Autogenerate documentation of build system variables

Change-Id: I839f46d681e8f6954316f0ea4e9a79395501459f
diff --git a/docs/scripts/defaults.md.j2 b/docs/scripts/defaults.md.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d7405d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scripts/defaults.md.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Build System Variable Glossary
+{{ def_docs['frontmatter']['description'] }}
+{% for key, val in def_docs|dictsort %}
+### {{ key }}
+{{ val['description'] }}
+Default value:
+{{ val['defval_pp'] }}
+Used in:
+{% for file in val['reflist']|sort(attribute='path') -%}
+ - [{{ file.path }}]({{ file.link }})
+{% endfor -%}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/docs/scripts/defaultsdoc.py b/docs/scripts/defaultsdoc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f75fa85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scripts/defaultsdoc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# defaultsdoc.py - documentation for ansible default vaules
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import fnmatch
+import jinja2
+import logging
+import os
+import pprint
+import re
+import sys
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import yaml
+import markedyaml
+# logging setup
+sh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
+LOG = logging.getLogger("defaultsdoc.py")
+# parse args
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('-p', '--playbook_dir', default='../platform-install/',
+                    action='append', required=False,
+                    help="path to base playbook directory")
+parser.add_argument('-d', '--descriptions', default='scripts/descriptions.md',
+                    action='store', required=False,
+                    help="markdown file with descriptions")
+parser.add_argument('-t', '--template', default='scripts/defaults.md.j2',
+                    action='store', required=False,
+                    help="jinja2 template to fill with defaults")
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='defaults.md',
+                    action='store', required=False,
+                    help="output file")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# find the branch we're on via the repo manifest
+manifest_path =  os.path.abspath("../../.repo/manifest.xml")
+    tree = ET.parse(manifest_path)
+    manifest_xml = tree.getroot()
+    repo_default = manifest_xml.find('default')
+    repo_branch = repo_default.attrib['revision']
+except Exception:
+    LOG.exception("Error loading repo manifest")
+    sys.exit(1)
+role_defs = []
+profile_defs = []
+group_defs = []
+# frontmatter section is any text at the top of the descriptions.md file, and
+# comes before all other sections
+def_docs = {'frontmatter':{'description':''}}
+# find all the files to be processed
+for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(args.playbook_dir):
+    basepath = re.sub(args.playbook_dir, '', dirpath)
+    for filename in filenames :
+        filepath = os.path.join(basepath, filename)
+        if fnmatch.fnmatch(filepath, "roles/*/defaults/*.yml"):
+            role_defs.append(filepath)
+        if fnmatch.fnmatch(filepath, "profile_manifests/*.yml"):
+            profile_defs.append(filepath)
+        if fnmatch.fnmatch(filepath, "group_vars/*.yml"):
+            group_defs.append(filepath)
+for rd in role_defs:
+    rd_vars = {}
+    # trim slash so basename grabs the final directory name
+    rd_basedir = os.path.basename(args.playbook_dir[:-1])
+    try:
+        rd_fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.playbook_dir, rd))
+        rd_partialpath = os.path.join(rd_basedir, rd)
+        # partial URL, without line nums
+        rd_url = "https://github.com/opencord/platform-install/tree/%s/%s" % (repo_branch, rd)
+        rd_fh= open(rd_fullpath, 'r')
+        # markedloader is for line #'s
+        loader = markedyaml.MarkedLoader(rd_fh.read())
+        marked_vars = loader.get_data()
+        rd_fh.seek(0)  # go to front of file
+        # yaml.safe_load is for vars in a better format
+        rd_vars = yaml.safe_load(rd_fh)
+        rd_fh.close()
+    except yaml.YAMLError:
+        LOG.exception("Problem loading file: %s" % rd)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if rd_vars:
+        for key, val in rd_vars.iteritems():
+           # build full URL to lines. Lines numbered from zero, so +1 on them to match github
