SEBA-841 importer to parse all status from redfish server for data collection purpose / remove demotest binary
SEBA-856 SendDeviceList- This API will add all devices in the list
SEBA-858 DeleteDeviceList- This API will remove all devices in the list
decouple add/remove event subscription routines and device data file update
remove 'protocol'
SEBA-874 get rid of the 'vendor' argument called by some API's

Change-Id: Icc044dd4661c3cc14f02ad1a5f52e18116da63aa
diff --git a/data_collector.go b/data_collector.go
index 77a67d9..c626427 100644
--- a/data_collector.go
+++ b/data_collector.go
@@ -18,48 +18,90 @@
-	"regexp"
-	"strings"
-func (s *Server) get_status(ip string, service string) (rtn bool, data []string) {
-	rtn = false
+/* parse_map() parses the json structure, amap, and returns all sub-folder paths found at the 2nd level of the multiplayer structure
+func parse_map(amap map[string]interface{}, level uint, archive map[string]bool) (paths []string) {
+	level = level + 1
+	for key, val := range amap {
+		switch val.(type) {
+		case map[string]interface{}:
+			p := parse_map(val.(map[string]interface{}), level, archive)
+			paths = append(paths, p...)
+		case []interface{}:
+			p := parse_array(val.([]interface{}), level, archive)
+			paths = append(paths, p...)
+		default:
+			if level == 2 && key == "" {
+			/* sub-folder path of a resource can be found as the value of the key '' showing up at the 2nd level of the data read from a resource. When a path is found, it's checked against the array 'archive' to avoid duplicates. */
+				if _, ok := archive[val.(string)]; !ok {
+					archive[val.(string)] = true
+					paths = append(paths, val.(string))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return paths
-	uri := s.devicemap[ip].Protocol + "://"+ip + REDFISH_ROOT + service
-        fmt.Printf("%q", uri)
-	resp, err := http.Get(uri)
+/* parse_array() parses any vlaue, if in the form of an array, of a key-value pair found in the json structure, and returns any paths found.
+func parse_array(anarray []interface{}, level uint, archive map[string]bool) (paths []string) {
+	for _, val := range anarray {
+		switch val.(type) {
+		case map[string]interface{}:
+			p := parse_map(val.(map[string]interface{}), level, archive)
+			paths = append(paths, p...)
+		}
+	}
+	return paths
+/* read_resource() reads data from the specified Redfish resource, including its sub-folders, of the specified device ip and rerutnrs the data read.
+Based on careful examination of the data returned from several resources sampled, it was determined that sub-folder paths can be found as the value to the key '' showing up at the 2nd level of the data read from a resource.
+func read_resource(ip string, resource string, archive map[string]bool) (data []string) {
+	resp, err := http.Get(ip + resource)
+	if resp != nil {
+		defer resp.Body.Close()
+	}
 	if err != nil {
-	body := make(map[string]interface{})
-	json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&body)
-	resp.Body.Close()
-	if members, ok := body["Members"]; ok {
-		re := regexp.MustCompile(`\[([^\[\]]*)\]`)
-		memberstr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", members)
-		matches := re.FindAllString(memberstr, -1)
-		for _, match := range matches {
-			m := strings.Trim(match, "[]")
-			uri = s.devicemap[ip].Protocol +"://"+ip + strings.TrimPrefix(m, "")
-			fmt.Println("Printing URI")
-			fmt.Println(uri)
-			resp, err = http.Get(uri)
-		        if err != nil {
-			        fmt.Println(err)
-			} else {
-				b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
-			        if err != nil {
-				        fmt.Println(err)
-				} else {
-					data = append(data, string(b))
-					rtn = true
-				}
-				defer resp.Body.Close()
-			}
-		}
+	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println(err)
+		return
-	return 
+	data = append(data, string(body))
+	m := map[string]interface{}{}
+	err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &m)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println(err)
+		return
+	}
+	resources := parse_map(m, 0, archive)
+	for _, resource := range resources {
+		d := read_resource(ip, resource, archive)
+		data = append(data, d...)
+	}
+	return data
+/* sample JSON files can be found in the samples folder */
+func (s *Server) get_status(ip string, resource string) (data []string) {
+	archive := make(map[string]bool)
+	base_ip := RF_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL + ip
+	/* 'archive' maintains a list of all resources that will be/have been visited to avoid duplicates */
+	archive[resource] = true
+	data = read_resource(base_ip, resource, archive)
+	return data
diff --git a/demo_test/cmd_client/Makefile b/demo_test/cmd_client/Makefile
index 4c9a95e..c9f9579 100644
--- a/demo_test/cmd_client/Makefile
+++ b/demo_test/cmd_client/Makefile
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+cmd_cl: cmd_cl.go
 	go build -i -v -o $@
diff --git a/demo_test/cmd_client/Note b/demo_test/cmd_client/Note
index 4781181..b72578a 100644
--- a/demo_test/cmd_client/Note
+++ b/demo_test/cmd_client/Note
@@ -26,9 +26,7 @@
-   For the first time, you need to use "attach:ipaddress:port:vendorname:freq" to set the device's IP related info.
-   If successful, you will get "[ipaddress:port]CMD to send:" prompt to indicate what device you attached now. 
-   This attach will subscribe default 3 types events into the server.  
+   Attach a device will subscribe default 3 types events into the server.  
    You can use the following wget to check if any events subscriptions on the device.
    wget --no-check-certificate  \
@@ -42,60 +40,70 @@
 Test items								client cmd
-set device info								Example:
+register one device								Example:
-Set IP port 8888 vendor "edgecore" freq 180
-									attach:
+Set IP port 8888 freq 180
+									attach
-set multi-device info                                                  Example:
+register multiple devices							Example:
-									attach:
-									attach:
+Set "IP port 8888 freq 180" and "IP port 8888 freq 120"
+									attach
+delete devices									Example:
+Delete "IP" and "IP"
+									delete
 Get Current List of Devices monitored					showdevices
 									Return from server:,
 UnSubscribe all events(ResourceAdded/ResourceRemoved/Alert)		unsub:
+UnSubscribe all events(ResourceAdded/ResourceRemoved/Alert)		unsub
+>>>>>>> SEBA-841 importer to parse all status from redfish server for data collection purpose / remove demotest binary
-Subscribe all events(ResourceAdded/ResourceRemoved/Alert) 		sub:
+Subscribe all events(ResourceAdded/ResourceRemoved/Alert) 		sub
 Subscribe and unsubscribe an event					Example:	
-Subscribe ResourceAdded event 						sub:
-Subscribe ResourceRemoved event						sub:
-Subscribe Alert event							sub:
-Unsubscribe ResourceAdded event						unsub:
-Unsubscribe ResourceRemoved event					unsub:
-Unsubscribe Alert event							unsub:
+Subscribe ResourceAdded event 						sub
+Subscribe ResourceRemoved event						sub
+Subscribe Alert event							sub
+Unsubscribe ResourceAdded event						unsub
+Unsubscribe ResourceRemoved event					unsub
+Unsubscribe Alert event							unsub
 Subscribe and unsubscribe multiple events, out of order			Use the above commands to do test.
