Docker Registry

The guide describes how to install an insecure docker-registry in Kubernetes. The tipical usecases for such registry are development, POCs or lab trials.

This is not meant for production use

What is a docker registry?

If you have ever used docker, for sure you have used a docker registry. The most used docker-registry is the default, public one:

In some cases, such as development or when the public registry is not reachable, you may want to setup a private registry, to push and pull images in a more controlled way.

More information about docker registries at

Deploy an insecure docker registry on top of Kubernetes

Helm provides a default helm-chart to deploy the registry, The follogin command deploys it and exposes it on node port 30500:

helm install stable/docker-registry --set service.nodePort=30500,service.type=NodePort -n docker-registry

The registry can be queried at any time:

curl -X GET https://KUBERNETES_IP:30500/v2/_catalog

Push images to the docker registry

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