Versions and Releases of CORD

The 5.0 and earlier releases of CORD were done on a patch branch, named cord-4.1, cord-5.0, etc., which received bug fixes as required.

Starting with 6.0, the decision was made that individual components of CORD would be released and versioned separately. The versioning method chosen was Semantic Versioning, with versions numbers incrementing with per the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH method as changes are made.

For development versions, using either SemVer or the slightly different PEP440 syntax (.dev# instead of -dev#) if using Python code are the recommended formats.

As this is the first time that many of these components received a version number, most of them started with version 1.0.0, except for the xos core, which starts at 2.0.0.

CORD Releases

Formal CORD releases are the tags on two repositories, helm-charts and automation-tools. The helm charts refer to specific container versions used with CORD, which encapsulate individual components which are versioned independently. For example, a future 6.1.0 release might still include some components that are still using the original 6.0.0 version.

While not created by default during a release, patch branches may be created for tracking ongoing work, but this is left up to the owners/developers of the individual components.

Support and patches are provided for the currently released version and the last point revision of the previous release - for example, while developing 6.0, we continued to support both 5.0 and 4.1. Once 6.0 is released, support will be provided for 6.0 and 5.0, dropping 4.1

How to create a versioned release of an individual component

  1. Update the VERSION file to a released version (ex: 6.0.1)

  2. Make sure that any Docker parents are using a released version (FROM xosproject/xos-base:6.0.0), or some other acceptably specific version (ex: FROM scratch or FROM ubuntu-16.04)

  3. Create a patchset with these changes and submit it to Gerrit

  4. If it passes tests, upon merge the commit will be tagged in git with the version string, and Docker images with the tag will be built and sent to Docker Hub.

How to create a new CORD release

For 6.0 and later releases, please follow these steps to create a new release.

Pre-release steps

Per the instructions above, create versioned releases of all the individual components, primarily the docker images.

In the helm-charts repo, check that all charts use only released versions of container images (no master or candidate tags), and that the Chart.yaml has the correct new version field set for the release.

Test the release with this version of the charts, making sure to not override the image versions.

Release steps

Update the VERSION file on both the automation-tools and helm-charts repos then commit and merge the patch. Jenkins will then create git tags from the contents of the VERSION file.

Create a branch in Gerrit using the form cord-#.# on those repos starting with the new tagged commit.

In the docs project, on the master branch add an entry to the book.json to add the new branch, and create a directory on the site for the branch docs. Create a cord-#.# branch on the docs repo in Gerrit, then update the git_refs file within that repo with the commits that have the most pertinent documentation. The make freeze command can help generate the contents of the git_refs file by listing the current git HEAD of each repo.

Create a cord-#.# branch on the manifest repo, setting the revision attribute to cord-#.# on the automation-tools, docs, and helm-charts projects (and any other projects that have that patch branch).

Updates to a released branch

Patches to individual components are generally done on the master branch of their respective projects and given component versions.

Once released, these component versions are integrated into charts, the version field of the Chart.yaml for the chart is updated, and a new point release of the helm-charts repo is created on the cord-#.# branch.

All patches on a released branch of the helm-charts and automation-tools repos should be SemVer release versions, not development versions.

Documentation updates are less strict, with changes within the repo or to git_refs happening on the patch branch as needed.

Details of the release process

To create a new version, the version string is updated in the language or framework specific method. For most of CORD, a file named VERSION is created in the root of the git repository and contains a single line with the version string. Once a commit has been merged to a branch that changes the released version number, the version number is added as a git tag on the repo.

During development, the version is usually set to a development value, such as 6.0.0.dev1. There can be multiple patchsets using the same non-release development version, and these versions don't create git tags on merge.

As it's confusing to have multiple git commits that contain the same released version string in the VERSION file, Jenkins jobs have been put in place to prevent this from happening. The implementation is as follows:

  • When a patchset is submitted to Gerrit, the tag-collision Jenkins job runs. This checks that the version string in VERSION is does not already exist as a git tag, and rejects any patchsets that have duplicate released versions. It ignores development and non-SemVer version strings.

    This job also checks that if a released version number is used, any Dockerfile parent images are also using a fixed parent version, to better ensure repeatability of the image builds.

  • Once the patchset is approved and merged, the version-tag Jenkins job runs. If the patchset uses a SemVer released version, additional checks are performed and if they pass a git tag is created on the git repo pointing to the commit.

    Once the tag is created, if there are Docker images that need to be created from the commit, the publish-imagebuilder job runs and creates tagged images corresponding to the git tags and branches and pushes them to Docker Hub.

Git history is public so it shouldn't be rewritten to abandon already merged commits, which means that there's not a way to un-release a version.

Reverting a commit leaves it in the git history, so if a broken version is released the correct action is to create a new fixed version, not try to fix the already released version.


Patchsets fail job after rebasing

If you've rebased your patchset onto a released version, the VERSION file may be at a released version, which violates the "no two patchsets can contain the same released version". For example, an error like this:

Version string '1.0.1' found in 'VERSION' is a SemVer released version!
ERROR: Duplicate tag: 1.0.1

Means that when you rebased your code, it found a 1.0.1 in the VERSION file, which violates the "two commits can't have the same version" policy.

To fix this issue, you would change the contents of the VERSION file to either increment to a dev version (ex: 1.0.2.dev1) or a release version (ex: 1.0.2) and resubmit your patchset.