-Subscribe an unsupported event						sub:
+Subscribe an unsupported event						sub
 Subscribe to an already subscribed event				Example:
-									sub:
-									sub:
+									sub
+									sub
-Unsubscribe  an unsupported event					unsub:
+Unsubscribe  an unsupported event					unsub
 Unsubscribe a supported but not-subscribed event			Example:
-									unsub:
-									unsub:
-									unsub:
-									unsub:
+									unsub
+									unsub
+									unsub
+									unsub
 Change polling interval 						Example: 
 Set frequecny to 30 seconds
-									period:
+									period
-Show support event list vendor						showeventlist:edgecore
+Show list of supported event						showeventlist
-Show current events subscribed by device                               showdeviceeventlist:
+Show current events subscribed by device                               showdeviceeventlist
-Clear all current events subscribed by device                          cleardeviceeventlist:
+Clear all current events subscribed by device                          cleardeviceeventlist
 * During and after each test, verify the list of events subscribed	wget --no-check-certificate  \
 									-qO- \
diff --git a/demo_test/cmd_client/cmd_cl.go b/demo_test/cmd_client/cmd_cl.go
index e1ee3bb..2f8d865 100644
--- a/demo_test/cmd_client/cmd_cl.go
+++ b/demo_test/cmd_client/cmd_cl.go
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
 import "fmt"
 import "bufio"
 import "os"
-import "strings"
-var attach_ip string = ""
 func main() {
 	// connect to this socket
@@ -29,29 +26,14 @@
 	reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
 	for {
 		// read in input from stdin
-		if(attach_ip != ""){
-			fmt.Printf("[%v] CMD to send :", attach_ip)
-		}else{
-			fmt.Print("CMD to send :")
-		}
+		fmt.Print("CMD to send : ")
 		text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
 		// send to socket
 		fmt.Fprintf(conn, text + "\n")
-                cmd := strings.TrimSuffix(text, "\n")
-                s := strings.Split(cmd, ":")
-                cmd = s[0]
-		if(cmd == "attach"){
-			// listen for reply
-			t_attach_ip, _ := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
-			attach_ip = strings.TrimSuffix(t_attach_ip, "\n")
-		}else{
-			// listen for reply
-			message, _ = bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
-			fmt.Print("Return from server: " + message)
-		}
+		// listen for reply
+		message, _ = bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
+		fmt.Print("Return from server: " + message)
 		if message == "QUIT\n"{
diff --git a/demo_test/test.go b/demo_test/test.go
index d1d7ca9..741da16 100644
--- a/demo_test/test.go
+++ b/demo_test/test.go
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@
 	"update": "Update"}
 var default_address string = "localhost:31085"
-var default_port string = "8888"
-var default_vendor string = "edgecore"
-var default_freq uint64 = 180
-var attach_device_ip string = ""
 var importerTopic = "importer"
 var DataConsumer sarama.Consumer
@@ -54,128 +50,10 @@
 var ctx context.Context
 var conn *grpc.ClientConn
-// Allows user to register the device for data collection and frequency.
-func Attach(aip string, avendor string, afreq uint32) error {
-	fmt.Println("Received Attach\n")
-	var default_protocol string = "https"
-	deviceinfo := new(importer.DeviceInfo)
-	deviceinfo.IpAddress = aip
-	deviceinfo.Vendor = avendor
-	deviceinfo.Frequency = afreq
-	deviceinfo.Protocol = default_protocol
-	_, err := cc.SendDeviceInfo(ctx, deviceinfo)
-	return err
-// Allows user to change the frequency of data collection
-func UpdateFreq(ip_address string, wd uint32) error {
-	fmt.Println("Received Period\n")
-	freqinfo := new(importer.FreqInfo)
-	freqinfo.Frequency = wd
-	freqinfo.IpAddress = ip_address
-	_, err := cc.SetFrequency(ctx, freqinfo)
-	return err
-// Allows user to unsubscribe events
-func Subscribe(ip_address string, Giveneventlist []string) error {
-	fmt.Println("Received Subscribe\n")
-	giveneventlist := new(importer.GivenEventList)
-	giveneventlist.Events = Giveneventlist
-	giveneventlist.EventIpAddress = ip_address
-	_, err := cc.SubsrcribeGivenEvents(ctx, giveneventlist)
-	return err
-// Allows user to unsubscribe events
-func UnSubscribe(ip_address string, Giveneventlist []string) error {
-	fmt.Println("Received UnSubscribe\n")
-	giveneventlist := new(importer.GivenEventList)
-	giveneventlist.Events = Giveneventlist
-	giveneventlist.EventIpAddress = ip_address
-	_, err := cc.UnSubsrcribeGivenEvents(ctx, giveneventlist)
-	return err
-// Allows user to get the events supported by device
-func GetEventSupportList(vendor string) (error, []string) {
-	fmt.Println("Received GetEventSupportList\n")
-	vendorinfo := new(importer.VendorInfo)
-	vendorinfo.Vendor = vendor
-	var ret_msg *importer.EventList
-	ret_msg, err := cc.GetEventList(ctx, vendorinfo)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err, nil
-	} else {
-		return err, ret_msg.Events
-	}
-// Allows user to get the current events subscribed by device
-func GetEventCurrentDeviceList(ip_address string) (error, []string) {
-	fmt.Println("Received GetEventCurrentDeviceList\n")
-	currentdeviceinfo := new(importer.Device)
-	currentdeviceinfo.IpAddress = ip_address
-	var ret_msg *importer.EventList
-	ret_msg, err := cc.GetCurrentEventList(ctx, currentdeviceinfo)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err, nil
-	} else {
-		return err, ret_msg.Events
-	}
-// Allows user to get the current events subscribed by device
-func ClearCurrentDeviceEventList(ip_address string) error {
-	fmt.Println("Received ClearCurrentDeviceEventList\n")
-	currentdeviceinfo := new(importer.Device)
-	currentdeviceinfo.IpAddress = ip_address
-	_, err := cc.ClearCurrentEventList(ctx, currentdeviceinfo)
-	return err
-// Allows user to get the current devices that are monitored
 func GetCurrentDevices() (error, []string) {
 	fmt.Println("Testing GetCurrentDevices\n")
 	empty := new(importer.Empty)
-	var ret_msg *importer.DeviceList
+	var ret_msg *importer.DeviceListByIp
 	ret_msg, err := cc.GetCurrentDevices(ctx, empty)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err, nil
@@ -259,208 +137,188 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		fmt.Println("Accept error")
 		log.Fatal("Accept error: %v", err)
-	} else {
+	}
+	conn, err = grpc.Dial(default_address, grpc.WithInsecure())
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println("could not connect")
+		log.Fatal("did not connect: %v", err)
+	}
+	defer conn.Close()
-		conn, err = grpc.Dial(default_address, grpc.WithInsecure())
-		if err != nil {
-			fmt.Println("could not connect")
-			log.Fatal("did not connect: %v", err)
-		}
-		defer conn.Close()
+	cc = importer.NewDeviceManagementClient(conn)
+	ctx = context.Background()
-		cc = importer.NewDeviceManagementClient(conn)
-		ctx = context.Background()
+	loop := true
-		loop := true
+	for loop == true {
+		cmdstr, _ := bufio.NewReader(connS).ReadString('\n')
+		cmdstr = strings.TrimSuffix(cmdstr, "\n")
+		s := strings.Split(cmdstr, " ")
+		newmessage := ""
+		cmd := string(s[0])
-		for loop == true {
-			cmd, _ := bufio.NewReader(connS).ReadString('\n')
+		switch cmd {
-			cmd = strings.TrimSuffix(cmd, "\n")
-			s := strings.Split(cmd, ":")
-			newmessage := "cmd error!!"
