Move SiaB doc to the guide

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 This guide describes how to install CORD. It identifies a set of
 [prerequisites](prereqs/, and then walks through
-the steps involved in bringing up one of two CORD profiles:
+the steps involved in bringing up one of three CORD profiles:
 * [R-CORD](./profiles/rcord/
 * [M-CORD](./profiles/mcord/
+* [SEBA](./profiles/seba/
 If you are anxious to jump straight to a [Quick Start](
 procedure that brings up an emulated version of CORD running
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             * [Emulated OLT/ONU](profiles/rcord/
         * [M-CORD](profiles/mcord/
             * [EnodeB Setup](profiles/mcord/
+        * [SEBA](profiles/seba/
+            * [SEBA-in-a-Box](profiles/seba/
+            * [SEBA-in-a-Box with a fabric switch](profiles/seba/
     * [Offline POD install](
     * [Helm Reference](charts/
         * [XOS-CORE](charts/
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+# SEBA Profile
+SEBA is a lightweight platform based on a variant of R-CORD.
+[Click here for a high-level overview.](
+Quick start: [SEBA-in-a-Box](
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+# SEBA-in-a-Box with a fabric switch
+The following procedure describes how to set up SEBA-in-a-Box with a physical fabric switch instead of an emulated switch.
+This is the assumed topology:
+Kubernetes node running OLT [ens1d1]-------[2]fabric switch[1]-----------[ens1d1]BNG/DHCP-server
+1. Perform all install procedures described in the [SEBA-in-a-Box installation instructions]( except sections **Install Mininet** and **Load TOSCA into NEM**.
+1. Fabric switch bringup.  To bring up the fabric switch, follow the procedure [here](../../ and verify the fabric switch is discovered by onos (`ssh -p 30115 onos@K8S_NODE_IP devices`).
+1. Enable EAPOL on linux-bridge `pon0` and add the physical interface on the k8node, running PONSIM-OLT to `pon1` bridge.
+    ```bash
+    $ sudo brctl addif pon1 ens1d1
+    $ brctl show
+    bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
+    docker0         8000.02426df5adb1       no
+    pon0            8000.52f6b00415e4       no              veth212f887a
+                                                            veth84cbf365
+    pon1            8000.0a580a170001       no              veth6abcdca3
+                                                            ens1d1
+    $ echo 8 > /tmp/pon0_group_fwd_mask
+    $ sudo cp /tmp/pon0_group_fwd_mask /sys/class/net/pon0/bridge/group_fwd_mask
+    ```
+1. Modify `~/cord/helm-charts/xos-profiles/ponsim-pod/tosca/020-pod-olt.yaml`.  Update `switch_datapath_id` to your fabric-switch dpid, and `switch_port` and `uplink` to the port number of Fabric-switch to which the Kubernetes node running OLT is connected.
+    ```yaml
+      olt_device:
+        type: tosca.nodes.OLTDevice
+        properties:
+          ...
+          switch_datapath_id: of:0000a82bb57111f8
+          switch_port: "2"
+          outer_tpid: "0x8100"
+          dp_id: of:0000aabbccddeeff
+          uplink: "2"
+        ...
+    ```
+1. Modify `~/cord/helm-charts/xos-profiles/ponsim-pod/tosca/030-fabric.yaml`.  Update `driver` to "ofdpa3", `ofId` to Fabric-switch dpid, `olt_port:portId` to the port number of Fabric-switch to which the Kubernetes node running OLT is connected, and `bng_port:portId` and `bngmapping:switch_port` to the port number of Fabric-switch to which BNG/DHCP-server is connected.
+    ```yaml
+    ...
+      switch#leaf_1:
+        type: tosca.nodes.Switch
+        properties:
+          driver: ofdpa3
+          ...
+          name: leaf_1
+          ofId: of:0000a82bb57111f8
+          routerMac: a8:2b:b5:71:11:f9
+      # Setup the OLT switch port
+      port#olt_port:
+        type: tosca.nodes.SwitchPort
+        properties:
+          portId: 2
+          ...
+      port#bng_port:
+        type: tosca.nodes.SwitchPort
+        properties:
+          portId: 1
+          ...
