Update for CORD-in-a-Box

Change-Id: Idad5ef32b3bc7a4a2541e4e1ab010332bf7fb864
diff --git a/Vagrantfile b/Vagrantfile
index b01337b..b02e72e 100644
--- a/Vagrantfile
+++ b/Vagrantfile
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
     d.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
       v.memory = 2048
+    d.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain|
+      d.vm.synced_folder '../', '/cord', type: 'rsync', rsync__args: ["--verbose", "--archive", "--delete", "-z"]
+      d.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', type: 'rsync', disabled: true
+      domain.memory = 2048
+    end
   config.vm.define "prod" do |d|
@@ -66,7 +71,6 @@
   (1..3).each do |i|
     # Defining VM properties
     config.vm.define "compute_node#{i}" do |c|
@@ -87,6 +91,30 @@
+  # Libvirt compute node
+  # Not able to merge with virtualbox config for compute nodes above
+  # Issue is that here no box and no private network are specified
+  config.vm.define "compute_node" do |c|
+    c.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disable: true
+    c.vm.communicator = "none"
+    c.vm.hostname = "computenode"
+    c.vm.network "public_network",
+      adapter: 1,
+      auto_config: false,
+      dev: "mgmtbr",
+      mode: "bridge",
+      type: "bridge"
+    c.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain|
+      domain.memory = 8192
+      domain.cpus = 4
+      domain.machine_virtual_size = 100
+      domain.storage :file, :size => '100G', :type => 'qcow2'
+      domain.boot 'network'
+      domain.boot 'hd'
+      domain.nested = true
+    end
+  end
   if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-cachier")
     config.cache.scope = :box
diff --git a/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yml
index f2fa653..bedd98b 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 - name: Ensure known_hosts file is absent
-    path: "{{ ansible_env['PWD'] }}/.ssh/known_hosts"
+    path: "/home/vagrant/.ssh/known_hosts"
     state: absent
 - name: Create .ssh directory
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 - name: Disable Known Host Checking
     src: files/ssh_config
-    dest: "{{ ansible_env['PWD'] }}/.ssh/config"
+    dest: "/home/vagrant/.ssh/config"
     owner: "{{ ansible_env['SUDO_USER'] }}"
     group: "{{ ansible_env['SUDO_USER'] }}"
     mode: 0600
diff --git a/config/cord_e2e_cloudlab.yml b/config/cord_e2e_cloudlab.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b21071f..0000000
--- a/config/cord_e2e_cloudlab.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Deployment configuration for a single-node POD on CloudLab
-debug: false
-  ip: ''
-  # User name used by Ansible to connect to the host for remote
-  # provisioning.  Assumes private key loaded into ssh-agent.
-  user: 'acb'
-  extraVars:
-    - 'on_cloudlab=True'
-  imageVersion: candidate
diff --git a/config/cord_e2e_jenkins.yml b/config/cord_e2e_jenkins.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d273961..0000000
--- a/config/cord_e2e_jenkins.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Deployment configuration for a single-node POD on CloudLab
-debug: false
-  ip: ''
-  # User name used by Ansible to connect to the host for remote
-  # provisioning.  Assumes private key loaded into ssh-agent.
-  user: 'jenkins'
-  imageVersion: candidate
diff --git a/config/cord_in_a_box.yml b/config/cord_in_a_box.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a68ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/cord_in_a_box.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Deployment configuration for VirtualBox based head node.
+# This deployment configuration can be utilized with the head node created
+# via `vargrant up headnode` from the gerrit.opencord.org/maas repository.