+           if marked_vars[key].start_mark.line == marked_vars[key].end_mark.line:
+               full_url = "%s#L%d" % (rd_url, marked_vars[key].start_mark.line+1)
+           else:
+               full_url = "%s#L%d-L%d" % (rd_url, marked_vars[key].start_mark.line, marked_vars[key].end_mark.line)
+           if key in def_docs:
+                if def_docs[key]['defval'] == val:
+                    def_docs[key]['reflist'].append({'path':rd_partialpath, 'link':full_url})
+                else:
+                    LOG.error(" %s has different default > %s : %s" % (rd, key, val))
+           else:
+                to_print = { str(key): val }
+                pp = yaml.dump(to_print, indent=4, allow_unicode=False, default_flow_style=False)
+                def_docs[key] = {
+                        'defval': val,
+                        'defval_pp': pp,
+                        'description': "",
+                        'reflist': [{'path':rd_partialpath, 'link':full_url}],
+                        }
+# read in descriptions file
+descriptions = {}
+with open(args.descriptions, 'r') as descfile:
+    desc_name = 'frontmatter'
+    desc_lines = ''
+    for d_l in descfile:
+        # see if this is a header line at beginning of docs
+        desc_header = re.match(r"##\s+([\w_]+)", d_l)
+        if desc_header:
+            # add previous description to dict
+            descriptions[desc_name] = desc_lines
+            # set this as the next name, wipe out lines
+            desc_name = desc_header.group(1)
+            desc_lines = ''
+        else:
+            desc_lines += d_l
+    descriptions[desc_name] = desc_lines
+# add descriptions to def_docs
+for d_name, d_text in descriptions.iteritems():
+    if d_name in def_docs:
+        def_docs[d_name]['description'] = d_text
+    else:
+        LOG.error("Description exists for '%s' but doesn't exist in defaults" % d_name)
+# check for missing descriptions
+for key in sorted(def_docs):
+    if not def_docs[key]['description']:
+        LOG.error("No description found for '%s'" % key)
+# Add to template and write to output file
+j2env = jinja2.Environment(
+    loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader('.')
+template = j2env.get_template(args.template)
+with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
+    f.write(template.render(def_docs=def_docs))
diff --git a/docs/scripts/descriptions.md b/docs/scripts/descriptions.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a15590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scripts/descriptions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+This documents every variable available in the build system.  The repos these
+variables are used in are:
+ - [cord](https://github.com/opencord/cord) (aka "build" when checked out)
+ - [maas](https://github.com/opencord/maas)
+ - [platform-install](https://github.com/opencord/platform-install)
+## apt_cacher_name
+DNS name for the apt-cacher-ng server used by compute nodes and LXC containers
+on head node.
+## apt_cacher_port
+Port number used for apt-cacher-ng.
+## apt_ssl_sites
+APT package sources are on HTTPS servers.  These bypass apt-cacher-ng, which
+can't proxy SSL connections.
+## build_cord_dir
+Directory on the `build` node that the `cord` directory (root directory checked
+out by `repo`) is copied to.
+## build_docker_tag
+Tag applied to all built (and downloaded standalone) Docker images.
+## ca_digest
+Name of the digest (aka "hash") algorithm used when creating CA SSL
+## ca_im_days
+Length of time in days that an Intermediate Certificate Authority cert will be
+valid for.
+## ca_im_phrase
+The passphrase (password) used to encrypt the Intermediate Certificate
+Authority's private key.
+## ca_im_subj
+The subject (name in the certificate) of the Intermediate Certificate
+## ca_root_days
+Length of time in days that the Root Certificate Authority cert will be valid
+## ca_root_phrase
+The passphrase (password) used to encrypt the Root Certificate Authority's
+private key. Default is for this to be autogenerated by the password lookup in
+ansible and stored in [credentials_dir](#credentials_dir).
+## ca_root_subj
+The subject (name in the certificate) of the Root Certificate Authority.
+## ca_size
+Size of the keys used in generating the CA certificates, in bits.
+## cert_days
+Length of times that a standard server/client certificate will be valid for
+## cert_digest
+Name of the digest (aka "hash") algorithm used when creating SSL certificates.
