[CORD-3149] Fabric switch provisioning documentation
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* [Helm](prereqs/helm.md)
* [Docker Registry (optional)](prereqs/docker-registry.md)
* [OpenStack (optional)](prereqs/openstack-helm.md)
- * [Fabric Setup](prereqs/fabric-setup.md)
+ * [Fabric Setup](fabric-setup.md)
* [Bringing Up CORD](profiles/intro.md)
* [R-CORD](profiles/rcord/install.md)
* [OLT Setup](openolt/README.md)
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* [Test Setup](cord-tester/qa_testsetup.md)
* [Test Environment](cord-tester/qa_testenv.md)
* [System Tests](cord-tester/validate_pods.md)
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+# Fabric switches software setup
+CORD uses the Trellis fabric to connect the data plane components together.
+The full [latest Trellis fabric documentation](https://wiki.opencord.org/display/CORD/Trellis%3A+CORD+Network+Infrastructure) can still be found on the old CORD wiki.
+## Supported switches
+The list of supported hardware can be found in the [hardware requirements page](prereqs/hardware.html#generic-hardware-guidelines).
+## Operating system
+At today, all compatible switches use [Open Networking Linux (ONL)](https://opennetlinux.org/) as operating system.
+The [latest compatible ONL image](https://github.com/opencord/OpenNetworkLinux/releases/download/2017-10-19.2200-1211610/ONL-2.0.0_ONL-OS_2017-10-19.2200-1211610_AMD64_INSTALLED_INSTALLER) can be downloaded from [here](https://github.com/opencord/OpenNetworkLinux/releases/download/2017-10-19.2200-1211610/ONL-2.0.0_ONL-OS_2017-10-19.2200-1211610_AMD64_INSTALLED_INSTALLER).
+**Checksum**: *sha256:2db316ea83f5dc761b9b11cc8542f153f092f3b49d82ffc0a36a2c41290f5421*
+Deployment guidelines on how to install ONL on top of an ONIE compatible device can be found directly on the [ONL website](https://opennetlinux.org/docs/deploy).
+This specific version of ONL has been already customized to accept an IP address through DHCP on the management interface, *ma0*. If you'd like to use a static IP, give it first an IP through DHCP, login and change the configuration in */etc/network/interfaces*.
+The default *username* and *password* are *root* / *onl*.
+## OFDPA drivers
+Once ONL is installed OFDPA drivers will need to be installed as well.
+Each switch model requires a specific version of OFDPA. All driver packages are distributed as DEB packages. This makes the installation process very easy.
+First, copy the package to the switch. For example
+scp your-ofdpa.deb root@fabric-switch-ip:
+Then, install the deb package
+dpkg -i your-ofdpa.deb
+## OFDPA drivers download
+* [EdgeCore 5712-54X / 5812-54X / 6712-32X](https://github.com/onfsdn/atrium-docs/blob/master/16A/ONOS/builds/ofdpa_3.0.5.5%2Baccton1.7-1_amd64.deb?raw=true) - *checksum: sha256:db228b6e79fb15f77497b59689235606b60abc157e72fc3356071bcc8dc4c01f*
+* [QuantaMesh T3048-LY8](https://github.com/onfsdn/atrium-docs/blob/master/16A/ONOS/builds/ofdpa-ly8_0. - *checksum: sha256:f8201530b1452145c1a0956ea1d3c0402c3568d090553d0d7b3c91a79137da9e*
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-# Fabric Setup