+debug: false
+  ip: ''
+  # User name and password used by Ansible to connect to the host for remote
+  # provisioning
+  user: 'ubuntu'
+  password: 'foo'
+  # Specifies tasks within the head node provisioning not to execute, including:
+  #
+  # switch_support -   don't download the switch ONL images as there are no
+  #                    switches in this configuration
+  # interface_config - don't update the network configuration of the headnode
+  #                    as it is configured by vagrant to the proper settings
+  skipTags:
+    - 'switch_support'
+    - 'reboot'
+    - 'interface_config'
+  fabric_ip: ''
+  management_ip: ''
+  external_iface: 'eth0'
+  management_network: ''
+  # Specifies the extra settings required for this configuration
+  #
+  # virtualbox_support - install support for managing virtual box based
+  #                      compute nodes
+  virtualbox_support: 1
+  power_helper_user: 'cord'
+  extraVars:
+    #- 'on_cloudlab=True'
+    - 'cord_in_a_box=True'
+  imageVersion: candidate
+  # Specifies the configuration for dynamically added compute nodes
+  fabric:
+    network: ''
+    range_low: ''
+    range_high: ''
diff --git a/docs/quickstart.md b/docs/quickstart.md
index f4cd961..12086b2 100644
--- a/docs/quickstart.md
+++ b/docs/quickstart.md
@@ -1,34 +1,20 @@
-# CORD Quick Start Guide
+# CORD-in-a-Box Quick Start Guide
 This tutorial guide walks through the steps to bring up a demonstration CORD "POD",
-running in virtual machines on a single physical server. The purpose
+running in virtual machines on a single physical server (a.k.a. "CORD-in-a-Box"). The purpose
 of this demonstration POD is to enable those interested in understanding how CORD works to
 examine and interact with a running CORD environment.  It is a good place for
 novice CORD users to start.
-**NOTE:** *If you are looking for instructions on how to install a multi-node POD, you will
-find them in [quickstart_physical.md](./quickstart_physical.md).*
-Specifically, the tutorial covers the following:
-1. Bring up a build environment
-2. Fetch all artifacts
-3. Deploy the software to the target platform (server)
-4. Run some tests on the platform
-5. Clean-up
+**NOTE:** *This tutorial installs a simplified version of a CORD POD on a single server
+using virtual machines.  If you are looking for instructions on how to install a multi-node POD, you will
+find them in [quickstart_physical.md](./quickstart_physical.md).  For more
+details about the actual build process, look there.*
 ## What you need (Prerequisites)
-You will need a *build host* (e.g., your laptop) and a *target server*.  The build host will run
-a development environment in a Vagrant VM that will be used to deploy CORD to the target server.
-Build host requirements:
-* Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows with a 64-bit OS
-* [`git`](https://git-scm.com/) (2.5.4 or later)
-* [`Vagrant`](https://www.vagrantup.com/) (1.8.1 or later)
-* Access to the Internet
-* SSH access to the target server
+You will need a *target server*, which will run both a development environment
+in a Vagrant VM (used to deploy CORD) as well as CORD-in-a-Box itself.
 Target server requirements:
@@ -38,7 +24,7 @@
   * 1TB+ disk
 * Access to the Internet
 * Ubuntu 14.04 LTS freshly installed (see [TBF]() for instruction on how to install Ubuntu 14.04).
-* Account used to SSH from build host has password-less *sudo* capability (e.g., like the `ubuntu` user)
+* User account used to install CORD-in-a-Box has password-less *sudo* capability (e.g., like the `ubuntu` user)
 ### Target Server on CloudLab (optional)
@@ -51,197 +37,147 @@
 week or two, you wish to continue using CloudLab to experiment with or develop CORD,
 then you must apply for your own separate CloudLab project.*
-Once your account is approved, start an experiment using the `OnePC-Ubuntu14.04.4` profile
+Once your account is approved, start an experiment using the `OnePC-Ubuntu14.04.5` profile
 on either the Wisconsin or Clemson cluster.  This will provide you with a temporary target server
 meeting the above requirements.
 Refer to the [CloudLab documentation](https://docs.cloudlab.us) for more information.