+## cert_size
+Size of the keys used in generating the server/client certificates, in bits.
+## charm_versions
+List of Juju charms and the versions used.
+## client_certs
+List of client SSL certificates to generate
+## cloudlab_extrafs
+Filesystem device to use for extra space when on CloudLab
+## cloudlab_links
+Symbolic links to create to use the extra space that is mounted when using
+## compute_external_interfaces
+List of possible VTN external interfaces on the compute node, for setting up
+OpenStack with the VTN ML2 plugin.
+## config_cord_dir
+Location of the `cord` directory on the config node. See also
+## config_cord_profile_dir
+Location of the `cord_profile` directory on the config node.
+## cord_config_app_version
+Version of the CORD config ONOS app to use
+## cord_in_a_box
+Used to determine if this is a Cord-in-a-Box virtual pod installation
+## cord_vtn_app_version
+Version of the CORD VTN ONOS app to use
+## credentials_dir
+The location of the `credentials_dir` directory on the head node
+## delete_cord_profile_dir
+Boolean value, whether or not to delete the `cord_profile` directory when
+tearing down XOS on a pod
+## deploy_docker_registry
+DNS name or IP address of the Docker Registry
+## deploy_docker_tag
+Tag used to identify which docker images to use when performing a deployment.
+## deployment_flavors
+Names of OpenStack "flavors" of VM's that can be deployed.
+## deployment_type
+Deployment type, used in XOS to identify the type of deployment.
+## dhcpd_subnets
+Used to configure the DHCP server used in OpenCloud and other non-MaaS
+## dns_check_domain
+Domaing to check when performing the prerequisite check.
+## dns_check_ipv4
+IP address of [dns_check_domain](#dns_check_domain) for DNS resolution
+prerequisite check.
+## dns_search
+Which domain suffixes to search for hosts in (non-MaaS)
+## dns_servers
+IP addresses of DNS servers
+## dns_ttl
+Time-to-live for DNS entries when using NSD (non-MaaS)
+## docker_apt_repo
+Name of the Docker APT repo to install Docker from
+## docker_opts
+Options to provide to Docker to configure the
+## dpdk_lcore_mask
+DPDK option to set which CPU cores to use. More documentation at:
+## dpdk_socket_memory
+DPDK option concerning memory allocation.
+## enabled_gui_extensions
+List of GUI extensions enabled and loaded into the Web UI
+## fabric_interfaces
+External VTN interface connected to the fabric switches.
+## fabric_network_cfg_json
+Filename of the JSON file  used to configure the Fabric ONOS.
+## frontend_only
+`frontend_only` suppresses starting synchronzier containers as a part of the
+XOS container set. It is used in testing scenarios where synchronizers aren't
+## gerrit_changesets
+List of gerrit
+## gui_api_endpoint
+Partial URI to the API endpoint used by the GUI to contact the XOS API
+## gui_background
+Backgrund image used behind login screen when logging into XOS.
+## gui_favicon
+Favicon used in URL bar for XOS web UI.
+## gui_logo
+Logo used in XOS web UI.
+## gui_payoff
+Text below the Logo in the XOS web UI.
+## gui_project_name
+Name of the type of POD being deployed, shown in XOS UI.
+## gui_routes
+Links given in the top-level of the XOS web UI to specific objects, to feature
+them in the sidebar.
+## gui_websocket
+URI path used by XOS web UI for the websocket connection.
+## gw_port
+Port on the XOS ws container for XOS UI connections
+## head_cord_dir
+Location on the headnode where the `cord` directory is copied.
+## head_cord_profile_dir
+Location on the headnode where the `cord_profile` directory is copied.
+## head_credentials_dir
+Location on the headnode where the `credentials` diretory is copied.
+## head_lxd_list
+List of LXD containers (for Juju/OpenStack) to create.
+## head_mavenrepo_dir
+Location on the headnode to create the `mavenrepo` directory, which contains
+the docker-compose.yml file for the Maven repo docker container that serves up
+ONOS Apps to the ONOS instances on the headnode.