+      # Setup the fabric switch port where the external
+      # router is connected to
+      bngmapping:
+        type: tosca.nodes.BNGPortMapping
+        properties:
+          s_tag: "any"
+          switch_port: 1
+          ...
+    ```
+1. Install the Modified TOSCA ponsim-pod charts and proceed to step [Validating the install](
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+# SEBA-in-a-Box
+This document describes how to set up SEBA-in-a-Box (SiaB).  SiaB is a
+functional SEBA pod capable of running E2E tests.  It takes about 10 minutes
+to install on a physical server or VM.
+The default configuration of SiaB incorporates an emulated OLT/ONU
+provided by Ponsim and an emulated AGG switch provided by Mininet.
+Mininet is also configured with a host that stands in as the BNG and
+runs a DHCP server. The Ponsim setup installs a single OLT, ONU, and RG.
+The RG is able to authenticate itself via 802.1x, run dhclient to get an
+IP address from the DHCP server in Mininet, and finally ping the BNG.
+This demonstrates end-to-end connectivity between the RG and BNG via the
+ONU, OLT, and agg switch.
+[This page]( describes how to set up SiaB with a physical switch instead of an emulated Mininet topology. An external server running DHCP services connected to the switch acts as the BNG.
+## Installation procedure
+### Prerequisites
+Before installing SiaB, you need a Kubernetes cluster (can be a single
+node) with the Calico CNI plugin installed.  You also need Helm and a
+few other software packages.
+The server or VM on which you are installing SEBA-in-a-Box should have
+at least two CPU cores, 8GB RAM, and 30GB disk space.  *Apparmor and
+SELinux should be disabled.*
+### Kubernetes
+You need to have Kubernetes with CNI enabled.  An easy way to set up a
+single-node Kubernetes that meets the requirements is with kubeadm.
+Instructions for installing kubeadm on various platforms can be found
+*NOTE: the setup has not been made to work with minikube; we recommend
+installing kubeadm instead.*
+Here’s an example of installing kubeadm on an Ubuntu 16.04 server:
+echo "Installing docker..."
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
+sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 0EBFCD88
+sudo add-apt-repository \
+       "deb [arch=amd64] \
+       $(lsb_release -cs) \
+       stable"
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install -y "docker-ce=17.03*"
+echo "Installing kubeadm..."
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install -y ebtables ethtool apt-transport-https curl
+curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
+cat <<EOF >/tmp/kubernetes.list
+deb kubernetes-xenial main
+sudo cp /tmp/kubernetes.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt install -y "kubeadm=1.11.3-*" "kubelet=1.11.3-*" "kubectl=1.11.3-*"
+sudo swapoff -a
+sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
+mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
+sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
+sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
+If running on a single node, taint the master node so that we can schedule pods on it:
+kubectl taint nodes --all
+### Calico CNI Plugin
+Install the Calico CNI plugin in Kubernetes:
+kubectl apply -f \
+### Helm
+An example of installing Helm:
+echo "Installing helm..."
+curl | bash
+cat > /tmp/helm.yaml <<EOF
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+  name: helm
+  namespace: kube-system
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+  name: helm
+  apiGroup:
+  kind: ClusterRole
+  name: cluster-admin
+  - kind: ServiceAccount
+    name: helm
+    namespace: kube-system
+kubectl create -f /tmp/helm.yaml
+helm init --service-account helm
+helm repo add incubator
+### Other prerequisites
+Install the `http` and `jq` commands.  Run: `sudo apt install -y httpie jq`
+## Get the Helm charts
+Before we can start installing SEBA components, we need to get the charts.