-			cmd = s[0]
-			switch string(cmd) {
-			case "attach":
-				cmd_size := len(s)
-				var err error
-				var uafreq uint64
-				if cmd_size == 5 {
-					aip := s[1]
-					aport := s[2]
-					avendor := s[3]
-					afreq := s[4]
-					uafreq, err = strconv.ParseUint(afreq, 10, 64)
-					if err != nil {
-						fmt.Print("ParseUint error!!\n")
-					}
-					attach_device_ip = aip + ":" + aport
-					err = Attach(attach_device_ip, avendor, uint32(uafreq))
-					if err != nil {
-						errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
-						fmt.Println(errStatus.Message())
-						fmt.Println(errStatus.Code())
-						fmt.Print("attach error!!\n")
-						newmessage = errStatus.Message()
-					} else {
-						fmt.Print("attatch IP:\n", attach_device_ip)
-						newmessage = attach_device_ip
-					}
-				} else {
-					fmt.Print("Need IP addres,port,vendor,freqs !!\n")
-					newmessage = "Need IP address !!"
+		case "attach" :
+			if len(s) < 2 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + cmdstr + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			var devicelist importer.DeviceList
+			var ipattached []string
+			for _, devinfo := range s[1:] {
+				info := strings.Split(devinfo, ":")
+				if len(info) != 3 {
+					newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + devinfo + "\n"
+					continue
-			case "period":
-				cmd_size := len(s)
-				fmt.Print("cmd_size period %d", cmd_size)
-				if cmd_size == 4 {
-					fip := s[1]
-					fport := s[2]
-					pv := s[3]
-					fmt.Print("pv:", pv)
-					u, err := strconv.ParseUint(pv, 10, 64)
-					if err != nil {
-						fmt.Print("ParseUint error!!\n")
-					} else {
-						wd := uint32(u)
-						ip_address := fip + ":" + fport
-						err = UpdateFreq(ip_address, wd)
-						if err != nil {
-							errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
-							fmt.Println(errStatus.Message())
-							fmt.Println(errStatus.Code())
-							newmessage = errStatus.Message()
-							fmt.Print("period error!!\n")
-						} else {
-							newmessage = strings.ToUpper(cmd)
-						}
-					}
-				} else {
-					fmt.Print("Need period value !!\n")
-					newmessage = "Need period value !!"
+				deviceinfo := new(importer.DeviceInfo)
+				deviceinfo.IpAddress = info[0] + ":" + info[1]
+				freq, err := strconv.ParseUint(info[2], 10, 32)
+				if (err != nil) {
+					newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + devinfo + "\n"
+					continue
+				deviceinfo.Frequency = uint32(freq)
+				devicelist.Device = append(devicelist.Device, deviceinfo)
+				ipattached = append(ipattached, deviceinfo.IpAddress)
+			}
+			_, err := cc.SendDeviceList(ctx, &devicelist)
+			if err != nil {
+				errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
+				newmessage = newmessage + errStatus.Message() + "\n"
+				fmt.Printf("attach error - status code %v message %v", errStatus.Code(), errStatus.Message())
+			} else {
+				ips := strings.Join(ipattached, " ")
+				newmessage = newmessage + ips + " attached\n"
+			}
+		case "delete" :
+			if len(s) < 2 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + cmdstr + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			var devicelist importer.DeviceListByIp
+			for _, ip := range s[1:] {
+				devicelist.Ip = append(devicelist.Ip, ip)
+			}
+			_, err := cc.DeleteDeviceList(ctx, &devicelist)
+			if err != nil {
+				errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
+				newmessage = newmessage + errStatus.Message() + "\n"
+				fmt.Printf("delete error - status code %v message %v", errStatus.Code(), errStatus.Message())
+			} else {
+				ips := strings.Join(devicelist.Ip, " ")
+				newmessage = newmessage + ips + " deleted\n"
+			}
+		case "period" :
+			if len(s) != 2 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + cmdstr + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			args := strings.Split(s[1], ":")
+			if len(args) != 3 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + s[1] + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			ip := args[0] + ":" + args[1]
+			pv := args[2]
+			u, err := strconv.ParseUint(pv, 10, 64)
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Print("ParseUint error!!\n")
+			} else {
+				freqinfo := new(importer.FreqInfo)
+				freqinfo.Frequency = uint32(u)
+				freqinfo.IpAddress = ip
+				_, err := cc.SetFrequency(ctx, freqinfo)
-			case "sub", "unsub":
-				cmd_size := len(s)
-				fmt.Print("cmd is :", cmd, cmd_size)
-				if cmd_size > 6 || cmd_size < 0 {
-					fmt.Print("error event !!")
