CORD-1375 Update documentation for CORD 3.0

Change-Id: I1443e10ffa1ceeeee8299e6da7398d4e0dfe78c3
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 1312480..e5f45cd 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 similar to:
 ls -F
-build/         incubator/     onos-apps/     orchestration/ test/
+build/         component/     incubator/     onos-apps/     orchestration/ test/
 ## Create the Development Machine
@@ -173,16 +173,25 @@
 docker images
 REPOSITORY                  TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
-opencord/onos               <none>              e1ade494f06e        3 days ago          936.5 MB
-python                      2.7-alpine          c80455665c57        2 weeks ago         71.46 MB
-xosproject/xos-base         <none>              2b791db4def0        4 weeks ago         756.4 MB
-redis                       <none>              74b99a81add5        11 weeks ago        182.8 MB
-xosproject/xos-postgres     <none>              95312a611414        11 weeks ago        393.8 MB
-xosproject/cord-app-build   <none>              003a1c20e34a        5 months ago        1.108 GB
-consul                      <none>              62f109a3299c        6 months ago        41.05 MB
-swarm                       <none>              47dc182ea74b        8 months ago        19.32 MB
-nginx                       <none>              3c69047c6034        8 months ago        182.7 MB
-xosproject/vsg              <none>              dd026689aff3        9 months ago        336 MB
+REPOSITORY                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
+xosproject/xos-postgres    candidate           c17f15922d35        20 hours ago        348MB
+xosproject/xos-postgres    latest              c17f15922d35        20 hours ago        348MB
+nginx                      candidate           958a7ae9e569        3 days ago          109MB
+nginx                      latest              958a7ae9e569        3 days ago          109MB
+xosproject/xos-base        candidate           4a6b75a0f05a        6 days ago          932MB
+xosproject/xos-base        latest              4a6b75a0f05a        6 days ago          932MB
+python                     2.7-alpine          3dd614730c9c        7 days ago          72MB
+onosproject/onos           <none>              e41f6f8b2570        2 weeks ago         948MB
+gliderlabs/consul-server   candidate           7ef15b0d1bdb        4 months ago        29.2MB
+gliderlabs/consul-server   latest              7ef15b0d1bdb        4 months ago        29.2MB
+node                       <none>              c09e81cac06c        4 months ago        650MB
+redis                      <none>              74b99a81add5        7 months ago        183MB
+consul                     <none>              62f109a3299c        11 months ago       41.1MB
+swarm                      <none>              47dc182ea74b        13 months ago       19.3MB
+nginx                      <none>              3c69047c6034        13 months ago       183MB
+gliderlabs/registrator     candidate           3b59190c6c80        13 months ago       23.8MB
+gliderlabs/registrator     latest              3b59190c6c80        13 months ago       23.8MB
+xosproject/vsg             <none>              dd026689aff3        13 months ago       336MB
 ## Build Images
@@ -228,34 +237,64 @@
 docker images --format 'table {{.Repository}}\t{{.Tag}}\t{{.Size}}\t{{.ID}}'
 REPOSITORY                  TAG                 SIZE                IMAGE ID
-opencord/mavenrepo          latest              338.2 MB            2e29009df740
-cord-maas-switchq           latest              337.7 MB            73b084b48796
-cord-provisioner            latest              822.4 MB            bd26a7001dd8
-cord-dhcp-harvester         latest              346.8 MB            d3cfa30cf38c
-config-generator            latest              278.4 MB            e58059b1afb2
-cord-maas-bootstrap         latest              359.4 MB            c70c437c6039
-cord-maas-automation        latest              371.8 MB            9757ac34e7f6
-cord-ip-allocator           latest              276.5 MB            0f399f8389aa
-opencord/onos               <none>              936.5 MB            e1ade494f06e
-python                      2.7-alpine          71.46 MB            c80455665c57
-golang                      alpine              240.5 MB            00371bbb49d5
-golang                      1.6-alpine          283 MB              1ea38172de32
-nginx                       latest              181.6 MB            01f818af747d
-xosproject/xos-base         <none>              756.4 MB            2b791db4def0
