |
| elif pkt_type == self.CERTIFICATE_REQUEST: |
| data = str(TLSRecord()/TLSHandshake(type=TLSHandshakeType.CERTIFICATE_REQUEST)/data[9:]) |
| data = None #For now ignore this record |
| if data: |
| TLS(data, ctx = self.tls_ctx) |
| |
| def pkt_update(self, pkt_type, data, hdr=None, reassembled = False): |
| if not self.pkt_map.has_key(pkt_type): |
| return |
| if hdr is not None: |
| self.pkt_map[pkt_type][self.HDR_IDX] += hdr |
| self.pkt_map[pkt_type][self.DATA_IDX] += data |
| if reassembled is True: |
| self.pkt_map[pkt_type][self.CB_IDX](self.pkt_map[pkt_type][self.DATA_IDX]) |
| log.info('Appending packet type %02x to packet history of len %d' |
| %(ord(pkt_type), len(self.pkt_map[pkt_type][self.DATA_IDX]))) |
| self.pkt_history.append(self.pkt_map[pkt_type][self.DATA_IDX]) |
| data = ''.join(self.pkt_map[pkt_type][:self.DATA_IDX+1]) |
| self.load_tls_record(data, pkt_type = pkt_type) |
| self.pkt_map[pkt_type][self.HDR_IDX] = '' |
| self.pkt_map[pkt_type][self.DATA_IDX] = '' |
| |
| def tlsFail(self): |
| ##Force a failure |
| self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_TLS_FINISHED |
| self.failTest = True |
| |
| def eapol_server_hello_cb(self, pkt): |
| '''Reassemble and send response for server hello/certificate fragments''' |
| r = str(pkt) |
| offset = self.TLS_OFFSET |
| tls_data = r[offset:] |
| type_hdrlen = 0 |
| if self.pending_bytes > 0: |
| if len(tls_data) >= self.pending_bytes: |
| self.pkt_update(self.pkt_last, tls_data[:self.pending_bytes], reassembled = True) |
| offset += self.pending_bytes |
| self.pkt_last = '' |
| self.pending_bytes = 0 |
| else: |
| self.pkt_update(self.pkt_last, tls_data) |
| self.pending_bytes -= len(tls_data) |
| |
| while self.pending_bytes == 0 and offset < len(pkt): |
| tls_data = r[offset:] |
| self.pending_bytes = bytes_to_num(tls_data[3:5]) |
| if tls_data[0] == self.HANDSHAKE: |
| pkt_type = tls_data[5] |
| if pkt_type in [ self.CERTIFICATE_REQUEST ]: |
| self.pending_bytes = bytes_to_num(tls_data[6:9]) |
| type_hdrlen = 4 |
| if len(tls_data) - 5 - type_hdrlen >= self.pending_bytes: |
| data_received = tls_data[5: 5 + type_hdrlen + self.pending_bytes ] |
| offset += 5 + type_hdrlen + self.pending_bytes |
| type_hdrlen = 0 |
| self.pending_bytes = 0 |
| self.pkt_update(pkt_type, data_received, |
| hdr = tls_data[:5], |
| reassembled = True) |
| else: |
| self.pkt_update(pkt_type, tls_data[5:], |
| hdr = tls_data[:5], |
| reassembled = False) |
| self.pending_bytes -= len(tls_data) - 5 - type_hdrlen |
| self.pkt_last = pkt_type |
| log.info('Pending bytes left %d' %(self.pending_bytes)) |
| assert self.pending_bytes > 0 |
| elif tls_data[0] == self.SERVER_HELLO_DONE: |
| self.pkt_update(tls_data[0], tls_data, reassembled = True) |
| break |
| else: |
| self.pkt_last = self.SERVER_UNKNOWN |
| if len(tls_data) - 5 >= self.pending_bytes: |
| offset += 5 + self.pending_bytes |
| self.pending_bytes = 0 |
| self.pkt_last = '' |
| |
| #send TLS response |
| if self.send_tls_response: |
| eap_payload = self.eapTLS(EAP_RESPONSE, pkt[EAP].id, TLS_LENGTH_INCLUDED, '') |
| self.eapol_send(EAPOL_EAPPACKET, eap_payload) |
| |
| def _eapSetup(self): |
| self.setup() |
| self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_START |
| |
| def _eapStart(self): |
| self.eapol_start() |
| self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_ID_REQ |
