SEBA-902 single-olt tests;
Pin protoc-gen-go to 1.3.2 to resolve compatibility issue;
Run go mod tidy / go mod vendor on importer;
Add Go Module support to demotest

Change-Id: Ifde824fc9a6317b0adc1e12bea54ee1f9b788906
diff --git a/demo_test/vendor/ b/demo_test/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c944800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo_test/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+package types
+import (
+	""
+// Reference:
+// Section: 5.2.6
+-- NOTE: AuthorizationData is always used as an OPTIONAL field and
+-- should not be empty.
+AuthorizationData       ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
+ad-type         [0] Int32,
+ad-data         [1] OCTET STRING
+This field contains authorization data to be interpreted according
+to the value of the corresponding ad-type field.
+	This field specifies the format for the ad-data subfield.  All
+negative values are reserved for local use.  Non-negative values
+are reserved for registered use.
+Each sequence of type and data is referred to as an authorization
+element.  Elements MAY be application specific; however, there is a
+common set of recursive elements that should be understood by all
+implementations.  These elements contain other elements embedded
+within them, and the interpretation of the encapsulating element
+determines which of the embedded elements must be interpreted, and
+which may be ignored.
+These common authorization data elements are recursively defined,
+meaning that the ad-data for these types will itself contain a
+sequence of authorization data whose interpretation is affected by
+the encapsulating element.  Depending on the meaning of the
+encapsulating element, the encapsulated elements may be ignored,
+might be interpreted as issued directly by the KDC, or might be
+stored in a separate plaintext part of the ticket.  The types of the
+encapsulating elements are specified as part of the Kerberos
+specification because the behavior based on these values should be
+understood across implementations, whereas other elements need only
+be understood by the applications that they affect.
+Authorization data elements are considered critical if present in a
+ticket or authenticator.  If an unknown authorization data element
+type is received by a server either in an AP-REQ or in a ticket
+contained in an AP-REQ, then, unless it is encapsulated in a known
+authorization data element amending the criticality of the elements
+it contains, authentication MUST fail.  Authorization data is
+intended to restrict the use of a ticket.  If the service cannot
+determine whether the restriction applies to that service, then a
+security weakness may result if the ticket can be used for that
+service.  Authorization elements that are optional can be enclosed in
+an AD-IF-RELEVANT element.
+In the definitions that follow, the value of the ad-type for the
+element will be specified as the least significant part of the
+subsection number, and the value of the ad-data will be as shown in
+the ASN.1 structure that follows the subsection heading.
+   Contents of ad-data                ad-type
+   DER encoding of AD-IF-RELEVANT        1
+   DER encoding of AD-KDCIssued          4
+   DER encoding of AD-AND-OR             5
+   DER encoding of AD-MANDATORY-FOR-KDC  8
+// AuthorizationData implements RFC 4120 type:
+type AuthorizationData []AuthorizationDataEntry
+// AuthorizationDataEntry implements RFC 4120 type:
+type AuthorizationDataEntry struct {
+	ADType int32  `asn1:"explicit,tag:0"`
+	ADData []byte `asn1:"explicit,tag:1"`
+// ADIfRelevant implements RFC 4120 type:
+type ADIfRelevant AuthorizationData
+// ADKDCIssued implements RFC 4120 type:
+type ADKDCIssued struct {
+	ADChecksum Checksum          `asn1:"explicit,tag:0"`
+	IRealm     string            `asn1:"optional,generalstring,explicit,tag:1"`
+	Isname     PrincipalName     `asn1:"optional,explicit,tag:2"`
+	Elements   AuthorizationData `asn1:"explicit,tag:3"`
+// ADAndOr implements RFC 4120 type:
+type ADAndOr struct {
+	ConditionCount int32             `asn1:"explicit,tag:0"`
+	Elements       AuthorizationData `asn1:"explicit,tag:1"`
+// ADMandatoryForKDC implements RFC 4120 type:
+type ADMandatoryForKDC AuthorizationData
+// Unmarshal bytes into the ADKDCIssued.
+func (a *ADKDCIssued) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
+	_, err := asn1.Unmarshal(b, a)
+	return err
+// Unmarshal bytes into the AuthorizationData.
+func (a *AuthorizationData) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
+	_, err := asn1.Unmarshal(b, a)
+	return err
+// Unmarshal bytes into the AuthorizationDataEntry.
+func (a *AuthorizationDataEntry) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
+	_, err := asn1.Unmarshal(b, a)
+	return err