[SEBA-881] move device-management to go mod

Change-Id: Idf082ee75c157f72fd4173f653d9e13c1c55fcd3
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/decompress.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/decompress.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43b4815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/decompress.go
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+package huff0
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"github.com/klauspost/compress/fse"
+type dTable struct {
+	single []dEntrySingle
+	double []dEntryDouble
+// single-symbols decoding
+type dEntrySingle struct {
+	byte  uint8
+	nBits uint8
+// double-symbols decoding
+type dEntryDouble struct {
+	seq   uint16
+	nBits uint8
+	len   uint8
+// ReadTable will read a table from the input.
+// The size of the input may be larger than the table definition.
+// Any content remaining after the table definition will be returned.
+// If no Scratch is provided a new one is allocated.
+// The returned Scratch can be used for decoding input using this table.
+func ReadTable(in []byte, s *Scratch) (s2 *Scratch, remain []byte, err error) {
+	s, err = s.prepare(in)
+	if err != nil {
+		return s, nil, err
+	}
+	if len(in) <= 1 {
+		return s, nil, errors.New("input too small for table")
+	}
+	iSize := in[0]
+	in = in[1:]
+	if iSize >= 128 {
+		// Uncompressed
+		oSize := iSize - 127
+		iSize = (oSize + 1) / 2
+		if int(iSize) > len(in) {
+			return s, nil, errors.New("input too small for table")
+		}
+		for n := uint8(0); n < oSize; n += 2 {
+			v := in[n/2]
+			s.huffWeight[n] = v >> 4
+			s.huffWeight[n+1] = v & 15
+		}
+		s.symbolLen = uint16(oSize)
+		in = in[iSize:]
+	} else {
+		if len(in) <= int(iSize) {
+			return s, nil, errors.New("input too small for table")
+		}
+		// FSE compressed weights
+		s.fse.DecompressLimit = 255
+		hw := s.huffWeight[:]
+		s.fse.Out = hw
+		b, err := fse.Decompress(in[:iSize], s.fse)
+		s.fse.Out = nil
+		if err != nil {
+			return s, nil, err
+		}
+		if len(b) > 255 {
+			return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: output table too large")
+		}
+		s.symbolLen = uint16(len(b))
+		in = in[iSize:]
+	}
+	// collect weight stats
+	var rankStats [tableLogMax + 1]uint32
+	weightTotal := uint32(0)
+	for _, v := range s.huffWeight[:s.symbolLen] {
+		if v > tableLogMax {
+			return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: weight too large")
+		}
+		rankStats[v]++
+		weightTotal += (1 << (v & 15)) >> 1
+	}
+	if weightTotal == 0 {
+		return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: weights zero")
+	}
+	// get last non-null symbol weight (implied, total must be 2^n)
+	{
+		tableLog := highBit32(weightTotal) + 1
+		if tableLog > tableLogMax {
+			return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: tableLog too big")
+		}
+		s.actualTableLog = uint8(tableLog)
+		// determine last weight
+		{
+			total := uint32(1) << tableLog
+			rest := total - weightTotal
+			verif := uint32(1) << highBit32(rest)
+			lastWeight := highBit32(rest) + 1
+			if verif != rest {
+				// last value must be a clean power of 2
+				return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: last value not power of two")
+			}
+			s.huffWeight[s.symbolLen] = uint8(lastWeight)
+			s.symbolLen++
+			rankStats[lastWeight]++
+		}
+	}
+	if (rankStats[1] < 2) || (rankStats[1]&1 != 0) {
+		// by construction : at least 2 elts of rank 1, must be even
+		return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: min elt size, even check failed ")
+	}
+	// TODO: Choose between single/double symbol decoding
+	// Calculate starting value for each rank
+	{
+		var nextRankStart uint32
+		for n := uint8(1); n < s.actualTableLog+1; n++ {
+			current := nextRankStart
+			nextRankStart += rankStats[n] << (n - 1)
+			rankStats[n] = current
+		}
+	}
+	// fill DTable (always full size)
+	tSize := 1 << tableLogMax
+	if len(s.dt.single) != tSize {
+		s.dt.single = make([]dEntrySingle, tSize)
+	}
+	for n, w := range s.huffWeight[:s.symbolLen] {
+		length := (uint32(1) << w) >> 1
+		d := dEntrySingle{
+			byte:  uint8(n),
+			nBits: s.actualTableLog + 1 - w,
+		}
+		for u := rankStats[w]; u < rankStats[w]+length; u++ {
+			s.dt.single[u] = d
+		}
+		rankStats[w] += length
+	}
+	return s, in, nil
+// Decompress1X will decompress a 1X encoded stream.
+// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly.
+// Before this is called, the table must be initialized with ReadTable unless
+// the encoder re-used the table.
+func (s *Scratch) Decompress1X(in []byte) (out []byte, err error) {
+	if len(s.dt.single) == 0 {
+		return nil, errors.New("no table loaded")
+	}
+	var br bitReader
+	err = br.init(in)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	s.Out = s.Out[:0]
+	decode := func() byte {
+		val := br.peekBitsFast(s.actualTableLog) /* note : actualTableLog >= 1 */
+		v := s.dt.single[val]
+		br.bitsRead += v.nBits
+		return v.byte
+	}
+	hasDec := func(v dEntrySingle) byte {
+		br.bitsRead += v.nBits
+		return v.byte
+	}
+	// Avoid bounds check by always having full sized table.
+	const tlSize = 1 << tableLogMax
+	const tlMask = tlSize - 1
+	dt := s.dt.single[:tlSize]
+	// Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty.
+	var tmp = s.huffWeight[:256]
+	var off uint8
+	for br.off >= 8 {
+		br.fillFast()
+		tmp[off+0] = hasDec(dt[br.peekBitsFast(s.actualTableLog)&tlMask])
+		tmp[off+1] = hasDec(dt[br.peekBitsFast(s.actualTableLog)&tlMask])
+		br.fillFast()
+		tmp[off+2] = hasDec(dt[br.peekBitsFast(s.actualTableLog)&tlMask])
+		tmp[off+3] = hasDec(dt[br.peekBitsFast(s.actualTableLog)&tlMask])
+		off += 4
+		if off == 0 {
+			if len(s.Out)+256 > s.MaxDecodedSize {
+				br.close()
+				return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded
+			}
+			s.Out = append(s.Out, tmp...)
+		}
+	}
+	if len(s.Out)+int(off) > s.MaxDecodedSize {
+		br.close()
+		return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded
+	}
+	s.Out = append(s.Out, tmp[:off]...)
+	for !br.finished() {
+		br.fill()
+		if len(s.Out) >= s.MaxDecodedSize {
+			br.close()
+			return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded
+		}
+		s.Out = append(s.Out, decode())
+	}
+	return s.Out, br.close()
+// Decompress4X will decompress a 4X encoded stream.
+// Before this is called, the table must be initialized with ReadTable unless
+// the encoder re-used the table.
+// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly.
+// The destination size of the uncompressed data must be known and provided.
+func (s *Scratch) Decompress4X(in []byte, dstSize int) (out []byte, err error) {
+	if len(s.dt.single) == 0 {
+		return nil, errors.New("no table loaded")
+	}
+	if len(in) < 6+(4*1) {
+		return nil, errors.New("input too small")
+	}
+	if dstSize > s.MaxDecodedSize {
+		return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded
+	}
+	// TODO: We do not detect when we overrun a buffer, except if the last one does.
+	var br [4]bitReader
+	start := 6
+	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
+		length := int(in[i*2]) | (int(in[i*2+1]) << 8)
+		if start+length >= len(in) {
+			return nil, errors.New("truncated input (or invalid offset)")
+		}
+		err = br[i].init(in[start : start+length])
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		start += length
+	}
+	err = br[3].init(in[start:])
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Prepare output
+	if cap(s.Out) < dstSize {
+		s.Out = make([]byte, 0, dstSize)
+	}
+	s.Out = s.Out[:dstSize]
+	// destination, offset to match first output
+	dstOut := s.Out
+	dstEvery := (dstSize + 3) / 4
+	const tlSize = 1 << tableLogMax
+	const tlMask = tlSize - 1
+	single := s.dt.single[:tlSize]
+	decode := func(br *bitReader) byte {
+		val := br.peekBitsFast(s.actualTableLog) /* note : actualTableLog >= 1 */
+		v := single[val&tlMask]
+		br.bitsRead += v.nBits
+		return v.byte
+	}
+	// Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty.
+	var tmp = s.huffWeight[:256]
+	var off uint8
+	// Decode 2 values from each decoder/loop.
