Merge "Adding R-CORD known issues and solutions"
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 27384fe..0b1f37c 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f1d1b93..a084f5f 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,93 +1,89 @@
 # Makefile for building CORD docs site,
 # Building docs requires the following tools:
 #  - Gitbook toolchain:
+#  - git
 #  - NPM (for Gitbook and Swagger)
-#  - Python (for build glossary script)
 #  - linkchecker (for test target)
+#  - markdownlint (for lint target)
 default: serve
-# use bash for pushd/popd, and to fail if commands within  a pipe fail
-SHELL = bash -o pipefail
+# use bash for pushd/popd, and to fail quickly
+SHELL = bash -eu -o pipefail
+# Other repos with documentation that's included in the gitbook
+# edit the `git_refs` file with the commit/tag/branch that you want to use
+OTHER_REPO_DOCS ?= cord-tester fabric hippie-oss kubernetes-service olt-service onos-service openolt openstack rcord simpleexampleservice exampleservice vrouter xos xos-gui xos-tosca
+GENERATED_DOCS  ?= # should be 'swagger', but currently broken
-LINT_STYLE ?= mdl_relaxed.rb
-serve: setup
+# build targets
+serve: | $(ALL_DOCS) gitbook-setup
 	npm start
-build: setup
+build: _book
+_book: | $(ALL_DOCS) gitbook-setup
 	gitbook build
-setup: automation-tools cord-tester simpleexampleservice openstack fabric hippie-oss kubernetes-service olt-service onos-service openolt rcord vrouter xos xos-gui xos-tosca swagger $(GENERATED_DOCS)
 	gitbook init
 	gitbook install
-test: linkcheck lint
+	rm -rf _book
+	rm -rf node_modules
+	rm -rf repos/*
+	rm -rf $(ALL_DOCS)
-linkcheck: build
-	linkchecker -a _book/
+# testing targets
+test: lint linkcheck
+LINT_STYLE ?= mdl_relaxed.rb
+lint: | $(OTHER_REPO_DOCS)
 	@echo "markdownlint(mdl) version: `mdl --version`"
 	@echo "style config:"
 	@echo "---"
 	@cat $(LINT_STYLE)
 	@echo "---"
-	mdl -s $(LINT_STYLE) `find -L . ! -path "./partials/*" ! -path "./_book/*" ! -path "./node_modules/*" ! -path "./cord-tester/modules/*" -name "*.md"`
+	mdl -s $(LINT_STYLE) `find -L . ! -path "./partials/*" ! -path "./_book/*" ! -path "./repos/*"  ! -path "./node_modules/*" ! -path "./cord-tester/modules/*" -name "*.md"`
-# link directories that contain other documentation
-	ln -s ../automation-tools automation-tools
+linkcheck: $(ALL_DOCS) _book
+	linkchecker -a _book/
-	ln -s ../test/cord-tester/docs cord-tester
+# Host holding the git server
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos_services/fabric/docs fabric
+# checkout the repos inside repos/ dir
+	mkdir repos
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos_services/hippie-oss/docs hippie-oss
+# build directory paths in repos/* to perform 'git clone <repo>' into
+CHECKOUT_REPOS=$(foreach repo,$(OTHER_REPO_DOCS),repos/$(repo))
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos_services/olt-service/docs olt-service
+# For QA patchset validation - set SKIP_CHECKOUT to the repo name and
+# pre-populate it under epos with the specific commit to being validated
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos_services/onos-service/docs onos-service
+# clone (only if doesn't exist), then checkout ref in repos/*
+$(CHECKOUT_REPOS):  git_refs | repos
+	GIT_REF=`grep '^$(@F) ' git_refs | awk '{print $$3}'` ;\
+	if [ ! -d '$@' ] ;\
+	  then git clone $(REPO_HOST)/$(@F) $@ ;\
+	fi ;\
+	if [ "$(SKIP_CHECKOUT)" = "$(@F)" ] ;\
+	  then echo "Skipping checkout of repo $(SKIP_CHECKOUT) as it's being tested" ;\
+	else pushd $@ ;\
+	  git checkout $$GIT_REF ;\
+	  popd ;\
+	fi
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos_services/kubernetes-service/docs kubernetes-service
+# link subdirectories (if applicable) into main docs dir
+	GIT_SUBDIR=`grep '^$@ ' git_refs | awk '{print $$2}'` ;\
+	ln -s repos/$(@)$$GIT_SUBDIR $@
-	ln -s ../incubator/openolt openolt
-	ln -s ../orchestration/profiles/rcord/docs rcord
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos_services/vrouter/docs vrouter
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos_services/openstack/docs openstack
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos_services/simpleexampleservice/docs simpleexampleservice
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos/docs xos
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos-gui/docs xos-gui
-	ln -s ../orchestration/xos-tosca/docs xos-tosca
+# swagger docs generation
 swagger: xos
-	pushd ../orchestration/xos/docs/; make swagger_docs; popd;