+mkdir -p cord
+cd cord
+git clone
+## Install Kafka and ONOS
+Run these commands:
+cd ~/cord/helm-charts
+helm repo add incubator
+helm install -n cord-kafka -f examples/kafka-single.yaml incubator/kafka
+# Wait for Kafka to come up
+kubectl wait pod/cord-kafka-0 --for condition=Ready --timeout=180s
+helm install -n onos -f configs/onos.yaml onos
+## Install VOLTHA charts
+Run these commands to install VOLTHA:
+cd ~/cord/helm-charts
+# Install the etcd-operator helm chart:
+helm install -n etcd-operator stable/etcd-operator --version 0.8.0
+# Allow etcd-operator enough time to create the EtdcCluster
+# CustomResourceDefinitions. This should only be a couple of seconds after the
+# etcd-operator pods are running. Check the CRD are ready by running the following:
+kubectl get crd | grep etcd
+# After EtcdCluster CRD is in place
+helm dep up voltha
+helm install -n voltha -f configs/seba-ponsim.yaml voltha
+**Before proceeding**
+Run: `kubectl get pod|grep etcd-cluster`
+You should see the etcd-cluster pod up and running.
+$ kubectl get pod|grep etcd-cluster
+etcd-cluster-0000                                             1/1       Running     0          20m
+## Install Ponsim charts
+Run these commands to install Ponsim (after installing VOLTHA):
+cd ~/cord/helm-charts
+helm install -n ponnet ponnet
+# Wait for CNI changes
+~/cord/helm-charts/scripts/ kube-system
+helm install -n ponsimv2 ponsimv2
+# Iptables setup
+sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
+**Before proceeding**
+Run: `kubectl -n voltha get pod`
+Make sure that all of the pods in the voltha namespace are in Running state.
+$ kubectl -n voltha get pod
+NAME                                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
+default-http-backend-846b65fb5f-rklfb       1/1       Running   0          6h
+freeradius-765c9b486c-6qs7t                 1/1       Running   0          6h
+netconf-7d7c96c88b-29cv2                    1/1       Running   0          6h
+nginx-ingress-controller-6db99757f7-d9cpk   1/1       Running   0          6h
+ofagent-7d7b854cd4-fx6gq                    1/1       Running   0          6h
+olt-5455744678-hqbwh                        1/1       Running   0          6h
+onu-5df655b9c9-prfjz                        1/1       Running   0          6h
+rg-75845c54bc-fjgrf                         1/1       Running   0          6h
+vcli-6875544cf-rfdrh                        1/1       Running   0          6h
+vcore-0                                     1/1       Running   0          6h
+voltha-546cb8fd7f-5n9x4                     1/1       Running   3          6h
+If you see the olt pod in CrashLoopBackOff state, try deleting (`helm delete --purge`) and reinstalling the ponsimv2 chart.
+## Install Mininet
+Run these commands to install Mininet:
+cd ~/cord/helm-charts
+sudo modprobe openvswitch
+helm install -n mininet mininet
+After the Mininet pod is running, you can get to the `mininet>` prompt using:
+kubectl attach -ti deployment.apps/mininet
+To detach press Ctrl-P Ctrl-Q.
+**Before proceeding**
+Run: `brctl show`
+You should see two interfaces on each of the pon0 and pon1 Linux bridges.
+$ brctl show
+bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
+docker0         8000.02429d07b4e2       no
+pon0            8000.bec4912b1f6a       no              veth25c1f40b
+                                                        veth2a4c914f
+pon1            8000.0a580a170001       no              veth3cc603fe
+                                                        vethb6820963
+## Enable pon0 to forward EAPOL packets
+This is necessary to enable the RG to authenticate.  Run these commands:
+echo 8 > /tmp/pon0_group_fwd_mask
+sudo cp /tmp/pon0_group_fwd_mask /sys/class/net/pon0/bridge/group_fwd_mask
+## Install NEM charts
+Run these commands:
+cd ~/cord/helm-charts
+helm dep update xos-core
+helm install -n xos-core xos-core
+helm dep update xos-profiles/att-workflow
+helm install -n att-workflow -f configs/seba-ponsim.yaml xos-profiles/att-workflow
+**Before proceeding**
+Run:  `kubectl get pod`
+You should see all the NEM pods in Running state, except the att-workflow-tosca-loader pod which should eventually be in Completed state.  The latter may go through CrashLoopBackOff state and get restarted a few times first (less than 10).  To wait until this occurs you can run:
+## Load TOSCA into NEM
+Run this commands:
+helm install -n ponsim-pod xos-profiles/ponsim-pod
+**Before proceeding**
+Wait for the ponsim-pod container to reach Completed state, then log into the XOS GUI at `http://<hostname>:30001` (credentials: / letmein).  You should see an AttWorkflowDriver Service Instance with authentication state AWAITING.