-					newmessage = "error event !!"
+				if err != nil {
+					errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
+					newmessage = newmessage + errStatus.Message()
+					fmt.Printf("period error - status code %v message %v", errStatus.Code(), errStatus.Message())
 				} else {
-					ip := s[1]
-					port := s[2]
-					ip_address := ip + ":" + port
-					var events_list []string
-					for i := 3; i < cmd_size; i++ {
-						if value, ok := EVENTS_MAP[s[i]]; ok {
-							events_list = append(events_list, value)
-						} else {
-							fmt.Println("key not found")
-						}
-					}
-					if string(cmd) == "sub" {
-						err = Subscribe(ip_address, events_list)
-						if err != nil {
-							errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
-							fmt.Println(errStatus.Message())
-							fmt.Println(errStatus.Code())
-							newmessage = errStatus.Message()
-							fmt.Print("sub error!!")
-						} else {
-							newmessage = strings.ToUpper(cmd)
-						}
-					} else {
-						err = UnSubscribe(ip_address, events_list)
-						if err != nil {
-							errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
-							fmt.Println(errStatus.Message())
-							fmt.Println(errStatus.Code())
-							newmessage = errStatus.Message()
-							fmt.Print("unsub error!!")
-						} else {
-							newmessage = strings.ToUpper(cmd)
-						}
-					}
+					newmessage = newmessage + "data collection interval configured to " + pv + " seconds\n"
-			case "showeventlist":
-				cmd_size := len(s)
-				fmt.Print("cmd is :", cmd, cmd_size)
-				if cmd_size > 3 || cmd_size < 0 {
-					fmt.Print("error event !!")
-					newmessage = "error event !!"
-				} else {
-					vendor := s[1]
-					err, supportlist := GetEventSupportList(vendor)
-					if err != nil {
-						errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
-						fmt.Println(errStatus.Message())
-						fmt.Println(errStatus.Code())
-						newmessage = errStatus.Message()
-						fmt.Print("showeventlist error!!")
-					} else {
-						fmt.Print("showeventlist ", supportlist)
-						newmessage = strings.Join(supportlist[:], ",")
-					}
+			}
+		case "sub", "unsub":
+			if len(s) != 2 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + cmdstr + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			args := strings.Split(s[1], ":")
+			if len(args) < 3 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + s[1] + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			giveneventlist := new(importer.GivenEventList)
+			giveneventlist.EventIpAddress = args[0] + ":" + args[1]
+			for _, event := range args[2:] {
+				if value, ok := EVENTS_MAP[event]; ok {
+					giveneventlist.Events = append(giveneventlist.Events, value)
-			case "showdeviceeventlist":
-				cmd_size := len(s)
-				fmt.Print("cmd is :", cmd, cmd_size)
-				if cmd_size > 4 || cmd_size < 0 {
-					fmt.Print("error event !!")
-					newmessage = "error event !!"
-				} else {
-					eip := s[1]
-					eport := s[2]
-					ip_address := eip + ":" + eport
-					err, currentlist := GetEventCurrentDeviceList(ip_address)
-					if err != nil {
-						errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
-						fmt.Println(errStatus.Message())
-						fmt.Println(errStatus.Code())
-						newmessage = errStatus.Message()
-						fmt.Print("showdeviceeventlist error!!")
-					} else {
-						fmt.Print("showeventlist ", currentlist)
-						newmessage = strings.Join(currentlist[:], ",")
-					}
-				}
-			case "cleardeviceeventlist":
-				cmd_size := len(s)
-				fmt.Print("cmd is :", cmd, cmd_size)
-				if cmd_size > 4 || cmd_size < 0 {
-					fmt.Print("error event !!")
-					newmessage = "error event !!"
-				} else {
-					clip := s[1]
-					clport := s[2]
-					ip_address := clip + ":" + clport
-					err = ClearCurrentDeviceEventList(ip_address)
-					if err != nil {
-						errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
-						fmt.Println(errStatus.Message())
-						fmt.Println(errStatus.Code())
-						newmessage = errStatus.Message()
-						fmt.Print("cleardeviceeventlist  error!!")
-					} else {
-						newmessage = strings.ToUpper(cmd)
-					}
-				}
+			}
+			var err error
+			if cmd == "sub" {
+				_, err = cc.SubsrcribeGivenEvents(ctx, giveneventlist)
+			} else {
+				_, err = cc.UnSubsrcribeGivenEvents(ctx, giveneventlist)
+			}
+			if err != nil {
+				errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
+				newmessage = newmessage + errStatus.Message()
+				fmt.Printf("Un/subscribe error - status code %v message %v", errStatus.Code(), errStatus.Message())
+			} else {
+				newmessage = newmessage + cmd +  " successful\n"
+			}
+		case "showeventlist":
+			if len(s) != 2 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + s[1] + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			currentdeviceinfo := new(importer.Device)
+			currentdeviceinfo.IpAddress = s[1]
+			ret_msg, err := cc.GetEventList(ctx, currentdeviceinfo)
+			if err != nil {
+				errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
+				newmessage = errStatus.Message()
+				fmt.Printf("showeventlist error - status code %v message %v", errStatus.Code(), errStatus.Message())
+			} else {
+				fmt.Print("showeventlist ", ret_msg.Events)
+				newmessage = strings.Join(ret_msg.Events[:], ",")
+			}
+		case "showdeviceeventlist":
+			if len(s) != 2 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + s[1] + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			currentdeviceinfo := new(importer.Device)
+			currentdeviceinfo.IpAddress = s[1]
+			ret_msg, err := cc.GetCurrentEventList(ctx, currentdeviceinfo)
+			if err != nil {
+				errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
+				fmt.Printf("showdeviceeventlist error - status code %v message %v", errStatus.Code(), errStatus.Message())
+				newmessage = newmessage + errStatus.Message()
+			} else {
+				fmt.Print("showdeviceeventlist ", ret_msg.Events)
+				newmessage = strings.Join(ret_msg.Events[:], ",")
+			}
+		case "cleardeviceeventlist":
+			if len(s) != 2 {
+				newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + s[1] + "\n"
+				break
+			}
+			currentdeviceinfo := new(importer.Device)
+			currentdeviceinfo.IpAddress = s[1]