+	pushd repos/xos/docs; make swagger_docs; popd;
-	rm -rf $(GENERATED_DOCS)
-	rm -rf _book
-	rm -rf node_modules
-	rm -rf openstack automation-tools cord-tester fabric hippie-oss kubernetes-service olt-service onos-service openolt rcord vrouter test xos xos-gui xos-tosca simpleexampleservice
diff --git a/ b/
index 70dc248..5da0124 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@
             * [Synchronizer Reference](xos/dev/
         * [Core Models](xos/
         * [Security Policies](xos/
+        * [Tutorial](xos/tutorials/
     * [Developer Workflows](developer/
         * [Working on R-CORD Without an OLT/ONU](developer/
     * [Building Docker Images](developer/
-    * Tutorials
-        * [Synchronizer Hello World](developer/tutorials/basic-synchronizer/
     * [Platform Services](developer/
         * [Kubernetes](kubernetes-service/
         * [OpenStack](openstack/
         * [VTN and Service Composition](xos/
     * [Example Services](examples/
         * [SimpleExampleService](simpleexampleservice/
+        * [ExampleService](exampleservice/
     * [GUI Development](xos-gui/developer/
         * [Quickstart](xos-gui/developer/
         * [GUI Extensions](xos-gui/developer/
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f484f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Example Services
+There are two examples of services, which show how to create models and
+- ExampleService, which sets up a VM in Openstack
+- SimpleExampleService, which sets up a container in Kubernetes
diff --git a/git_refs b/git_refs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7faa57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git_refs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# git_refs
+# This file contains a list of repos, paths within those repos, and git
+# references (branch/tag/commit hash) that are checked out with `git checkout
+# <ref>` during creation of documentation.
+# - First column is the git repo name
+# - Second column is the subdirectory of the repo to symlink into the
+#   docs directory
+# - Third column is the reference (branch/tag/commit) to checkout
+_REPO NAME_           _DIR_    _REF_
+cord-tester           /docs    master
+fabric                /docs    master
+hippie-oss            /docs    master
+kubernetes-service    /docs    master
+olt-service           /docs    master
+onos-service          /docs    master
+openolt               /        master
+openstack             /docs    master
+rcord                 /docs    master
+simpleexampleservice  /docs    master
+exampleservice        /docs    master
+vrouter               /docs    master
+xos-gui               /docs    master
+xos-tosca             /docs    master
+xos                   /docs    master
diff --git a/operating_cord/ b/operating_cord/
index 7b29be0..5f3f476 100644
--- a/operating_cord/
+++ b/operating_cord/
@@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
 # RESTful APIs
 A RESTful interface is available for configuring and controlling CORD. It is
-auto-generated from the set of [models](/xos/ configured
-into the POD manifest, and includes both core and service-specific models.
+auto-generated from the set of [models](/xos/ configured
+into a POD, and includes both core and service-specific models. Click
+[here]( to see API defined
+for the full set of services checked into [Gerrit](
-* [Core]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/core)
-* [Address Manager]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/addressmanager)
-* [vTR]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/vtr)
-* [vSG]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/vsg)
-* [vNoD Local]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/vnodlocal)
-* [vRouter]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/vrouter)
-* [ONOS Service]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/onos)
-* [Fabric Service]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/fabric)
-* [Example Service]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/exampleservice)
-* [vEE]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/vee)
-* [vEG]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/veg)
-* [vnaas]({{ book.branch }}/api/xos/#/vnaas)
+You can access the REST API specification on a running POD by going to
+the `/apidocs/` URL on the Chameleon REST endpoint (exposed at
+port 30006 by default): <http://pod-ip-or-dns-address:30006/apidocs/>.