-ubuntu                      14.04               187.9 MB            3f755ca42730
-redis                       <none>              182.8 MB            74b99a81add5
-xosproject/xos-postgres     <none>              393.8 MB            95312a611414
-xosproject/cord-app-build   <none>              1.108 GB            003a1c20e34a
-consul                      <none>              41.05 MB            62f109a3299c
-swarm                       <none>              19.32 MB            47dc182ea74b
-nginx                       <none>              182.7 MB            3c69047c6034
-xosproject/vsg              <none>              336 MB              dd026689aff3
+xosproject/xos-ui                        candidate           943MB               23a2e5523279
+xosproject/exampleservice-synchronizer   candidate           940MB               b7cd75514f65
+xosproject/fabric-synchronizer           candidate           940MB               2b183b0504fd
+xosproject/vtr-synchronizer              candidate           940MB               f2955d88bf63
+xosproject/vsg-synchronizer              candidate           940MB               680b400ba627
+xosproject/vrouter-synchronizer          candidate           940MB               332cb7817586
+xosproject/onos-synchronizer             candidate           940MB               12fe520e29ae
+xosproject/openstack-synchronizer        candidate           940MB               6a2e9b56ecba
+xosproject/vtn-synchronizer              candidate           940MB               5edf77bcd615
+xosproject/gui-extension-rcord           candidate           1.02GB              0cf6c1defba5
+xosproject/gui-extension-vtr             candidate           1.02GB              c78d602c5359
+xosproject/xos-corebuilder               candidate           932MB               c73eab2918c2
+xosproject/xos-gui-extension-builder     candidate           1.02GB              78fe07e95ba9
+xosproject/xos-gui                       candidate           652MB               e57d903b9766
+xosproject/xos-ws                        candidate           682MB               39cefcaa50bc
+xosproject/xos-synchronizer-base         candidate           940MB               a914ae0d1aba
+xosproject/xos-client                    candidate           940MB               667948589bc9
+xosproject/chameleon                     candidate           936MB               cdb9d6996401
+xosproject/xos                           candidate           942MB               11f37fd19b0d
+xosproject/xos-postgres                  candidate           345MB               f038a31b50be
+opencord/mavenrepo                       latest              271MB               2df1c4d790bf
+cord-maas-switchq                        candidate           14MB                8a44d3070ffd
+cord-maas-switchq                        build               252MB               77d7967c14e4
+cord-provisioner                         candidate           96.7MB              de87aa48ffc4
+cord-provisioner                         build               250MB               beff949ff60b
+cord-dhcp-harvester                      candidate           18.8MB              79780c133469
+cord-dhcp-harvester                      build               254MB               c7950fc044dd
+config-generator                         candidate           12.2MB              37a51b0acdb2
+config-generator                         build               249MB               3d1f1faaf5e1
+cord-maas-automation                     candidate           13.6MB              2af5474082d4
+cord-maas-automation                     build               251MB               420d5328dc11
+cord-ip-allocator                        candidate           12.1MB              6d8aed37cb91
+cord-ip-allocator                        build               249MB               7235cbd3d771
+ubuntu                                   14.04.5             188MB               132b7427a3b4
+xosproject/xos-postgres                  latest              348MB               c17f15922d35
+golang                                   1.7-alpine          241MB               e40088237856
+nginx                                    latest              109MB               958a7ae9e569
+xosproject/xos-base                      candidate           932MB               4a6b75a0f05a
+xosproject/xos-base                      latest              932MB               4a6b75a0f05a
+python                                   2.7-alpine          72MB                3dd614730c9c
+alpine                                   3.5                 3.99MB              75b63e430bd1