-## Install Repo
+## Download and Run the Script
-Make sure you have a bin directory in your home directory and that it is included in your path:
+*Update these instructions once the patches are finalized and merged*
+On the target server, download the script that installs CORD-in-a-Box.  Then run it,
+saving the screen output to a file called `install.out`:
-mkdir ~/bin
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencord/cord/master/scripts/cord-in-a-box.sh
+bash ./cord-in-a-box.sh -t | tee ~/install.out
-(of course you can put repo wherever you want)
-Download the Repo tool and ensure that it is executable:
-curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
-chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
-## Clone the Repository
-To clone the repository, on your OtP build host issue the `git` command:
-mkdir opencord && cd opencord
-repo init -u https://gerrit.opencord.org/manifest -b master -g build,onos
-Fetch the opencord source code
-repo sync
-### Complete
-When this is complete, a listing (`ls`) of this directory should yield output
-similar to:
-## Create the Development Machine
-The development environment is required for the tasks in this repository.
-This environment leverages [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/getting-started/)
-to install the tools required to build and deploy the CORD software.
-To create the development machine the following  Vagrant command can be
-used. This will create an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS based virtual machine and install
-some basic required packages, such as Docker, Docker Compose, and
-Oracle Java 8.
-cd build
-vagrant up corddev
-**NOTE:** *It may takes several minutes for the first command `vagrant up
-corddev` to complete as it will include creating the VM as well as downloading
-and installing various software packages.*
+The script takes a *long time* (at least two hours) to run.  Be patient!  If it hasn't completely
+failed yet, then assume all is well!
 ### Complete
-Once the Vagrant VM is created and provisioned, you will see output ending
-==> corddev: PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
-==> corddev: localhost                  : ok=29   changed=25   unreachable=0    failed=0
-==> corddev: Configuring cache buckets...
+The script builds the CORD-in-a-Box and runs a couple of tests to ensure that
+things are working as expected.  Once it has finished running, you'll see a
+**BUILD SUCCESSFUL** message.
-## Connect to the Development Machine
-To connect to the development machine the following vagrant command can be used.
-vagrant ssh corddev
+The file `~/install.out` contains the full output of the build process.
-Once connected to the Vagrant machine, you can find the deployment artifacts
-in the `/cord` directory on the VM.
-cd /cord
+## Inspecting CORD-in-a-Box
-### Gradle
-[Gradle](https://gradle.org/) is the build tool that is used to help
-orchestrate the build and deployment of a POD. A *launch* script is included
-in the Vagrant machine that will automatically download and install `gradle`.
-The script is called `gradlew` and the download / install will be invoked on
-the first use of this script; thus the first use may take a little longer
-than subsequent invocations and requires a connection to the internet.
-### Complete
-Once you have created and connected to the development environment this task is
-complete. The `cord` repository files can be found on the development machine
-under `/cord`. This directory is mounted from the host machine so changes
-made to files in this directory will be reflected on the host machine and
-## Fetch
-The fetching phase of the deployment pulls Docker images from the public
-repository down to the local machine as well as clones any `git` submodules
-that are part of the project. This phase can be initiated with the following
-./gradlew fetch
-### Complete
-Once the fetch command has successfully been run, this step is complete. After
-this command completes you should be able to see the Docker images that were
-downloaded using the `docker images` command on the development machine:
-docker images
-REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
-python              2.7-alpine          836fa7aed31d        5 days ago          56.45 MB
-consul              <none>              62f109a3299c        2 weeks ago         41.05 MB
-registry            2.4.0               8b162eee2794        9 weeks ago         171.1 MB
-abh1nav/dockerui    latest              6e4d05915b2a        19 months ago       469.5 MB
-## Edit the configuration file
-Edit the configuration file `/cord/platform-install/config/default.yml`.  Add the IP address of your target
-server as well as the `username / password` for accessing the server.  You can skip adding the password if you can SSH
-to the target server from inside the Vagrant VM as `username` without one (e.g., by running `ssh-agent`).
-If you are planning on deploying the single-node POD to a CloudLab host, uncomment
-the following lines in the configuration file:
+CORD-in-a-Box installs the target server as a CORD head node, with OpenStack,
+ONOS, and XOS services running inside VMs.  An OpenStack compute node
+is also brought up inside a virtual machine.  You can see all the virtual
+machines by running `virsh list` on the target server:
-#  - 'on_cloudlab=True'
+$ virsh list
+ Id    Name                           State
+ 2     build_corddev                  running
+ 3     juju-1                         running
+ 4     ceilometer-1                   running
+ 5     glance-1                       running
+ 6     keystone-1                     running
+ 7     percona-cluster-1              running
+ 8     nagios-1                       running
+ 9     neutron-api-1                  running
+ 10    nova-cloud-controller-1        running
+ 11    openstack-dashboard-1          running
+ 12    rabbitmq-server-1              running
+ 13    onos-cord-1                    running
+ 14    onos-fabric-1                  running
+ 15    xos-1                          running
+ 18    build_compute_node             running
-This will signal the install process to set up extra disk space on the CloudLab
-node for use by CORD.