diff --git a/prereqs/ b/prereqs/
index a94587e..cce78ee 100644
--- a/prereqs/
+++ b/prereqs/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 The registry can be queried at any time, for example:
-curl -X GET https://KUBERNETES_IP:30500/v2/_catalog
+curl -X GET http://KUBERNETES_IP:30500/v2/_catalog
 {% include "/partials/" %}
diff --git a/prereqs/ b/prereqs/
index 20eb576..820ff9a 100644
--- a/prereqs/
+++ b/prereqs/
@@ -72,14 +72,22 @@
         copper cable, 3m length - S/N: QSFP-40G-03C
 * **R-CORD Access Devices and Optics**
+    * **GPON**
+        * **OLT**: Celestica CLS Ruby S1010 (experimental, only top-down provisioning is supported - through manual customizations)
+            * Compatible **OLT optics**
+                * OptoWiz LSP4343-CKSA-R GPON SFP OLT Transceiver
+        * **ONUs**:
+            * Celestica Tellion GP-1204
+            * Movistar ONU (with CPE included) (manifactured by Telefonica: <>)
     * **XGS-PON**
         * **OLT**: EdgeCore ASFVOLT16 (for more info <>)
-        * Compatible **OLT optics**
-            * Hisense/Ligent: LTH7226-PC, LTH7226-PC+
-            ** Source Photonics: XPP-XG2-N1-CDFA
-        * **ONU**: AlphaNetworks PON-34000B (for more info <>)
-        * Compatible **ONU optics**
-            * Hisense/Ligent: LTF7225-BC, LTF7225-BH+
+            * Compatible **OLT optics**
+                * Hisense/Ligent: LTH7226-PC, LTH7226-PC+
+                * Source Photonics: XPP-XG2-N1-CDFA
+        * **ONUs**:
+            * AlphaNetworks PON-34000B (for more info <>)
+                * Compatible **ONU optics**
+                    * Hisense/Ligent: LTF7225-BC, LTF7225-BH+
 * **M-CORD Specific Requirements**
     * **Servers**: Some components of CORD require at least a Intel XEON CPU with Haswell microarchitecture or better.
diff --git a/prereqs/ b/prereqs/
index d60f9a8..7627a45 100644
--- a/prereqs/
+++ b/prereqs/
@@ -61,6 +61,15 @@
+cat <<EOF > /tmp/libvirt-cord.yaml
+  backend: []
+export OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS_LIBVIRT="-f /tmp/libvirt-cord.yaml"
 cat <<EOF > /tmp/nova-cord.yaml
diff --git a/profiles/mcord/ b/profiles/mcord/
index 7e2eaa6..a1a7665 100644
--- a/profiles/mcord/
+++ b/profiles/mcord/
@@ -1,2 +1,153 @@
-# eNodeB Setup
+# eNodeB and HSS Database Setup
+## Supported eNodeBs
+M-CORD's virtual EPC should work with any standard eNodeB. We tested the
+Cavium eNodeB (model CNF7100-REF2-RF17). In this section we describe how
+to configure this eNodeB to work with M-CORD.
+## Connect the eNodeB to the pod
+For physical connectivity, this eNodeB has a single Ethernet interface. Our
+test setup uses a single physical compute node for hosting the VNFs.  We
+connect the eNodeB to one of the NICs on the compute node.
+There are two logical connectivities for a eNodeB: (1) S1MME interface
+connection, between eNodeB and MME for attaching process. (2) S1U interface
+connection, between eNodeB and SPGWU (SGWU+PGWU) for user traffic.  To enable
+this connectivity, on the compute node we add the NIC connected to the eNodeB
+to the `fabric` bridge.
+## eNodeB configuration
+The configuration file on Cavium eNodeB is located at /mnt/app/startup.cfg.
+Find the following lines and change the values:
+configure net net u32enbipaddress
+configure net net u32enbsubnetmask
+configure net net u32enbgwipaddress
+configure net mme u32mmeipaddress 0
+configure net mme u16mmesctpportnumber 0 36412
+configure net sgw u32sgwipaddress 0
+`u32enbipaddress` is the eNodeB data plane IP address for S1U interface. The
+default IP address in M-CORD is You will need to specify it
+when you create the EPC in XOS; see below.
+Since `u32enbipaddress` and SPGWU IP on S1U address are on the
+same flat network inside OVS, `u32enbgwipaddress` (gateway IP) does not matter.
