Merge "added a MacOS quickstart (and refactored)"
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 * [Overview](
     * [Navigating CORD](
     * [Quick Start](
+        * [MacOS](
+        * [Linux](
 * [Installation Guide](
     * [Prerequisites](prereqs/
         * [Hardware Requirements](prereqs/
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+# Quick Start: Linux
+This section walks you through an example installation sequence on 
+Linux, assuming a fresh install of Ubunto 16.04.
+## Prerequisites
+You need to first install Docker and Python:
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt-get install python
+sudo apt-get install python-pip
+pip install requests
+sudo apt install -y
+sudo systemctl start docker
+sudo systemctl enable docker
+Now, verify the docker version.
+docker --version
+## Minikube & Kubectl
+Install `minikube` and `kubectl`:
+curl -Lo minikube
+chmod +x minikube
+sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
+curl -Lo kubectl$(curl -s && chmod +x kubectl
+curl -LO$(curl -s
+chmod +x ./kubectl
+sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
+Issue the following commands:
+mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
+touch $HOME/.kube/config
+export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
+Navigate to the `/usr/local/bin/` directory and issue the following
+commands. Make sure there are no errors afterwards:
+sudo -E ./minikube start --vm-driver=none
+You can run
+kubectl cluster-info
+to verify that your Minikube cluster is up and running.
+## Export the KUBECONFIG File
+Locate the `KUBECONFIG` file:
+sudo updatedb
+locate kubeconfig
+Export a `KUBECONFIG` variable containing the path to the
+configuration file found above. For example, If your `U`
+file was located in the `/var/lib/localkube/kubeconfig` directory,
+the command you issue would look like this:
+export KUBECONFIG=/var/lib/localkube/kubeconfig
+## Download CORD
+There are two general ways you might download CORD. The following
+walks through both, but you need to follow only one. (For simplicity, we
+recommend the first.)
+The first simply clones the CORD `helm-chart` repository using `git`.
+This is sufficient for downloading just the Helm charts you will need
+to deploy the set of containers that comprise CORD. These containers
+will be pulled down from DockerHub.
+The second uses the `repo` tool to download all the source code that
+makes up CORD, including the Helm charts needed to deploy the CORD
+containers. You might find this useful if you want look at the
+interals of CORD more closely.
+In either case, following these instructions will result in a
+directory `~/cord/helm-charts`, which will be where you go next to
+continue the installation process.
+### Download: `git clone`
+Create a CORD directory and run the following `git` command in it:
+mkdir ~/cord
+cd ~/cord
+git clone
+cd helm-charts
+### Download: `repo`
+Make sure you have a `bin/` directory in your home directory and
+that it is included in your path:
+mkdir ~/bin
+Download the Repo tool and ensure that it is executable:
+curl > ~/bin/repo
+chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
+Make a `/cord` directory and navigate into it:
+mkdir ~/cord
+cd ~/cord
+Configure `git` with your real name and email address:
+git config --global "Your Name"
+git config --global ""
+Initialize `repo` and download the CORD source tree to your working
+repo init -u -b master
+repo sync
+## Helm
+Run the Helm installer script that will automatically grab the latest
+version of the Helm client and install it locally:
+curl >
+chmod 700
+## Tiller
+Issue the following:
+sudo helm init
+sudo kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
+sudo kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
+sudo kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'      
+sudo helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade
+Install `socat` to fix a port-forwarding error:
+sudo apt-get install socat
+Issue the following and make sure no errors come up:
+helm ls
+## Deploy CORD Helm Charts
+Deploy the service profiles corresponding to the `xos-core`,
+`base-kubernetes`, and `demo-simpleexampleservice` helm-charts:
+cd ~/cord/helm-charts
+helm init
+sudo helm dep update xos-core
+sudo helm install xos-core -n xos-core
+sudo helm dep update xos-profiles/base-kubernetes
+sudo helm install xos-profiles/base-kubernetes -n base-kubernetes
+sudo helm dep update xos-profiles/demo-simpleexampleservice
+sudo helm install xos-profiles/demo-simpleexampleservice -n demo-simpleexampleservice
+Use `kubectl get pods` to verify that all containers in the profile 
+are successful and none are in the error state. 
+> **Note:** It will take some time for the various helm charts to 
+> deploy and the containers to come online. The `tosca-loader 
+> `container may error and retry several times as they wait for 
+> services to be dynamically loaded. This is normal, and eventually 
+> the `tosca-loader` containers will enter the completed state:
+## Next Steps 
+This completes our example walk-through. At this point, you can do one 
+of the following:
+* Explore other [installation options]( 
+* Take a tour of the [operational interfaces](operating_cord/ 
+* Drill down on the internals of [SimpleExampleService](simpleexampleservice/ 
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+# Quick Start: MacOS
+This section walks you through an example installation sequence on
+MacOS. It was tested on version 10.12.6.