-### Complete
-Before proceeding, verify that you can SSH to the target server from the development
-environment using the IP address, username, and password that you entered into the
-configuration file.  Also verify that the user account can `sudo` without a password.
-## Deploy the single-node CORD POD on the target server
-Deploy the CORD software to the the target server and configure it to form a running POD.
+The `build_corddev` VM is the Vagrant development machine that executes
+the build process.  It download and build Docker containers and publish them
+to the target server. It then installs MaaS on the target server (for bare-metal
+provisioning) and the ONOS, XOS, and OpenStack services in VMs.  This VM
+can be entered as follows:
-./gradlew -PdeployConfig=/cord/platform-install/config/default.yml deploySingle
-   ```
-> *What this does:*
-> This command uses an Ansible playbook (cord-single-playbook.yml) to install
-> OpenStack services, ONOS, and XOS in VMs on the target server.  It also brings up
-> a compute node as a VM.
+cd ~/opencord/build; vagrant ssh corddev
-This step usually takes *at least an hour* to complete.  Be patient!
+The CORD build environment is located in `/cord/build` inside this VM.  It is
+possible to manually run individual steps in the build process here if you wish; see
+[quickstart_physical.md](./quickstart_physical.md) for more information on
+how to run build steps.
-### Complete
-This step is completed once the Ansible playbook finishes without errors.  If
-an error is encountered when running this step, the first thing to try is
-just running the above `gradlew` command again.
-Once the step completes, two instances of ONOS are running, in
+The VMs ending with names ending with `-1` are running the various CORD
+head node services.  Two instances of ONOS are running, in
 the `onos-cord-1` and `onos-fabric-1` VMs, though only `onos-cord-1` is used in
-the single-node install.  OpenStack is also running on the target server with a virtual
-compute node called `nova-compute-1`.  Finally, XOS is running inside the `xos-1`
+the CORD-in-a-Box.  XOS is running inside the `xos-1`
 VM and is controlling ONOS and OpenStack.  You can get a deeper understanding of
 the configuration of the target server by visiting [head_node_services.md](./head_node_services.md).
-## Login to the CORD GUI and look around
-You can access the CORD GUI (provided by XOS) by pointing your browser to URL
-`http://<target-server>`, using username `padmin@vicci.org` and password `letmein`.
-The state of the system is that all CORD services have been onboarded to XOS (you
-can see them in the GUI by clicking _Services_ at left), but no
-CORD subscribers have been created yet.  To create a sample subscriber, proceed
-to the next step.
-## Run the post-deployment tests
-After the single-node POD is set up, you can execute basic health
-tests on the platform by running this command:
+These VMs can be entered as follows:
-./gradlew -PdeployConfig=/cord/platform-install/config/default.yml postDeployTests
+ssh ubuntu@<vm-name>
+The `build_compute_node` VM is the virtual compute node controlled by OpenStack.
+This VM can be entered as follows:
+source ~/admin-openrc.sh
+ssh ubuntu@$( nova service-list | grep nova-compute | awk '{print $4}' )
+### Docker Containers
+The target server runs a Docker image registry, a Maven repository containing
+the CORD ONOS apps, and a number of microservices used in bare-metal provisioning.
