Implement basic functionalities for workflow control.
- Manage join/leave of clients
- All clients communicate via
- Probes emit events
- Managers register workflows (by using a workflow essence)
- Send kickstart request to Managers to launch workflows
- Route events to workflow runs
- Queue events to not lose events between workflow tasks
- Fixed some issues found while working on testcases
- Set to perform coverage and unittest and generate outputs to files

Change-Id: I678723edc20df9247d63a4bf6380785ab8b2b221
diff --git a/spec/clients.spec.js b/spec/clients.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..534797d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/clients.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ * Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+(function () {
+    'use strict';
+    const path = require('path');
+    const chai = require('chai');
+    const expect = chai.expect;
+    const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');
+    chai.use(sinonChai);
+    const io = require('');
+    const async = require('async');
+    const _ = require('lodash');
+    const server = require('../src/server.js');
+    const port = 4000;
+    const eventrouter = require('../src/controllers/eventrouter.js');
+    const essenceLoader = require('../src/workflows/loader.js');
+    const essenceFileName = path.join(__dirname, 'test_clients_workflow_essence.json');
+    const workflowIdInEssence = 'test_clients_workflow'
+    describe('Simple websocket client test', function() {
+        var probeClient;
+        var workflowManagerClient;
+        var workflowRunClient;
+        var workflowId;
+        var workflowRunId;
+        before(function() {
+            // Start our server
+            server.start(port);
+        });
+        after(function() {
+            server.stop();
+        });
+        beforeEach(function(done) {
+            let workflowCheckResults = [];
+            async.series([
+                (callback) => {
+                    // connect a probe to the server
+                    // to send events for test
+                    probeClient = io.connect(`http://localhost:${port}`, {
+                        query: 'id=probe_id&type=probe' +
+                                '&'
+                    });
+                    probeClient.on('connect', () => {
+                        callback(null, true);
+                    });
+                    return;
+                },
+                (callback) => {
+                    // connect a workflow manager to the server
+                    // to register a test workflow
+                    workflowManagerClient = io.connect(`http://localhost:${port}`, {
+                        query: 'id=workflow_manager_id&type=workflow_manager' +
+                                '&'
+                    });
+                    workflowManagerClient.on(eventrouter.serviceEvents.WORKFLOW_KICKSTART, (message) => {
+                        workflowRunId = message.workflow_run_id;
+                        // call-back
+                        workflowManagerClient.emit(eventrouter.serviceEvents.WORKFLOW_KICKSTART, {
+                            workflow_id: workflowId,
+                            workflow_run_id: workflowRunId
+                        })
+                    });
+                    workflowManagerClient.on('connect', () => {
+                        callback(null, true);
+                    });
+                    return;
+                },
+                (callback) => {
+                    // check existance of the workflow
+                    let essence = essenceLoader.loadEssence(essenceFileName, true);
+                    let workflowCnt=0;
+                    _.forOwn(essence, (_value, essenceWorkflowId) => {
+                        workflowId = essenceWorkflowId; // preseve only the last one for test
+                        workflowCnt++;
+                        workflowManagerClient.emit(eventrouter.serviceEvents.WORKFLOW_CHECK, essenceWorkflowId);
+                        workflowManagerClient.on(eventrouter.serviceEvents.WORKFLOW_CHECK, (workflowCheckResult) => {
+                            workflowCnt--;
+                            workflowCheckResults.push(workflowCheckResult.result);
+                            if(workflowCnt <= 0) {
+                                callback(null, workflowCheckResults);
+                            }
+                        });
+                    });
+                    return;
+                },
+                (callback) => {
+                    // register the workflow
+                    let register = false;
+                    workflowCheckResults.forEach((workflowCheckResult) => {
+                        if(!workflowCheckResult) {
+                            register = true;
+                        }
+                    });
+                    if(register) {
+                        let essence = essenceLoader.loadEssence(essenceFileName, true);
+                        workflowManagerClient.emit(eventrouter.serviceEvents.WORKFLOW_REG_ESSENCE, essence);
+                        workflowManagerClient.on(
+                            eventrouter.serviceEvents.WORKFLOW_REG_ESSENCE,
+                            (workflowRegResult) => {
+                                callback(null, workflowRegResult);
+                            }
+                        );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        callback(null, true);
+                    }
+                    return;
+                },
+                (callback) => {
+                    // kickstart the test workflow
+                    probeClient.emit('', {serialNumber: 'testSerialXXX', other: 'test_other_field'});
+                    setTimeout(() => {
+                        expect(workflowRunId);
+                        callback(null, true);
+                    }, 500);
+                    return;
+                },
+                (callback) => {
+                    // connect a workflow run client to the server
+                    workflowRunClient = io.connect(`http://localhost:${port}`, {
+                        query: 'id=workflow_run_id&type=workflow_run' +
+                                `&workflow_id=${workflowIdInEssence}&workflow_run_id=${workflowRunId}` +
