Install SEBA Charts

This page walks through the sequence of Helm operations needed to bring up the SEBA profile. It assumes the Platform has already been installed.

Installing SEBA

In order to run SEBA you need to have the CORD Platform installed.

Specifically, wait for the three EtcdCluster CustomResourceDefinitions to appear in Kubernetes:

kubectl get crd | grep etcd | wc -l

Once the CRDs are present, proceed with the seba chart installation.

SEBA as a whole

{% include "../../partials/helm/" %}

Then, proceed with the SEBA chart installation:

helm install -n seba cord/seba --version=2.0.0-alpha1

Alternatively, install SEBA as separate components

The main reason to install the SEBA Profile by installing its standalone components is if you're developing on it and you need granular control.

These are the components included in the seba chart:

Verify your installation and next steps

Once the installation completes, monitor your setup using kubectl get pods. Wait until all pods are in Running state and “tosca-loader” pods are in Completed state.

Note: Your pods may periodically transition into error state. This is expected. They will retry and eventually get to the desired state. Note: Depending on the profile you're installing, you may need to check also different namespaces (for example, check the voltha namespace if you're installing SEBA with kubectl get pods -n voltha)

You're now ready to install the desired workflow. At the moment SEBA supports the AT&T workflow only. Please, continue to the AT&T workflow section.