+You can see these by running `docker ps`:
+$ docker ps
+CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                           NAMES
+adfe0a0b68e8        docker-registry:5000/mavenrepo:candidate              "nginx -g 'daemon off"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours          443/tcp,>80/tcp   mavenrepo
+da6bdd4ca322        docker-registry:5000/cord-dhcp-harvester:candidate    "python /dhcpharveste"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours>8954/tcp          harvester
+b6fe30f03f73        docker-registry:5000/cord-maas-switchq:candidate      "/go/bin/switchq"        3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                                          switchq
+a1a7d4c7589f        docker-registry:5000/cord-maas-automation:candidate   "/go/bin/cord-maas-au"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                                          automation
+628fb3725abf        docker-registry:5000/cord-provisioner:candidate       "/go/bin/cord-provisi"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                                          provisioner
+fe7b3414cf88        docker-registry:5000/config-generator:candidate       "/go/bin/config-gener"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours          1337/tcp                        generator
+c7159495f9b4        docker-registry:5000/cord-ip-allocator:candidate      "/go/bin/cord-ip-allo"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                                          allocator
+33bf33214d98        docker-registry:5000/consul:candidate                 "docker-entrypoint.sh"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                                          storage
+b44509b3314e        registry:2.4.0                                        "/bin/registry serve "   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours>5000/tcp          registry
+79060bba9994        registry:2.4.0                                        "/bin/registry serve "   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours>5000/tcp          registry-mirror
+### MaaS GUI
+You can access the MaaS (Metal-as-a-Service) GUI by pointing your browser to the URL
+`http://<target-server>/MAAS/`.  Username and password are both `cord`.  For more
+information on MaaS, see [the MaaS documentation](http://maas.io/docs).
+### XOS GUI
+You can access the XOS GUI by pointing your browser to URL
+`http://<target-server>/xos/`.  Username is `padmin@vicci.org` and password is `letmein`.
+The state of the system is that all CORD services have been onboarded to XOS.  You
+can see them in the GUI by clicking _Services_ at left.  Clicking on the name of
+a service will show more details about it.
+A sample CORD subscriber has also been created.  A nice way to drill down into
+the configuration is to click _Customize_ at left, add the _Diagnostic_
+dashboard, and then click _Diagnostic_ at left.  To see the details of the
+subscriber in this dashboard, click the green box next to _Subscriber_ and
+select `cordSubscriber-1`.  The dashboard will change to show information
+specific to that subscriber.
+## Test results
+After CORD-in-a-Box was set up, a couple of basic health
+tests were executed on the platform.  The results of these tests can be
+found near the end of `~/install.out`.
 ### test-vsg
 This tests the E2E connectivity of the POD by performing the following
@@ -253,7 +189,7 @@
  * Runs `ping` in the client to a public IP address in the Internet
 Success means that traffic is flowing between the subscriber
-household and the Internet via the vSG.  If it succeeds, you should see some
+household and the Internet via the vSG.  If it succeeded, you should see some
 lines like these in the output:
@@ -285,7 +221,7 @@
  * Runs a `curl` from the subscriber test client, through the vSG, to the Apache server.
 Success means that the Apache server launched by the *exampleservice* tenant is fully configured
-and is reachable from the subscriber client via the vSG.  If it succeeds, you should see some
+and is reachable from the subscriber client via the vSG.  If it succeeded, you should see some
 lines like these in the output:
@@ -301,16 +237,6 @@
-## Optional cleanup
