Developing ONOS Applications with SEBA in a Box

This tutorial will guide you through the development workflow for ONOS applications in SEBA. The aaa application will be used as an example, but the same workflow is valid for any ONOS application.


In order to follow this tutorial you need to:

  • have a remote machine to run SEBA-in-a-Box
  • have the Java SDK installed on your development machine
  • have the CORD code (we suggest to download the code using this guide)

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Test applications on a running setup

We assume you already have done changes to your application code and that you need to build it and push it to a running ONOS.

To build the application, just enter the appropriate folder and invoke the maven target:

cd ~/cord/onos-apps/apps/aaa/
mvn clean install

Once the application is built, you can push it to ONOS using the onos-app command:

onos-app -P 30120 -u karaf -p karaf <> reinstall! app/target/aaa-app-1.10.0-SNAPSHOT.oar

where is the public ip of your SiaB machine.

If the commands succeed you should see an output similar to:

{"name":"","id":173,"version":"1.10.0.SNAPSHOT","category":"Traffic Steering","description":"802.","readme":"802.1x authentication service.","origin":"ON.Lab","url":"","featuresRepo":"mvn:org.opencord/aaa-app/1.10.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features","state":"ACTIVE","features":["aaa-app"],"permissions":[],"requiredApps":["org.opencord.sadis"]}


Please remember that the application .oar can be generated in a different location depending on the application structure and that the version included in the SNAPSHOT file name can differ.

You can get the onos-app command you can get it here and add it to your $PATH

Deploy SiaB using development applications

In certain cases you want to deploy SEBA-in-a-box automatically including your development applications, for example to verify that the end to end flow is correctly working.

In order to do that you need to:

  • make your applications available somewhere for ONOS to download them
  • customize the ONOS applications URL in the helm charts

We suggest to create a nginx container and deploy it on top of the kubernetes cluster, but if have a company web-server that is reachable by ONOS that can be a viable option.

Build the mavenrepo container

A Dockerfile to build a nginx web-server containing development .oars is provided with the code. You can build such container by:

cd ~/cord/onos-apps
docker build -t opencord/mavenrepo:candidate -f Dockerfile.apps .
Successfully built fda11faac37f
Successfully tagged opencord/mavenrepo:candidate

Deploy the mavenrepo container on top of your cluster

NOTE that this step requires a docker-registry to be installed in the cluster. If you don't have it, you can follow these instructions.

Once the container is build, you can push it to the remote docker-registry using these commands:

docker tag opencord/mavenrepo:candidate
docker push
The push refers to repository []
2781364a4526: Pushed
8a32ae098140: Pushed
7c9c7be9dce0: Pushed
9a6bd1609bff: Pushed
77e23640b533: Pushed
757d7bb101da: Pushed
3358360aedad: Pushed
candidate: digest: sha256:38788909e84ffb955a41fd14eea9c19f4596bb9b3b7f3181a1332499b7709b94 size: 1786

where is the public ip of your SiaB machine.

Once the container is loaded in the docker-registry you can you helm to deploy it from the SiaB host machine:

cd ~/cord/helm-charts
helm install -n mavenrepo cord/mavenrepo --set image.tag=candidate \

Customize the ONOS applications URL in the helm charts

In order to install custom versions of the application during the installation process, you need to create a value file called ~/custom.yaml (on the SiaB host machine) with the following values:

If you already have a value file to specify other container images you can simply extend that one

aaaAppUrl: ""
aaaAppVersion: "1.10.0.SNAPSHOT"

where is the public ip of your SiaB machine.

You can then install SEBA-in-a-box with:

SEBAVALUES=~/custom.yaml make

You can find a full list of the application names and URLs here: