CORD Quick Start Guide using Virtual Machine Nodes

[This description is for bringing up a CORD POD on virtual machines on a single physical host. The purpose of this solution is to give the user an experience of bring up a CORD on bare metal.]

This guide is meant to enable the user to quickly exercise the capabilities provided by the artifacts of this repository. There are three high level tasks that can be exercised:

  • Create development environment
  • Build and Publish Docker images that support bare metal provisioning
  • Deploy the bare metal provisioning capabilities to a virtual machine (head node) and PXE boot a compute node

Prerequisite: Vagrant is installed and operationally. Note: This quick start guide has only been tested against Vagrant and VirtualBox, specially on MacOS.

Create Development Environment

The development environment is required for the other tasks in this repository. The other tasks could technically be done outside this Vagrant based development environment, but it would be left to the user to ensure connectivity and required tools are installed. It is far easier to leverage the Vagrant based environment.

Install Repo

Make sure you have a bin directory in your home directory and that it is included in your path:

mkdir ~/bin

(of course you can put repo wherever you want)

Download the Repo tool and ensure that it is executable:

curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Clone the Repository

To clone the repository, on your OtP build host issue the git command:

mkdir opencord && cd opencord
repo init -u -b master -g build,onos

Fetch the opencord source code

repo sync


When this is complete, a listing (ls) of this directory should yield output similar to:

build		onos-apps

Create Development Machine and Head Node Production Server

To create the development machine the following single Vagrant command can be used. This will create an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS based virtual machine and install some basic required packages, such as Docker, Docker Compose, and Oracle Java 8.

cd build
vagrant up corddev

NOTE: It may have several minutes for the first command vagrant up corddev to complete as it will include creating the VM as well as downloading and installing various software packages.

To create the VM that represents the POD head node the following vagrant command can be used. This will create a basic Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server with no additional software installed.

vagrant up prod

Connect to the Development Machine

To connect to the development machine the following vagrant command can be used.

vagrant ssh corddev

Once connected to the Vagrant machine, you can find the deployment artifacts in the /cord directory on the VM.

cd /cord


Gradle is the build tool that is used to help orchestrate the build and deployment of a POD. A launch script is included in the vagrant machine that will automatically download and install gradle. The script is called gradlew and the download / install will be invoked on the first use of this script; thus the first use may take a little longer than subsequent invocations and requires a connection to the internet.


Once you have created and connected to the development environment this task is complete. The cord repository files can be found on the development machine under /cord. This directory is mounted from the host machine so changes made to files in this directory will be reflected on the host machine and vice-versa.


The fetching phase of the deployment pulls Docker images from the public repository down to the local machine as well as clones any git submodules that are part of the project. This phase can be initiated with the following command:

./gradlew fetch


Once the fetch command has successfully been run, this step is complete. After this command completes you should be able to see the Docker images that were downloaded using the docker images command on the development machine:

docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
python              2.7-alpine          836fa7aed31d        5 days ago          56.45 MB
consul              <none>              62f109a3299c        2 weeks ago         41.05 MB
registry            2.4.0               8b162eee2794        9 weeks ago         171.1 MB
abh1nav/dockerui    latest              6e4d05915b2a        19 months ago       469.5 MB

Build Images

Bare metal provisioning leverages utilities built and packaged as Docker container images. These utilities are:

  • cord-maas-bootstrap - (directory: bootstrap) run at MAAS installation time to customize the MAAS instance via REST interfaces
  • cord-maas-automation - (directory: automation) daemon on the head node to automate PXE booted servers through the MAAS bare metal deployment work flow
  • cord-maas-switchq - (directory: switchq) daemon on the head node that watches for new switches being added to the POD and triggers provisioning when a switch is identified (via the OUI on MAC address).
  • cord-maas-provisioner - (directory: provisioner) daemon on the head node to managing the execution of ansible playbooks against switches and compute nodes as they are added to the POD.
  • cord-ip-allocator - (directr: ip-allocator) daemon on the head node used to allocate IP address for the fabric interfaces.
  • cord-dhcp-harvester - (directory: harvester) run on the head node to facilitate CORD / DHCP / DNS integration so that all hosts can be resolved via DNS
  • opencord/mavenrepo
  • cord-test/nose
  • cord-test/quagga
  • cord-test/radius
  • onosproject/onos

The images can be built by using the following command. This will build all the images.

./gradlew buildImages

NOTE: The first time you run ./gradlew it will download from the Internet the gradle binary and install it locally. This is a one time operation.