+## Prerequisites
+You need to install Docker. Visit `` for instructions.
+You also need to install VirtualBox. Visit `` for instructions.
+The following assumes you've installed the Homebrew package manager. Visit
+`` for instructions.
+## Install Minikube and Kubectl
+To install Minikube, run the following command:
+curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
+To install Kubectl, run the following command:
+brew install kubectl
+## Install Helm and Tiller
+The following installs both Helm and Tiller.
+brew install kubernetes-helm
+## Bring Up a Kubernetes Cluster
+Start a minikube cluster as follows. This automatically runs inside VirtualBox.
+minikube start
+To see that it's running, type
+kubectl cluster-info
+You should see something like the following
+Kubernetes master is running at
+KubeDNS is running at
+To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
+You can also see how the cluster is configured by looking at `~/.kube/config`.
+Other tools described on this page use this configuration file to find your cluster.
+If you want, you can see minikube running by looking at the VirtualBox dashboard.
+Or alternatively, you can visit the Minikube dashboard:
+minikube dashboard
+As a final setp, you need to start Tiller on the Kubernetes cluster.
+helm init
+## Download CORD Helm-Charts
+You don't need to download all of CORD. You just need to download a set of helm charts. They will, in turn, download a collection of CORD containers from Docker
+Hub. The rest of this section assumes all CORD-related downloads are placed in
+directory `~/cord`.
+mkdir ~/cord
+cd ~/cord
+git clone
+cd helm-charts
+## Bring Up CORD
+Deploy the service profiles corresponding to the `xos-core`,
+`base-kubernetes`, and `demo-simpleexampleservice` helm-charts.
+To do this, execute the following from the `~/cord/helm-charts` directory.
+helm dep update xos-core
+helm install xos-core -n xos-core
+helm dep update xos-profiles/base-kubernetes
+helm install xos-profiles/base-kubernetes -n base-kubernetes
+helm dep update xos-profiles/demo-simpleexampleservice
+helm install xos-profiles/demo-simpleexampleservice -n demo-simpleexampleservice
+Use `kubectl get pods` to verify that all containers in the profile
+are successful and none are in the error state.
+> **Note:** It will take some time for the various helm charts to
+> deploy and the containers to come online. The `tosca-loader`
+> container may error and retry several times as it waits for
+> services to be dynamically loaded. This is normal, and eventually
+> the `tosca-loader` will enter the completed state.
+When all the containers are successfully up and running, `kubectl get pod`
+will return output that looks something like this:
+NAME                                           READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
+base-kubernetes-kubernetes-55c55bd897-rn9ln    1/1       Running   0          2m
+base-kubernetes-tosca-loader-vs6pv             1/1       Running   1          2m
+demo-simpleexampleservice-787454b84b-ckpn2     1/1       Running   0          1m
+demo-simpleexampleservice-tosca-loader-4q7zg   1/1       Running   0          1m
+xos-chameleon-6f49b67f68-pdf6n                 1/1       Running   0          2m
+xos-core-57fd788db-8b97d                       1/1       Running   0          2m
+xos-db-f9ddc6589-rtrml                         1/1       Running   0          2m
+xos-gui-7fcfcd4474-prhfb                       1/1       Running   0          2m
+xos-redis-74c5cdc969-ppd7z                     1/1       Running   0          2m
+xos-tosca-7c665f97b6-krp5k                     1/1       Running   0          2m
+xos-ws-55d676c696-pxsqk                        1/1       Running   0          2m
+## Visit CORD Dashboard
+Finally, to view the CORD dashboard, run the following:
+minikube service xos-gui
+This will launch a window in your default browser. Administrator login
+and password are defined in `~/cord/helm-charts/xos-core/values.yaml`.
+## Next Steps
+This completes our example walk-through. At this point, you can do one
+of the following:
+* Explore other [installation options](
+* Take a tour of the [operational interfaces](operating_cord/
+* Drill down on the internals of [SimpleExampleService](simpleexampleservice/
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 # Quick Start
-This section walks you through one example installation sequence.
-If you'd prefer to understand the
-installation process in more depth, including the full range of
-deployment options, you might start with the [Installation Guide](
+This section walks you through an example installation sequence on two
+different platforms. If you'd prefer to understand the installation
+process in more depth, including the full range of deployment options,
+you might start with the [Installation Guide]( instead.
