[SEBA-387] WIP Data Plane Failure Scenarios

Change-Id: Ib0b0a0b32c98e0ed6f615b6133f1c50150a99f64
diff --git a/src/test/cord-api/Tests/WorkflowValidations/DataPlane_FailureTests.robot b/src/test/cord-api/Tests/WorkflowValidations/DataPlane_FailureTests.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71dd889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/cord-api/Tests/WorkflowValidations/DataPlane_FailureTests.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Test various data plane failure scenarios with ATT workflow
+Suite Setup       Setup Suite
+Suite Teardown    Teardown Suite
+Test Setup        Setup Test
+Test Teardown     Teardown Test
+Library           Collections
+Library           String
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           XML
+Library           RequestsLibrary
+Library           ../../Framework/utils/utils.py
+Resource          ../../Framework/utils/utils.robot
+Library           ../../Framework/restApi.py
+Resource          ../../Framework/Subscriber.robot
+Resource          ../../Framework/ATTWorkFlowDriver.robot
+Resource          ../../Framework/Kubernetes.robot
+Resource          ../../Framework/ONU.robot
+Resource          ../../Framework/OLT.robot
+Resource          ../../Framework/DHCP.robot
+Variables         ../../Properties/RestApiProperties.py
+*** Variables ***
+${POD_NAME}                 flex-pod1-olt
+${KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR}   ~/pod-configs/kubernetes-configs
+${HELM_CHARTS_DIR}          ~/helm-charts
+${WHITELIST_PATHFILE}       ${CURDIR}/data/${POD_NAME}/ATTWhiteList.json
+${SUBSCRIBER_PATHFILE}      ${CURDIR}/data/${POD_NAME}/ATTSubscriber.json
+${VOLT_DEVICE_PATHFILE}     ${CURDIR}/data/${POD_NAME}/RealOLTDevice.json
+${VOLTHA_POD_NUM}           8
+*** Test Cases ***
+OLT Reboot
+    [Documentation]    Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
+    ...    Configure whitelist with correct ONU location
+    ...    Validate successful authentication/DHCP/E2E ping
+    ...    Reboots OLT
+    ...    Validate that pings fail
+    ...    Validate successful authentication/DHCP/E2E ping after OLT comes back up
+    [Tags]    olt1
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    300s    15s    Validate ONU States    ACTIVE    ENABLED    ${onu_device}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI    ENABLED    AWAITING    ${onu_device}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Validate Subscriber Status    awaiting-auth    ${onu_device}
+    Validate Authentication    True    ${src_iface}    wpa_supplicant.conf    ${src_ip}    ${src_user}    ${src_pass}    ${src_container_type}    ${src_container_name}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI    ENABLED    APPROVED    ${onu_device}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Validate Subscriber Status    enabled    ${onu_device}
+    Validate DHCP and Ping    True    True    ${src_iface}    ${s_tag}    ${c_tag}    ${dst_dp_ip}    ${src_ip}    ${src_user}    ${src_pass}    ${src_container_type}    ${src_container_name}    ${dst_dp_iface}    ${dst_ip}    ${dst_user}    ${dst_pass}    ${dst_container_type}    ${dst_container_name}
+    # Reboot OLT
+    Login And Run Command On Remote System    sudo reboot    ${olt_ip}    ${olt_user}    ${olt_pass}   prompt=#
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    10s    Check Remote System Reachability    False    ${olt_ip}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Check Ping    False    ${dst_dp_ip}    ${src_iface}    ${src_ip}    ${src_user}    ${src_pass}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    10s    Check Remote System Reachability    True    ${olt_ip}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    10s    Openolt is Up    ${olt_ip}    ${olt_user}    ${olt_pass}
+    # Validate successful pings since the OLT is Up
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI    ENABLED    APPROVED    ${onu_device}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Validate Subscriber Status    enabled    ${onu_device}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Check Ping    True    ${dst_dp_ip}    ${src_iface}    ${src_ip}    ${src_user}    ${src_pass}
+*** Keywords ***
+Setup Suite
+    ${auth} =    Create List    ${XOS_USER}    ${XOS_PASSWD}
+    ${HEADERS}    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/json
+    Create Session    ${server_ip}    http://${server_ip}:${server_port}    auth=${AUTH}    headers=${HEADERS}