+## head_onos_cord_dir
+Location on the headnode to create the `onos_cord` directory, which contains
+configuration and the docker-compose.yml file for starting the ONOS instance
+that runs the VTN app.
+## head_onos_fabric_dir
+Location on the headnode to create the `onos_fabric` directory, which contains
+configuration and the docker-compose.yml file for starting the ONOS instance
+that runs the Fabric app.
+## headnode
+Name of the headnode on the system, used to configure NSD DNS aliases.
+## hugepages
+DPDK setting to control memory allocation.
+## hwaddr_prefix
+MAC address prefix used when creating LXD containers, to assign them DHCP addresses.
+## image_dir
+Directory to download OpenStack glance images into on the head node.
+## juju_config_path
+Path to Juju configuration file.
+## keystone_admin_password
+Password for OpenStack Keystone `admin` user.
+## kvm_check
+Whether or not to perform a check for processor virtualization features
+required for the KVM hypervisor to work.
+## log4j_port
+Port used by ONOS containers for sending log4j logging messages to ElasticStack.
+## logging_host
+Hostname (or IP) for the ElasticStack logging host machine.
+## maas_xos_admin_pass
+Contains the XOS admin password, used for loading TOSCA with up MaaS.  Can't
+use the standard [xos_admin_pass](#xos_admin_pass) as these playbooks are run
+from the MaaS provisioner container.
+## management_hosts_net_cidr
+CIDR for the management_hosts VTN network.
+## management_hosts_net_range_xos_high
+Last IP address to assign as a part of the management_hosts VTN network.
+## management_hosts_net_range_xos_low
+First IP address to assign as a part of the management_hosts VTN network.
+## management_network_cidr
+CIDR of the head node management network that connects between the OpenStack
+LXC containers and compute nodes.
+## mgmt_interface
+Physical management network interface on head node.
+## mgmt_ipv4_first_octets
+First 3 octets of the IP address of the management network.
+## mgmt_name_reverse_unbound
+The same value as [mgmt_ipv4_first_octets](#mgmt_ipv4_first_octets) but
+formatted for Unbound for use as a reverse DNS lookup zone.
+## mgmtbr_ext_interface
+Network interface on head node to add to the `mgmtbr` bridge.
+## mgmtbr_nat_interface
+Network interface connected to the internet that NAT is performed on for
+nodes that use the `mgmtbr` bridge.
+## min_memtotal_mb
+Minimum amount of memory to allow for a full virtual POD to be built with.
+## min_processor_vcpus
+Minimum number of CPU's to allow for a full virtual POD to be built with.
+## nsd_conf
+Path to the `nsd.conf` file for configuring the NSD authoritative nameserver.
+## nsd_group
+Group used by the NSD nameserver.
+## nsd_ip
+IP address of the NSD nameserver. Usually this is set to the loopback address,
+as Unbound runs on the external interfaces.
+## nsd_zones
+Configuration of DNS Zones that NSD provides authoritative DNS lookups for.
+## nsd_zonesdir
+Directory where DNS Zone files are kept for NSD.
+## onos_cord_port
+Port used for SSH connections to the `ONOS CORD` instance.
+## onos_debug_appnames
+Names of ONOS Apps loaded to change the logging level on for debugging purposes.
+## onos_debug_level
+The logging level (`INFO`, `DEBUG`, `TRACE`, etc.) to set ONOS Apps listed in
+## onos_docker_image
+Name of the docker image used to bring up ONOS containers.
+## onos_log_level
+Default logging level ONOS should log at.
+## physical_node_list
+List of physical nodes to set up in DNS.
+## pki_dir
+Location where SSL certificates are generated on the `config` node. Contains
+subdirectories for root and intermediate CA certificates.
+## pmd_cpu_mask
+DPDK setting for CPU pinning.
+## pod_sshkey_name
+Name of the SSH key generated to be used by the pod, specifically for logging
+into instance VM's that are brought up.
+## profile_library
+The name of the profile-specific onboarding TOSCA file.
+## pull_docker_registry
+DNS Name or IP of the Docker Registry to pull images from.
