The Shared-Delusion release completes a major refactoring of CORD, with the goal of improving the developer experience. A full listing of Epics and Stories completed for Shared-Delusion (pulled from Jira) is available here, with the highlights summarized below.
Completed the XOS modeling framework for on-boarding services. Specific features include:
A new modeling language (xproto) and generative toolchain (xosgen).
Support for specifying and enforcing security policies.
Support for auto-generating the TOSCA and GUI interfaces.
General data model clean-up, including the introduction of ServiceInstance
, ServiceInterface
, InterfaceType
, and ServiceInterfaceLink
Eliminated hard-coded VTN dependencies.
Added a Debug tab to the GUI that can be used to show hidden fields, and extended the data model to support hiding fields.
Migrated the R-CORD services to use the new modeling framework and the latest model changes.
Removed hand-crafted APIs and eliminated the xos-gui
Information on migrating services to Shared-Delusion can be found in the CORD-4.0 Service Migration Guide.
Redesigned build system to streamline and unify the developer workflow. Specific features include:
Uses make
and transitions away from gradle
, providing better support for incremental builds and unifying the development process.
Added a scenario system that encompasses the mock functionality previously available but doesn't require multiple profiles to be maintained.
Implemented an XOS configuration module.
Supports building and pushing tagged images to Docker Hub, and downloading images that match the code that is checked out.
Added configure targets that generate credentials for each build layer.
Added make targets for XOS profile development.
Added make targets to install versioned POD or CiaB
Updated ansible
and docker-compose
The new (Make-based) and old (Gradle-based) build systems will co-exist for a while, but the latter is being deprecated. Users are strongly encouraged to use the new system.
Automated the physical POD deployment system. Specific items include:
Supports fabric configuration in ONOS and load POD configuration files in pod-configs
Automated switch software installation.
Refactored Jenkins build process to use yaml
configuration file instead of Jenkins variables, and to parameterize methods for commonly used functions.
Added a comprehensive logging facility that integrates logs across multiple components. The logging facility uses ELK Stack and can be accessed using Kibana.
Most services have not been upgraded to use the new logging system.
Improved test coverage, including:
Support for automatically running unit tests.
Support for full API coverage.
Added additional data plane tests.
Integrated control/data plane tests.
Developed scaling tests for subscribers, vRouter, IGMP, vSG and vCPE.
Continued to add features to the fabric, including:
Upgraded to OFDPA 3.0 EA4.
Updated fabric synchronizer to push routes instead of hosts.
Support to enable/disable ports on STANDBY nodes.
DHCP server HA supported by DHCP relay app.
Extended network configuration to support multi-homing.
Supports dual-home host failover.
Refactored DHCP relay
Optimized DPDK and OvS performance, including:
Bound fabric interfaces to DPDK
Added portbindings to networking_onos
Neutron plugin
Modified JuJu charms to configure optimizations into OpenStack.
Changed kernel boot options for nodes
This is a beta feature, and is not automatically included in a build.