cord test cleanup for vsg and scale tests to use a cord subscriber interface when sharing code.

Change-Id: I0a869fb162f58dd5aeb9898f80af4cb2f3b45957
diff --git a/src/test/utils/ b/src/test/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f9c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+from import *
+from CordTestUtils import log_test as log
+from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl
+class XosUtils(object):
+    head_node = os.getenv('HEAD_NODE', 'prod')
+    HEAD_NODE = head_node + '.cord.lab' if len(head_node.split('.')) == 1 else head_node
+    CONTROLLER_PORT = '9000'
+    our_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    cord_api_path = os.path.join(our_path, '..', 'cord-api')
+    framework_path = os.path.join(cord_api_path, 'Framework')
+    utils_path = os.path.join(framework_path, 'utils')
+    sys.path.append(utils_path)
+    sys.path.append(framework_path)
+    @classmethod
+    def getCredentials(cls):
+        onos_cfg = OnosCtrl.get_config()
+        if onos_cfg is None:
+            return None
+        if 'apps' in onos_cfg and \
+           'org.opencord.vtn' in onos_cfg['apps'] and \
+           'cordvtn' in onos_cfg['apps']['org.opencord.vtn'] and \
+           'xos' in onos_cfg['apps']['org.opencord.vtn']['cordvtn']:
+            xos_cfg = onos_cfg['apps']['org.opencord.vtn']['cordvtn']['xos']
+            endpoint = xos_cfg['endpoint']
+            user = xos_cfg['user']
+            password = xos_cfg['password']
+            xos_endpoints = endpoint.split(':')
+            xos_host = xos_endpoints[1][len('//'):]
+            xos_port = xos_endpoints[2][:-1]
+  'xos_host: %s, port: %s, user: %s, password: %s' %(xos_host, xos_port, user, password))
+            return dict(host = xos_host, port = xos_port, user = user, password = password)
+        return None
+    @classmethod
+    def getRestApi(cls):
+        try:
+            from restApi import restApi
+            restApiXos = restApi()
+            xos_credentials = cls.getCredentials()
+            if xos_credentials is None:
+                restApiXos.controllerIP = cls.HEAD_NODE
+                restApiXos.controllerPort = cls.CONTROLLER_PORT
+            else:
+                restApiXos.controllerIP = xos_credentials['host']
+                restApiXos.controllerPort = xos_credentials['port']
+                restApiXos.user = xos_credentials['user']
+                restApiXos.password = xos_credentials['password']
+            return restApiXos
+        except:
+            return None
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.restApi = self.getRestApi()
+    def subscriberCreate(self, subscriber_info, volt_subscriber_info):
+        subId = ''
+        try:
+            result = self.restApi.ApiPost('TENANT_SUBSCRIBER', subscriber_info)
+            assert_equal(result, True)
+            result = self.restApi.ApiGet('TENANT_SUBSCRIBER')
+            assert_not_equal(result, None)
+            subId = self.restApi.getSubscriberId(result, volt_subscriber_info['account_num'])
+            assert_not_equal(subId, '0')
+  'Subscriber ID for account num %s = %s' %(str(volt_subscriber_info['account_num']), subId))
+            volt_tenant = volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant']
+            #update the subscriber id in the tenant info before making the rest
+            volt_tenant['subscriber'] = subId
+            result = self.restApi.ApiPost('TENANT_VOLT', volt_tenant)
+            assert_equal(result, True)
+        finally:
+            return subId
+    def subscriberDelete(self, account_num, subId = '', voltId = ''):
+        if not subId:
+            #get the subscriber id first
+            result = self.restApi.ApiGet('TENANT_SUBSCRIBER')
+            assert_not_equal(result, None)
+            subId = self.restApi.getSubscriberId(result, account_num)
+            assert_not_equal(subId, '0')
+        if not voltId:
+            #get the volt id for the subscriber
+            result = self.restApi.ApiGet('TENANT_VOLT')
+            assert_not_equal(result, None)
+            voltId = CordSubscriberUtils.getVoltId(result, subId)
+            assert_not_equal(voltId, None)
+'Deleting subscriber ID %s for account num %s' %(subId, str(account_num)))
+        status = self.restApi.ApiDelete('TENANT_SUBSCRIBER', subId)
+        assert_equal(status, True)
+        #Delete the tenant
+'Deleting VOLT Tenant ID %s for subscriber %s' %(voltId, subId))
+        self.restApi.ApiDelete('TENANT_VOLT', voltId)
+    def subscriberId(self, account_num):
