Basic Configuration

The following provides instructions on how to configure an installed POD.


This section describes how to apply a basic configuration to a freshly installed fabric. The fabric needs to be configured to forward traffic between the different components of the POD. More info about how to configure the fabric can be found here.

##Configure Routes on the Compute Nodes

Each leaf switch on the fabric corresponds to a separate IP subnet. Routes must be manually configured on the compute nodes so that traffic between nodes on different leaves will be forwarded via the local spine switch.

Run commands of this form on each compute node:

sudo ip route add <remote-leaf-subnet> via <local-spine-ip>

The recommended configuration is a POD with two leaves; the leaf1 subnet is and the leaf2 subnet is In this configuration, on the compute nodes attached to leaf1, run:

sudo ip route add via

Likewise, on the compute nodes attached to leaf2, run:

sudo ip route add via

NOTE: it’s strongly suggested to add it as a permanent route to the compute node, so the route will still be there after a reboot

##Configure the Fabric: Overview

On the head node there is a service able to generate an ONOS network configuration to control the leaf and spine network fabric. This configuration is generated querying ONOS for the known switches and compute nodes and producing a JSON structure that can be posted to ONOS to implement the fabric.

The configuration generator can be invoked using the CORD generate command, which print the configuration at screen (standard output).

##Remove Stale ONOS Data

Before generating a configuration you need to make sure that the instance of ONOS controlling the fabric doesn't contain any stale data and that has processed a packet from each of the switches and computes nodes.

ONOS needs to process a packet because it does not have a mechanism to automatically discover the network elements. Thus, to be aware of a device on the network ONOS needs to first receive a packet from it.

To remove stale data from ONOS, the ONOS CLI wipe-out command can be used:

ssh -p 8101 onos@onos-fabric wipe-out -r -j please 
Warning: Permanently added '[onos-fabric]:8101,[]:8101' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. 
Password authentication 
Password:  (password rocks) 
Wiping intents 
Wiping hosts 
Wiping Flows 
Wiping groups 
Wiping devices 
Wiping links 
Wiping UI layouts 
Wiping regions 

NOTE: When prompt, use password "rocks".

To ensure ONOS is aware of all the switches and the compute nodes, you must have each switch "connected" to the controller and let each compute node ping over its fabric interface to the controller.

##Connect the Fabric Switches to ONOS

If the switches are not already connected, the following command on the head node CLI will initiate a connection.

for s in $(cord switch list | grep -v IP | awk '{print $3}'); do 
ssh -i ~/.ssh/cord_rsa -qftn root@$s ./connect -bg 2>&1  > $s.log 

You can verify ONOS has recognized the devices using the following command:

ssh -p 8101 onos@onos-fabric devices 

Warning: Permanently added '[onos-fabric]:8101,[]:8101' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. 
Password authentication 
id=of:0000cc37ab7cb74c, available=true, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=Broadcom Corp., hw=OF-DPA 2.0, sw=OF-DPA 2.0, serial=, driver=ofdpa, channelId=, managementAddress=, protocol=OF_13 
id=of:0000cc37ab7cba58, available=true, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=Broadcom Corp., hw=OF-DPA 2.0, sw=OF-DPA 2.0, serial=, driver=ofdpa, channelId=, managementAddress=, protocol=OF_13 
id=of:0000cc37ab7cbde6, available=true, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=Broadcom Corp., hw=OF-DPA 2.0, sw=OF-DPA 2.0, serial=, driver=ofdpa, channelId=, managementAddress=, protocol=OF_13 
id=of:0000cc37ab7cbf6c, available=true, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=Broadcom Corp., hw=OF-DPA 2.0, sw=OF-DPA 2.0, serial=, driver=ofdpa, channelId=, managementAddress=, protocol=OF_13 

NOTE: This is a sample output that won’t necessarily reflect your output

NOTE: When prompt, use password "rocks".

##Connect Compute Nodes to ONOS

To make sure that ONOS is aware of the compute nodes, the following command will send a ping over the fabric interface on each compute node.

for h in localhost $(cord prov list | grep "^node" | awk '{print $4}'); do 
ssh -i ~/.ssh/cord_rsa -qftn $h ping -c 1 -I fabric;

It is fine if the ping command fails, it's just used to register the node with ONOS. You can verify ONOS has recognized the nodes using the following command:

ssh -p 8101 onos@onos-fabric hosts 
Warning: Permanently added '[onos-fabric]:8101,[]:8101' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. 
Password authentication 
id=00:16:3E:DF:89:0E/None, mac=00:16:3E:DF:89:0E, location=of:0000cc37ab7cba58/3, vlan=None, ip(s)=[], configured=false 
id=3C:FD:FE:9E:94:28/None, mac=3C:FD:FE:9E:94:28, location=of:0000cc37ab7cba58/4, vlan=None, ip(s)=[], configured=false 

NOTE: When prompt, use password rocks

##Generate the Network Configuration

To modify the fabric configuration for your environment, generate on the head node a new network configuration using the following commands:

cd /opt/cord_profile && \
cp fabric-network-cfg.json{,.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)} && \
cord generate > fabric-network-cfg.json 

##Load Network Configuration

Once these steps are done load the new configuration into XOS, and restart the apps in ONOS:

###Install Dependencies

sudo pip install httpie 

###Delete Old Configuration

http -a onos:rocks DELETE http://onos-fabric:8181/onos/v1/network/configuration/docker-compose -p rcord exec xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/cord_profile/fabric-service.yaml 

###Load New Configuration

http -a onos:rocks POST http://onos-fabric:8181/onos/v1/applications/org.onosproject.vrouter/active 

###Restart ONOS Apps

http -a onos:rocks POST http://onos-fabric:8181/onos/v1/applications/org.onosproject.segmentrouting/active 

To verify that XOS has pushed the configuration to ONOS, log into ONOS in the onos-fabric VM and run netcfg:

$ ssh -p 8101 onos@onos-fabric netcfg 
Password authentication 
  "hosts" : {
    "00:00:00:00:00:04/None" : {
      "basic" : {
        "ips" : [ "" ],
        "location" : "of:0000000000000002/4"
    "00:00:00:00:00:03/None" : {
      "basic" : {
        "ips" : [ "" ],
        "location" : "of:0000000000000002/3"

>NOTE: When prompt, use password "rocks"