| |
| def _eapIdReq(self): |
| log.info( 'Inside EAP ID Req' ) |
| def eapol_cb(pkt): |
| log.info('Got EAPOL packet with type id and code request') |
| log.info('Packet code: %d, type: %d, id: %d', pkt[EAP].code, pkt[EAP].type, pkt[EAP].id) |
| log.info("<====== Send EAP Response with identity = %s ================>" % USER) |
| self.eapol_id_req(pkt[EAP].id, USER) |
| |
| r = self.eapol_scapy_recv(cb = eapol_cb, |
| lfilter = |
| lambda pkt: EAP in pkt and pkt[EAP].type == EAP.TYPE_ID and pkt[EAP].code == EAP.REQUEST) |
| if len(r) > 0: |
| self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_TLS_HELLO_REQ |
| else: |
| self.tlsFail() |
| return r |
| |
| def _eapTlsHelloReq(self): |
| |
| def eapol_cb(pkt): |
| log.info('Got hello request for id %d', pkt[EAP].id) |
| self.client_hello = TLSClientHello(version="TLS_1_0", |
| gmt_unix_time=1234, |
| random_bytes= '\xAB' * 28, |
| session_id='', |
| compression_methods=[TLSCompressionMethod.NULL], |
| cipher_suites=[TLSCipherSuite.RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA] |
| ) |
| client_hello_data = TLSHandshake()/self.client_hello |
| self.pkt_history.append( str(client_hello_data) ) |
| reqdata = TLSRecord()/client_hello_data |
| self.load_tls_record(str(reqdata)) |
| log.info("Sending Client Hello TLS payload of len %d, id %d" %(len(reqdata),pkt[EAP].id)) |
| eap_payload = self.eapTLS(EAP_RESPONSE, pkt[EAP].id, TLS_LENGTH_INCLUDED, str(reqdata)) |
| self.eapol_send(EAPOL_EAPPACKET, eap_payload) |
| |
| r = self.eapol_scapy_recv(cb = eapol_cb, |
| lfilter = |
| lambda pkt: EAP in pkt and pkt[EAP].type == EAP_TYPE_TLS and pkt[EAP].code == EAP.REQUEST) |
| |
| if len(r) == 0: |
| self.tlsFail() |
| return r |
| |
| for i in range(2): |
| r = self.eapol_scapy_recv(cb = self.eapol_server_hello_cb, |
| lfilter = |
| lambda pkt: EAP in pkt and pkt[EAP].type == EAP_TYPE_TLS and pkt[EAP].code == EAP.REQUEST) |
| if len(r) == 0: |
| self.tlsFail() |
| return r |
| |
| ##send cert request when we receive the last server hello fragment |
| self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_TLS_CERT_REQ |
| |
| def get_verify_data(self): |
| all_handshake_pkts = ''.join(self.pkt_history) |
| return self.tls_ctx.get_verify_data(data = all_handshake_pkts) |
| |
| def get_verify_signature(self, pem_data): |
| all_handshake_pkts = ''.join(self.pkt_history) |
| k = Key(pem_data) |
| signature = k.sign(all_handshake_pkts, t = 'pkcs', h = 'tls') |
| signature_data = '{}{}'.format(struct.pack('!H', len(signature)), signature) |
| return signature_data |
| |
| def get_encrypted_handshake_msg(self, finish_val=''): |
| if not finish_val: |
| finish_val = self.get_verify_data() |
| msg = str(TLSHandshake(type=TLSHandshakeType.FINISHED)/finish_val) |
| crypto_container = CryptoContainer(self.tls_ctx, data = msg, |
| content_type = TLSContentType.HANDSHAKE) |
| return crypto_container.encrypt() |
| |
| def get_encrypted_application_msg(self, msg = ''): |
| '''Needed with tunneled TLS''' |
| if not msg: |
| msg = 'test data' |
| return to_raw(TLSPlaintext(data = 'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST: localhost\r\n\r\n'), self.tls_ctx) |
| |
| def _eapTlsCertReq(self): |
| |
| def eapol_cb(pkt): |
| log.info('Got cert request') |
| self.send_tls_response = False |
| self.eapol_server_hello_cb(pkt) |
| assert self.server_hello_done_received == True |