-Once you are finished deploying the single-node POD, you can exit from the development
-environment on the build host and destroy it:
-vagrant destroy -f
 ## Congratulations
 If you got this far, you successfully built, deployed, and tested your
diff --git a/scripts/cord-in-a-box.sh b/scripts/cord-in-a-box.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..28fee02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cord-in-a-box.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+set -x
+function cleanup_from_previous_test() {
+  set +e
+  echo "## Cleanup ##"
+  echo "Shutting down all Vagrant VMs"
+  cd $CORDDIR/build
+  vagrant destroy
+  echo "Destroying juju environment"
+  juju destroy-environment --force -y manual
+  VMS=$( sudo uvt-kvm list )
+  for VM in $VMS
+  do
+    echo "Destroying $VM"
+    sudo uvt-kvm destroy $VM
+  done
+  echo "Cleaning up files"
+  rm -rf ~/.juju
+  rm -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+  rm -rf ~/platform-install
+  rm -rf ~/cord_apps
+  rm -rf ~/.ansible_async
+  echo "Removing MAAS"
+  [ -e  /usr/local/bin/remove-maas-components ] && /usr/local/bin/remove-maas-components
+  echo "Remove apt-cacher-ng"
+  sudo apt-get remove -y apt-cacher-ng
+  sudo rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02apt-cacher-ng
+  echo "Removing mgmtbr"
+  ifconfig mgmtbr && sudo ip link set dev mgmtbr down && sudo brctl delbr mgmtbr
+  echo "Removing Juju packages"
+  sudo apt-get remove --purge -y $(dpkg --get-selections | grep "juju\|nova\|neutron\|keystone\|glance" | awk '{print $1}')
+  sudo apt-get autoremove -y
+  rm -rf $CORDDIR
+  set -e
+function bootstrap() {
+  cd ~
+  sudo apt-get update
+  [ -e vagrant_1.8.5_x86_64.deb ] || wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/1.8.5/vagrant_1.8.5_x86_64.deb
+  sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.8.5_x86_64.deb
+  sudo apt-get -y install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin libvirt-dev curl
+  [ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa ] || ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
+  cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+  # Log into the local node once to get host key
+  ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no localhost "ls > /dev/null"
+  USER=$(whoami)
+  sudo adduser $USER libvirtd
+  sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/repo https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo
+  sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo
+  if [ ! -d "$CORDDIR" ]
+  then
+    mkdir $CORDDIR && cd $CORDDIR
+    git config --global user.name 'Test User'
+    git config --global user.email 'test@null.com'
+    git config --global color.ui false
+    repo init -u https://gerrit.opencord.org/manifest -b master -g build,onos
+    repo sync
+    cd $CORDDIR/build
+    sed -i "s/user: 'ubuntu'/user: \"$USER\"/" $CONFIG
+    # Set external interface in config file
+    IFACE=$(route | grep default | awk '{print $8}' )
+    sed -i "s/eth0/$IFACE/" $CONFIG
+  fi
+  cd $CORDDIR/build
+  vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
+  vagrant plugin install vagrant-mutate
+  vagrant box list ubuntu/trusty64 | grep virtualbox || vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
+  vagrant box list ubuntu/trusty64 | grep libvirt || vagrant mutate ubuntu/trusty64 libvirt --input-provider virtualbox
+function cloudlab_setup() {
+  if [ -e /usr/testbed/bin/mkextrafs ]
+  then
+    sudo /usr/testbed/bin/mkextrafs -r /dev/sdb -qf "/var/lib/libvirt/images/"
+    cd $CORDDIR/build
+    SRC="#- 'on_cloudlab=True'"
+    DST="- 'on_cloudlab=True'"
+    sed -i "s/$SRC/$DST/" config/cord_in_a_box.yml
+  fi
+function unfortunate_hacks() {
+  cd $CORDDIR/build
+  # Disable interface rename during MAAS provision
+  sed -i 's/"INTERFACE_CONFIG=1"/"INTERFACE_CONFIG=0"/' maas/roles/maas/templates/automation-compose.yml.j2
+  # Don't require fabric_ip
+  SRC="fabric_ip | mandatory"
+  DST="fabric_ip | default('manual')"
+  sed -i "s/$SRC/$DST/" maas/roles/compute-node/vars/main.yml
+  # Allow compute nodes to PXE boot from mgmtbr
+  sed -i "s/@type='udp']/@type='udp' or @type='bridge']/" \
+    ~/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-libvirt-0.0.35/lib/vagrant-libvirt/action/set_boot_order.rb