Once the buildImages command successfully runs this task is complete. The CORD artifacts have been built and the Docker images can be viewed by using the docker images command on the development machine.

docker images --format 'table {{.Repository}}\t{{.Tag}}\t{{.Size}}\t{{.ID}}'
REPOSITORY               TAG                 SIZE                IMAGE ID
cord-maas-switchq        latest              781 MB              4736cc8c4f71
cord-provisioner         latest              814.6 MB            50ab479e4b52
cord-dhcp-harvester      latest              60.67 MB            88f900d74f19
cord-maas-bootstrap      latest              367.5 MB            19bde768c786
cord-maas-automation     latest              366.8 MB            1e2ab7242060
cord-ip-allocator        latest              324.3 MB            f8f2849107f6
opencord/mavenrepo       latest              434.2 MB            9d1ad7214262
cord-test/nose           latest              1.028 GB            67b996f2ad19
cord-test/quagga         latest              454.4 MB            b46f7dd20bdf
cord-test/radius         latest              312.1 MB            e09d78aef295
onosproject/onos         <none>              825.6 MB            309088c647cf
python                   2.7-alpine          56.45 MB            836fa7aed31d
golang                   1.6-alpine          282.9 MB            d688f409d292
golang                   alpine              282.9 MB            d688f409d292
ubuntu                   14.04               196.6 MB            38c759202e30
consul                   <none>              41.05 MB            62f109a3299c
nginx                    latest              182.7 MB            0d409d33b27e
registry                 2.4.0               171.1 MB            8b162eee2794
swarm                    <none>              19.32 MB            47dc182ea74b
nginx                    <none>              182.7 MB            3c69047c6034
hbouvier/docker-radius   latest              280.9 MB            5d5d3c0a91b0
abh1nav/dockerui         latest              469.5 MB            6e4d05915b2a

NOTE: Not all the above Docker images were built by the buildImages command. Some of them, list golang, are used as a base for other Docker images; and some, like abh1nav/dockerui were downloaded when the development machine was created with vagrant up.

Deployment Configuration File

The commands to deploy the POD can be customized via a deployment configuration file. The file is in YAML. For the purposes of the quick start using vagrant VMs for the POD nodes a deployment configuration file has been provide in config/default.yml. This default configuration specifies the target server as the vagrant machine named prod that was created earlier.

Prime the Target server

The target server is the server that will assume the role of the head node in the cord POD. Priming this server consists of deploying some base software that is required to deploy the base software, such as a docker registry. Having the docker registry on the target server allows the deployment process to push images to the target server that are used in the reset of the process, thus making the head node a self contained deployment.

./gradew prime


Once the prime command successfully runs this task is complete. When this step is complete a Docker registry and Docker registry mirror. It can be verified that these are running by using the docker ps command on the producation head node VM.

docker ps --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Command}}\t{{.CreatedAt}}'
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED AT
5f1cbebe7e61        registry:2.4.0      "/bin/registry serve "   2016-07-13 17:03:08 +0000 UTC
6d3a911e5323        registry:2.4.0      "/bin/registry serve "   2016-07-13 17:03:08 +0000 UTC


Publishing consists of pushing the build docker images to the Docker repository on the target head node. This step can take a while as it has to transfer all the image from the development machine to the target head node. This step is started with the following command:

./gradew -PtargetReg= publish


Once the publish command successfully runs this task is complete. When this step is complete it can be verified by performing a query on the target server's Docker registry using the following command on the development machine.

curl -sS | jq .
  "repositories": [

Deploy Bare Metal Provisioning Capabilities

There are three parts to deploying bare metal: deploying the head node PXE server (MAAS), PXE booting a compute node, and post deployment provisioning of the compute node. These tasks are accomplished utilizing additionally Vagrant machines as well as executing gradle tasks in the Vagrant development machine.

VirtualBox Power Management

The default MAAS deployment does not support power management for virtual box based hosts. As part of the MAAS installation support was added for power management, but it does require some additional configuration. This additional configuration is detailed at the end of this document, but is mentioned here because when deploying the head node an additional parameter must be set. This parameter specifies the username on the host machine that should be used when SSHing from the head node to the host machine to remotely execute the vboxmanage command. This is typically the username used when logging into your laptop or desktop development machine. This value is set by editing the config/default.yml file and replacing the default value of seedServer.power_helper_user with the approriate username. The default value is cord

Deploy MAAS

Canonical MAAS provides the PXE and other bare metal provisioning services for CORD and will be deployed on the head node.

./gradlew deployBase

This task can take some time so be patient. It should complete without errors, so if an error is encountered something went horrible wrong (tm).


This step is complete when the command successfully runs. The Web UI for MAAS can be viewed by browsing to the vagrant machine named prod. Because this machine is on a host internal network it can't be directly reached from the host machine, typically your laptop. In order to expose the UI, from the VM host machine you will issue the following command:

vagrant ssh prod -- -L 8080:localhost:80

This command will create a SSH tunnel from the VM host machine to the head node so that from the VM host you can view the MAAS UI by visiting the URL http://localhost:8080/MAAS. The default authentication credentials are a username of cord and a password of cord.

After the deployBase command install MAAS, it initiates the download of an Ubuntu 14.04 boot image that will be used to boot the other POD servers. This download can take some time and the process cannot continue until the download is complete. The status of the download can be verified through the UI by visiting the URL http://localhost:8888/MAAS/images/, or via the command line from head node via the following commands:

APIKEY=$(sudo maas-region-admin apikey --user=cord)
maas login cord http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0 "$APIKEY"
maas cord boot-resources read | jq 'map(select(.type != "Synced"))'

It the output of of the above commands is not a empty list, [], then the images have not yet been completely downloaded. depending on your network speed this could take several minutes. Please wait and then attempt the last command again until the returned list is empty, []. When the list is empty you can proceed.

