SEBA-829 update cordctl to use go mod;
implement run, install, help

Change-Id: I72716d2e245d5ef0dc0603aad149843723ddff9e
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1032c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+package version
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+// The compiled regular expression used to test the validity of a version.
+var (
+	versionRegexp *regexp.Regexp
+	semverRegexp  *regexp.Regexp
+// The raw regular expression string used for testing the validity
+// of a version.
+const (
+	VersionRegexpRaw string = `v?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*?)` +
+		`(-([0-9]+[0-9A-Za-z\-~]*(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-~]+)*)|(-?([A-Za-z\-~]+[0-9A-Za-z\-~]*(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-~]+)*)))?` +
+		`(\+([0-9A-Za-z\-~]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-~]+)*))?` +
+		`?`
+	// SemverRegexpRaw requires a separator between version and prerelease
+	SemverRegexpRaw string = `v?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*?)` +
+		`(-([0-9]+[0-9A-Za-z\-~]*(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-~]+)*)|(-([A-Za-z\-~]+[0-9A-Za-z\-~]*(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-~]+)*)))?` +
+		`(\+([0-9A-Za-z\-~]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-~]+)*))?` +
+		`?`
+// Version represents a single version.
+type Version struct {
+	metadata string
+	pre      string
+	segments []int64
+	si       int
+	original string
+func init() {
+	versionRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + VersionRegexpRaw + "$")
+	semverRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^" + SemverRegexpRaw + "$")
+// NewVersion parses the given version and returns a new
+// Version.
+func NewVersion(v string) (*Version, error) {
+	return newVersion(v, versionRegexp)
+// NewSemver parses the given version and returns a new
+// Version that adheres strictly to SemVer specs
+func NewSemver(v string) (*Version, error) {
+	return newVersion(v, semverRegexp)
+func newVersion(v string, pattern *regexp.Regexp) (*Version, error) {
+	matches := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(v)
+	if matches == nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Malformed version: %s", v)
+	}
+	segmentsStr := strings.Split(matches[1], ".")
+	segments := make([]int64, len(segmentsStr))
+	si := 0
+	for i, str := range segmentsStr {
+		val, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf(
+				"Error parsing version: %s", err)
+		}
+		segments[i] = int64(val)
+		si++
+	}
+	// Even though we could support more than three segments, if we
+	// got less than three, pad it with 0s. This is to cover the basic
+	// default usecase of semver, which is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH at the minimum
+	for i := len(segments); i < 3; i++ {
+		segments = append(segments, 0)
+	}
+	pre := matches[7]
+	if pre == "" {
+		pre = matches[4]
+	}
+	return &Version{
+		metadata: matches[10],
+		pre:      pre,
+		segments: segments,
+		si:       si,
+		original: v,
+	}, nil
+// Must is a helper that wraps a call to a function returning (*Version, error)
+// and panics if error is non-nil.
+func Must(v *Version, err error) *Version {
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return v
+// Compare compares this version to another version. This
+// returns -1, 0, or 1 if this version is smaller, equal,
+// or larger than the other version, respectively.
+// If you want boolean results, use the LessThan, Equal,
+// GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual or LessThanOrEqual methods.
+func (v *Version) Compare(other *Version) int {
+	// A quick, efficient equality check
+	if v.String() == other.String() {
+		return 0
+	}
+	segmentsSelf := v.Segments64()
+	segmentsOther := other.Segments64()
+	// If the segments are the same, we must compare on prerelease info
+	if reflect.DeepEqual(segmentsSelf, segmentsOther) {
+		preSelf := v.Prerelease()
+		preOther := other.Prerelease()
+		if preSelf == "" && preOther == "" {
+			return 0
+		}
+		if preSelf == "" {
+			return 1
+		}
+		if preOther == "" {
+			return -1
+		}
+		return comparePrereleases(preSelf, preOther)
+	}
+	// Get the highest specificity (hS), or if they're equal, just use segmentSelf length
+	lenSelf := len(segmentsSelf)
+	lenOther := len(segmentsOther)
+	hS := lenSelf
+	if lenSelf < lenOther {
+		hS = lenOther
+	}
+	// Compare the segments
+	// Because a constraint could have more/less specificity than the version it's
+	// checking, we need to account for a lopsided or jagged comparison
+	for i := 0; i < hS; i++ {
+		if i > lenSelf-1 {
+			// This means Self had the lower specificity
+			// Check to see if the remaining segments in Other are all zeros
+			if !allZero(segmentsOther[i:]) {
+				// if not, it means that Other has to be greater than Self
+				return -1
+			}
+			break
+		} else if i > lenOther-1 {
+			// this means Other had the lower specificity
+			// Check to see if the remaining segments in Self are all zeros -
+			if !allZero(segmentsSelf[i:]) {
+				//if not, it means that Self has to be greater than Other
+				return 1
+			}
+			break
+		}
+		lhs := segmentsSelf[i]
+		rhs := segmentsOther[i]
+		if lhs == rhs {
+			continue
+		} else if lhs < rhs {
+			return -1
+		}
+		// Otherwis, rhs was > lhs, they're not equal
+		return 1
+	}
+	// if we got this far, they're equal
+	return 0
+func allZero(segs []int64) bool {
+	for _, s := range segs {
+		if s != 0 {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+func comparePart(preSelf string, preOther string) int {
+	if preSelf == preOther {
+		return 0
+	}
+	var selfInt int64
+	selfNumeric := true
+	selfInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(preSelf, 10, 64)
+	if err != nil {
+		selfNumeric = false
+	}
+	var otherInt int64
+	otherNumeric := true
+	otherInt, err = strconv.ParseInt(preOther, 10, 64)
+	if err != nil {
+		otherNumeric = false
+	}
+	// if a part is empty, we use the other to decide
+	if preSelf == "" {
+		if otherNumeric {
+			return -1
+		}
+		return 1
+	}
+	if preOther == "" {
+		if selfNumeric {
+			return 1
+		}
+		return -1
+	}
+	if selfNumeric && !otherNumeric {
+		return -1
+	} else if !selfNumeric && otherNumeric {
+		return 1
+	} else if !selfNumeric && !otherNumeric && preSelf > preOther {
+		return 1
+	} else if selfInt > otherInt {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return -1
+func comparePrereleases(v string, other string) int {
+	// the same pre release!
