Tag and Push Images to the Docker Registry

For the images to be consumed on the Kubernetes cluster, they need to be first tagged, and pushed to the local registry:

Supposing your docker-registry address is:

and that your original image name is called:


you'll need to tag the image as

For example, you can use the docker tag command to do this:

docker tag xosproject/vsg-synchronizer:candidate

Now, you can push the image to the registry. For example, with docker push:

docker push

The image should now be in the local docker registry on your cluster.

Identify, download, tag and push images

Sometimes you may need to identify, download, tag and push lots of images. This can become a long and error prone operation if done manually. For this reason, we provide a set of tool that automate procedure. The script can be found here.

image_from_helm.sh: identify images

The image_from_helm.sh script prints the list of images used by one or multiple charts. The script needs to be executed from the helm-charts directory. More info can be found invoking the -h or --help option of the command. The output can be piped in other utility scripts.

pull_images.sh: pull images from DockerHub

The pull_images.sh script pulls from DockerHub the list of images provided in input and prints the image name if the image is correctly pulled. More info can be found invoking the -h or --help option of the command. The output can be piped in other utility scripts.

tag_and_push.sh: tag and push images to a target Docker registry

The tag_and_push.sh script tags and push images to a target Docker registry (including DockerHub itself). It can add a prefix (useful for example when deploying on local registries) to images and change the tag of an image. More info can be found invoking the -h or --help option of the command. The output can be piped in other utility scripts.


Assume you'd like to prepare an offline SEBA installation. As such, you need to identify all the images used in the charts, download them, tag them and push them to a local Docker registry (in the example,, port 30500). From the helm-charts folder, this can be done in one command:

bash images_from_charts.sh voltha onos xos-core xos-profiles/att-workflow nem-monitoring logging | bash pull_images.sh | bash tag_and_push.sh -r