+## pull_docker_tag
+Tag for pulling Docker images.
+## repo_checksum
+Checksum of the [repo](https://code.google.com/archive/p/git-repo/) download.
+## repo_dl_url
+URL of `repo` to download.
+## repo_manifest_url
+URL of Gerrit manifest repository that `repo` fetches it's list of git
+repositories from.
+## requests_ca_bundle
+When using python's requests module, name of the CA certificate bundle file to
+use to validate SSL certificates.
+## run_dist_upgrade
+Whether or not to run `apt-get dist-upgrrade` on a system in the course of
+setting it up.
+## server_certs
+List of SSL certificates to generate for server use.
+## site_humanname
+Human readable name to use for the CORD site.
+## site_name
+Machine readable name to use for the CORD site. This should be one word, without spaces.
+## site_suffix
+The DNS suffix applied to all machines created for this site. Must be a valid DNS name.
+## ssh_ca_phrase
+The passphrase used to encrypt the Root CA key when creating a SSL hierarchy.
+## ssh_client_genkeys
+Names of SSH Client keys to generate and sign by the SSH CA.
+## ssh_host_genkeys
+Names of SSH Host keys to generatte and sign by the SSH CA.
+## ssh_keysize
+Size in bits of SSH keys to generate
+## ssh_keytype
+The key type of the SSH keys.  `rsa` is used currently, may change this as
+support for newer key algorithms is added to the underlying platform.
+## ssh_pki_dir
+Directory where SSH keys are generated.
+## ssl_cert_subj_prefix
+SSL certificate prefix substring to use when generating certificates.
+## trust_store_pw
+Java KeyStore password used for encrypting SSL certificates.  This currently
+doesn't contain any secure certificates, just the generated CA
+root/intermediate certificates for validation of SSL connections.
+## unbound_conf
+Path for the Unbound recursive DNS resolver configuration file.
+## unbound_group
+Group name used by Unbound server.
+## unbound_interfaces
+List of network interfaces that Unbound should listen on.
+## unbound_listen_all
+Whether Unbound should listen on all available network interfaces.
+## unbound_listen_on_default
+Whether Unbound should listen on the default gateway interface (as known to Ansible).
+## use_apt_cache
+Enables the use of `apt-cacher-ng` to cache APT packages on Head/LXC/Compute nodes.
+## use_dpdk
+Enable DPDK in OpenStack Nova and Neutron
+## use_fabric
+Start and use ONOS in a container to manage fabric switches
+## use_maas
+Use MaaS to manage compute nodes and switches.
+## use_management_hosts
+Whether the management_hosts network type in VTN should be enabled.
+## use_openstack
+Bring up and use OpenStack to manage VM's.
+## use_redis
+Use redis as a message bus inside XOS.
+## use_vtn
+Use the ONOS VTN app to manage networks for virtual instances.
+## vcpu_pin_set
+DPDK setting to specify CPU pinning.
+## vtn_management_host_net_interface
+Network interface to use on the head/compute nodes for the management_host network.
+## xos_admin_first
+First name of the XOS Admin user
+## xos_admin_last
+Last tname of the XOS Admin user
+## xos_admin_pass
+Password of the XOS Admin user (autogenerated by default)
+## xos_admin_user
+Username (email) of the XOS Admin user
+## xos_bootstrap_ui_port
+Port to connect to to bootstrap the XOS interface.
+## xos_chameleon_port
+Port used by Chameleon in XOS.
+## xos_db_name
+XOS Postgres database name
+## xos_db_password
+XOS Postgres database password.
+## xos_db_username
+XOS Postgres database username.
+## xos_dir
+Path of XOS directory within Docker containers.
+## xos_docker_networks
+Name of networks created in Docker for XOS containers.
+## xos_grpc_insecure_port
+Insecure (non-SSL) port used for GRPC connections to the XOS API.
+## xos_grpc_secure_port
+Secure (SSL) port used for GRPC connections to the XOS API.
+## xos_images
+List of OpenStack Glance images in QCOW2 format that are downloaded.
