VOL-3964: Makefile changes for cpp proto genaration and Readme.md added with prerequisite

Change-Id: Iabfb43508d870601144cee651ef6df2414c24230
17 files changed
tree: 0c6af7d954f6d206d6c8e5cd11812a4e1aefde28
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  4. MANIFEST.in
  5. Makefile
  6. README.md
  8. cpp/
  9. dmi.pb
  10. docs/
  11. go.mod
  12. go.sum
  13. go/
  14. protos/
  15. python/
  16. setup.py
  17. test/
  18. tox.ini

Device Management Interface


This repository holds the .proto files and documentation for the device management interface.

The proto files and APIs are based on RFC-8348 from IETF and WT-383 from BBF and are intended to be used over gRPC to communicate from an NMS/EMS to a device manager. The device manager will then translate the commands to the device native interface (e.g. Redfish or NETCONF with proprietary yang models).

Related documentations can be found in the docs/ directory.

For anybody looking to implement a Device Manager component we suggest looking at the RPC guidelines. Each API in the .proto files has an explanation in its own .md file. Examples of the APIs can be found here


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Time: 8AM PST/5PM CET on Fridays

Meeting link: https://onf.zoom.us/j/92568509208

Agenda: google doc