+			_, err := cc.ClearCurrentEventList(ctx, currentdeviceinfo)
+			if err != nil {
+				errStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
+				newmessage = newmessage + errStatus.Message()
+				fmt.Printf("cleardeviceeventlist error - status code %v message %v", errStatus.Code(), errStatus.Message())
+			} else {
+				newmessage = newmessage + currentdeviceinfo.IpAddress + " events cleared\n"
+			}
+		case "QUIT":
+			loop = false
+			newmessage = "QUIT"
 			case "showdevices":
 				cmd_size := len(s)
@@ -482,14 +340,10 @@
 						newmessage = strings.Join(currentlist[:], ", ")
-			case "QUIT":
-				loop = false
-				newmessage = "QUIT"
-			default:
-			}
-			// send string back to client
-			connS.Write([]byte(newmessage + "\n"))
+		default:
+			newmessage = newmessage + "invalid command " + cmdstr + "\n"
+			// send string back to client
+		connS.Write([]byte(newmessage + "\n"))
diff --git a/event_subscriber.go b/event_subscriber.go
index 973a765..d4b75a3 100644
--- a/event_subscriber.go
+++ b/event_subscriber.go
@@ -21,27 +21,31 @@
+	"io/ioutil"
-const RF_SUBSCRIPTION = "/EventService/Subscriptions/"
+const RF_EVENTSERVICE = "/redfish/v1/EventService/"
+const RF_SUBSCRIPTION = RF_EVENTSERVICE + "Subscriptions/"
-func (s *Server) add_subscription(ip string, event string, f *os.File) (rtn bool) {
+func (s *Server) add_subscription(ip string, event string) (rtn bool) {
 	rtn = false
 	destip := os.Getenv("EVENT_NOTIFICATION_DESTIP") + ":" + os.Getenv("DEVICE_MANAGEMENT_DESTPORT")
 	subscrpt_info := map[string]interface{}{"Context": "TBD-" + destip, "Protocol": "Redfish"}
 	subscrpt_info["Name"] = event + " event subscription"
-	subscrpt_info["Destination"] = "https://" + destip
+	subscrpt_info["Destination"] = RF_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL + destip
 	subscrpt_info["EventTypes"] = []string{event}
 	sRequestJson, err := json.Marshal(subscrpt_info)
-	uri := s.devicemap[ip].Protocol + "://" + ip + REDFISH_ROOT + RF_SUBSCRIPTION
 	client := s.httpclient
 	resp, err := client.Post(uri, CONTENT_TYPE, bytes.NewBuffer(sRequestJson))
+	if resp != nil {
+		defer resp.Body.Close()
+	}
 	if err != nil {
-	defer resp.Body.Close()
 	if resp.StatusCode != 201 {
 		result := make(map[string]interface{})
@@ -57,38 +61,22 @@
 	match := re.FindStringSubmatch(loc[0])
 	s.devicemap[ip].Subscriptions[event] = match[1]
-	if f != nil {
-		b, err := json.Marshal(s.devicemap[ip])
-		fmt.Println(string(b))
-		if err != nil {
-			fmt.Println(err)
-		} else {
-			f.Truncate(0)
-			f.Seek(0, 0)
-			n, err := f.Write(b)
-			if err != nil {
-				fmt.Println("err wrote", n, "bytes")
-				fmt.Println(err)
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		fmt.Println("file handle is nil")
-	}
 	fmt.Println("Subscription", event, "id", match[1], "was successfully added")
-func (s *Server) remove_subscription(ip string, event string, f *os.File) bool {
+func (s *Server) remove_subscription(ip string, event string) bool {
 	id := s.devicemap[ip].Subscriptions[event]
-	uri := s.devicemap[ip].Protocol + "://" + ip + REDFISH_ROOT + RF_SUBSCRIPTION + id
 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("DELETE", uri, nil)
 	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
+	if resp != nil {
+		defer resp.Body.Close()
+	}
 	if err != nil {
 		return false
-	defer resp.Body.Close()
 	if code := resp.StatusCode; code < 200 && code > 299 {
 		result := make(map[string]interface{})
@@ -100,22 +88,36 @@
 	delete(s.devicemap[ip].Subscriptions, event)
-	if f != nil {
-		b, err := json.Marshal(s.devicemap[ip])
-		if err != nil {
-			fmt.Println(err)
-		} else {
-			f.Truncate(0)
-			f.Seek(0, 0)
-			n, err := f.Write(b)
-			if err != nil {
-				fmt.Println("!!!!! err wrote", n, "bytes")
-				fmt.Println(err)
-			} else {
-				fmt.Println("wrote", n, "bytes")
-			}
-		}
-	}
 	fmt.Println("Subscription id", id, "was successfully removed")
 	return true
+func (s *Server) get_event_types(ip string) (eventtypes []string ) {
+	resp, err := http.Get(RF_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL + ip + RF_EVENTSERVICE)
+	fmt.Println("get_event_types")
+	if resp != nil {
+		defer resp.Body.Close()
+	}
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println(err)
+		return
+	}
+	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println(err)
+		return
+	}
+	m := map[string]interface{}{}
+	err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &m)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println(err)
+		return
+	}
+	e := m["EventTypesForSubscription"].([]interface{})
+	fmt.Printf("supported event types %v\n", e)
+	for _, val := range e {
+		eventtypes = append(eventtypes, val.(string))
+	}
+	return
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 0510876..d01685d 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
-const REDFISH_ROOT = "/redfish/v1"
+const RF_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "https://"
 const CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json"
 var (
@@ -45,33 +47,30 @@
 var DataProducer sarama.AsyncProducer
-var vendor_default_events = map[string][]string{
-	"edgecore": {"ResourceAdded", "ResourceRemoved", "Alert"},
-var redfish_services = [...]string{"/Chassis", "/Systems", "/EthernetSwitches"}
+var redfish_resources = [...]string{"/redfish/v1/Chassis", "/redfish/v1/Systems","/redfish/v1/EthernetSwitches"}
 var pvmount = os.Getenv("DEVICE_MANAGEMENT_PVMOUNT")
 var subscriptionListPath string
-type scheduler struct {
+type scheduler struct  {
 	getdata *time.Ticker
-	quit    chan bool
+	quit chan bool
+	getdataend chan bool
-type device struct {
-	Subscriptions map[string]string `json:"ss"`
-	Freq          uint32            `json:"freq"`
-	Datacollector scheduler         `json:"-"`
-	Freqchan      chan uint32       `json:"-"`
-	Vendor        string            `json:"vendor"`
-	Protocol      string            `json:"protocol"`
+type device struct  {
+	Subscriptions	map[string]string	`json:"ss"`
+	Freq		uint32			`json:"freq"`
+	Datacollector	scheduler		`json:"-"`
+	Freqchan	chan uint32		`json:"-"`
+	Eventtypes	[]string		`json:"eventtypes"`
+	Datafile	*os.File		`json:"-"`
 type Server struct {