+    ${att_workflow_service_id}=    Get Service Owner Id    ${ATT_SERVICE}
+    ${volt_service_id}=    Get Service Owner Id    ${VOLT_SERVICE}
+    ${AttWhiteListList}=    utils.jsonToList    ${WHITELIST_PATHFILE}   AttWhiteListInfo
+    Set Suite Variable    ${AttWhiteListList}
+    ${AttWhiteListDict}=    utils.listToDict    ${AttWhiteListList}    0
+    ${AttWhiteListDict}=    utils.setFieldValueInDict    ${AttWhiteListDict}    owner_id    ${att_workflow_service_id}
+    ${onu_device}=   Get From Dictionary    ${AttWhiteListDict}    serial_number
+    Set Global Variable    ${onu_device}
+    ${onu_location}=   Get From Dictionary    ${AttWhiteListDict}    pon_port_id
+    Set Global Variable    ${onu_location}
+    ${SubscriberList}=    utils.jsonToList    ${SUBSCRIBER_PATHFILE}   SubscriberInfo
+    Set Global Variable    ${SubscriberList}
+    ${SubscriberDict}=    utils.listToDict    ${SubscriberList}    0
+    ${s_tag}=    utils.getFieldValueFromDict    ${SubscriberDict}   s_tag
+    ${c_tag}=    utils.getFieldValueFromDict    ${SubscriberDict}   c_tag
+    ${VoltDeviceList}=    utils.jsonToList    ${VOLT_DEVICE_PATHFILE}   VOLTDeviceInfo
+    Set Global Variable    ${VoltDeviceList}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${s_tag}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${c_tag}
+    Set Global Variable    ${export_kubeconfig}    export KUBECONFIG=${KUBERNETES_CONF}
+    # Read variables from yaml file
+    ${src_ip}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("src").get("ip")
+    ${src_user}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("src").get("user")
+    ${src_pass}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("src").get("pass")
+    ${src_container_type}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("src").get("container_type")
+    ${src_container_name}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("src").get("container_name")
+    ${src_iface}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("src").get("dp_iface_name")
+    ${dst_ip}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("dst").get("ip")
+    ${dst_user} =    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("dst").get("user")
+    ${dst_pass}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("dst").get("pass")
+    ${dst_container_type}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("dst").get("container_type")
+    ${dst_container_name}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("dst").get("container_name")
+    ${dst_dp_iface}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("dst").get("dp_iface_name")
+    ${dst_dp_ip}=    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get("dst").get("dp_iface_ip_qinq")
+    ${olt_ip}=    Evaluate    ${olts}[0].get("ip")
+    ${olt_user}=    Evaluate    ${olts}[0].get("user")
+    ${olt_pass}=    Evaluate    ${olts}[0].get("pass")
+    ${fabric_ip}=    Evaluate    ${fabric_switches}[0].get("ip")
+    ${fabric_user}=    Evaluate    ${fabric_switches}[0].get("user")
+    ${fabric_pass}=    Evaluate    ${fabric_switches}[0].get("pass")
+    ${k8s_node_ip}=    Evaluate    ${nodes}[0].get("ip")
+    ${k8s_node_user}=    Evaluate    ${nodes}[0].get("user")
+    ${k8s_node_pass}=    Evaluate    ${nodes}[0].get("pass")
+    Set Suite Variable    ${src_ip}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${src_user}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${src_pass}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${src_container_type}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${src_container_name}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${src_iface}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${dst_ip}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${dst_user}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${dst_pass}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${dst_container_type}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${dst_container_name}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${dst_dp_iface}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${dst_dp_ip}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${olt_ip}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${olt_user}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${olt_pass}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${fabric_ip}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${fabric_user}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${fabric_pass}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${k8s_node_ip}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${k8s_node_user}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${k8s_node_pass}