+	const bufoff = 256 / 4
+	for {
+		for i := range br {
+			if br[i].off < 4 {
+				break bigloop
+			}
+			br[i].fillFast()
+		}
+		tmp[off] = decode(&br[0])
+		tmp[off+bufoff] = decode(&br[1])
+		tmp[off+bufoff*2] = decode(&br[2])
+		tmp[off+bufoff*3] = decode(&br[3])
+		tmp[off+1] = decode(&br[0])
+		tmp[off+1+bufoff] = decode(&br[1])
+		tmp[off+1+bufoff*2] = decode(&br[2])
+		tmp[off+1+bufoff*3] = decode(&br[3])
+		off += 2
+		if off == bufoff {
+			if bufoff > dstEvery {
+				return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 1")
+			}
+			copy(dstOut, tmp[:bufoff])
+			copy(dstOut[dstEvery:], tmp[bufoff:bufoff*2])
+			copy(dstOut[dstEvery*2:], tmp[bufoff*2:bufoff*3])
+			copy(dstOut[dstEvery*3:], tmp[bufoff*3:bufoff*4])
+			off = 0
+			dstOut = dstOut[bufoff:]
+			// There must at least be 3 buffers left.
+			if len(dstOut) < dstEvery*3 {
+				return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 2")
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if off > 0 {
+		ioff := int(off)
+		if len(dstOut) < dstEvery*3+ioff {
+			return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 3")
+		}
+		copy(dstOut, tmp[:off])
+		copy(dstOut[dstEvery:dstEvery+ioff], tmp[bufoff:bufoff*2])
+		copy(dstOut[dstEvery*2:dstEvery*2+ioff], tmp[bufoff*2:bufoff*3])
+		copy(dstOut[dstEvery*3:dstEvery*3+ioff], tmp[bufoff*3:bufoff*4])
+		dstOut = dstOut[off:]
+	}
+	for i := range br {
+		offset := dstEvery * i
+		br := &br[i]
+		for !br.finished() {
+			br.fill()
+			if offset >= len(dstOut) {
+				return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 4")
+			}
+			dstOut[offset] = decode(br)
+			offset++
+		}
+		err = br.close()
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	return s.Out, nil
+// matches will compare a decoding table to a coding table.
+// Errors are written to the writer.
+// Nothing will be written if table is ok.
+func (s *Scratch) matches(ct cTable, w io.Writer) {
+	if s == nil || len(s.dt.single) == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	dt := s.dt.single[:1<<s.actualTableLog]
+	tablelog := s.actualTableLog
+	ok := 0
+	broken := 0
+	for sym, enc := range ct {
+		errs := 0
+		broken++
+		if enc.nBits == 0 {
+			for _, dec := range dt {
+				if dec.byte == byte(sym) {
+					fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol %x has decoder, but no encoder\n", sym)
+					errs++
+					break
+				}
+			}
+			if errs == 0 {
+				broken--
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		// Unused bits in input
+		ub := tablelog - enc.nBits
+		top := enc.val << ub
+		// decoder looks at top bits.
+		dec := dt[top]
+		if dec.nBits != enc.nBits {
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol 0x%x bit size mismatch (enc: %d, dec:%d).\n", sym, enc.nBits, dec.nBits)
+			errs++
+		}
+		if dec.byte != uint8(sym) {
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol 0x%x decoder output mismatch (enc: %d, dec:%d).\n", sym, sym, dec.byte)
+			errs++
+		}
+		if errs > 0 {
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d errros in base, stopping\n", errs)
+			continue
+		}
+		// Ensure that all combinations are covered.
+		for i := uint16(0); i < (1 << ub); i++ {
+			vval := top | i
+			dec := dt[vval]
+			if dec.nBits != enc.nBits {
+				fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol 0x%x bit size mismatch (enc: %d, dec:%d).\n", vval, enc.nBits, dec.nBits)
+				errs++
+			}
+			if dec.byte != uint8(sym) {
+				fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol 0x%x decoder output mismatch (enc: %d, dec:%d).\n", vval, sym, dec.byte)
+				errs++
+			}
+			if errs > 20 {
+				fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d errros, stopping\n", errs)
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if errs == 0 {
+			ok++
+			broken--
+		}
+	}
+	if broken > 0 {
+		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d broken, %d ok\n", broken, ok)
+	}