-	devicemap    map[string]*device
-	gRPCserver   *grpc.Server
-	dataproducer sarama.AsyncProducer
-	httpclient   *http.Client
-	devicechan   chan *importer.DeviceInfo
+	devicemap	map[string]*device
+	gRPCserver	*grpc.Server
+	dataproducer	sarama.AsyncProducer
+	httpclient	*http.Client
 func (s *Server) ClearCurrentEventList(c context.Context, info *importer.Device) (*empty.Empty, error) {
@@ -81,18 +80,15 @@
 	if !found {
 		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "Device not registered")
-	f := get_subscription_list(ip_address)
 	for event, _ := range s.devicemap[ip_address].Subscriptions {
-		rtn := s.remove_subscription(ip_address, event, f)
+		rtn := s.remove_subscription(ip_address, event)
 		if !rtn {
 				"Event": event,
 			}).Info("Error removing event")
-	if f != nil {
-		f.Close()
-	}
+	s.update_data_file(ip_address)
 	return &empty.Empty{}, nil
@@ -109,14 +105,14 @@
 	return currentevents, nil
-func (s *Server) GetEventList(c context.Context, info *importer.VendorInfo) (*importer.EventList, error) {
+func (s *Server) GetEventList(c context.Context, info *importer.Device) (*importer.EventList, error) {
 	fmt.Println("Received GetEventList\n")
-	_, found := vendor_default_events[info.Vendor]
-	if !found {
-		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "Invalid Vendor Provided")
-	}
 	eventstobesubscribed := new(importer.EventList)
-	eventstobesubscribed.Events = vendor_default_events[info.Vendor]
+//	eventstobesubscribed.Events = s.devicemap[info.IpAddress].Eventtypes
+	eventstobesubscribed.Events = s.get_event_types(info.IpAddress)
+	if eventstobesubscribed.Events == nil {
+		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "No events found")
+	}
 	return eventstobesubscribed, nil
@@ -126,12 +122,17 @@
 	if !found {
 		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "Device not registered")
+	if info.Frequency > 0 && info.Frequency < RF_DATA_COLLECT_THRESHOLD {
+		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "Invalid frequency")
+	}
 	s.devicemap[info.IpAddress].Freqchan <- info.Frequency
+	s.devicemap[info.IpAddress].Freq = info.Frequency
+	s.update_data_file(info.IpAddress)
 	return &empty.Empty{}, nil
 func (s *Server) SubsrcribeGivenEvents(c context.Context, subeventlist *importer.GivenEventList) (*empty.Empty, error) {
+	errstring := ""
 	fmt.Println("Received SubsrcribeEvents\n")
 	//Call API to subscribe events
 	ip_address := subeventlist.EventIpAddress
@@ -142,28 +143,31 @@
 	if len(subeventlist.Events) <= 0 {
 		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "Event list is empty")
-	f := get_subscription_list(ip_address)
 	for _, event := range subeventlist.Events {
 		if _, ok := s.devicemap[ip_address].Subscriptions[event]; !ok {
-			rtn := s.add_subscription(ip_address, event, f)
+			rtn := s.add_subscription(ip_address, event)
 			if !rtn {
+				errstring = errstring + "failed to subscribe event " + ip_address + " " + event + "\n"
 					"Event": event,
 				}).Info("Error adding  event")
 		} else {
+			errstring = errstring + "event " + event + " already subscribed\n"
 				"Event": event,
 			}).Info("Already Subscribed")
-	if f != nil {
-		f.Close()
+	s.update_data_file(ip_address)
+	if errstring != "" {
+		return &empty.Empty{}, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, errstring)
 	return &empty.Empty{}, nil
 func (s *Server) UnSubsrcribeGivenEvents(c context.Context, unsubeventlist *importer.GivenEventList) (*empty.Empty, error) {
+	errstring := ""
 	fmt.Println("Received UnSubsrcribeEvents\n")
 	ip_address := unsubeventlist.EventIpAddress
 	_, found := s.devicemap[ip_address]
@@ -175,28 +179,50 @@
 		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "Event list is empty")
 	//Call API to unsubscribe events
-	f := get_subscription_list(ip_address)
 	for _, event := range unsubeventlist.Events {
 		if _, ok := s.devicemap[ip_address].Subscriptions[event]; ok {
-			rtn := s.remove_subscription(ip_address, event, f)
+			rtn := s.remove_subscription(ip_address, event)
 			if !rtn {
+				errstring = errstring + "failed to unsubscribe event " + ip_address + " " + event + "\n"
 					"Event": event,
 				}).Info("Error removing event")
 		} else {
+			errstring = errstring + "event " + event + " not found\n"
 				"Event": event,
 			}).Info("was not Subscribed")
-	if f != nil {
-		f.Close()
-	}
+	s.update_data_file(ip_address)
+	if errstring != "" {
+		return &empty.Empty{}, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, errstring)
+	}
 	return &empty.Empty{}, nil
+func (s *Server) update_data_file(ip_address string) {
+	f := s.devicemap[ip_address].Datafile
+	if f != nil {
+		b, err := json.Marshal(s.devicemap[ip_address])
+		if err != nil {
+			fmt.Println(err)
+		} else {
+			f.Truncate(0)
+			f.Seek(0, 0)
+			n, err := f.Write(b)
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Println("err wrote", n, "bytes")
+				fmt.Println(err)
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		fmt.Println("file handle is nil", ip_address)
+	}
 func (s *Server) collect_data(ip_address string) {
 	freqchan := s.devicemap[ip_address].Freqchan
 	ticker := s.devicemap[ip_address].Datacollector.getdata
@@ -207,83 +233,141 @@
 			if freq > 0 {
 				ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Duration(freq) * time.Second)
+				s.devicemap[ip_address].Datacollector.getdata = ticker
 		case err := <-s.dataproducer.Errors():
 			fmt.Println("Failed to produce message:", err)
 		case <-ticker.C:
-			for _, service := range redfish_services {
-				rtn, data := s.get_status(ip_address, service)
-				if rtn {
-					for _, str := range data {
-						str = "Device IP: " + ip_address + " " + str
-						fmt.Printf("collected data  %s\n ...", str)
-						b := []byte(str)
-						msg := &sarama.ProducerMessage{Topic: importerTopic, Value: sarama.StringEncoder(b)}
-						select {
-						case s.dataproducer.Input() <- msg:
-							fmt.Println("Produce message")
-						default:
-						}
+			for _, resource := range redfish_resources {
+				data := s.get_status(ip_address, resource)
+				for _, str := range data {
+					str = "Device IP: " + ip_address + " " + str
+					fmt.Printf("collected data  %s\n ...", str)