| rex_pem = re.compile(r'\-+BEGIN[^\-]+\-+(.*?)\-+END[^\-]+\-+', re.DOTALL) |
| if self.client_cert: |
| der_cert = rex_pem.findall(self.client_cert)[0].decode("base64") |
| client_certificate_list = TLSHandshake()/TLSCertificateList( |
| certificates=[TLSCertificate(data=x509.X509Cert(der_cert))]) |
| else: |
| client_certificate_list = TLSHandshake()/TLSCertificateList(certificates=[]) |
| client_certificate = TLSRecord(version="TLS_1_0")/client_certificate_list |
| kex_data = self.tls_ctx.get_client_kex_data() |
| client_key_ex_data = TLSHandshake()/kex_data |
| client_key_ex = TLSRecord()/client_key_ex_data |
| if self.client_cert: |
| self.load_tls_record(str(client_certificate)) |
| self.pkt_history.append(str(client_certificate_list)) |
| self.load_tls_record(str(client_key_ex)) |
| self.pkt_history.append(str(client_key_ex_data)) |
| verify_signature = self.get_verify_signature(self.client_priv_key) |
| client_cert_verify = TLSHandshake(type=TLSHandshakeType.CERTIFICATE_VERIFY)/verify_signature |
| client_cert_record = TLSRecord(content_type=TLSContentType.HANDSHAKE)/client_cert_verify |
| self.pkt_history.append(str(client_cert_verify)) |
| #log.info('TLS ctxt: %s' %self.tls_ctx) |
| client_ccs = TLSRecord(version="TLS_1_0")/TLSChangeCipherSpec() |
| enc_handshake_msg = self.get_encrypted_handshake_msg() |
| handshake_msg = str(TLSRecord(content_type=TLSContentType.HANDSHAKE)/enc_handshake_msg) |
| reqdata = str(TLS.from_records([client_certificate, client_key_ex, client_cert_record, client_ccs])) |
| reqdata += handshake_msg |
| log.info("------> Sending Client Hello TLS Certificate payload of len %d ----------->" %len(reqdata)) |
| eap_payload = self.eapTLS(EAP_RESPONSE, pkt[EAP].id, TLS_LENGTH_INCLUDED, reqdata) |
| self.eapol_send(EAPOL_EAPPACKET, eap_payload) |
| |
| r = self.eapol_scapy_recv(cb = eapol_cb, |
| lfilter = |
| lambda pkt: EAP in pkt and pkt[EAP].type == EAP_TYPE_TLS and pkt[EAP].code == EAP.REQUEST) |
| if len(r) > 0: |
| self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_TLS_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC |
| else: |
| self.tlsFail() |
| return r |
| |
| def _eapTlsChangeCipherSpec(self): |
| def eapol_cb(pkt): |
| r = str(pkt) |
| tls_data = r[self.TLS_OFFSET:] |
| log.info('Verifying TLS Change Cipher spec record type %x' %ord(tls_data[0])) |
| assert tls_data[0] == self.CHANGE_CIPHER |
| log.info('Handshake finished. Sending empty data') |
| eap_payload = self.eapTLS(EAP_RESPONSE, pkt[EAP].id, 0, '') |
| self.eapol_send(EAPOL_EAPPACKET, eap_payload) |
| |
| r = self.eapol_scapy_recv(cb = eapol_cb, |
| lfilter = |
| lambda pkt: EAP in pkt and pkt[EAP].type == EAP_TYPE_TLS and pkt[EAP].code == EAP.REQUEST) |
| if len(r) > 0: |
| self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_TLS_FINISHED |
| else: |
| self.tlsFail() |
| return r |
| |
| def _eapTlsFinished(self): |
| |
| def eapol_cb(pkt): |
| log.info('Server authentication successfull') |
| |
| timeout = 5 |
| if self.failTest is True: |
| if self.fail_cb is not None: |
| self.fail_cb() |
| return |
| timeout = None ##Wait forever on failure and force testcase timeouts |
| |
| self.eapol_scapy_recv(cb = eapol_cb, |
| lfilter = |
| lambda pkt: EAP in pkt and pkt[EAP].code == EAP.SUCCESS, |
| timeout = timeout) |
| self.eapol_logoff() |
| self.nextEvent = None |