+  # Should get these keys inside the VM in another way
+  cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa* $CORDDIR
+function corddev_up() {
+  cd $CORDDIR/build
+  sudo su $USER -c 'vagrant up corddev --provider libvirt'
+function install_head_node() {
+  cd $CORDDIR/build
+  # Network setup to install physical server as head node
+  ip addr list dev virbr2 | grep || sudo ip addr add dev virbr2
+  ifconfig mgmtbr || sudo brctl addbr mgmtbr
+  sudo ifconfig mgmtbr up
+  # User has been added to the libvirtd group, but su $USER to be safe
+  sudo su $USER -c "vagrant ssh corddev -c \"cp /cord/id_rsa* ~/.ssh\""
+  sudo su $USER -c "vagrant ssh corddev -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew fetch\""
+  sudo su $USER -c "vagrant ssh corddev -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew buildImages\""
+  sudo su $USER -c "vagrant ssh corddev -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew -PdeployConfig=$VMDIR/$CONFIG -PtargetReg= publish\""
+  sudo su $USER -c "vagrant ssh corddev -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew -PdeployConfig=$VMDIR/$CONFIG deploy\""
+function set_up_maas_user() {
+  # Set up MAAS user to restart nodes via libvirt
+  sudo mkdir -p /home/maas
+  sudo chown maas:maas /home/maas
+  sudo chsh -s /bin/bash maas
+  sudo adduser maas libvirtd
+  sudo su maas -c 'cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
+function add_compute_node() {
+  cd $CORDDIR/build
+  sudo su $USER -c 'vagrant up compute_node --provider libvirt'
+  # Sign into MAAS
+  KEY=$(sudo maas-region-admin apikey --username=cord)
+  maas login cord http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0 $KEY
+  NODEID=$(maas cord nodes list|jq -r '.[] | select(.status == 0).system_id')
+  until [ "$NODEID" ]; do
+    echo "Waiting for the compute node to transition to NEW state"
+    sleep 15
+    NODEID=$(maas cord nodes list|jq -r '.[] | select(.status == 0).system_id')
+  done
+  # Add remote power state
+  maas cord node update $NODEID power_type="virsh" \
+    power_parameters_power_address="qemu+ssh://maas@localhost/system" \
+    power_parameters_power_id="build_compute_node"
+  STATUS=$(sudo /usr/local/bin/get-node-prov-state |jq ".[] | select(.id == \"$NODEID\").status")
+  until [ "$STATUS" == "2" ]; do
+    if [ "$STATUS" == "3" ]; then
+      echo "*** ERROR in provisioning!"
+      echo "*** Check /etc/maas/ansible/logs/$NODEID.log"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Waiting for the compute node to be fully provisioned"
+    sleep 60
+    STATUS=$(sudo /usr/local/bin/get-node-prov-state |jq ".[] | select(.id == \"$NODEID\").status")
+  done
+  echo ""
+  echo "compute_node is fully provisioned!"
+function run_e2e_test () {
+  cd $CORDDIR/build
+  # User has been added to the libvirtd group, but su $USER to be safe
+  sudo su $USER -c "vagrant ssh corddev -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew -PdeployConfig=$VMDIR/$CONFIG postDeployTests\""
+function run_diagnostics() {
+  # Need to fix up inventory to collect info from compute nodes
+  # Using juju-ansible is one possibility
+  #echo "*** COLLECTING DIAGNOSTIC INFO - check ~/diag-* on the head node"
+  #ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY cord-diag-playbook.yml
+# Parse options
+while getopts "b:cdehi:p:r:ts:" opt; do
+  case ${opt} in
+      ;;
+    c ) CLEANUP=1
+      ;;
+    d ) DIAGNOSTICS=1
+      ;;
+    h ) echo "Usage:"
+      echo "    $0                install OpenStack and prep XOS and ONOS VMs [default]"
+      echo "    $0 -b <branch>    checkout <branch> of the xos git repo"
+      echo "    $0 -c             cleanup from previous test"
+      echo "    $0 -d             run diagnostic collector"
+      echo "    $0 -h             display this help message"
+      echo "    $0 -t             do install, bring up cord-pod configuration, run E2E test"
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+    t ) RUN_TEST=1
+      ;;
+    \? ) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG"
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+# What to do
+if [[ $CLEANUP -eq 1 ]]
+  cleanup_from_previous_test
+set -e
+if [[ $RUN_TEST -eq 1 ]]
+  run_e2e_test
+if [[ $DIAGNOSTICS -eq 1 ]]
+  run_diagnostics
+exit 0