+        result = self.restApi.ApiGet('TENANT_SUBSCRIBER')
+        assert_not_equal(result, None)
+        subId = self.restApi.getSubscriberId(result, account_num)
+        return subId
+class CordSubscriberUtils(object):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 num_subscribers,
+                 account_num = SUBSCRIBER_ACCOUNT_NUM,
+                 s_tag = SUBSCRIBER_S_TAG,
+                 c_tag = SUBSCRIBER_C_TAG,
+                 subscribers_per_s_tag = SUBSCRIBERS_PER_S_TAG):
+        self.num_subscribers = num_subscribers
+        self.account_num = account_num
+        self.s_tag = s_tag
+        self.c_tag = c_tag
+        self.subscribers_per_s_tag = subscribers_per_s_tag
+        self.subscriber_map = {}
+        self.subscriber_info = self.getConfig()
+        self.volt_subscriber_info = self.getVoltConfig()
+        self.xos = XosUtils()
+    def getCredentials(self, subId):
+        """Generate our own account num, s_tag and c_tags"""
+        if subId in self.subscriber_map:
+            return self.subscriber_map[subId]
+        account_num = self.account_num
+        self.account_num += 1
+        s_tag, c_tag = self.s_tag, self.c_tag
+        self.c_tag += 1
+        if self.c_tag % self.subscribers_per_s_tag == 0:
+            self.s_tag += 1
+        self.subscriber_map[subId] = account_num, s_tag, c_tag
+        return self.subscriber_map[subId]
+    def getConfig(self):
+        features =  {
+            'cdn': True,
+            'uplink_speed': 1000000000,
+            'downlink_speed': 1000000000,
+            'uverse': True,
+            'status': 'enabled'
+        }
+        subscriber_map = []
+        for i in xrange(self.num_subscribers):
+            subId = 'sub{}'.format(i)
+            account_num, _, _ = self.getCredentials(subId)
+            identity = { 'account_num' : str(account_num),
+                         'name' : 'My House {}'.format(i)
+                         }
+            sub_info = { 'features' : features,
+                         'identity' : identity
+                         }
+            subscriber_map.append(sub_info)
+        return subscriber_map
+    def getVoltConfig(self):
+        voltSubscriberMap = []
+        for i in xrange(self.num_subscribers):
+            subId = 'sub{}'.format(i)
+            account_num, s_tag, c_tag = self.getCredentials(subId)
+            voltSubscriberInfo = {}
+            voltSubscriberInfo['voltTenant'] = dict(s_tag = str(s_tag),
+                                                    c_tag = str(c_tag),
+                                                    subscriber = '')
+            voltSubscriberInfo['account_num'] = account_num
+            voltSubscriberMap.append(voltSubscriberInfo)
+        return voltSubscriberMap
+    @classmethod
+    def getVoltId(cls, result, subId):
+        if type(result) is not type([]):
+            return None
+        for tenant in result:
+            if str(tenant['subscriber']) == str(subId):
+                return str(tenant['id'])
+        return None
+    def subscriberCreate(self, index, subscriber_info = None, volt_subscriber_info = None):
+        if subscriber_info is None:
+            subscriber_info = self.subscriber_info[index]
+        if volt_subscriber_info is None:
+            volt_subscriber_info = self.volt_subscriber_info[index]
+        s_tag = int(volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant']['s_tag'])
+        c_tag = int(volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant']['c_tag'])
+'Creating tenant with s_tag: %d, c_tag: %d' %(s_tag, c_tag))
+        subId = self.xos.subscriberCreate(subscriber_info, volt_subscriber_info)
+        return subId
+    def subscriberDelete(self, index, subId = '', voltId = '', subscriber_info = None, volt_subscriber_info = None):
+        if subscriber_info is None:
+            subscriber_info = self.subscriber_info[index]
+        if volt_subscriber_info is None:
+            volt_subscriber_info = self.volt_subscriber_info[index]
+        s_tag = int(volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant']['s_tag'])
+        c_tag = int(volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant']['c_tag'])
+'Deleting tenant with s_tag: %d, c_tag: %d' %(s_tag, c_tag))
+        self.xos.subscriberDelete(volt_subscriber_info['account_num'], subId = subId, voltId = voltId)
+    def subscriberId(self, index):
+        volt_subscriber_info = self.volt_subscriber_info[index]
+        return self.xos.subscriberId(volt_subscriber_info['account_num'])