VOL-4098 reboot device and reboot event

Change-Id: Iaa7599cdc31ff3f48c73ee7000c80f971d7325bf
diff --git a/protos/dmi/hw_management_service.proto b/protos/dmi/hw_management_service.proto
index bc6ce8e..a4375c3 100644
--- a/protos/dmi/hw_management_service.proto
+++ b/protos/dmi/hw_management_service.proto
@@ -222,6 +222,22 @@
     fixed32 heartbeat_signature = 1;



+message RebootDeviceRequest {

+    Uuid device_uuid = 1;



+message RebootDeviceResponse {

+    enum Reason {

+        UNDEFINED_REASON = 0;

+        UNKNOWN_DEVICE = 1;

+        INTERNAL_ERROR = 2;


+    }

+    Status status = 3;

+    Reason reason = 4;

+    string reason_detail = 5;



 service NativeHWManagementService {

     // Initializes context for a device and sets up required states

     // In the call to StartManagingDevice, the fields of ModifiableComponent which are relevant

@@ -279,4 +295,7 @@

     // Performs the heartbeat check

     rpc HeartbeatCheck(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (Heartbeat);


+    // Performs the reboot of the device

+    rpc RebootDevice(RebootDeviceRequest) returns(RebootDeviceResponse);