+	if v == other {
+		return 0
+	}
+	// split both pre releases for analyse their parts
+	selfPreReleaseMeta := strings.Split(v, ".")
+	otherPreReleaseMeta := strings.Split(other, ".")
+	selfPreReleaseLen := len(selfPreReleaseMeta)
+	otherPreReleaseLen := len(otherPreReleaseMeta)
+	biggestLen := otherPreReleaseLen
+	if selfPreReleaseLen > otherPreReleaseLen {
+		biggestLen = selfPreReleaseLen
+	}
+	// loop for parts to find the first difference
+	for i := 0; i < biggestLen; i = i + 1 {
+		partSelfPre := ""
+		if i < selfPreReleaseLen {
+			partSelfPre = selfPreReleaseMeta[i]
+		}
+		partOtherPre := ""
+		if i < otherPreReleaseLen {
+			partOtherPre = otherPreReleaseMeta[i]
+		}
+		compare := comparePart(partSelfPre, partOtherPre)
+		// if parts are equals, continue the loop
+		if compare != 0 {
+			return compare
+		}
+	}
+	return 0
+// Equal tests if two versions are equal.
+func (v *Version) Equal(o *Version) bool {
+	return v.Compare(o) == 0
+// GreaterThan tests if this version is greater than another version.
+func (v *Version) GreaterThan(o *Version) bool {
+	return v.Compare(o) > 0
+// GreaterThanOrEqualTo tests if this version is greater than or equal to another version.
+func (v *Version) GreaterThanOrEqual(o *Version) bool {
+	return v.Compare(o) >= 0
+// LessThan tests if this version is less than another version.
+func (v *Version) LessThan(o *Version) bool {
+	return v.Compare(o) < 0
+// LessThanOrEqualTo tests if this version is less than or equal to another version.
+func (v *Version) LessThanOrEqual(o *Version) bool {
+	return v.Compare(o) <= 0
+// Metadata returns any metadata that was part of the version
+// string.
+// Metadata is anything that comes after the "+" in the version.
+// For example, with "1.2.3+beta", the metadata is "beta".
+func (v *Version) Metadata() string {
+	return v.metadata
+// Prerelease returns any prerelease data that is part of the version,
+// or blank if there is no prerelease data.
+// Prerelease information is anything that comes after the "-" in the
+// version (but before any metadata). For example, with "1.2.3-beta",
+// the prerelease information is "beta".
+func (v *Version) Prerelease() string {
+	return v.pre
+// Segments returns the numeric segments of the version as a slice of ints.
+// This excludes any metadata or pre-release information. For example,
+// for a version "1.2.3-beta", segments will return a slice of
+// 1, 2, 3.
+func (v *Version) Segments() []int {
+	segmentSlice := make([]int, len(v.segments))
+	for i, v := range v.segments {
+		segmentSlice[i] = int(v)
+	}
+	return segmentSlice
+// Segments64 returns the numeric segments of the version as a slice of int64s.
+// This excludes any metadata or pre-release information. For example,
+// for a version "1.2.3-beta", segments will return a slice of
+// 1, 2, 3.
+func (v *Version) Segments64() []int64 {
+	result := make([]int64, len(v.segments))
+	copy(result, v.segments)
+	return result
+// String returns the full version string included pre-release
+// and metadata information.
+// This value is rebuilt according to the parsed segments and other
+// information. Therefore, ambiguities in the version string such as
+// prefixed zeroes (1.04.0 => 1.4.0), `v` prefix (v1.0.0 => 1.0.0), and
+// missing parts (1.0 => 1.0.0) will be made into a canonicalized form
+// as shown in the parenthesized examples.
+func (v *Version) String() string {
+	var buf bytes.Buffer
+	fmtParts := make([]string, len(v.segments))
+	for i, s := range v.segments {
+		// We can ignore err here since we've pre-parsed the values in segments
+		str := strconv.FormatInt(s, 10)
+		fmtParts[i] = str
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, strings.Join(fmtParts, "."))
+	if v.pre != "" {
+		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "-%s", v.pre)
+	}
+	if v.metadata != "" {
+		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "+%s", v.metadata)
+	}
+	return buf.String()
+// Original returns the original parsed version as-is, including any
+// potential whitespace, `v` prefix, etc.
+func (v *Version) Original() string {
+	return v.original