-The following describes how to install the R-CORD profile, plus a
-`SimpleExampleService`, on a single Linux box. Once you complete these
+This Quick Start describes how to install the R-CORD profile, plus a
+`SimpleExampleService`, on a single machine. Once you complete these
 steps, you might be interested in jumping ahead to the
 [SimpleExampleService Tutorial](simpleexampleservice/
-to learn more about the make-up of a CORD service.
+to learn more about the make-up of a CORD service. Another option
+would be to explore CORD's [operational interfaces](operating_cord/ 
-## Python & Docker
-After a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 Server, install Docker and Python:
-sudo apt update
-sudo apt-get install python
-sudo apt-get install python-pip
-pip install requests
-sudo apt install -y
-sudo systemctl start docker
-sudo systemctl enable docker
-Now, verify the docker version.
-docker --version
-## Minikube & Kubectl
-Install `minikube` and `kubectl`:
-curl -Lo minikube
-chmod +x minikube
-sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
-curl -Lo kubectl$(curl -s && chmod +x kubectl
-curl -LO$(curl -s
-chmod +x ./kubectl
-sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
-Issue the following commands:
-mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
-touch $HOME/.kube/config
-export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
-Navigate to the `/usr/local/bin/` directory and issue the following
-commands. Make sure there are no errors afterwards:
-sudo -E ./minikube start --vm-driver=none
-You can run
-kubectl cluster-info
-to verify that your Minikube cluster is up and running.
-## Export the KUBECONFIG File
-Locate the `KUBECONFIG` file:
-sudo updatedb
-locate kubeconfig
-Export a `KUBECONFIG` variable containing the path to the
-configuration file found above. For example, If your `U`
-file was located in the `/var/lib/localkube/kubeconfig` directory,
-the command you issue would look like this:
-export KUBECONFIG=/var/lib/localkube/kubeconfig
-## Download CORD
-There are two general ways you might download CORD. The following
-walks through both, but you need to follow only one. (For simplicity, we
-recommend the first.)
-The first simply clones the CORD `helm-chart` repository using `git`.
-This is sufficient for downloading just the Helm charts you will need
-to deploy the set of containers that comprise CORD. These containers
-will be pulled down from DockerHub.
-The second uses the `repo` tool to download all the source code that
-makes up CORD, including the Helm charts needed to deploy the CORD
-containers. You might find this useful if you want look at the
-interals of CORD more closely.
-In either case, following these instructions will result in a
-directory `~/cord/helm-charts`, which will be where you go next to
-continue the installation process.
-### Download: `git clone`
-Create a CORD directory and run the following `git` command in it:
-mkdir ~/cord
-cd ~/cord
-git clone
-cd helm-charts
-### Download: `repo`
-Make sure you have a `bin/` directory in your home directory and
-that it is included in your path:
-mkdir ~/bin
-Download the Repo tool and ensure that it is executable:
-curl > ~/bin/repo
-chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
-Make a `/cord` directory and navigate into it:
-mkdir ~/cord
-cd ~/cord
-Configure `git` with your real name and email address:
-git config --global "Your Name"
-git config --global ""
-Initialize `repo` and download the CORD source tree to your working
-repo init -u -b master
-repo sync
-## Helm
-Run the Helm installer script that will automatically grab the latest
-version of the Helm client and install it locally:
-curl >
-chmod 700
-## Tiller
-Issue the following:
-sudo helm init
-sudo kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
-sudo kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
-sudo kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'      
-sudo helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade
-Install `socat` to fix a port-forwarding error:
-sudo apt-get install socat
-Issue the following and make sure no errors come up:
-helm ls
-## Deploy CORD Helm Charts
-Deploy the service profiles corresponding to the `xos-core`,
-`base-kubernetes`, and `demo-simpleexampleservice` helm-charts:
-cd ~/cord/helm-charts
-helm init
-sudo helm dep update xos-core
-sudo helm install xos-core -n xos-core
-sudo helm dep update xos-profiles/base-kubernetes
-sudo helm install xos-profiles/base-kubernetes -n base-kubernetes
-sudo helm dep update xos-profiles/demo-simpleexampleservice
-sudo helm install xos-profiles/demo-simpleexampleservice -n demo-simpleexampleservice
-Use `kubectl get pods` to verify that all containers in the profile
-are successful and none are in the error state.
-> **Note:** It will take some time for the various helm charts to
-> deploy and the containers to come online. The `tosca-loader
-> `container may error and retry several times as they wait for
-> services to be dynamically loaded. This is normal, and eventually
-> the `tosca-loader` containers will enter the completed state:
-## Next Steps 
-This completes our example walk-through. At this point, you can do one
-of the following:
-* Explore other [installation options](
-* Take a tour of the [operational interfaces](operating_cord/
-* Drill down on the internals of [SimpleExampleService](simpleexampleservice/ 
+* [MacOS](
+* [Linux](