+## xos_other_templates
+List of templates to generate when creating the `cord_profile` directory.
+## xos_services
+List of XOS services to load, including the name, path and whether SSH keypairs
+should be included for the services.
+## xos_tosca_config_templates
+List of XOS tosca templates to load that make up the service graph of a
+## xos_ui_port
+XOS Web UI port to use for API access.
+## xos_users
+List of additional users to create in XOS, in addition to
diff --git a/docs/scripts/markedyaml.py b/docs/scripts/markedyaml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c1484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scripts/markedyaml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# markedyaml.py
+# generates nodes with start/end line and column values
+# start line seems off with single-line items, correct with multiline
+# Original code from here: https://gist.github.com/dagss/5008118
+# Request for licensing clarification made on 2017-09-19
+# Contains improvements to support more types (bool/int/etc.)
+import yaml
+from yaml.composer import Composer
+from yaml.reader import Reader
+from yaml.scanner import Scanner
+from yaml.composer import Composer
+from yaml.resolver import Resolver
+from yaml.parser import Parser
+from yaml.constructor import Constructor, BaseConstructor, SafeConstructor
+def create_node_class(cls):
+    class node_class(cls):
+        def __init__(self, x, start_mark, end_mark):
+            cls.__init__(self, x)
+            self.start_mark = start_mark
+            self.end_mark = end_mark
+        def __new__(self, x, start_mark, end_mark):
+            return cls.__new__(self, x)
+    node_class.__name__ = '%s_node' % cls.__name__
+    return node_class
+dict_node = create_node_class(dict)
+list_node = create_node_class(list)
+unicode_node = create_node_class(unicode)
+int_node = create_node_class(int)
+float_node = create_node_class(float)
+class NodeConstructor(SafeConstructor):
+    # To support lazy loading, the original constructors first yield
+    # an empty object, then fill them in when iterated. Due to
+    # laziness we omit this behaviour (and will only do "deep
+    # construction") by first exhausting iterators, then yielding
+    # copies.
+    def construct_yaml_map(self, node):
+        obj, = SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_map(self, node)
+        return dict_node(obj, node.start_mark, node.end_mark)
+    def construct_yaml_seq(self, node):
+        obj, = SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_seq(self, node)
+        return list_node(obj, node.start_mark, node.end_mark)
+    def construct_yaml_str(self, node):
+        obj = SafeConstructor.construct_scalar(self, node)
+        assert isinstance(obj, unicode)
+        return unicode_node(obj, node.start_mark, node.end_mark)
+    def construct_yaml_bool(self, node):
+        obj = SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_bool(self, node)
+        return int_node(obj, node.start_mark, node.end_mark)
+    def construct_yaml_int(self, node):
+        obj = SafeConstructor.construct_scalar(self, node)
+        return int_node(obj, node.start_mark, node.end_mark)
+    def construct_yaml_float(self, node):
+        obj = SafeConstructor.construct_scalar(self, node)
+        return float_node(obj, node.start_mark, node.end_mark)
+        u'tag:yaml.org,2002:map',
+        NodeConstructor.construct_yaml_map)
+        u'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq',
+        NodeConstructor.construct_yaml_seq)
+        u'tag:yaml.org,2002:str',
+        NodeConstructor.construct_yaml_str)
+        u'tag:yaml.org,2002:bool',
+        NodeConstructor.construct_yaml_bool)
+        u'tag:yaml.org,2002:int',
+        NodeConstructor.construct_yaml_int)
+        u'tag:yaml.org,2002:float',
+        NodeConstructor.construct_yaml_float)
+class MarkedLoader(Reader, Scanner, Parser, Composer, NodeConstructor, Resolver):
+    def __init__(self, stream):
+        Reader.__init__(self, stream)
+        Scanner.__init__(self)
+        Parser.__init__(self)
+        Composer.__init__(self)
+        NodeConstructor.__init__(self)
+        Resolver.__init__(self)
+def get_data(stream):
+    return MarkedLoader(stream).get_data()