Quick Start

A convenience script is provided that will install M-CORD on a single node, suitable for evaluation or testing. Requirements:

  • An Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS server with at least 64GB of RAM and 32 virtual CPUs
  • Latest versions of released software installed on the server: sudo apt update; sudo apt -y upgrade
  • User invoking the script has passwordless sudo capability
  • Open access to the Internet (not behind a proxy)
  • Google DNS servers (e.g., are accessible

Target server on CloudLab (optional)

If you do not have a target server available that meets the above requirements, you can borrow one on CloudLab. Sign up for an account using your organization's email address and choose "Join Existing Project"; for "Project Name" enter cord-testdrive.

NOTE: CloudLab is supporting CORD as a courtesy. It is expected that you will not use CloudLab resources for purposes other than evaluating CORD. If, after a week or two, you wish to continue using CloudLab to experiment with or develop CORD, then you must apply for your own separate CloudLab project.

Once your account is approved, start an experiment using the OnePC-Ubuntu16.04-HWE profile on the Wisconsin cluster. This will provide you with a temporary target server meeting the above requirements.

Refer to the CloudLab documentation for more information.

Convenience Script

This script takes about an hour to complete. If you run it, you can skip directly to Validating the Installation below.

mkdir ~/cord
cd ~/cord
git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/automation-tools


M-CORD requires OpenStack to run VNFs. The OpenStack installation must be customized with the onos_ml2 Neutron plugin.

  • To install Kubernetes, Helm, and a customized Openstack-Helm on a single node or a multi-node cluster, follow this guide
  • To configure the nodes so that VTN can provide virtual networking for OpenStack, follow this guide

CORD Components

Bring up the M-CORD controller by installing the following charts in order:

Validating the Installation

Before creating any VMs, check to see that VTN has initialized the nodes correctly. On the OpenStack Helm master node run:

# password: rocks
ssh -p 8101 onos@onos-cord-ssh.default.svc.cluster.local cordvtn-nodes

NOTE: If the cordvtn-nodes command is not present, the most common cause is an issue with resolving the server's hostname. See this section on adding a hostname to kube-dns for a fix; the command should be present shortly after the hostname is added.

You should see all nodes in COMPLETE state.

NOTE: If the node is in INIT state rather than COMPLETE, try running cordvtn-node-init <node> and see if that resolves the issue.

Next, check that the VNF images are loaded into OpenStack (they are quite large so this may take a while to complete):

export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm
openstack image list

You should see output like the following:

| ID                                   | Name                        | Status |
| b648f563-d9a2-4770-a6d8-b3044e623366 | Cirros 0.3.5 64-bit         | active |
| 4287e01f-93b5-497f-9099-f526cb2044ac | image_hss_v0.1              | active |
| e82e459c-27b4-417e-9f95-19ba3cc3fd9d | image_hssdb_v0.1            | active |
| c62ab4ce-b95b-4e68-a708-65097c7bbe46 | image_internetemulator_v0.1 | active |
| f2166c56-f772-4614-8bb5-cb848f9d23e3 | image_mme_v0.1              | active |
| 472b7f9a-f2be-4c61-8085-8b0d37182d32 | image_sdncontroller_v0.1    | active |
| 7784877f-e45c-4b1a-9eac-478efdb368cc | image_spgwc_v0.1            | active |
| b9e2ec93-3177-458b-b3b2-c5c917f2fbcd | image_spgwu_v0.1            | active |

To create a virtual EPC, on the master node run:

sudo apt install httpie
http -a admin@opencord.org:letmein POST http://xos-gui.default.svc.cluster.local:4000/xosapi/v1/vepc/vepcserviceinstances blueprint=mcord_5 site_id=1

Check that the networks are created:

export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm
openstack network list

You should see output like the following:

| ID                                   | Name               | Subnets                              |
| 0bc8cb20-b8c7-474c-a14d-22cc4c49cde7 | s11_network        | da782aac-137a-45ae-86ee-09a06c9f3e56 |
| 5491d2fe-dcab-4276-bc1a-9ab3c9ae5275 | management         | 4037798c-fd95-4c7b-baf2-320237b83cce |
| 65f16a5c-f1aa-45d9-a73f-9d25fe366ec6 | s6a_network        | f5804cba-7956-40d8-a015-da566604d0db |
| 6ce9c7e9-19b4-45fd-8e23-8c55ad84a7d7 | spgw_network       | 699829e1-4e67-46a7-af2d-c1fc72ba988e |
| 87ffaaa3-e2a9-4546-80fa-487a256781a4 | flat_network_s1u   | 288d6a8c-8737-4e0e-9472-c869ba3e7c92 |
| 8ec59660-4751-48de-b4a3-871f4ff34d81 | db_network         | 6f14b420-0952-4292-a9f2-cfc8b2d6938e |
| d63d3490-b527-4a99-ad43-d69412b315b9 | sgi_network        | b445d554-1a47-4f3b-a46d-1e15a01731c0 |
| dac99c3e-3374-4b02-93a8-994d025993eb | flat_network_s1mme | 32dd201c-8f7f-4e11-8c42-4f05734f716a |

Check that the VMs are created (it will take a few minutes for them to come up):

export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm
openstack server list --all-projects

You should see output like the following:

| ID                                   | Name            | Status | Networks                                                                                           | Image            | Flavor    |
| 7e197142-afb1-459d-b421-cad91306d19f | mysite_vmme-2   | ACTIVE | s6a_network=; flat_network_s1mme=; management=; s11_network= | image_mme_v0.1   | m1.large  |
| 9fe385f5-a064-40e0-94d3-17ea87b955fc | mysite_vspgwu-1 | ACTIVE | management=; sgi_network=; spgw_network=; flat_network_s1u=  | image_spgwu_v0.1 | m1.xlarge |
| aa6805fe-3d72-4f1e-a2eb-5546d7916073 | mysite_hssdb-5  | ACTIVE | management=; db_network=                                                      | image_hssdb_v0.1 | m1.large  |
| e53138ed-2893-4073-9c9a-6eb4aa1892f1 | mysite_vhss-4   | ACTIVE | s6a_network=; management=; db_network=                                 | image_hss_v0.1   | m1.large  |
| 4a5960b5-b5e4-4777-8fe4-f257c244f198 | mysite_vspgwc-3 | ACTIVE | management=; spgw_network=; s11_network=                               | image_spgwc_v0.1 | m1.large  |

Log in to the XOS GUI and verify that the service synchronizers have run. The GUI is available at URL http:<master-node>:30001 with username admin@opencord.org and password letmein. Verify that the status of all ServiceInstance objects is OK.

NOTE: If you see a status message of SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host, the most common cause is the inability of the synchronizers to resolve the server's hostname. See this section on adding a hostname to kube-dns for a fix; the issue should resolve itself after the hostname is added.