[COMAC-202] Documentation: how to fine-tune CDN

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diff --git a/profiles/comac/configure/cdn.md b/profiles/comac/configure/cdn.md
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--- a/profiles/comac/configure/cdn.md
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+# Configure CDN
+This page shows how to fine-tune CDN. The default COMAC CDN in this release is working well. However, if want more features or customize the default COMAC CDN, please refer to this page.
+## CDN-Remote configuration
+In the CDN-Remote Helm chart, there are two types of Docker images: (i) Ant Media image and (ii) video archive image.
+### Update Ant Media images
+The Ant Media image has Ant Media community version 1.7.0. If want to use the latest Ant Media or commercial Ant Media, feel free to make a new container. Then, replace the official Ant Media image with the new container. In order to replace the image, make a *YAML* file such as `cdn_var.yaml`. Then, describe a new image path like below:
+  tags:
+    antMedia: <PUT_NEW_IMAGE_HERE>
+After that, deploy CDN-Remote with the following command:
+* In the multi-cluster environment:
+helm install cord/cdn-remote \
+  --kube-context central \
+  --namespace omec \
+  --name cdn-remote \
+  --values /path/to/cdn_var.yaml
+* In the single-cluster environment:
+helm install cord/cdn-remote \
+  --namespace omec \
+  --name cdn-remote \
+  --values /path/to/cdn_var.yaml
+### Change video clips
+Currently not allowed. If must change video clips, then make a new image based on the official video archive image to have new video clips. However, there are following constraints:
+* The video clips must be located in /opt/cdn/movies
+* The video clips must be named as {360, 480, 720}.mp4 like the official image.
+* The video clips should be encoded with H.264.
+For the flexible CDN, new patch sets will be merged to allow CDN-Remote to use different video clips.
+## CDN-Local configuration
+CDN-Local has a single container, NGINX container. NGINX has enumerable configuration values. Among them, CDN-Local allow users possible to modify some configuration values, which is defined in `/path/to/helm-charts/cdn-services/cdn-local/values.yaml` file like below:
+  workerProcesses: 1
+  workerConnections: 1024
+  defaultType: application/octet-stream
+  sendfile: "on"
+  keepaliveTimeout: 65
+  server:
+    serverName: localhost
+    location:
+      root: html
+      index: index.html index.htm
+    error:
+      code: 500 502 503 504
+      page: /50x.html
+      root: html
+  chunkSize: 4000
+  appRemote:
+    live: "on"
+  appLocal:
+    movieLocation: /opt/cdn/movies
+If above values should be modified, please make *YAML* file, e.g., `cdn_var.yaml`, and override those variables like below block:
+# cdn_var.yaml file
+  nginx:
+    events:
+      workerProcesses: 1
+      workerConnections: 1024
+    http:
+      defaultType: application/octet-stream
+      sendfile: "on"
+      keepaliveTimeout: 65
+      server:
+        serverName: localhost
+        location:
+          root: html
+          index: index.html index.htm
+        error:
+          code: 500 502 503 504
+          page: /50x.html
+          root: html
+    rtmp:
+      chunkSize: 4000
+      appRemote:
+        live: "on"
+      appLocal:
+        movieLocation: /opt/cdn/movies
+When `cdn_var.yaml` is ready, please deploy CDN-Local with the file:
+* In the multi-cluster environment:
+helm install cord/cdn-local \
+  --kube-context edge \
+  --namespace omec \
+  --name cdn-local \
+  --values /path/to/cdn_var.yaml
+* In the single-cluster environment:
+helm install cord/cdn-local \
+  --namespace omec \
+  --name cdn-local \
+  --values /path/to/cdn_var.yaml
+Of course, possible to add more NGINX configuration values directly on `path/to/helm-charts/cdn-services/cdn-local/templates/configmap-nginx.yaml` file. In the file, there is a `data.nginx.conf` section, which generates the file including NGINX configuration values.
+See [here](https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/full/) to know overall NGINX configuration values.
+### Disable SR-IOV
+The COMAC CDN is running only with SR-IOV CNI. However, will make the COMAC CDN be operating with various CNI.
+## Getting help
+Please tell `woojoong.kim` on `CORD` Slack channel if you see any problem.