+You can give any IP as long as it is not used by eNodeB or SPGWU.
+`u32mmeipaddress`: MME IP address on S1MME interface.
+`36412`: the default communication port number.
+`u32sgwipaddress`: SPGWU IP address on S1U interface.
+Where to get those IP addresses? As described at the end of the [M-CORD quick start
+page](, the command
+`openstack server list --all-projects` will list the VNFs and their IP
+addresses. For example, the
+`flat_network_s1mme` of MME VM is the `u32mmeipaddress`. The `flat_network_s1u`
+is the `u32sgwipaddress`.
+Besides this, you should also config the S1U IP and S1MME interface IP address
+on eNodeB by the following command lines. The default value of S1MME we use is
+, while the default value of S1U is
+sudo ifconfig eth0
+sudo ip addr add dev eth0
+## Configure the VNFs on the pod for the eNodeB
+Specify the eNodeB IP addresses when creating the EPC in the XOS UI.
+To create one, click on `Add` on the `Virtual Evolved Packet Core ServiceInstances` page.  You will see:
+Enodeb ip addr s1mme
+external eNodeB IP address of S1-MME
+ is the default S1MME interface IP on the eNodeB.
+ is the default S1U interface IP on the eNodeB.
+Make sure that the IP addresses here are the same as the IP addresses you
+configed on your eNodeB.
+## Add subscriber infomation to the HSS database
+Prepare the three values of a SIM card: IMSI, key, and opc.
+For apn value, we will use the default value "apn1".
+Login to the HSS-DB VM, with user name "c3po" and password "c3po", and run:
+~/c3po/db_docs/ <imsi> 1122334456 apn1 <key> 1 <ip>
+Then login to the database:
+cqlsh <ip>
+Set the opc value:
+cqlsh> use vhss;
+cqlsh:vhss> update users_imsi set opc='<opc>' where imsi='<imsi>';
+## Connect a phone to the eNodeB
+You can use any phone, as long as it supports the same band as your eNodeB.
+Search the mobile networks.  You should see your eNodeB relative name
+as one of the choices.
+## Setup verification
+Download a ping applicaiton on your phone.  You can ping the SGI interface IP
+address of SPGWU from the phone.
+Another way to test is to use our InternetEmulator VM. The username and
+password are also "c3po" and "c3po". You need to modify a route on this machine:
+sudo route add -net gw <SPGWU-SGI-IP> dev ens3
+ is the default subnet assigned for the phones, you can ignore it.
+SPGWU-SGI-IP is the SGI interface IP address on SPGWU. You can find this IP
+through the same method as with the `u32mmeipaddress` above.
diff --git a/profiles/mcord/ b/profiles/mcord/
index 4df44df..d97a874 100644
--- a/profiles/mcord/
+++ b/profiles/mcord/
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 | ID                                   | Name            | Status | Networks                                                                                           | Image            | Flavor    |
 | 7e197142-afb1-459d-b421-cad91306d19f | mysite_vmme-2   | ACTIVE | s6a_network=; flat_network_s1mme=; management=; s11_network= | image_mme_v0.1   | m1.large  |
-| 9fe385f5-a064-40e0-94d3-17ea87b955fc | mysite_vspgwu-1 | ACTIVE | management=; sgi_network=; spgw_network=; flat_network_s1u=  | image_spgwu_v0.1 | m1.xlarge |
+| 9fe385f5-a064-40e0-94d3-17ea87b955fc | mysite_vspgwu-1 | ACTIVE | management=; sgi_network=; spgw_network=; flat_network_s1u=   | image_spgwu_v0.1 | m1.xlarge |
 | aa6805fe-3d72-4f1e-a2eb-5546d7916073 | mysite_hssdb-5  | ACTIVE | management=; db_network=                                                      | image_hssdb_v0.1 | m1.large  |
 | e53138ed-2893-4073-9c9a-6eb4aa1892f1 | mysite_vhss-4   | ACTIVE | s6a_network=; management=; db_network=                                 | image_hss_v0.1   | m1.large  |
 | 4a5960b5-b5e4-4777-8fe4-f257c244f198 | mysite_vspgwc-3 | ACTIVE | management=; spgw_network=; s11_network=                               | image_spgwc_v0.1 | m1.large  |