The CORD Development Environment

The development environment is required for the tasks in this repository. This environment leverages Vagrant to install the tools required to build and deploy the CORD software.

Cloning the Repository

To clone the repository, on your build host issue the git command:

git clone


When this is complete, a listing (ls) of this directory should yield output similar to:

LICENSE.txt        ansible/           components/        gradle/            gradlew.bat        utils/          build.gradle       config/    scripts/
Vagrantfile        buildSrc/          docs/              gradlew*           settings.gradle

Creating the Development Machine

To create the development machine the following Vagrant command can be used. This will create an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS based virtual machine and install some basic required packages, such as Docker, Docker Compose, and Oracle Java 8.

vagrant up corddev

NOTE: It may have several minutes for the first command vagrant up corddev to complete as it will include creating the VM as well as downloading and installing various software packages.

Connect to the Development Machine

To connect to the development machine the following vagrant command can be used.

vagrant ssh corddev

Once connected to the Vagrant machine, you can find the deployment artifacts in the /cord directory on the VM.

cd /cord


Gradle is the build tool that is used to help orchestrate the build and deployment of a POD. A launch script is included in the Vagrant machine that will automatically download and install gradle. The script is called gradlew and the download / install will be invoked on the first use of this script; thus the first use may take a little longer than subsequent invocations and requires a connection to the internet.


Once you have created and connected to the development environment this task is complete. The cord repository files can be found on the development machine under /cord. This directory is mounted from the host machine so changes made to files in this directory will be reflected on the host machine and vice-versa.