+To automatically check for this condition you can run:
+http -a GET \
+ | \
+      jq '.items[0].authentication_state' | grep AWAITING
+## ONOS customizations
+Right now it’s necessary to install some custom configuration to ONOS directly.  Run this command:
+http -a karaf:karaf POST \
+ defaultVlan=65535
+The above command instructs the ONU to exchange untagged packets with the RG, rather than packets tagged with VLAN 0.
+At this point the system should be fully installed and functional.  
+## Validating the install
+### Authenticate the RG
+Enter the RG pod in the voltha namespace:
+RG_POD=$( kubectl -n voltha get pod -l "app=rg" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' )
+kubectl -n voltha exec -ti $RG_POD bash
+Inside the pod, run this command:
+wpa_supplicant -i eth0 -Dwired -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
+You should see output like the following:
+$ wpa_supplicant -i eth0 -Dwired -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
+Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
+eth0: Associated with 01:80:c2:00:00:03
+WMM AC: Missing IEs
+eth0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED EAP authentication started
+eth0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD vendor=0 method=4
+eth0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-METHOD EAP vendor 0 method 4 (MD5) selected
+eth0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully
+Hit Ctrl-C after this point to get back to the shell prompt.
+**Before proceeding**
+In the XOS GUI, the AttDriverWorkflow Service Instance should now be in APPROVED state.  You can check for this by running:
+http -a GET \
+ | \
+      jq '.items[0].authentication_state' | grep APPROVED
+The FabricCrossconnect Service Instance should have a check in the Backend status column.  You can check for this by running:
+http -a GET \
+ | \
+      jq '.items[0].backend_status'|grep OK
+### Obtain an IP address for the RG
+Run the following commands inside the RG pod.
+ifconfig eth0
+You should see output like the following:
+$ dhclient
+mv: cannot move '/etc/resolv.conf.dhclient-new.46' to '/etc/resolv.conf': Device or resource busy
+You can ignore the Device or resource busy errors.  The issue is that `/etc/resolv.conf` is mounted into the RG container by Kubernetes and dhclient wants to overwrite it.
+**Before proceeding**
+Make sure that eth0 inside the RG container has an IP address on the subnet:
+$ ifconfig eth0
+eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 0a:58:0a:16:00:06
+          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
+          RX packets:600 errors:0 dropped:559 overruns:0 frame:0
+          TX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
+          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
+          RX bytes:57517 (57.5 KB)  TX bytes:3042 (3.0 KB)
+### Ping the emulated BNG
+The emulated BNG has an IP address of  After successfully running dhclient you should be able to ping it from the RG.
+$ ping -c 3
+PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
+64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=34.9 ms
+64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=39.6 ms
+64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=37.4 ms
+--- ping statistics ---
+3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 34.940/37.343/39.615/1.917 ms
+That’s it.  Currently it’s not possible to send traffic to destinations on the Internet.
+## Convenience script
+A Makefile can be used to install SEBA-in-a-Box in an automated manner on an Ubuntu 16.04 system.  To try it out:
+mkdir -p ~/cord
+cd ~/cord
+git clone
+cd automation-tools/seba-in-a-box
+To build a “stable” version of SiaB that uses the service versions specified in the Helm charts:
+make stable    # or just ‘make’
+To build a SiaB that uses the latest development code:
+make latest
+After a successful install, you will see the message:
+SEBA-in-a-Box installation finished!
+If the install fails for some reason, you can re-run the make command and the install will try to resume where it left off.
+You can optionally install the logging and nem-monitoring charts during the installation by passing one or both of them (space delimited) via the INFRA\_CHARTS variable.  E.g.:
+make INFRA_CHARTS='logging nem-monitoring' stable
+To run the E2E ping test described above, as well as tests of other SEBA functionality, you can run:
+make run-tests
+Report any problems to `acb` on the CORD Slack channel.