+					b := []byte(str)
+					msg := &sarama.ProducerMessage{Topic: importerTopic, Value: sarama.StringEncoder(b)}
+					select {
+					case  s.dataproducer.Input() <- msg:
+						fmt.Println("Produce message")
+					default:
 		case <-donechan:
 			fmt.Println("getdata ticker stopped")
+			s.devicemap[ip_address].Datacollector.getdataend <- true
-func (s *Server) SendDeviceInfo(c context.Context, info *importer.DeviceInfo) (*empty.Empty, error) {
-	d := device{
-		Subscriptions: make(map[string]string),
-		Freq:          info.Frequency,
-		Datacollector: scheduler{
-			getdata: time.NewTicker(time.Duration(info.Frequency) * time.Second),
-			quit:    make(chan bool),
-		},
-		Freqchan: make(chan uint32),
-		Vendor:   info.Vendor,
-		Protocol: info.Protocol,
-	}
-	_, found := s.devicemap[info.IpAddress]
-	if found {
-		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.AlreadyExists, "Device Already registered")
-	}
+func (s *Server) DeleteDeviceList(c context.Context, list *importer.DeviceListByIp) (*empty.Empty, error) {
+	fmt.Println("DeleteDeviceList received")
+	errstring := ""
+	for _, ip := range list.Ip {
+		if _, ok := s.devicemap[ip]; !ok {
+			fmt.Printf("Device not found ", ip)
+			errstring = errstring + "Device " + ip + " not found\n"
+			continue
+		}
+		for event, _ := range s.devicemap[ip].Subscriptions {
+			rtn := s.remove_subscription(ip, event)
+			if !rtn {
+				log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+					"Event": event,
+				}).Info("Error removing event")
+			}
+		}
+		fmt.Println("deleting device", ip)
+		s.devicemap[ip].Datacollector.quit <- true
-	_, vendorfound := vendor_default_events[info.Vendor]
-	if !vendorfound {
-		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "Vendor Not Found")
+		f := s.devicemap[ip].Datafile
+		if f != nil {
+			fmt.Println("deleteing file", f.Name())
+			err := f.Close()
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Println("error closing file ", f.Name(), err)
+				errstring = errstring + "error closing file " + f.Name() + "\n"
+			}
+			err = os.Remove(f.Name())
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Println("error deleting file ", f.Name(), err)
+			}
+		} else {
+			errstring = errstring + "file " + ip + " not found\n"
+		}
+		<-s.devicemap[ip].Datacollector.getdataend
+		delete(s.devicemap, ip)
-	//default_events := [...]string{}
-	s.devicemap[info.IpAddress] = &d
-	fmt.Printf("size of devicemap %d\n", len(s.devicemap))
-	ip_address := info.IpAddress
-	fmt.Printf("Configuring  %s\n", ip_address)
-	// call subscription function with info.IpAddress
-	default_events := vendor_default_events[info.Vendor]
-	f := get_subscription_list(ip_address)
-	for _, event := range default_events {
-		s.add_subscription(ip_address, event, f)
+	if errstring != "" {
+		return &empty.Empty{}, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, errstring)
-	if f != nil {
-		f.Close()
-	}
-	go s.collect_data(ip_address)
 	return &empty.Empty{}, nil
-func (s *Server) GetCurrentDevices(c context.Context, e *importer.Empty) (*importer.DeviceList, error) {
+func (s *Server) SendDeviceList(c context.Context,  list *importer.DeviceList) (*empty.Empty, error) {
+	errstring := ""
+	for _, dev := range list.Device {
+		ip_address:= dev.IpAddress
+		if _, ok := s.devicemap[dev.IpAddress]; ok {
+			fmt.Printf("Device %s already exists", ip_address)
+			errstring = errstring + "Device " + ip_address + " already exists\n"
+			continue
+		}
+		if dev.Frequency > 0 && dev.Frequency < RF_DATA_COLLECT_THRESHOLD {
+			fmt.Printf("Device %s data collection frequency %d out of range", ip_address, dev.Frequency)
+			errstring = errstring + "Device " + ip_address + " data collection frequency out of range\n"
+			continue
+		}
+		d := device {
+			Subscriptions: make(map[string]string),
+			Freq: dev.Frequency,
+			Datacollector: scheduler{
+				quit: make(chan bool),
+				getdataend: make(chan bool),
+			},
+			Freqchan: make(chan uint32),
+		}
+		s.devicemap[ip_address] = &d
+		fmt.Printf("Configuring  %s\n", ip_address)
+		/* if initial interval is 0, create a dummy ticker, which is stopped right away, so getdata is not nil */
+		freq := dev.Frequency
+		if freq == 0 {
+		}
+		s.devicemap[ip_address].Datacollector.getdata = time.NewTicker(time.Duration(freq) * time.Second)
+		if dev.Frequency == 0 {
+			s.devicemap[ip_address].Datacollector.getdata.Stop()
+		}
+		eventtypes := s.get_event_types(ip_address)
+		if eventtypes != nil {
+			for _, event := range eventtypes {
+				s.devicemap[ip_address].Eventtypes = append(s.devicemap[ip_address].Eventtypes, event)
+				if s.add_subscription(ip_address, event) == false {
+					errstring = errstring + "failed to subscribe event " + ip_address + " " + event + "\n"
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		go s.collect_data(ip_address)
+		s.devicemap[ip_address].Datafile = get_data_file(ip_address)
+		s.update_data_file(ip_address)
+	}
+	if errstring != "" {
+		return &empty.Empty{}, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, errstring)
+	}
+	return &empty.Empty{}, nil
+func (s *Server) GetCurrentDevices(c context.Context, e *importer.Empty) (*importer.DeviceListByIp, error) {
 	fmt.Println("In Received GetCurrentDevices\n")
 	if len(s.devicemap) == 0 {
 		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "Devices not registered")
-	dl := new(importer.DeviceList)
+	dl := new(importer.DeviceListByIp)
 	for k, v := range s.devicemap {
 		if v != nil {
 			fmt.Printf("IpAdd[%s] \n", k)
@@ -362,26 +446,39 @@
 func (s *Server) init_data_persistence() {
+	fmt.Println("Retrieving persisted data")
 	subscriptionListPath = pvmount + "/subscriptions"
 	if err := os.MkdirAll(subscriptionListPath, 0777); err != nil {
 	} else {
-		lists, err := ioutil.ReadDir(subscriptionListPath)
+		files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(subscriptionListPath)
 		if err != nil {
 		} else {
-			for _, list := range lists {
-				b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(subscriptionListPath, list.Name()))
+			for _, f := range files {
+				b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(subscriptionListPath, f.Name()))
 				if err != nil {