+onosproject/onos                         <none>              948MB               e41f6f8b2570
+node                                     7.9.0               665MB               90223b3d894e
+gliderlabs/consul-server                 candidate           29.2MB              7ef15b0d1bdb
+gliderlabs/consul-server                 latest              29.2MB              7ef15b0d1bdb
+node                                     <none>              650MB               c09e81cac06c
+redis                                    <none>              183MB               74b99a81add5
+consul                                   <none>              41.1MB              62f109a3299c
+swarm                                    <none>              19.3MB              47dc182ea74b
+nginx                                    candidate           183MB               3c69047c6034
+gliderlabs/registrator                   candidate           23.8MB              3b59190c6c80
+gliderlabs/registrator                   latest              23.8MB              3b59190c6c80
+xosproject/vsg                           <none>              336MB               dd026689aff3
 **NOTE:** *Not all the above Docker images were built by the `buildImages`
 command. Some of them, list golang, are used as a base for other Docker
-images; and some, like `abh1nav/dockerui` were downloaded when the development
-machine was created with `vagrant up`.*
 ## Deployment Configuration File
 The commands to deploy the POD can be customized via a *deployment configuration
@@ -303,20 +342,39 @@
-    "cord-maas-bootstrap",
+    "gliderlabs/consul-server",
+    "gliderlabs/registrator",
-    "opencord/onos",
+    "node",
+    "onosproject/onos",
-    "xosproject/cord-app-build",
+    "xosproject/chameleon",
+    "xosproject/exampleservice-synchronizer",
+    "xosproject/fabric-synchronizer",
+    "xosproject/gui-extension-rcord",
+    "xosproject/gui-extension-vtr",
+    "xosproject/onos-synchronizer",
+    "xosproject/openstack-synchronizer",
+    "xosproject/vrouter-synchronizer",
-    "xosproject/xos-base",
-    "xosproject/xos-postgres"
+    "xosproject/vsg-synchronizer",
+    "xosproject/vtn-synchronizer",
+    "xosproject/vtr-synchronizer",
+    "xosproject/xos",
+    "xosproject/xos-client",
+    "xosproject/xos-corebuilder",
+    "xosproject/xos-gui",
+    "xosproject/xos-postgres",
+    "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-base",
+    "xosproject/xos-ui",
+    "xosproject/xos-ws"
 ## Deploy Bare Metal Provisioning Capabilities
@@ -578,7 +636,7 @@
 ### Fabric Gateway Configuration
 First, login to the CORD head node and change to the
-`service-profile/cord-pod` directory.
+`/opt/cord_profile` directory.
 To configure the fabric gateway, you will need to edit the file
 `cord-services.yaml`. You will see a section that looks like this:
@@ -596,11 +654,12 @@
 vSGs, as well as the gateway IP and MAC address that the vSGs should use to
 reach the Internet.
-Once the `cord-services.yaml` file has been edited as
+Once the `cord-services.yaml` TOSCA file has been edited as
 described above, push it to XOS by running the following:
-make cord
+cd /opt/cord_profile
+docker-compose -p rcord exec xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/cord_profile/cord-services.yaml
 ### Complete
@@ -610,13 +669,11 @@
 To check the VTN configuration maintained by XOS:
    - Go to the "ONOS apps" page in the CORD GUI:
-      - URL: `http://<head-node>/admin/onos/onosapp/`
-      - Username: ``
-      - Password: `letmein`
+      - URL: `http://<head-node>/xos#/onos/onosapp/`
+      - Username: ``
+      - Password:  (contents of `/opt/cord/build/platform-install/credentials/`)
    - Select *VTN_ONOS_app* in the table
-   - Verify that the *Backend status text* has a green check with the message *successfully enacted*
-   - Select *Attributes* tab
-   - Look for the *rest_onos/v1/network/configuration/* attribute.  Verify that its value looks correct for the VTN app's network configuration.
+   - Verify that the *Backend status* is *1 - OK*
 To check that the network configuration has been successfully pushed
 to the ONOS VTN app and processed by it:
@@ -626,35 +683,24 @@
       - Password: `rocks`
    - Run the `cordvtn-nodes` command
    - Verify that the information for all nodes is correct
-   - Verify that the initialization status of all nodes is *COMPLETE*
-This will look like the following:
+   - Verify that the initialization status of all nodes is *COMPLETE*  This will look like the following:
-$ ssh -p 8102 onos@onos-cord
-Password authentication
-Password: # the password is 'rocks'
-Welcome to Open Network Operating System (ONOS)!
