Test: XOS onos integration rewrite.
Also use the existing dockerfile/makefile from xos project to build the xos related containers.

Change-Id: I8f26d0f4fe12da0698ca895186fdeb0ef0e3860a
diff --git a/src/test/setup/xos/initdb b/src/test/setup/xos/initdb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b90a570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/setup/xos/initdb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+DB_HOST=$(wget http://ipinfo.io/ip -qO -)
+# configure db host
+docker run -it --name=$CONTAINER_NAME $IMAGE_NAME sed -i '0,/host/{s/host=localhost/host='$DB_HOST'/}' /opt/xos/xos_configuration/xos_common_config
+docker rm $CONTAINER_NAME
+# init db schema
+docker run -it --name=$CONTAINER_NAME $IMAGE_NAME /opt/xos/tools/xos-manage makemigrations
+# run overrides the CMD specifed in the Dockerfile, so we re-set the CMD in the final commit"
+docker commit --change="CMD python /opt/xos/manage.py runserver --insecure" $CONTAINER_NAME $IMAGE_NAME
+docker rm $CONTAINER_NAME