
This section provides a short list of essential commands that can be used to deploy CORD-in-a-Box and a physical POD.

NOTE: Looking for the full Cord-in-a-Box (CiaB) installation guide? You can find it here.

NOTE: Looking for the full physical pod installation guide? You can find it here.

Common Step (for both CiaB and a Physical POD)

Logout and log back in.

CORD-in-a-Box (CiaB)

To install CiaB, type the following commands:

cd ~/cord/build && \
make PODCONFIG=rcord-virtual.yml config && \
make -j4 build |& tee ~/build.out

Physical POD

The following steps install a physical POD.

Prepare the head node

sudo adduser cord && \
sudo adduser cord sudo && \
echo 'cord ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' | sudo tee --append /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users

On the development machine

Create your POD configuration .yml file in ~/cord/build/podconfig.

cd ~/cord/build && \
make PODCONFIG={YOUR_PODCONFIG_FILE.yml} config && \
make -j4 build |& tee ~/build.out

Compute nodes and fabric switches

After a successful build, set the compute nodes and the switches to boot from PXE and manually reboot them. They will be automatically deployed.