To read more about logging and monitoring in CORD, please refer to the design document.
There are currently two charts that deploy logging and monitoring functionality, nem-monitoring
and logging
. Both of these charts depend on having kafka instances running in order to pass messages.
{% include "../partials/helm/" %}
helm install -n nem-monitoring cord/nem-monitoring
NOTE: In order to display
kpis you need to havevoltha
This chart exposes two dashboards:
For informations on how to use Prometheys please refer to the Prometheus Operations Guide.
By default, the logging charts rely on the Persistent Storage charts to provide a persistent ElasticSearch database. You must install those first before running the logging
helm install -n logging cord/logging
In development or testing scenarios where persistence isn't required, this command will load the logging chart without persistence:
helm install --set elasticsearch.cluster.env.MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES="1" \ --set elasticsearch.client.replicas=1 \ --set elasticsearch.master.replicas=2 \ --set elasticsearch.master.persistence.enabled=false \ --set \ --set \ -n logging cord/logging
The Kibana dashboard can be found on port 30601
For informations on how to use Elastic Stack please refer to the ELK Stack Operations Guide.