-				} else {
-					ip := list.Name()
+				} else if f.Size() > 0 {
+					ip := f.Name()
 					d := device{}
 					json.Unmarshal(b, &d)
 					s.devicemap[ip] = &d
-					s.devicemap[ip].Datacollector.getdata = time.NewTicker(time.Duration(s.devicemap[ip].Freq) * time.Second)
+					freq := s.devicemap[ip].Freq
+					/* if initial interval is 0, create a dummy ticker, which is stopped right away, so getdata is not nil */
+					if freq == 0 {
+					}
+					s.devicemap[ip].Datacollector.getdata = time.NewTicker(time.Duration(freq) * time.Second)
+					if s.devicemap[ip].Freq == 0 {
+						s.devicemap[ip].Datacollector.getdata.Stop()
+					}
 					s.devicemap[ip].Datacollector.quit = make(chan bool)
+					s.devicemap[ip].Datacollector.getdataend = make(chan bool)
 					s.devicemap[ip].Freqchan = make(chan uint32)
+					s.devicemap[ip].Datafile = get_data_file(ip)
 					go s.collect_data(ip)
@@ -401,7 +498,7 @@
 	//sarama.Logger = log.New()
-func get_subscription_list(ip string) *os.File {
+func get_data_file(ip string) *os.File {
 	if pvmount == "" {
 		return nil
@@ -412,6 +509,12 @@
 	return f
+func (s *Server) close_data_files() {
+	for ip, _ := range s.devicemap {
+		s.devicemap[ip].Datafile.Close()
+	}
 func main() {
 	fmt.Println("Starting Device-management Container")
@@ -420,10 +523,9 @@
 		Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
-	s := Server{
-		devicemap:  make(map[string]*device),
-		devicechan: make(chan *importer.DeviceInfo),
-		httpclient: client,
+	s := Server {
+		devicemap:	make(map[string]*device),
+		httpclient:	client,
@@ -441,5 +543,6 @@
 	case sig := <-quit:
 		fmt.Println("Shutting down:", sig)
+		s.close_data_files()
diff --git a/proto/importer.proto b/proto/importer.proto
index e7117b1..58d8772 100644
--- a/proto/importer.proto
+++ b/proto/importer.proto
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
 message DeviceInfo {
 	string ip_address = 1;
 	uint32 frequency = 2;
-        string vendor = 3;
-	string protocol = 4;
 message GivenEventList {
@@ -28,26 +26,28 @@
 	uint32 Frequency = 2;
-message VendorInfo {
-	string Vendor = 1;
 message Device {
 	string IpAddress = 1;
-message DeviceList {
-        repeated string ip = 1;
 message Empty {}
+message DeviceList {
+	repeated DeviceInfo device = 1;
+message DeviceListByIp {
+	repeated string Ip = 1;
 service device_management {
-    rpc SendDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc SendDeviceList(DeviceList) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc DeleteDeviceList(DeviceListByIp) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
     rpc SetFrequency(FreqInfo) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
-    rpc GetEventList(VendorInfo) returns (EventList) {}
+    rpc GetEventList(Device) returns (EventList) {}
     rpc SubsrcribeGivenEvents(GivenEventList)  returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     rpc ClearCurrentEventList(Device) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
-	rpc GetCurrentDevices(Empty) returns (DeviceList) {}
+	rpc GetCurrentDevices(Empty) returns (DeviceListByIp) {}
diff --git a/samples/chassis.1.json b/samples/chassis.1.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c796835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/chassis.1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+   "Oem" : {
+      "Intel_RackScale" : {
+         "Location" : {
+            "Id" : null,
+            "ParentId" : null
+         },
+         "@odata.type" : "#Intel.Oem.Chassis"
+      }
+   },
+   "Links" : {
+      "Oem" : {
+         "Intel_RackScale" : {
+            "@odata.type" : "#Intel.Oem.ChassisLinks",
+            "Switches" : [
+               {
+                  "" : "/redfish/v1/EthernetSwitches/1"
+               }
+            ]
+         }
+      },
+      "Drives" : [
+         {
+            "" : "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Drives/1"
+         }
+      ],
+      "ManagedBy" : [
+         {
+            "" : "/redfish/v1/Managers/1"
+         }
+      ],
+      "Storage" : [
+         {
+            "" : "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/1"
+         }
+      ],
+      "ComputerSystems" : [
+         {
+            "" : "/redfish/v1/Systems/1"
+         }
+      ],
+      "@odata.type" : "#Chassis.v1_2_0.Links",
+      "Contains" : []
+   },
+   "Power" : {
+      "" : "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power"
+   },
+   "Name" : "Chassis",
+   "Id" : "1",
+   "" : "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1",
+   "@odata.context" : "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Chassis.Chassis",
+   "@odata.type" : "#Chassis.v1_3_0.Chassis",
+   "PowerState" : "On",
+   "PartNumber" : "",
+   "Status" : {
+      "State" : "Enabled",
+      "HealthRollup" : "OK",
+      "Health" : "OK"
+   },
+   "Actions" : {
+      "#Chassis.Reset" : {
+         "target" : "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Actions/Chassis.Reset",
+         "ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues" : [
+            "ForceOff",
+            "GracefulShutdown",
+            "GracefulRestart",
+            "ForceRestart"
+         ]
+      }
+   },
+   "Manufacturer" : "",
+   "SerialNumber" : "",
+   "AssetTag" : "N/A",
+   "Description" : "Chassis of ",
+   "SKU" : null,
+   "Thermal" : {
+      "" : "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal"
+   },
+   "ChassisType" : "Drawer",
+   "IndicatorLED" : "Lit",
+   "Model" : ""
diff --git a/samples/chassis.json b/samples/chassis.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..317f9c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/chassis.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+   "Name" : "Chassis Collection",
+   "@odata.context" : "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Chassis.Chassis",
+   "Members@odata.count" : 1,
+   "Description" : "Collection of Chassis",
+   "Members" : [
+      {
+         "" : "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
+      }
+   ],
+   "@odata.type" : "#ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection",
+   "" : "/redfish/v1/Chassis"