+                                '&'
+                    });
+                    // when is connected start testing
+                    workflowRunClient.on('connect', () => {
+                        callback(null, true);
+                    });
+                    return;
+                }
+            ],
+            function(err, results) {
+                // we do not actually check results
+                if(results.includes(false)) {
+          ;
+                }
+                else {
+                    done();
+                }
+            });
+            return;
+        });
+        afterEach(function(done) {
+            // remove workflow run
+            workflowManagerClient.emit(server.serviceEvents.WORKFLOW_RUN_REMOVE, {
+                workflow_id: workflowId,
+                workflow_run_id: workflowRunId
+            });
+            // remove workflow
+            workflowManagerClient.emit(server.serviceEvents.WORKFLOW_REMOVE, workflowId);
+            workflowId = null;
+            workflowRunId = null;
+            // disconnect clients
+            if(workflowManagerClient.connected) {
+                workflowManagerClient.disconnect();
+            }
+            workflowManagerClient = null;
+            if(workflowRunClient.connected) {
+                workflowRunClient.disconnect();
+            }
+            workflowRunClient = null;
+            if(probeClient.connected) {
+                probeClient.disconnect();
+            }
+            probeClient = null;
+            done();
+        });
+        it('should have a probe, a workflow manager and a workflow run', function(done) {
+            const eventrouter = require('../src/controllers/eventrouter.js');
+            expect(
+                Object.keys(eventrouter.getWorkflowRunClients()).length,
+                'num of workflow run clients'
+            ).to.equal(1);
+            expect(
+                Object.keys(eventrouter.getWorkflowManagerClients()).length,
+                'num of workflow manager clients'
+            ).to.equal(1);
+            expect(
+                Object.keys(eventrouter.getProbeClients()).length,
+                'num of probe clients'
+            ).to.equal(1);
+            expect(
+                Object.keys(eventrouter.getClients()).length,
+                'total num of clients'
+            ).to.equal(3);
+            expect(
+                'probe_id' in eventrouter.getClients(),
+                'a client called prove_id exists'
+            ).to.equal(true);
+            expect(
+                'workflow_manager_id' in eventrouter.getClients(),
+                'a client called workflow_manager_id exists'
+            ).to.equal(true);
+            expect(
+                'workflow_run_id' in eventrouter.getClients(),
+                'a client called workflow_run_id exists'
+            ).to.equal(true);
+            done();
+        });
+        it('should store user details for a new connection', function() {
+            const eventrouter = require('../src/controllers/eventrouter.js');
+            const probe = eventrouter.getClients()['probe_id'];
+            expect(probe.getParams().name).to.equal('');
+            const manager = eventrouter.getClients()['workflow_manager_id'];
+            expect(manager.getParams().name).to.equal('');
+            const run = eventrouter.getClients()['workflow_run_id'];
+            expect(run.getParams().name).to.equal('');
+        });
+        it('should not store the same user twice', function(done) {
+            // This test case makes cleaning up process taking long time because it leaves
+            // a client socket. It seems there's no way to release it from server-side.
+            // connect a client to the server
+            const client2 = io.connect(`http://localhost:${port}`, {
+                query: 'id=probe_id&type=probe' +
+                        '&'
+            });
+            // when is connected start testing
+            client2.on('connect', () => {
+                setTimeout(() => {
+                    const eventrouter = require('../src/controllers/eventrouter.js');
+                    expect(
+                        Object.keys(eventrouter.getWorkflowRunClients()).length,
+                        'num of workflow run clients'
+                    ).to.equal(1);
+                    expect(
+                        Object.keys(eventrouter.getWorkflowManagerClients()).length,
+                        'num of workflow manager clients'
+                    ).to.equal(1);
+                    expect(
+                        Object.keys(eventrouter.getProbeClients()).length,
+                        'num of probe clients'
+                    ).to.equal(1);
+                    expect(
+                        Object.keys(eventrouter.getClients()).length,
+                        'total num of clients'
+                    ).to.equal(3);
+                    done();
+                }, 100);
+            });
+        });
+        it('should remove a user on disconnect', function(done) {
+            workflowManagerClient.disconnect();
+            workflowRunClient.disconnect();
+            probeClient.disconnect();
+            // we need to wait for the event to be dispatched
+            setTimeout(() => {
+                const eventrouter = require('../src/controllers/eventrouter.js');
+                expect(
+                    Object.keys(eventrouter.getWorkflowRunClients()).length,
+                    'num of workflow run clients'
+                ).to.equal(0);
+                expect(
+                    Object.keys(eventrouter.getWorkflowManagerClients()).length,
+                    'num of workflow manager clients'
+                ).to.equal(0);
+                expect(
+                    Object.keys(eventrouter.getProbeClients()).length,
+                    'num of probe clients'
+                ).to.equal(0);
+                expect(
+                    Object.keys(eventrouter.getClients()).length,
+                    'total num of clients'
+                ).to.equal(0);
+                done();
+            }, 100);
+        });
+    });
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