-     ____  _  ______  ____
-    / __ \/ |/ / __ \/ __/
-   / /_/ /    / /_/ /\ \
-   \____/_/|_/\____/___/
-Mailing lists:
-Come help out! Find out how at:
-Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
-and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
-Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown ONOS.
 onos> cordvtn-nodes
 Hostname                      Management IP       Data IP             Data Iface     Br-int                  State
 sturdy-baseball              fabric         of:0000525400d7cf3c     COMPLETE
 Total 1 nodes
+   - Run the `netcfg` command.  Verify that the updated gateway information is present under `publicGateways`:
+        "publicGateways" : [ {
+          "gatewayIp" : "",
+          "gatewayMac" : "02:42:0a:06:01:01"
+        }, {
+          "gatewayIp" : "",
+          "gatewayMac" : "02:42:0a:06:01:01"
+        } ],
 ### Troubleshoot
 If the compute node is not initialized properly (i.e. not in the COMPLETE state):
@@ -771,41 +817,26 @@
 generate a new network configuration using the following commands:
-cp ~/xos_services/fabric/config/network-cfg-quickstart.json{,.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}
-cord generate > ~/xos_services/fabric/config/network-cfg-quickstart.json
+cd /opt/cord_profile
+cp fabric-network-cfg.json{,.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}
+cord generate > fabric-network-cfg.json
-Once these steps are done, delete old configuration,
-apply new configuration, and restart apps in ONOS (still in the XOS VM):
+Once these steps are done, delete the old configuration,
+load the new configuration into XOS, and restart the apps in ONOS:
-cd ~/service-profile/cord-pod
-make delete_fabric_config
-make fabric
-make reactivate_fabric_apps
+sudo pip install httpie
+http -a onos:rocks DELETE http://onos-fabric:8181/onos/v1/network/configuration/
+docker-compose -p rcord exec xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/cord_profile/fabric-service.yaml
+http -a onos:rocks POST http://onos-fabric:8181/onos/v1/applications/org.onosproject.vrouter/active
+http -a onos:rocks POST http://onos-fabric:8181/onos/v1/applications/org.onosproject.segmentrouting/active
 To verify that XOS has pushed the configuration to ONOS, log into ONOS in the onos-fabric VM and run `netcfg`:
-$ ssh -p 8101 onos@onos-fabric
+$ ssh -p 8101 onos@onos-fabric netcfg
 Password authentication
 Password:     # password is 'rocks'
-Welcome to Open Network Operating System (ONOS)!
-     ____  _  ______  ____
-    / __ \/ |/ / __ \/ __/
-   / /_/ /    / /_/ /\ \
-   \____/_/|_/\____/___/
-Mailing lists:
-Come help out! Find out how at:
-Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
-and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
-Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown ONOS.
-onos> netcfg
   "hosts" : {
     "00:00:00:00:00:04/None" : {
@@ -828,21 +859,22 @@
 To correctly configure the fabric when VMs and containers are created on a
 physical host, XOS needs to associate the `location` tag of each physical host
 (from the fabric configuration) with its Node object in XOS.  This step needs to
-be done after new physical compute nodes are provisioned on the POD.  To update
-the node locations in XOS, login to the head node and run the following:
-cd ~/service-profile/cord-pod
-rm fabric.yaml
-make fabric.yaml
+be done after a new physical compute node is provisioned on the POD.
-Edit `fabric.yaml`, updating the `value` field under `<hostname>_location_tag` to
-reflect the `location` of the host from the fabric configuration created in the
-previous step.  Then run:
+To update the node location in XOS, login to the XOS GUI and perform the following steps:
-make fabric
+ * Expand *Core* at left and select *Nodes*
+ * Make a note of the *Id* of the new node
+ * Select *Tags* at left
+ * Click on the *Add* button at upper right
+ * Fill in the following information:
+   * Backend status: *0*
+   * Name: *location_tag*
+   * Value: *(location of the node in the fabric configuration created above)*
+   * Content type: *core.node*
+   * Object id: *(the Id of the new node)*
+   * Service id: *ONOS_Fabric*
+ * Click _Save_ button at bottom.  You should see a message that the location_tag was successfully saved.
 ### Connect Switches to the controller
 We need to manually connect the switches to ONOS after the network config is applied.