Complete overhaul of the implementation of ONOS cord instance wrapper for cord-tester.
It now patches the onos-cord compose instance in place and restores it back on cleanup.
A sample manifest-cord.json illustrates the usage if one wants to wrap the existing onos-cord running instance
in CiaB head-node (called prod)
This is required because of the manner in which the onos-cord instance networks are created automatically matching the docker networks that already exist for the onos instances.
The service profile spec allows one to synchronize the configuration/apps for the onos-cord running instance.

Change-Id: Icd066d8b953eccb7dcd7330775b548d36a7fb33e
4 files changed
tree: d032b1fc57a8bc6e5353915be98ed50b25d1c5cb
  1. .gitignore
  2. COPYRIGHT.txt
  3. Dockerfile.onos-builder
  4. Dockerfile.quagga
  5. Dockerfile.radius
  6. Dockerfile.tester
  7. LICENSE.txt
  9. Vagrantfile
  12. build.gradle
  13. buildSrc/
  14. config/
  15. cord-tester-deploy.yml
  16. cord-tester-verify.yml
  17. docs/
  18. gradle/
  19. gradlew
  20. gradlew.bat
  21. libs/
  22. roles/
  23. src/


CORD Automated Tester Suite

The CORD Automated Tester Suite (CATS) is an extensible end-to-end system test suite targeting CORD PODs. It is typically deployed as one or more Docker containers, either on the CORD POD or adjacent to the POD and interacts with the POD through the PODs interfaces.

Its intended use includes:

  • Regression testing for CORD related component development
  • Acceptance testing of a deployed CORD POD
  • Health-testing of an existing CORD POD (including non-service-impacting and possibly service-impacting tests)

The strength of the CATS will come from the collaboration of the whole CORD/ONOS community, and as such we welcome contributions.

For further information, please browse in the ~/docs directory.