+    @{container_list}=    Create List
+    Append To List    ${container_list}    att-workflow-att-workflow-driver
+    Append To List    ${container_list}    att-workflow-volt
+    Append To List    ${container_list}    onos
+    Append To List    ${container_list}    xos-core
+    Append To List    ${container_list}    vcore
+    Set Suite Variable    ${container_list}
+    ${datetime}=    Get Current Datetime On Kubernetes Node    ${k8s_node_ip}    ${k8s_node_user}    ${k8s_node_pass}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${datetime}
+Teardown Suite
+    [Documentation]    Performs any additional cleanup required
+    Log    Suite Teardown cleanup
+    Delete All Sessions
+Setup Test
+    [Documentation]    Re-create Subscriber, whitelist, and olt-device models to test
+    Log    Re-creating objects
+    ${datetime}=    Get Current Datetime On Kubernetes Node    ${k8s_node_ip}    ${k8s_node_user}    ${k8s_node_pass}
+    Create Whitelist
+    Create Subscriber
+    Create VOLT
+Teardown Test
+    [Documentation]    Delete xos objects, kills processes and cleans up interfaces on src+dst servers
+    Clean Up Linux
+    Clean Up XOS
+    Log Kubernetes Containers Logs Since Time    ${datetime}    ${container_list}
+Clean Up Linux
+    [Documentation]    Kill processes and clean up interfaces on src+dst servers
+    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Kill Linux Process    [w]pa_supplicant    ${src_ip}    ${src_user}    ${src_pass}    ${src_container_type}    ${src_container_name}
+    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Kill Linux Process    [d]hclient    ${src_ip}    ${src_user}    ${src_pass}    ${src_container_type}    ${src_container_name}
+    Run Keyword If    '${dst_ip}' != '${None}'    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Kill Linux Process    [d]hcpd    ${dst_ip}    ${dst_user}    ${dst_pass}    ${dst_container_type}    ${dst_container_name}
+    Delete IP Addresses from Interface on Remote Host    ${src_iface}    ${src_ip}    ${src_user}    ${src_pass}    ${src_container_type}    ${src_container_name}
+    Run Keyword If    '${dst_ip}' != '${None}'    Delete Interface on Remote Host    ${dst_dp_iface}.${s_tag}    ${dst_ip}    ${dst_user}    ${dst_pass}    ${dst_container_type}    ${dst_container_name}
+Clean Up XOS
+    [Documentation]    Clean up all XOS objects and reinstall voltha after OLT reboots
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${ATT_WHITELIST}
+    Sleep    20s
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    30s    2s    Validate Subscriber Count    0
+    Sleep    10s
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${VOLT_DEVICE}
+    Sleep    20s
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${ATT_SERVICEINSTANCES}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    10s    Check Remote System Reachability    False    ${olt_ip}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    10s    Check Remote System Reachability    True    ${olt_ip}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    10s    Openolt is Up    ${olt_ip}    ${olt_user}    ${olt_pass}
+    Sleep    15s
+Create Whitelist
+    ${AttWhiteListDict}=    utils.listToDict    ${AttWhiteListList}    0
+    CORD Post    ${ATT_WHITELIST}    ${AttWhiteListDict}
+Remove Whitelist
+    ${whitelist_id}=    Retrieve Whitelist Entry    ${onu_device}
+    CORD Delete    ${ATT_WHITELIST}    ${whitelist_id}
+Update Whitelist with Wrong Location
+    ${whitelist_id}=    Retrieve Whitelist Entry    ${onu_device}
+    CORD Put    ${ATT_WHITELIST}    {"pon_port_id": 55 }    ${whitelist_id}
+Update Whitelist with Correct Location
+    ${whitelist_id}=    Retrieve Whitelist Entry    ${onu_device}
+    CORD Put    ${ATT_WHITELIST}    {"pon_port_id": ${onu_location} }    ${whitelist_id}
+Create Subscriber
+    ${SubscriberDict}=    utils.listToDict    ${SubscriberList}    0
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    15s    CORD Post    ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER}    ${SubscriberDict}
+Remove Subscriber
+    ${subscriber_id}=    Retrieve Subscriber    ${c_tag}
+    CORD Delete    ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER}    ${subscriber_id}
+Create VOLT
+    ${VoltDeviceDict}=    utils.listToDict    ${VoltDeviceList}    0
+    CORD Post    ${VOLT_DEVICE}    ${VoltDeviceDict}