
For informations on how to install helm please refer to Installing helm

What is Helm?

{% include "/partials/helm/description.md" %}

How to get CORD Helm charts

Donwload the helm-charts repository

You can get the CORD helm-chars by cloning the helm-charts repository:

git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/helm-charts

If you have downloaded the CORD code following the Getting the Source Code guide, you'll find it in ~/cord/helm-charts.

Add the CORD repository to helm

If you don't want to download the repository, you can just add the OPENCord charts to your helm repo:

helm repo add cord https://charts.opencord.org/master
helm repo update

If you decide to follow this route the cord/ prefix needs to be added to specify the repo to use, for example

helm install -n xos-core xos-core

will become

helm install -n xos-core cord/xos-core

CORD example values

As you may have noticed, there is an example folder in the helm-chart repository. The files contained in that repository are examples of possible overrides to obtain a custom deployment.

For example, it is possible to deploy a single instance of kafka, for development purposes, by using this value file:

helm install --name cord-kafka incubator/kafka -f examples/kafka-single.yaml