Browse around the UI and get familiar with MAAS via documentation at

Deploy XOS

XOS provides service provisioning and orchestration for the CORD POD. To deploy XOS to the head node use the following command:

./gradlew deployPlatform

This task can take some time so be patient. It should complete without errors, so if an error is encountered something went horrible wrong (tm).


This step is complete when the command successfully runs. The deployment of XOS includes a deployment of Open Stack.

Create and Boot Compute Node

The sample vagrant VM based POD is configured to support the creation of 3 compute nodes. These nodes will PXE boot from the head node and are created using the vagrant up command as follows:

vagrant up compute_node1
vagrant up compute_node2
vagrant up compute_node3

NOTE: This task is executed on your host machine and not in the development virtual machine

When starting the compute node VMs the console (UI) for each will be displayed so you are able to watch the boot process if you like.

As vagrant starts these machines, you will see the following error:

==> compute_node1: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
The requested communicator 'none' could not be found.
Please verify the name is correct and try again.

This error is normal and is because vagrant attempts to SSH to a server after it is started. However, because the process is PXE booting these servers this is not possible. To work around (with) vagrant the vagrant communicator setting for each of the compute nodes is set to "none", thus vagrant complains, but the machines will PXE boot.

The compute node VM will boot, register with MAAS, and then be shut off. After this is complete an entry for the node will be in the MAAS UI at http://localhost:8888/MAAS/#/nodes. It will be given a random hostname made up, in the Canonical way, of a adjective and an noun, such as popular-feast.cord.lab. The name will be different for every deployment. The new node will be in the New state.

If you have properly configured power management for virtualbox (see below) the host will be automatically transitioned from New through the states of Commissioning and Acquired to Deployed.

Post Deployment Provisioning of the Compute Node

Once the node is in the Deployed state, it will be provisioned for use in a CORD POD by the execution of an Ansible playbook.


Once the compute node is in the Deployed state and post deployment provisioning on the compute node is complete, this task is complete.

Logs of the post deployment provisioning of the compute nodes can be found in /etc/maas/ansible/logs on the head node.

Assitionally, the post deployment provisioning of the compute nodes can be queried from the provision service using curl

curl -sS http://$(docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.maas_default.IPAddress}}' provisioner):4243/provision/ | jq '[.[] | { "status": .status, "name":}]'
    "message": "",
    "name": "steel-ghost.cord.lab",
    "status": 2
    "message": "",
    "name": "feline-shirt.cord.lab",
    "status": 2
    "message": "",
    "name": "yellow-plot.cord.lab",
    "status": 2

In the above a "status" of 2 means that the provisioning is complete. The other values that status might hold are:

  • 0 - Pending, the request has been accepted by the provisioner but not yet started
  • 1 - Running, the request is being processed and the node is being provisioned
  • 2 - Complete, the provisioning has been completed successfully
  • 3 - Failed, the provisioning has failed and the message will be populated with the exit message from provisioning.

Create and Boot False switch

The VM based deployment includes the definition of a vagrant machine that will exercise some of the automation used to boot OpenFlow switches in the CORD POD. It accomplishes this by forcing the MAC address on the vagrant VM to be a MAC that is recognized as a supported OpenFlow switch.

The POD automation will thus perform post provisioning on the this VM to download and install software to the device. This vagrant VM can be created with the following command:

vagrant up switch


This step is complete when the command completes successfully. You can verify the provisioning of the false switch by querying the provisioning service using curl.

curl -sS http://$(docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.maas_default.IPAddress}}' provisioner):4243/provision/cc:37:ab:00:00:01 | jq '[{ "status": .status, "name":, "message": .message}]'
    "message": "",
    "name": "fakeswitch",
    "status": 2

In the above a "status" of 2 means that the provisioning is complete. The other values that status might hold are:

  • 0 - Pending, the request has been accepted by the provisioner but not yet started
  • 1 - Running, the request is being processed and the node is being provisioned
  • 2 - Complete, the provisioning has been completed successfully
  • 3 - Failed, the provisioning has failed and the message will be populated with the exit message from provisioning.

Virtual Box Power Management

Virtual box power management is implemented via helper scripts that SSH to the virtual box host and execute vboxmanage commands. For this to work The scripts must be configured with a username and host to utilize when SSHing and that account must allow SSH from the head node guest to the host using SSH keys such that no password entry is required.

To enable SSH key based login, assuming that VirtualBox is running on a Linux based system, you can copy the MAAS ssh public key from /var/lib/maas/.ssh/ on the head known to your accounts authorized_keys files. You can verify that this is working by issuing the following commands from your host machine:

vagrant ssh headnode
sudo su - maas
ssh yourusername@host_ip_address

If you are able to accomplish these commands the VirtualBox power management should operate correctly.