VOL-4783: Introduce UploadDebugInformation RPC in DMI

Change-Id: Icf23a38d75b7dd54593188118c320948f9d9c591
diff --git a/protos/dmi/sw_management_service.proto b/protos/dmi/sw_management_service.proto
index c2901e9..6f4762f 100644
--- a/protos/dmi/sw_management_service.proto
+++ b/protos/dmi/sw_management_service.proto
@@ -82,6 +82,50 @@
     string reason_detail = 5;



+message UploadDebugInfoRequest {

+    Uuid device_uuid = 1;

+    // location_url is the remote location where the information needed for troubleshooting should be uploaded.

+    // Authentication (user/pass) if any should be in the location_url string

+    // The locaion_url would contain the protocol, credentials, the IP address/DNS of the server and the path of the directory

+    // e.g. sftp://upload_user:upload_pass@

+    string location_url = 3;



+// Implementations would be expected to stream multiple UploadDebugInfoStatus indicating the progress of the upload

+message UploadDebugInfoStatus {

+    Uuid device_uuid = 1;


+    enum UploadStatus {


+        COMPLETE = 1;

+        IN_PROGRESS = 2;

+        ERROR = 3;

+    }


+    UploadStatus status = 2;

+    // percent_uploaded is the percentage of the upload that is done

+    // should be a value between 0 and 100 when status is IN_PROGRESS

+    // should be 100 when status is COMPLETE

+    // can be set to -1 if the device manager implementations cannot support

+    // the progress percentage

+    int32 percent_uploaded = 3;


+    enum Reason {

+        UNDEFINED_REASON = 0;

+        UNKNOWN_DEVICE = 1;

+        INTERNAL_ERROR = 2;





+    }

+    Reason reason = 4; // reason specifies why the status is ERROR

+    string location_url = 5;

+    // file_name is the file at location_url where the debug information was uploaded.

+    // Implementations need to ensure that file_name is unique at the remote location.

+    string file_name = 6;



 service NativeSoftwareManagementService {

     // Get the software version information of the Active and Standby images

     rpc GetSoftwareVersion(HardwareID) returns(GetSoftwareVersionInformationResponse);

@@ -104,6 +148,9 @@
     // This API can be used to retrieve information about the current startup configuration that a device is using

     rpc GetStartupConfigurationInfo(StartupConfigInfoRequest) returns(StartupConfigInfoResponse);


+    // This API can be used to upload to a remote location, information useful for troubleshooting problems on the hardware

+    rpc UploadDebugInfo(UploadDebugInfoRequest) returns(stream UploadDebugInfoStatus);


     // If needed we can add this later

     //rpc SubscribeToEvents() returns (stream );
