   Adding multiple new scenarios for l2 relay and also updating
   result logs for each test case run.

Change-Id: I10e20c24f75aa5b523b1d2306b86a235f37be201
diff --git a/src/test/results/dhcpl2relay/test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg b/src/test/results/dhcpl2relay/test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c497ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/results/dhcpl2relay/test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ubuntu@olt-tester:~/cord-tester/src/test/setup$ ./voltha-test.py --test-type=dhcpl2relay:dhcpl2relay_exchange.test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg --manifest=manifest-olt-voltha-local.json --voltha-host= --olt-type=tibit_olt --olt-arg=00:0c:e2:31:05:00 --disable-teardown --disable-cleanup --test-mode
+Starting CordTester Web Server
+ * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
+ * Restarting with stat
+ * Debugger is active!
+ * Debugger PIN: 718-316-938
+Running test case dhcpl2relay:dhcpl2relay_exchange.test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg
+WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)
+Controller IP [u''], Test type dhcpl2relay:dhcpl2relay_exchange.test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg
+Installing ONOS cord apps
+# Host []:8101 found: line 5
+/root/.ssh/known_hosts updated.
+Original contents retained as /root/.ssh/known_hosts.old
+onoscli: eof exception found
+onoscli:     logout
+Connection to closed.
+result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
+ONOS app cord-config, version 3.0-SNAPSHOT installed
+result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
+ONOS app sadis-app, version 3.0-SNAPSHOT installed
+result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
+ONOS app olt-app, version 3.0-SNAPSHOT installed
+result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
+ONOS app aaa, version 3.0-SNAPSHOT installed
+result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
+ONOS app igmp, version 3.0-SNAPSHOT installed
+Installing cord tester ONOS app /home/ubuntu/cord-tester/src/test/apps/ciena-cordigmp-multitable-3.0-SNAPSHOT.oar
+result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
+Radius server running with IP
+Running ['dhcpl2relay:dhcpl2relay_exchange.test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg'] tests across 1 containers in parallel
+Starting test container cord-tester1, image cordtest/nose, tag candidate
+Provisioning the ports for the test container
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth0 -l l1 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:01
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth2 -l l2 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:02
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth4 -l l3 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:03
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth6 -l l4 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:04
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth8 -l l5 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:05
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth10 -l l6 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:06
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth12 -l l7 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:07
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth14 -l l8 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:08
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth16 -l l9 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:09
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth18 -l l10 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:0a
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth20 -l l11 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:0b
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth22 -l l12 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:0c
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth24 -l l13 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:0d
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth26 -l l14 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:0e
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth28 -l l15 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:0f
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth30 -l l16 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:10
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth32 -l l17 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:11
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth34 -l l18 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:12
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth36 -l l19 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:13
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth38 -l l20 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:14
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth40 -l l21 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:15
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth42 -l l22 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:16
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth44 -l l23 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:17
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth46 -l l24 cord-tester1 02:03:04:00:00:18
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth48 -l l25 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth50 -l l26 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth52 -l l27 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth54 -l l28 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth56 -l l29 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth58 -l l30 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth60 -l l31 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth62 -l l32 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth64 -l l33 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth66 -l l34 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth68 -l l35 cord-tester1
+Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework enp1s0f0 -i veth70 -l l36 cord-tester1
+Provisioning guest port vcpe0 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 222, c_tag: 111
+Provisioning guest port vcpe1 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 304, c_tag: 304
+Provisioning guest port vcpe2 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 304, c_tag: 305
+Provisioning guest port vcpe3 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 304, c_tag: 306
+Provisioning guest port vcpe4 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 304, c_tag: 307
+Provisioning guest port vcpe5 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 304, c_tag: 308
+Provisioning guest port vcpe6 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 304, c_tag: 309
+Provisioning guest port vcpe7 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 304, c_tag: 310
+Provisioning guest port vcpe8 for cord-tester1 with host port: enp1s0f0, s_tag: 304, c_tag: 311
+Modifying scapy tool files before running a test: ['dhcpl2relay:dhcpl2relay_exchange.test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg']
+Running tests: ['dhcpl2relay:dhcpl2relay_exchange.test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg']
+Connecting to controller at
+onoscli: Trying to connect to
+Spawning pexpect for ip
+ssh connection asked for password, gave password
+Command 'summary -j' sent to onoscli.
+onoscli: eof exception found
+onoscli:     logout
+Connection to closed.
+Voltha device of:0001000000000001 not in map. Using uplink vlan 333
+Installing OLT app /root/test/src/test/utils/../apps/olt-app-3.0-SNAPSHOT.oar
+Connecting to controller at
+onoscli: Trying to connect to
+# Host []:8101 found: line 1 type RSA
+Spawning pexpect for ip
+ssh connection asked for password, gave password
+Command 'summary -j' sent to onoscli.
+onoscli: eof exception found
+onoscli:     logout
+Connection to closed.
+Running command: ip link add link veth48 name veth48.333 type vlan id 333
+Running command: ip link set veth48.333 up
+Running command: ip link add link veth48.333 name veth48.333.254 type vlan id 254
+Running command: ip link set veth48.333.254 up
+Configuring OVS flow for port 37, s_tag 333
+test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg (dhcpl2relay.dhcpl2relayTest.dhcpl2relay_exchange) ... # Host []:8101 found: line 1 type RSA
+org.opencord.sadis app is being installed
+The network configuration is shown = {u'sadis': {u'integration': {u'cache': {u'maxsize': 50, u'enabled': False, u'ttl': u'PT0m'}}, u'entries': [{u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'uni-254', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'00:0c:e2:22:36:00', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': u'254'}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'bbcae6507ba140a98eafdbee82bfc21d', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'00:00:00:00:00:01', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': u'254'}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'br-int', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l1', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'4e:11:a0:47:dd:08', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l2', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'76:4e:f3:11:99:87', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l3', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'92:a6:14:e6:b1:81', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l4', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'7e:55:9a:bf:49:c8', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l5', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'82:fb:8e:d2:25:b8', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l6', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'fa:54:a3:ea:da:06', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l7', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'2a:c3:73:37:3c:df', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l8', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'aa:d3:76:04:56:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l9', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'e2:07:ae:c5:ff:4f', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l10', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'ae:84:49:8a:15:ba', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l11', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'42:d5:8e:79:0d:28', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l12', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'd2:a6:03:77:6d:0e', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l13', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'a2:04:89:1e:c9:b9', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l14', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'6a:66:b2:42:00:cf', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l15', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'2e:8e:00:86:91:c8', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l16', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'9e:3d:95:c7:be:9e', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l17', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'26:57:a3:4f:da:1f', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l18', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'82:7a:44:91:4b:1c', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l19', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'd2:d3:e7:c8:8b:af', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l20', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'ca:b3:bc:96:d4:c5', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l21', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'52:d4:bb:e1:e0:a2', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'l22', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'9a:d7:19:18:5b:8e', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'r23', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'ee:7c:74:19:c9:45', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}, {u'slot': 1, u'cTag': -1, u'nasPortId': u'1/1/2', u'nasId': u'1/1/2', u'id': u'None', u'sTag': -1, u'hardwareIdentifier': u'3e:e3:8e:69:ac:49', u'ipAddress': u'', u'port': 1}]}}
+Test test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg has no errors and warnings in the logs
+Ran 1 test in 33.687s
+Test dhcpl2relayTest.py:dhcpl2relay_exchange.test_dhcpl2relay_sadis_netcfg Success
+Done running tests
+Removing test container cord-tester1
+ - - [10/Oct/2017 23:05:27] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 -